人教版(新起点)三下Unit 1 School Subjects-Let’s Spell-ppt课件-市级优课-(配套教学资源编号:e0e70).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 School Subjects_Let’s Spell_ppt课件_市级优课_(配套教学资源编号:e0e70)
      • 素材
        • story
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        • A is for Apple.wmv
        • ake.wmv
        • and at it by the lake.wav
        • ate.wmv
        • chant节奏 00_00_00-00_00_20.wav
        • game.wav
        • grape.wav
        • I make a cake.wav
        • i put it on a plate.wav
        • make.wav
        • my name is Jake.wav
        • name.wav
        • 录音 (27).wav
      • Students Sheet.doc--点击预览
      • Unit 1 Lets Spell.ppt--点击预览
      • 教案e0e70.doc--点击预览
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学案(学案(Students Sheet) Read,listen and circle. 1、cake cat 2、fate fat 3、mate mat 4、cape cap 5、cane can 6、tape tap Look, listen and write. Dear K_ , I like to m_ a w_ . But I met a wh_. Im not s_ . Can you s_ me? Yours, J_ Story reading. My name is Jake. I like to make waves. Suddenly, a whale came. Is Jake safe? Yes, the whale came to play. The whale makes a big wave. They like the same game. * * Lets review atc f m h * * Lets review apt c * * Lets guess If you think it is true(对). Say Yeah, Yeah, Yeah . If you think it is false(错(错). Say No, No, No . * * Lets discuss My name is Miss Wang.I can make a cake.I like to play games.I like eating grapes. My name is Miss Wang. Lets discuss I can make a cake. I like to play games. I like eating grapes. What do you find? 你发现了什么?你发现了什么? Lets find! name make game cake a-eei grape Lets repeat! namemake game cake grape Lets watch! Lets chant! a-e, a-e, a-e a-e + k= ake ake, ake, ake ake s + ake = sake c + ake = cake b + ake = bake sh+ ake= shake Lets watch! Lets chant! a-e, a-e, a-e a-e + t= ate ate, ate, ate ate l + ate= late d+ ate = date f + ate= fate h + ate= hate Lets judge! fate fat cape cap Lets circle! cake catfate fatmate mat cape capcane cantape tap 命运命运伙伴伙伴 海角海角手杖手杖磁带磁带轻敲轻敲 Lets chant! My snameJake. I amakecake. on a plate I it put I put it on a And eat it by the _ lake. plate. Lets learn! _ the lake oninby by:在.的附近 Lets chant! My isnameJake. I amakecake. I put it on a plate. And eat it by the lake. Lets check! 课前预习:课前预习: 1、查出以下单词的读音和意思。 2、登录阅读故事Jakes Tale. Word List Jake make wave came safe whale same game Lets check! Word List wavecam e 来 safewhale same Jake 名字:Jake make 做 game 游戏 Lets read! Crazy Typer (疯狂打字机(疯狂打字机 ) Lets read! fskgm a e Lets read! hrwbl a e Lets read! fskJk a e Lets read! fclcm a e Lets read! fcnmk a e Lets read! fcnwv a e Lets read! kcnsf a e Lets read! kcnsm a e My name is Jake. Lets read Lets guess I like to make waves(捣蛋). Lets read make waves 捣乱 Suddenly(突然), a whale came(来). Lets read Is Jake safe(安全)? Lets read Lets write! a a Help Letter (求救信求救信) Dear , I like to a . But I met a . Im not . Can you me? Yours, K akew whs s J ate mave aleafe ave ake Lets read! Never give up! 永不放弃 Lets read! Yes, the whale came to play. The whale makes a big wave(波浪). Lets read! Lets read! They like the same(相同的相同的) game. Lets answer! Q:What does Jake like to do? A:He likes to . Q:Is Jake safe? A: make waves Yes. Read the story. Lets read! Lets match! My names Jake.Suddenly, a whale came. I like to make waves.Is Jake safe? Lets match! They like the same game. The whale makes a big wave. Yes, the whale came to play. 1. Read the story after school. 2. Find more words with a-e. Homework 1 教教 材材 分分 析析 本课为小学英语三年级下册第一单元 Lets spell 的教学内容。