教科版(广州)六下Module 5 Travel abroad-Unit10 I can’t wait to see you-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e06ea).zip


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Travel Abroad Worksheet Class Name No. 1. Listening part: A.excuse me B.hello C.please D.thank you E. pardon (1) English people usually say “_” when they meet for the first time. (2) English people usually say “_” if they cant hear you and want you to say it again. (3) English people usually say “_” when they want you to move. (4) English people say “_” and “_” all the time. 2. Reading part: (1)What should I do when I meet my English friend for the first time ? (2)What do English people like to talk first? Can I ask them Have you had your meal ? (3)Can I ask English people about the price of their house? (4) What should I do if I want someone to move, on busy streets ? (5)Are there any other public manners I should learn? 3. Writing part: Tr a v e l A b r o a dTr a v e l A b r o a d C O N T E N T S About the world Travel abroad & Travel tips The manners Inviting letter Replying letter 01 02 03 04 05 Lets know more about the world. 01 China Capital: Beijing (the Great Wall) (Tiananmen Square) is famous for its France Capital: Paris (Eiffel Tower) is famous for its Australia Capital: Camberra (Sydney Opera House & Sydney Harbour Bridge) (kangaroo) (koala) Japan Capital: Tokyo (Fuji Mountain) America the USA=the United Stated of America Capital: Washington D.C. (White House) New York (the Statue of Liberty) Britain the UK= the United Kingdom Capital: London (Tower Bridge) (Big Ben) New Zealand Capital: Wellington (kiwi) Canada Capital: Ottawa (maple) Dear friends, How are you? Britain is a great country. I live in London. It is famous for its history and the buildings, like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, British Museum And the food here is delicious. Fish and chips are my favourit food. And the British black tea is very famous in the world. Would you like to come here and have a look? I miss you so much. Yours, Lee Travel abroad 02Travel tips London OPTION 01OPTION 01 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed. OPTION 03OPTION 03 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed. OPTION 05OPTION 05 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed. OPTION 02OPTION 02 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed. OPTION 04OPTION 04 We have many PowerPoint templates that has been specifically designed. OPTION 01OPTION 02OPTION 03 London Eye Buckingham Palace OPTION 01OPTION 02OPTION 03 OPTION 01OPTION 02OPTION 03 Tower Bridge OPTION 01OPTION 02OPTION 03 Big Ben OPTION 01OPTION 02OPTION 03 British Museum 01 03 0204 The manners abroad 03 (1) English people usually say “_” when they meet for the first time. (2) English people usually say “_” if they cant hear you and want you to say it again. (3) English people usually say “_” when they want you to move. (4) English people say “_” and “_” all the time. . Listening part: A.excuse me B.hello C.please D.thank you E. pardon A B E C D English people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake hands when they meet for the first time. When they begin to talk, they like to talk about the weather first. They do not ask others about age, salary or the price of their house. Most English people are patient. They always wait in line when they were at the bus stop or in the supermarket. They think its very impolite to push in before others. In the bus or in the train, they always keep quiet and read books. When they talk, they say “pardon” if they cant hear you and want you to say it again. On busy streets, when they want you to move, they say “excuse me.” They are very polite at home too. They say “please” and “thank you” all the time. OPTION 01OPTION 02OPTION 03 Reading part: 1. What should I do when I meet my English friend for the first time ? 