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    • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 4 My Family_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)_县级优课_(编号:10449)
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人教人教2011课标版三年级下册课标版三年级下册 Unit 4 My Family Lesson 3 湖北省襄阳市樊城区大庆路小学 讲课教师:章玉杰 Lets chant together. Lets do lets do fathermother grandfather grandmother uncle aunt cousin fathermother grandfather grandmother uncle aunt cousin What does he look like? What does she look like? 01 02 0 04 Presentation water bottle I have a water bottle. 01 02 0 04 Presentation lost I lost my phone. A Read and tick. Presentation Who lost the water bottle? A Read and tick. Presentation What does he look like? Bill: Good morning, Mrs Chen. Can you help me? Mrs Chen: Sure, Bill. Bill: A boy lost this water bottle in the library. Hes in your class, but I dont know his name. Mrs Chen: What does he look like? Bill: He has short hair and big eyes. Mrs Chen: Is he tall? Bill: No, hes short. He is wearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes. Mrs Chen: OK. I see. Its Li Mings water bottle. Thank you very much. Bill: Youre welcome. Listen and find.Listen and underline. A. Read and tick. Presentation Who lost the water bottle? Presentation know I dont know his name. Presentation muchwelcome Thank you very much.Youre welcome. Thank you Presentation Practice Lets playMagic fingers knowmuch welcomelost OK water bottle Bill: Good morning, Mrs Chen. Can you help me? Mrs Chen: Sure, Bill. Bill: A boy lost this water bottle in the library. Hes in your class, but I dont know his name. A A ReadRead andand tick.tick. Presentation Read after the tape. Mrs Chen: What does he look like? Bill: He has short hair and big eyes. Mrs Chen: Is he tall? Bill: No, hes short. He is wearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes. Mrs Chen: OK. I see. Its Li Mings water bottle. Thank you very much. Bill: Youre welcome. Mrs Chen: Sure, Bill. Bill: A boy lost this water bottle in the library. Hes in your class, but I dont know his name. Mrs Chen: What does he look like? Mrs Chen: Is he tall? Mrs Chen: OK. I see. Its Li Mings water bottle. Thank you very much.Bill: Youre welcome. Bill: He has short hair and big eyes. Bill: No, hes short. He is wearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes. Bill: Good morning, Mrs Chen. Can you help me? Mrs Chen: Sure, Bill. Bill: A boy lost this water bottle in the library. Hes in your class, but I dont know his name. Mrs Chen: What does he look like? Mrs Chen: Is he tall? Mrs Chen: OK. I see. Its Li Mings water bottle. Thank you very much.Bill: Youre welcome. Bill: He has short hair and big eyes. Bill: No, hes short. He is wearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes. Bill: Good morning, Mrs Chen. Can you help me? Practice Mrs Chen Bill 分角色朗读分角色朗读 模仿录音,注意语音语调哦!