语音部分主要学习字母 a 在开音节单词中的发音,即双元音ei。本课在训练拼写技能的同时又能够促进单词的 有效教学,引导学生认知单词的发音和词形特征,做到“见词会读、听音能写” ,培养学 生良好的记忆单词的习惯。 学学 情情 分分 析析 三年级是小学生学习英语的初始阶段,这一阶段的重要任务在于激发并保持学生学 习英语的兴趣。三年级的学生对字母在单词中的发音有了一定的感知,并积累了一定的 词汇。因此,在设计课堂教学活动时,必须遵循语言学习的规律,根据学生的情况,采 用灵活多样的教学方法来吸引学生的注意,努力营造玩中学、学中玩的教学情境。课堂 上尽量以鼓励表扬为主,鼓励学生开口说英语,让学生通过感悟出读音的规律,体验成 功的喜悦。 学习能力学习能力能够听懂、会说、认读、书写含有元音字母 a 的开音节单词 name,make, game,cake 等。 思维品质思维品质能够在教师的引导下自己找到答案,培养思维能力。 文化品格文化品格遇到困难时勇于面对,永不放弃的品格。 教教 学学 目目 标标 语言能力语言能力通过拼读、歌谣等活动培养语音意识,归纳出字母 a 在开音节单词中的发音 规律,并能根据其发音规则拼读单词,认读英语绘本Jakes Tale 。 教学教学 重难点重难点 重点:重点: 掌握元音字母 a 在开音节单词中的发音,即双元音ei,并听懂、会说、认读、书 写含有元音字母 a 的简单的开音节单词。 难点难点: 1. 能够归纳出字母 a 在开音节单词中的发音规律,并准确发音。 2. 能够读懂语音小故事,并能根据已学的发音规则读出含有双元音ei的生词。 教学方法教学方法 整节课融合了情景教学法、多媒体辅助教学法、节奏说唱训练法、游戏辅助法、任 务型教学法。 教具教具 1. Jakes Tale的英语绘本。 2. PPT 课件。 3. 教学助手软件。 Teaching Procedures StepsTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurposes 2 Step1. Warming up Song Teacher plays a song: A is for apple. Students sing the song together. 教师在课前热场时播 放一首字母、因素、单词 三者有效整合的英语歌曲, 并将动作融入其中,帮助 学生复习了辅音字母的发 音,为新课教学做铺垫。 Step 2. Lead in Big eyes practice. Teacher shows students closed syllables which contain letter “a”. Students speak the words as fast as they can. 出示上学期学过的含 有字母“a”的闭音节单词, 做好新旧知识的衔接工作。 Step3. Presentation 1. Guessing Game Teacher shows students sentences. 1. Students judge.通过创设有意义的情 境学习语音,引出语音例 词,培养语感,达到词不 离句,句不离境,自然引 出含有字母“a”的开音节 单词。 3 Step3. Presentation 2. Teacher circles “a-e” words then asks students to read and find out the common points. 3. Teacher plays the pronunciations of these words and leads students to know the phonics within them. 2. Students read the words aloud by themselves and find the similarities among these words. 3. Students read and know the phonics in them. 通过让学生感知、体验、 观察,找到元音字母 a 在 开音节单词中的发音规律。 通过这一活动,强化 对单词发音以及单词构成 的认识。 4 Step4. Practice 1. Chant together. 2. Read, listen and circle. 3. Teacher provides scaffolding to lead students to make up a new chant. Then teacher guides students to chant together. 1. Students chant while clapping. 2. Students read words then circle . 3.Students make up a new chant by themselves then chant while clapping. 拼读的方式使学生对 于单词的构成有更深刻的 感悟。学生通过说唱歌谣 的形式再次感知含有双元 音ei的单词。 通过读、听的练习帮 助学生整体识记单词,并 辨别词形,检测其“见词 能读、听音能识”的能力, 并逐步感悟字母 Aa 在不同 的情况下的不同的发音。 通过给学生提供必要 的支架如给出每句的重点 词,使学生根据已有的知 识创编一首新的歌谣。在 歌谣中培养了学生运用拼 读规律拼读单词的能力。 Step4. Consolidation Story reading. Jakes Tale 1. Teacher checks students preview homework of the 1.Students read words and report the meaning. 教师在课前留出预习 的作业,通过查询单词的 发音和含义来辅助学生理 解故事的大意。通过绘本 故事Jakes Tale的拓展 阅读,引导学生运用已学 的发音规则尝试读出新词, 5 pronunciation and meaning of words. 2. Crazy Typer Teacher leads students to read words. 3. Teacher guides students to write the help letter. 4. Teacher asks students to read the story and get the main idea. 5. Teacher leads students to do the matching practice. 2. Students spell and read the words according to the pronunciation rules. 3.Students fill in blanks according to the recording. 4. Students read the story and answer teachers question. 5. Students do the matching practice. 从而夯实已学的语音知识。 把“a-e”的单词补充完整, 使 Phonics 教学从 listen to it, say it; see it, say it 发展 到 blend it ,write it,落实到 根据语音规则拼写单词上 面。 学生在阅读中体会故 事的寓意,向小鸟 Jake 学 习勇敢面对困难,永不放 弃的精神。 6 Step5. Homework Homework.适当的家庭作业不仅 使学生巩固了今天所学的 知识,还提供给学生更多的 操练机会和充分展示的空 间。 板书设计 Unit 1 School Subjects Lets Spell a-e ei name is Jake make a cake on a plate by the lake
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