人教版(新起点)三下Revision 1-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:110c9).zip
Oxford English Revision1 Story Time dance draw pictures fly a kite make a model plane make a snowman play chess play football read books ride a bike sing songs swim Listen and answer 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What are they doing? Who are they? What is he/she going to do after school? Who is the boy? Can Peter play chess? Can he dance? What does Peter like doing? What are they going to do? How to make kites? What does Miss Wu say? Are they happy? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.Read the story and retell. 2.Show the story to the classmates. RevisionRevision 1 1 StoryStory TimeTime 第第 3 3 课时课时 ReviewReview thethe objectivesobjectives ofof thisthis lessonlesson 1.1. underunder thethe guidanceguidance ofof teachers,teachers, withwith thethe helphelp ofof picturespictures andand texttext toto readread thethe storystory ofof thethe unit,unit, andand trytry toto perform.perform. 2 2 .through.through thethe studystudy ofof smallsmall stories,stories, understandingunderstanding andand experienceexperience ofof teachersteachers inin thethe storystory ofof lovelove forfor students.students. TeachingTeaching contents:contents: 1.1. warmwarm upup andand reviewreview (1)(1) thethe firstfirst threethree unitsunits ofof raprap songs,songs, songssongs oror songs,songs, toto warmwarm up.up. (2)(2) . . reviewreview thethe vocabularyvocabulary ofof activitiesactivities TeachersTeachers cancan useuse thethe newnew vocabularyvocabulary inin thethe past,past, butbut alsoalso cancan bebe moremore involvedinvolved inin thethe familiarfamiliar oror commoncommon activitiesactivities ofof studentsstudents inin thethe vocabularyvocabulary oror phrases,phrases, teachersteachers cancan produceproduce picturespictures oror actionaction toto organizeorganize studentstudent activities.activities. 2.2. presentingpresenting storiesstories (1 1) preliminarypreliminary perceptionperception ofof thethe storystory 教师引导学生认识故事的主要人物。如:教师引导学生认识故事的主要人物。如:Look!Look! WhoWho areare they?they? WhereWhere areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing? LetsLets havehave a a look.look. TheThe teacherteacher guidesguides thethe studentsstudents toto knowknow thethe mainmain characterscharacters ofof thethe story.story. SuchSuch as:as: Look!Look! WhoWho areare WhereWhere areare they?they? WhatWhat theythey doing?doing? LetLet ss a a havehave look.look. areare theythey (2 2) LetLet studentsstudents readread thethe storystory withwith thethe aboveabove questions,questions, thethe perceptionperception ofof thethe mainmain idea,idea, andand verifyverify thethe forecast.forecast. (3 3) FeelFeel thethe wholewhole storystory LetLet thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe tape,tape, thethe wholewhole story.story. OrOr thethe teacherteacher tellstells thethe story,story, thethe teacherteacher cancan helphelp studentsstudents toto understandunderstand thethe storystory throughthrough thethe expression,expression, actionaction andand soso on.on. 3.3. picturespictures around,around, in-depthin-depth understandingunderstanding ofof thethe storystory . . TeachersTeachers toto guideguide studentsstudents toto observeobserve thethe picture,picture, youyou cancan useuse thethe followingfollowing questionsquestions toto guide:guide: 图图 1 1:WhoWho areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? 图图 2 2:WhatWhat areare thethe girlgirl andand thethe boyboy talkingtalking about?about? WhatWhat isis he/he/ sheshe goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? 图图 3 3:WhoWho areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? 图图 4 4:WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? IsIs PeterPeter goinggoing toto dance?dance? IsIs PeterPeter goinggoing toto playplay chess?chess? 图图 5 5:WhatWhat cancan PeterPeter do?do? 图图 6 6:IsIs PeterPeter happy?happy? Why?Why? 图图 7 7:WhatWhat areare thethe teacherteacher andand PeterPeter doing?doing? WhatWhat doesdoes thethe teacherteacher say?say? 