2. What do English people like to talk first? Can I ask themHave you had your meal ? 3. Can I ask English people about the price of their house? 4. What should I do if I want someone to move, on busy streets ? 5. Are there any other public manners I should learn? Reading part: 4. What should I do if I want someone to move, on busy streets ? Reading part: 1.What should I do when I meet my English friend for the first time ? Say “Hello.” or “Nice to meet you.” and shake hands. 2. What do English people like to talk first? Can I ask them Have you had your meal ? No, they dont ask each other ”Have you had your meal? ”. They like to talk about weather first. 3. Can I ask English people about the price of their house? No, they do not ask others about age, salary or the price of their house. Say “Excuse me.” 5. Are there any other public manners I should learn? Yes. At the bus stop or in the supermarket, you should wait in line. In the bus or in the train, you should keep quiet. Say “please” and “thank you” all the time. Inviting letter 04 Dear friends, How are you? Britain is a great country. It is famous for its history and the buildings, like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, British Museum And the food here is delicious. Fish and chips are my favourit food. And the British black tea is very famous in the world. I live in London. Would you like to come here and have a look? I miss you so much. Yours, Lee Dear Chris, How are you? Britain is a great country. It is famous for its history and the buildings, like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, British Museum And the food here is delicious. Fish and chips are my favourit food. And the British black tea is very famous in the world. I live in London. Would you like to come here and have a look? I miss you so much. Yours, Lee what when where who 03 0402 01 01 02 03 04 arriving timearriving time Dear Lee , Thanks so much for your inviting. I know is famous for its . I cant wait to see you. I want to passport, plan ticket, Im so excited. Yours, _ I will arrive at the airport /The plane will land at GuangzhouGuangzhou FoodFood Welcome to our country/cityWelcome to our country/city Famous placesFamous places Add more WhereWhereHistoryHistory Southeast of ChinaSoutheast of China Guangzhou Tower Baiyun Mountain Shang Xiajiu Road Yuexiu Park Chen Clan Academy dimsum Replying letter 05 Dear Lee, Thanks so much for . I cant wait to see you. I want to /Im very excited to visit . I know is famous for its . my passport and plane ticket. I will arrive at the airport . The plane will land at Im so excited! I live in Welcome to See you then, Yours, _ Finish this replying letter. Homework: Thank you! 第 1 页 2021-5-23 1 广州教科版小学英语六年级下册广州教科版小学英语六年级下册 Module 5 Travel Abroad Team 备课小组备课小组 汇景英语科组汇景英语科组 Date 日期日期 Teacher 执教执教 Module/Topic 模块及话题模块及话题 Module 5 Travel Abroad研讨方向研讨方向写作写作 Title 题目题目 Travel abroad Period 课时课时 第第 4 课时课时 Type of lesson 课型课型 情境写作课情境写作课 Teaching Contents Analysis 教材分析教材分析 本模块的主题是 Travel abroad。