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    0035 英美国家概论 21 西南 大学 国家 概论 作业 辅导资料

    1、西南大学培训与继续教育学院 课程代码:0035学年学季:20211 单项选择题单项选择题 1 1、TheTheisis thethe onlyonly organorgan whichwhich hashas thethe powerpower toto interpretinterpret thethe USUS Constitution.Constitution. 1.Supreme Court 2.President 3.ongress 4.Chief Justice 2 2、hashas beenbeen calledcalled thethe “cradlecradle ofof A

    2、mericanAmerican liberty.liberty.” 1.Boston 2.New York 3.hicago 4.Washington 3 3、TheTheisis AmericaAmericas s leadingleading centrecentre ofof heavyheavy industry.industry. 1.South 2.Midwest 3.New England 4.Pacific coast 4 4、TheThe PilgrimPilgrim FathersFathers sailedsailed toto AmericaAmerica during

    3、duringtime.time. 1.James Is 2.James IIs 3.Elizabeths 4.Marys 5 5、EnglandEngland defeateddefeated thethe SpanishSpanish ArmadaArmada inin. . 1.1855 2.1858 3.1588 4.1358 6 6、TheThe beginningbeginning ofof ParliamentParliament inin BritishBritish historyhistory waswas relatedrelated toto. . 1.King John

    4、 2.Henry II 3.Henry III 4.Simon de Montfort 7 7、isis thethe secondsecond largestlargest seaportseaport inin Britain.Britain. 1.E. London 2.F. Glasgow 3.Belfast 4.Liverpool 判断题判断题 8 8、TheThe WarsWars ofof thethe RosesRoses affectedaffected thethe ordinaryordinary peoplepeople veryvery much.much. 1.A.

    5、 2.B. 9 9、TheThe destructiondestruction ofof thethe SpanishSpanish ArmadaArmada notnot onlyonly establishedestablished thethe positionposition ofof EnglandEngland asas a a majormajor seasea powerpower butbut alsoalso pavedpaved thethe wayway forfor itsits foreignforeign expansion.expansion. 1.A. 2.B

    6、. 1010、HenryHenry VIIVII waswas responsibleresponsible forfor thethe foundingfounding thethe ChurchChurch ofof England.England. 1.A. 2.B. 1111、BritishBritish peoplepeople chosechose FranklinFranklin RooseveltRoosevelt asas PrimePrime MinisterMinister inin 19401940 whenwhen thethe W.W.W.W. IIII broke

    7、broke out.out. 1.A. 2.B. 1212、GrammarGrammar schoolsschools emphasizeemphasize academicacademic studiesstudies andand teachteach a a widewide rangerange ofof subjects.subjects. 1.A. 2.B. 1313、TheThe GreatGreat CharterCharter waswas signedsigned inin 12151215 byby KingKing John.John. 1.A. 2.B. 1414、T

    8、heThe Anglo-SaxonAnglo-Saxon ConquestConquest waswas importantimportant inin EnglishEnglish historyhistory becausebecause itit laidlaid thethe foundationfoundation onon whichwhich thethe EnglishEnglish nationnation waswas toto bebe formed.formed. 1.A. 2.B. 主观题主观题 1515、UnionUnion JackJack 参考答案:参考答案:

    9、It refers to British national flag which is made up of a blue background and three crosses: the red cross of St. George ofEngland, the white saltire of St. Andrew ofScotlandand the red saltire ofIreland. They symbolize the union of the nation. 1616、BenBen NevisNevis 参考答案:参考答案: The highest mountain i

    10、n Britain and with an elevation of 1300 meters, stands in North Scotland. 1717、yankeesyankees 参考答案:参考答案: New Englanders, traditionally called Yankees, were regarded as representatives and defenders of the Anglo-Saxon culture that finally became the basis of American mainstream culture. 1818、American

    11、American dreamdream 参考答案:参考答案: The essence of the American dream is liberty and equality.In pursuit of liberty and equality, the Pilgrims and other people braved the wide ocean to immigrate into the New World. The U.S. system of government was also designed to protect the principle of liberty and eq

    12、uality for American citizens. 1919、IndustrialIndustrial RevolutionRevolution 参考答案:参考答案: The Industrial Revolution refers to the mechanization of industry and the consequences in social and economic organization in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Britain was the first country to in

    13、dustrialize. 2020、WestminsterWestminster modelmodel 参考答案:参考答案: The British system of parliamentary government was often referred to as the Westminster model. The model, or system, gave birth to representative government and it is still regarded as a modern means through which democracy could be exer