图图 8 8:WhatWhat isis PeterPeter doing?doing? IsIs hehe happy?happy? WhatWhat doesdoes thethe teacherteacher say?say? 4.4. listenlisten andand followfollow thethe storystory (1 1)letlet thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe recording,recording, andand thenthen understandunderstand thethe storystory asas a a whole.whole. (2 2)letlet thethe studentsstudents readread thethe textbooktextbook toto readread thethe story,story, familiarfamiliar withwith thethe text.text. (3)(3) byby drawingdrawing thethe studentsstudents toto playplay thethe tape,tape, tape,tape, guideguide thethe studentsstudents toto imitateimitate thethe recordingrecording ofof thethe readingreading intonationintonation story,story, readread thethe characterscharacters inin thethe storystory ofof thethe mood,mood, toto increaseincrease readingreading interest.interest. (4)(4) demonstrationdemonstration ofof teachersteachers andand studentsstudents TheThe teacherteacher askedasked severalseveral studentsstudents toto readread thethe storystory withwith theirtheir roles.roles. (5)(5) groupgroup activitiesactivities TwoTwo studentsstudents readread thethe storystory inin a a role.role. 5.5. performanceperformance storystory (1)(1) listenlisten toto thethe classclass accordingaccording toto thethe situationsituation andand dodo thethe actionsactions followfollow thethe story.story. (2 2)demonstrationdemonstration ofof teachersteachers andand studentsstudents TheThe teacherteacher ledled thethe studentsstudents toto playplay thethe role.role. (3 3) groupgroup activitiesactivities TheThe teacherteacher askedasked thethe studentsstudents toto performperform a a storystory inin twotwo groups.groups. (4 4) groupgroup presentationpresentation SeveralSeveral groupsgroups ofof studentsstudents toto thethe stagestage beforebefore thethe show,show, teachersteachers guideguide studentsstudents toto watchwatch carefully,carefully, andand toto showshow thethe studentsstudents toto bebe encouragedencouraged toto evaluate,evaluate, butbut alsoalso toto praisepraise thethe studentsstudents toto listenlisten carefully.carefully. 6.homework6.homework : : 1.Read1.Read thethe storystory andand retellretell . . 2.Show2.Show toto thethe classmatesclassmates . . Blackboard:Blackboard: RevisionRevision 1 1 StoryStory TimeTime WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter schoolschool ? ? I I amam goinggoing toto drawdraw picturespictures . .
- 资源描述:
Oxford English Revision1 Story Time dance draw pictures fly a kite make a model plane make a snowman play chess play football read books ride a bike sing songs swim Listen and answer 1.Who are they? 2.Where are they? 3.What are they doing? Who are they? What is he/she going to do after school? Who is the boy? Can Peter play chess? Can he dance? What does Peter like doing? What are they going to do? How to make kites? What does Miss Wu say? Are they happy? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1.Read the story and retell. 2.Show the story to the classmates. RevisionRevision 1 1 StoryStory TimeTime 第第 3 3 课时课时 ReviewReview thethe objectivesobjectives ofof thisthis lessonlesson 1.1. underunder thethe guidanceguidance ofof teachers,teachers, withwith thethe helphelp ofof picturespictures andand texttext toto readread thethe storystory ofof thethe unit,unit, andand trytry toto perform.perform. 2 2 .through.through thethe studystudy ofof smallsmall stories,stories, understandingunderstanding andand experienceexperience ofof teachersteachers inin thethe storystory ofof lovelove forfor students.students. TeachingTeaching contents:contents: 1.1. warmwarm upup andand reviewreview (1)(1) thethe firstfirst threethree unitsunits ofof raprap songs,songs, songssongs oror songs,songs, toto warmwarm up.up. (2)(2) . . reviewreview thethe vocabularyvocabulary ofof activitiesactivities TeachersTeachers cancan useuse thethe newnew vocabularyvocabulary inin thethe past,past, butbut alsoalso cancan bebe moremore involvedinvolved inin thethe familiarfamiliar oror commoncommon activitiesactivities ofof studentsstudents inin thethe vocabularyvocabulary oror phrases,phrases, teachersteachers cancan produceproduce picturespictures oror actionaction toto organizeorganize studentstudent activities.activities. 2.2. presentingpresenting storiesstories (1 1) preliminarypreliminary perceptionperception ofof thethe storystory 教师引导学生认识故事的主要人物。如:教师引导学生认识故事的主要人物。