模仿录音,注意语音语调哦! Bill: Good morning, Mrs Chen. Can you help me? Mrs Chen: Sure, Bill. Bill: A boy lost this water bottle in the library. Hes in your class, but I dont know his name. Mrs Chen: What does he look like? Mrs Chen: Is he tall? Mrs Chen: OK. I see. Its Li Mings water bottle. Thank you very much. Bill: Youre welcome. Bill: He has short hair and big eyes. Bill: No, hes short. He iswearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes. Lets role-play. ( (角色扮演角色扮演) ) Bill finds a boys water bottle. He doesnt know the boys name. But he knows the boy has and Practice B B . ReadRead againagain andand write.write. The boy is Hes wearing and Bill finds a boys water bottle. He doesnt know the boys name. But he knows the boy has and Practice B. Read again and write The boy is .He is wearing and . a green T-shirt blue shoes. short hair big eyes Li Ming We can show! So easy ! Lets show A: Good morning, x xx. Can you help me? B: Sure, x xx. A:A boy girl lost this _in on the _. Hes Shes in your class, but I dont know his her name. B: What does he she look like? A: He She has _ hair and _ eyes. B:Is he she tall? 根据情景和提示创编对话。根据情景和提示创编对话。 A: No, hes Shes short. He She is wearing _and_. B:OK. I see. Its _x x_s _. Thank you very much. A:Youre welcome. 播一播“寻人启事” Name :Mark. Age : 5 He has . He is wearing . Summary 本节课我们学过的重点单词有哪些? lost water bottle know OK much welcome 怎样询问并回答某人的外貌特征? -What does he/she look like? -He/She is/ He/She has Homework 1.Listen and read the sentences to your parents. 2. Read and practice the sentences with your parents. Unit 4 My Family Lesson 3 A A、 ReadRead andand tick.tick. Who lost the water bottle? Bill: Good morning, Mrs Chen. Can you help me? Mrs Chen: Sure, Bill. Bill: A boy lost this water bottle in the library. Hes in your class, but I dont know his name. Mrs Chen: What does he look like? Bill: He has short hair and big eyes. Mrs Chen: Is he tall? Bill: No, hes short. He is wearing a green T-shirt and blue shoes. Mrs Chen: OK. I see. Its Li Mings water bottle. Thank you very much. Bill: Youre welcome. B B、 ReadRead againagain andand writewrite Bill finds a boys water bottle. He doesnt know the boys name. But he knows the boy has_ and _.The boy is_. He is wearing _and_. Unit 4 My Family Lesson 3 教学设计教学设计 教学内容:教学内容: Unit 4 My family Lesson 3 Who lost the water bottle?是小学英语人 教 2011 课标版一年级起点三年级下册第三单元的内容,本节课是第 3 课,本节课通过在具体情景中对话,学生能够读懂关于寻找失主 的对话,并根据对话中的信息完成任务。能够根据对话信息,补全 短文中主要信息,完成对话转述等,提高学生用英语交流的能力, 培养学生的综合语言运用的能力。这个话题是与生活紧密联系的, 并且此话题又建立在已学过的人物外貌特征等单词和一些句型上, 让学生新旧结合,不断积累,将所学的语言用于生活。 学情分析:学情分析: 本节课的教学对象是从一年级开始已经学过两年半英语的三年 级学生,学习兴趣强烈,想象力丰富,好奇心较强,模仿能力和求 知欲强,富有一定的逻辑思维能力,但存在发音不到位或不准确的 问题,遗忘性也较大。在教师的引导下,学生大胆参与课堂的各种 活动中,积极自主地与他人合作,在模拟的较真实的情景中感知, 理解,学会并运用新知,在“听、说、读、写、玩、演、唱、做” 等活动中培养学生运用知识的能力和技巧。让学生在互动交流中建 立起自信,享受到学习的快乐,让他们成为学习的主人。 教法、学法设计:教法、学法设计: 创设情景法、主体参与法、任务型教学法、多媒体辅助法、 Guess、TPR 全身反应法、交际法、游戏法等师生、生生、小组及全 班活动方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的有意注意力。让学 生运用游戏法、自主性学习方法,小组合作探究法,迁移法,对本 课时对话理解与掌握,调动学生的学习积极性,积极有趣地在情景 中灵活运用句型,促进学生语言实际运用能力的提高。 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标: 1.要求学生听懂会说会读五个词汇 lost,water bottle,know,much,welcome。 2.通过对话进一步学习怎样询问并描述某人的外貌特征。 3.要求学生能够读懂关于寻找失主的对话,并根据对话中的信息 完成任务。 能力目标: 1.能够根据对话信息,补全短文中主要信息,完成对话转述。 2.调动学生积极性,训练学生听说读写及合作交流学习的能力。 情感目标: 教育学生拾到东西主动归还失主,做个乐于助人的小学生。 教学重点和难点:教学重点和难点: 教学重点: 词汇学习:lost,water bottle,know,OK ,much,welcome 句型学习:He /She is wearing. 日常用语:I see. Thank you very much .Youre welcome. 教学难点:能够根据对话信息,完成对话转述,并能读出来。 教学过程教学过程: Step1:Warm-up: 1.师生问候。 2.Lets chant : 【设计意图:师生跟课件拍手打节奏齐唱,吸引了学生的注意 力,激发了学生的好奇心,活跃了课堂气氛,从而唤起了学生的感 知,把学生的思绪很快从课外回到英语课堂中来,同时也为本课的 教学作了知识的铺垫,构建了知识表象。 】 3.播放描述人物外貌特征的 lets do. 【设计意图:优美、轻松、欢快的节奏,让学生在听听、做做 中,即复习了所学的人物外貌特征的单词,又再次点燃了学生的学 习热情,让学生迅速投入到一种轻松、和谐、快乐、高昂的学习状 态中去。 】 Step 2: Preview (复习旧知) 1、播放 PPT 课件,情境对话。 出示 Bill 家庭成员图片,Who are they? Ss :They are Bills family members. 