    14、cised. 2121、LakeLake PoetsPoets 参考答案:参考答案: a term loosely applied to three English poets, Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and William Wordsworth. They lived in the Lake District and advocated romanticism in literary creation. Their works had little relationship to one another, but they all

    15、exemplified romantic principles in poetry. Their poems were characterized by reliance on the imagination and subjectivity of approach, freedom of thought and expression, and an idealization of nature. 2222、D-dayD-day 参考答案:参考答案: On June 6, 1944, known as D-day, the first contingents of the American a

    16、nd British amphibious invasion army landed on the beaches of Normandy, opening the long-delayed western front to attack the Germans. 2323、DetroitDetroit 参考答案:参考答案: Kown as the Motor City, is situated in Michigan, which is a leading producer of transportation equipment. 2424、HouseHouse ofof TudorTudo

    17、r 参考答案:参考答案: After the ending of the Wars of the Roes, the House of Tudor ascended the throne in the person of King Henry Vii. Five Tudor monarchs ruled England and Wales for just over 100 years , from 1458 to 1603, and they achieved a great deal. 2525、BuckinghamBuckingham PalacePalace 参考答案:参考答案: It

    18、 built on the site of a house owned by the Duke of Buckingham, has been the Sovereigns London residence since 1837. 2626、SeptemberSeptember 1111 参考答案:参考答案: On the morning of September 11, 2001, small group of terrorists hijacked fourUS. Passenger jets soon after take-off and aimed them at targets sy

    19、mbolizing American financial and military power. Two of the jets crashed into the upper floors of World Trade Centers twin towers. Meanwhile, the third jet crashed into the headquarters of the Defense Department at the Pentagon. The fourth jet crashed in western Pennsylvania. 2727、USUS judicialjudic

    20、ial branchbranch 参考答案:参考答案: The US judicial branch refers to the federal law court that is composed of three tiers. It is headed by the Supreme Court which is the only court created by the U. S. Constitution. The second tier, created by Congress, refers to the eleven federal courts of appeals while

    21、third tier, also created by Congress, refers to the 91 federal district courts. 2828、HuronHuron StatementStatement 参考答案:参考答案: Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held a meeting in Port Huron and adopted the Huron Statement. It advocated participatory democracy, the idea that all American, instea

    22、d of a small group, should participate in making major economic and political decisions. It criticized American society for its blind belief in material possessions, development of military strength, and racism. 2929、WatergateWatergate ScandalScandal 参考答案:参考答案: Watergate is a large building, or comp

    23、lex, on the bank of the Potomac River in Washington D. C. It houses the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee. It was here that the Watergate break-in happened which led to Nixons resignation. 3030、TheThe BritishBritish CommonwealthCommonwealth 参考答案:参考答案: The British Empire was replaced

    24、by the British Commonwealth or the Commonwealth of Nations in the year 1931. It is a free association of independent countries that used to be colonies ofBritain. Members are joined together economically and have certain trading arrangements. The commonwealth has no special power. The decision to be

    25、 a member of the commonwealth is left to each nation. At present, there are 50 member countries within the Commonwealth. 3131、MississippiMississippi 参考答案:参考答案: The Mississippi river, also known as “old man river”, is the most important and largest river of theUnited States. Nearly all the rivers wes

    26、t of the Appalachian Mountains and east of the Rockies flow toward each other and empty into this largest river, the “father of waters”, ofAmerica. The Mississippi flows about 6,400 kilometers from its northwestern source in the Rockies to the Gulf ofMexico. 3232、counterculturecounterculture 参考答案:参考

    27、答案: .In the counterculture movement, the young radicals showed their disdain for almost everything traditional, They developed a kind of absolute self-centred mentality. They doubted the existing social structure. They were called the Beat Generation because they felt beaten (defeated) by society, a

    28、nd because they loved the strong, free beat of jazz rhythms. Happiness became their only goal in life. It was an abnormal phenomenon in an abnormal society. 3333、TheThe MeltingMelting PotPot 参考答案:参考答案: Since the United States is a nation of many ethnic groups, it is also known as a “melting pot”, me

    29、aning immigrants from different nations all over the world have mixed to make up the American nation. 3434、CheckCheck andand balancebalance systemsystem 参考答案:参考答案: In this system, the power delegated to the Federal government is divided among three separate, but interdependent, branches: 3535、Federa

    30、lismFederalism 参考答案:参考答案: The U.S. system of government is known as federalism under which the states are united into a federation. In the federation the states control their internal affairs while the federal government has the delegated powers to answer national questions, such as national defense

    31、 and foreign affairs. 3636、BritishBritish DiseaseDisease 参考答案:参考答案: The term “British disease” is now often used to characterize Britains economic decline. It first appeared in the 70s. As a result, Britain is no longer able to match the growth rates of other industrialized countries. 3737、TheThe Ca

    32、nterburyCanterbury TalesTales 参考答案:参考答案: Geoffrey Chaucer was an English poet. His best-known work, The Canterbury Tales, written about two hundred years after the death of Thomas Becket, relates in an interesting way the various stoies which different pilgrims told while on their way to Canterbury.