如:Look!Look! WhoWho areare they?they? WhereWhere areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing? LetsLets havehave a a look.look. TheThe teacherteacher guidesguides thethe studentsstudents toto knowknow thethe mainmain characterscharacters ofof thethe story.story. SuchSuch as:as: Look!Look! WhoWho areare WhereWhere areare they?they? WhatWhat theythey doing?doing? LetLet ss a a havehave look.look. areare theythey (2 2) LetLet studentsstudents readread thethe storystory withwith thethe aboveabove questions,questions, thethe perceptionperception ofof thethe mainmain idea,idea, andand verifyverify thethe forecast.forecast. (3 3) FeelFeel thethe wholewhole storystory LetLet thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe tape,tape, thethe wholewhole story.story. OrOr thethe teacherteacher tellstells thethe story,story, thethe teacherteacher cancan helphelp studentsstudents toto understandunderstand thethe storystory throughthrough thethe expression,expression, actionaction andand soso on.on. 3.3. picturespictures around,around, in-depthin-depth understandingunderstanding ofof thethe storystory . . TeachersTeachers toto guideguide studentsstudents toto observeobserve thethe picture,picture, youyou cancan useuse thethe followingfollowing questionsquestions toto guide:guide: 图图 1 1:WhoWho areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? 图图 2 2:WhatWhat areare thethe girlgirl andand thethe boyboy talkingtalking about?about? WhatWhat isis he/he/ sheshe goinggoing toto dodo afterafter school?school? 图图 3 3:WhoWho areare they?they? WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? 图图 4 4:WhatWhat areare theythey talkingtalking about?about? IsIs PeterPeter goinggoing toto dance?dance? IsIs PeterPeter goinggoing toto playplay chess?chess? 图图 5 5:WhatWhat cancan PeterPeter do?do? 图图 6 6:IsIs PeterPeter happy?happy? Why?Why? 图图 7 7:WhatWhat areare thethe teacherteacher andand PeterPeter doing?doing? WhatWhat doesdoes thethe teacherteacher say?say? 图图 8 8:WhatWhat isis PeterPeter doing?doing? IsIs hehe happy?happy? WhatWhat doesdoes thethe teacherteacher say?say? 4.4. listenlisten andand followfollow thethe storystory (1 1)letlet thethe studentsstudents listenlisten toto thethe recording,recording, andand thenthen understandunderstand thethe storystory asas a a whole.whole. (2 2)letlet thethe studentsstudents readread thethe textbooktextbook toto readread thethe story,story, familiarfamiliar withwith thethe text.text. (3)(3) byby drawingdrawing thethe studentsstudents toto playplay thethe tape,tape, tape,tape, guideguide thethe studentsstudents toto imitateimitate thethe recordingrecording ofof thethe readingreading intonationintonation story,story, readread thethe characterscharacters inin thethe storystory ofof thethe mood,mood, toto increaseincrease readingreading interest.interest. (4)(4) demonstrationdemonstration ofof teachersteachers andand studentsstudents TheThe teacherteacher askedasked severalseveral studentsstudents toto readread thethe storystory withwith theirtheir roles.roles. (5)(5) groupgroup activitiesactivities TwoTwo studentsstudents readread thethe storystory inin a a role.role. 5.5. performanceperformance storystory (1)(1) listenlisten toto thethe classclass accordingaccording toto thethe situationsituation andand dodo thethe actionsactions followfollow thethe story.story. (2 2)demonstrationdemonstration ofof teachersteachers andand studentsstudents TheThe teacherteacher ledled thethe studentsstudents toto playplay thethe role.role. (3 3) groupgroup activitiesactivities TheThe teacherteacher askedasked thethe studentsstudents toto performperform a a storystory inin twotwo groups.groups. (4 4) groupgroup presentationpresentation SeveralSeveral groupsgroups ofof studentsstudents toto thethe stagestage beforebefore thethe show,show, teachersteachers guideguide studentsstudents toto watchwatch carefully,carefully, andand toto showshow thethe studentsstudents toto bebe encouragedencouraged toto evaluate,evaluate, butbut alsoalso toto praisepraise thethe studentsstudents toto listenlisten carefully.carefully. 6.homework6.homework : : 1.Read1.Read thethe storystory andand retellretell . . 2.Show2.Show toto thethe classmatesclassmates . . Blackboard:Blackboard: RevisionRevision 1 1 StoryStory TimeTime WhatWhat areare youyou goinggoing toto dodo afterafter schoolschool ? ? I I amam goinggoing toto drawdraw picturespictures . .