【设计意图:通过点击课件,逐个出示人物,快速反应。培养 学生的观察力,层层递进,让学生养成快速反应的能力和竞争意识, 从而提高兴趣,很好的复习了以前所学过的知识,为新课做了铺垫。 】 2、教师提问描述 Bills father 的样子,T: This is Bills father, what does he look like? Ss 回答。 T: This is Bills mother, what does she look like? Ss 回答。 T: This is Bill s aunt, what does she look like? Ss 回答。 【设计意图:通过家谱树复习 Unit4 Lesson1 家庭成员单词,学 生通过图片描述爸爸,叔叔等的样子,为新知教学做好铺垫。 】 Step 3、Presentation & practice T: Bill is a good boy in his family. He is also a good boy in the school. Lets have a look together. 1.T 出示图书馆图片,Now where is he ? Ss 回答。 继续出示水瓶图片 What does he find? Ss 回答。 Who lost the water bottle? 教师解释 lost 的词义,帮助学生理解标题意思。 Do you want to know who lost the water bottle? 【设计意图:通过图片和提问,引出 Bill 在图书馆,发现了水 瓶,最后引出本课主题 Who lost the water bottle?环环相扣,激发学 生的学习欲望,找到丢失水瓶的同学。 】 2.播放对话录音,让学生认真听录音,边听边指认文字,找出 丢水瓶的同学名字。 T: Now, listen to the tape and try to find who lost the water bottle? Ss 回答问题。 【设计意图:第一遍听音找到丢失水瓶的同学的名字。 】 3.让学生带着问题再次听对话,画出描述男孩外貌衣着的语句, 师巡视。 .What does Li Ming look like? .Is he tall or short ? .Does he have big eyes or small eyes? .What is he wearing ? Now ,listen to the tape again and underline the sentences. 【设计意图:第二遍听音,加大难度,画出描述 Li Ming 的句 子。从第一遍听音到第二遍听音提出的要求,由易到难,符合学生 的认知过程,目的是培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。通过细 读理解课文的主要内容和细节信息,让学生自己提出一些比较有深度 思维的问题,然后自己解决问题,借以检测学生的理解程度。读对 话过程中指导学生详细阅读,对重点信息圈点勾划,并且注重培养 学生的合作学习意识。 】 4.指名说出划了哪些句子,订正答案,齐读。 T: Look here ,who is Li Ming? T and Ss describe the three boys and tick Li Ming. 【设计意图:本环节教师引导学生描述隐藏的 3 个男孩,最终确 定 Li Ming,促进 Ss 语言的内化,增加 Ss 练习机会。 】 5.再次播放录音,学生模仿语音、语调,跟读对话内容。 Read after the tape. 再次独立读文,划出描述男孩外貌衣着的句子,师巡视。 【设计意图:录音示范朗读,大声朗读培养朗读能力,增强语感, 这里采用听音跟读、小组齐读、小组合作朗读等方式来进行。能亲 身体验语言是交际工具,从而培养学生记忆,思维,口语能力为学 生树立朗读榜样。 】 Step 4 Production 1、我会当小老师领读。 2、Work in pairs.同桌分角色朗读课文。 【设计意图:分角色朗读学生会感觉身临其境,有利于深刻地 理解文本。 】 3.同桌分角色表演对话。 Practice the dialogue with your partners and then lets role-play. 【设计意图:经过几遍的阅读,学生对对话已经比较熟悉,听录音 的目的是让学生模仿语音语调,增加读的语感。创设小老师领读, 同桌,小组之间合作学习的活动,建立了学生的自信,促使学生互 相学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感和成就感。分角色扮演对话活 动不仅锻炼孩子的口语交流能力,还检测孩子对本节课对话巩固的 程度,达到学以致用的目的。】 4.完成 B. Read again and write. T: Bill is a good boy. Can you tell Bills story in your group . .再独立读对话,然后尝试填空。 .指名说出如何填写的,师订正答案,规范书写。 .邀请一名学生根据提示口头汇报小短文,生齐读。 5. Lets show. 学生结合情景和提示,小组讨论创编新对话。 6.渗透思想教育:Boys and girls, not pocket the money one picks up . We should learn from Bill. Can you do that ? Me too .教育孩 子拾到东西归还失主。 【设计意图:让学生结合自己的生活实际分小组合作完成语言交 际任务,既有较强的实效性,又调动了全体学生的积极性,充分体 现了语言的教学原则, “为用而学,用中学,学了就用” ,激发了学 生的学习热情,让学生在自创的情景中,将所学的知识得到全方位 的展示,进一步使学生自主、合作、探究的学习能力和创新能力得 到充分的提高,让学生感受到成功的乐趣,培养了他们在生活情景 中运用英语的能力,提高学生运用能力。 】 Step 5 Homework 分层作业,我行我秀! : Listen and read the sentences to your parents. : Read and practice the sentences with your parents. (你可以根据自己的实际情况任选一个做) 【让学生在课外也有运用语言的机会,学习英语的兴趣得以延 续。 】 总结评价各小组学习成果结果,对获胜的小组给予表扬鼓励。 Now lets have a look which group is the winner? Group . is the winner .Congratulations. The class is over. 【设计意图:在教学过程中,面向全体学生,鼓励他们大胆的 说,不忽视任何一个学生的每一个细小的进步,在每次活动中,及 时给学生表扬和鼓励,采用小组晋级制,让学生体验到成功的喜悦, 建立学生的自信,促使他们互相学习,互相帮助,体验集体荣誉感 和成就感,突出以学生为主体的以人为本的教学思想,帮他们养成 良好的学习习惯,形成有效的学习方法,发展自主学习的能力,达 到学以致用的目的。 】 板书设计 Unit 4 My Family Lesson 3 Who lost the water bottle ? I dont know his name. He is wearing. OK.I see. Thank you very much. Youre welcome. 【设计意图:好的板书会给学生美的享受,给学生书写起示范作 用,精美的板书浓缩了教学内容,让学生对新课内容一目了然,对 教学内容有深刻印象】
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