本课是 Module 5 的复习写作课,教学内容主要涉及到国家和著名景点的单词,以及句型运用。根据 六年级课文内容以阅读为主特点,在教学中,本课注重单元整体教学整合,在 Module5 关于已学国家和景点单词的滚动带动下,创设 情境,让学生根据情境写出一篇小练笔。同时,根据课文特点,滚动本话题学生在平时的课堂上已经进行过整合,本节课希望将学生 所学的内容丰富并完整其写作输出。 Students Analysis 学生分析学生分析 学生在学习本课前,通过 M5 的学习,已经掌握的单词有国家、首都和著名景点。本节课学生需要复习这些已经学习过的单词并且 尝试进行写作,在本节课特意增添了对 M4 manner 内容的部分回顾,目的在于希望学生在任何时候都要尊重和遵守个人礼仪,特别是 在国外旅游的时候更应该注意个人的文明行为。写作部分主要是根据书本 U10 的 E-mail 内容进行的改写,为了更加丰富作文的内容, 特意创设情境通过一封邀请信引导学生进行回信,并且鼓励学生在信中增加介绍广州的内容,并学会在信件中邀请他人做客的句型掌 握,丰富学生的语言并进行有效输出。六年级英语学习除了听、说、读三种基本技能的要求外,更加注重了书写技能的要求,对于六 年级的学生来说这次的小练笔主要难度还是在回信的内容和书信的格式,因此在教学中也会着重这方面的指导,为以后语言综合运用 打下坚实的基础。 Teaching Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1. Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 【词汇】能在情境中感知、理解词汇:国家:China, Japan, Australia, France, America, Britain, New Zealand, Canada; 首都/城市: Beijing, Tokyo, Camberra, Pairs, Washington D.C., London, Wellington, Ottawa; 景点:Tiananmen Square,Sydney Opera House & Sydney Harbour Bridge,Fuji Mountain,Eiffel Tower,White House,Tower Bridge 在情景中理解、灵活运用新学句型“OK”回应别人。 【篇章】能就邀请和跟别人玩游戏时所用到的课本上所学句型整体输出。 【语法】在 U5 学习中学生对名词的单复数形式有初步的认识,在 U6 本课学习中进行巩固复习。 第 2 页 2021-5-23 2 【句子】能在写作中运用句型(1)is famous for (2) I cant wait to (3) I want to 2. Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: (1) 能快速描述国家的首都及其著名的景点或物品。 (2) 能听懂、理解本课的词汇、句型和能流利朗读书信内容。 3. Learning Strategies.学习策略:学习策略: (1) 通过图片展示进行单词复习,降低学习难度。 (2) 根据单词复习进行句型练习。 (3) 同桌合作、小组合作在情境中学习、并输出语言。 (4) 通过跟着老师的指令完成课程内容,养成认真倾听的好习惯。 (5) 通过小组合作活动在组内大胆的朗读自己的文章并勇敢展示自己的文章,合作意识加强,并敢说、爱说。 4. Affect and Cultural awareness 情感态度和文化意识:情感态度和文化意识: 了解中外国家的礼仪,形成接受、尊重自己国家和外国文化的态度。 教学重点教学重点 1. 能在情境中复习国家首都和著名景点等词汇。 2. 掌握并运用句型等。 3. 完成书信练笔,注意语句的通顺/时态的正确使用。 教学难点教学难点 1. 书信的正确书写格式和时态运用。 2. 小组合作学习。 3. 在语境中综合运用所学的指令性语言。 教学媒体教学媒体自制 PPT worksheet 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies and purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 Warming-up & Revision Activity 1:Lets talk. 师生问候,互动交流。 复习几个国家的名称/首都和著名景 点,练习 famous for its句型 活跃课堂气氛,引出课文主题。 第 3 页 2021-5-23 3 Activity 2:Lets talk. Lets know more about the world. 地图上有几个不同国家的国旗,使 用famous for its.进行句型练习 以快速回答的形式复习国家、首都 和著名景点的单词和短语,并复习 句型。 Activity 3:Lets learn. 创设情景:老师的朋友 Lee 想邀请我们去他的国家访问 和旅游,大家去过吗? Round 1: Lets say. 展示伦敦著名景点的图片,引出伦 敦 引导学生说出已学的知识,复习旧词巩固旧知。 展示书信,初步感知内容。 通过对图片的展示了解伦敦 创设情境,通过生动有趣的学习方 式,增加学生学习兴趣,再次巩固 已学著名景点名称,从而为后面的 写作输出做铺垫。 Round 2:Lets talk。 我们在去伦敦之前需要做哪些准备呢? 回答出发前我们需要做的各项准备。让学生了解出发前的各项旅行准备 工作。 Round 3:Lets listen. 通过听力练习了解英国礼仪。 英国作为礼仪大国,我们在与英国 人交往的过程中需要注意哪些方面 呢? 完成听力练习,并为下面一个环节 做好铺垫。Presentation & Practice Round 4:Lets read. 通过阅读进一步了解英国的礼仪,并回答问题。 通过阅读文章,找出问题的答案。 以看和阅读的方式,整体感知课文。 Round 5:Lets read the inviting letter. 再一次展示邀请信内容,学生朗读。 全班阅读,整体感知情境 以朗读的形式,可以帮助学生从易 到难、理解书信内容。 Consolidation Round 7:Lets think。 思考如何回信。 学生根据提示回答,巩固 I cant wait toI want to句型。 口头描述书信内容,注意书信的格 式和时态。 Development Round 8:Lets know more. 引导学生可以增加多一些内容关于我们熟悉的城市,欢 迎 Lee 来我们的城市访问旅游。 增加书信的内容,引导孩子们增加 广州部分的描述, 从而丰富内容。 通过图片展示了解广州。 第 4 页 2021-5-23 4 Round 9:Lets write. Round 10:Lets discuss. Round 11:Lets show. 进行写作。 小组内分享。 选出一篇文章与全班分享。 交际性操练 SummaryWhat do we learn today?We learn 引导学生再次梳理当天所学。 Homework 作业作业 Finish this writing. Designing on the board: 板书板书 who when Module 5 Travel abroad is famous for its I cant wait to I want to where what 评分栏
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