    33、 3838、BeatBeat GenerationGeneration 参考答案:参考答案: In the counterculture movement, the young radicals showed their disdain for almost everything traditional, They developed a kind of absolute self-centred mentality. They doubted the existing social structure. They were called the Beat Generation because

    34、 they felt beaten (defeated) by society, and because they loved the strong, free beat of jazz rhythms. Happiness became their only goal in life. It was an abnormal phenomenon in an abnormal society. 3939、TheThe governmentgovernment principlesprinciples inin USAUSA 参考答案:参考答案: The U.S. government is s

    35、aid to be based on three principles. The first principle is that the government derives its power from the consent of the governed. In line with this principle, Americans hold elections to elect the president, Congressmen, state governors and some other government officials. The second principle is

    36、the power of the government must be limited by a fundamental law, the Constitution. The government is not allowed to make decisions in contradiction with the Constitution. The federal government has no other powers except those granted in the Constitution. Besides, there is also a moral limit, not n

    37、ecessarily in written form, to the power of the government. The third principle is that the government should be granted adequate power for achieving its appropriate purpose. History has taught Americans that a weak government could not effectively serve their interests. They learned the lesson in t

    38、heir struggle for independence, in the Second War withEnglandand in their dispute over slavery which caused the bloody Civil War. 4040、LostLost GenerationGeneration andand theirtheir mainmain attitude.attitude. 参考答案:参考答案: The bitter memory of WW I and confusing problems of the 1920s made a number of

    39、 American artists and intellectuals unhappy and they drifted away from both the mainstream culture and the new culture. These people, as the writer Gertrude Stein described them, a “Lost Generation”. Post-warAmericamade them feel alienated and rootless. They complained that they did not feel free at

    40、 all in theUnited States. Lost Generation writers did not have a general viewpoint and they divided over concrete problems. They argued that theUnited Stateswas still a repressive society that did not give people enough freedom and denied individuality. They said American culture was still controlle

    41、d by the dead hand of Victorianism. They left theUnited Statesfor Paris and other places in Europe. 4141、FrontiersmenFrontiersmens s influenceinfluence onon politicspolitics 参考答案:参考答案: Frontiersmen had a great influence on American politics. Frontiersmen were of different national origin and religio

    42、us belief, so they demanded complete separation of the church from the state. They were in favor of the democratic system of election. They promoted the adoption of the political partys convention system of nominations for candidacy. They were against slavery and supported industrialization, which w

    43、ould in turn enlarge the domestic market for their agricultural products. Since they were far away from seaports, they supported the governments plan to build national roads. Their reliance on the national authority helped to develop their patriotism. They had a deep love for their national flag, na

    44、tional song, and their country which gave them land and protected them. President Jefferson praised them as the most valuable citizens ofAmerica. The values concept frontiersman cherished has become the basis of American values. Their dream has been the American dream. 4242、WhatWhat isis MonroeMonro

    45、e DoctrineDoctrine andand itsits influence?influence? 参考答案:参考答案: To defendAmericas interest in the New World, Monroe, the fifth President of theunitedStatesproclaimed his new foreign policy in 1832. the policy, known as the Monroe Doctrine, included the following major points: 1) any foreign interfe

    46、rence with the Latin American nations which had achieved independence would be considered a unfriendly act by the United States; 2) all still existing colonies in the New World would not e interfered with by the United States 3) the New World was closed t6o further colonization by any forieng powers

    47、, 4) the United States should not take part in any European wars over issues exclusively European. The Monroe Doctrine was to turn the New World intoAmericas “backyard”. But the real influence of the Monroe Doctrine was later shown in the popular slogan “America for Americans”, with finally became a

    48、 principle of American foreign policy. For a long time thereafter, theUnited Statesrefused to be involved in conflicts in Europe. 4343、WhatWhat isis thethe BritishBritish governmentgovernment systemsystem knownknown as?as? 参考答案:参考答案: It is known as the Westminster System 4444、WhoWho becamebecame kno

    49、wnknown asas “FatherFather ofof thethe BritishBritish NavyNavy”? ? 参考答案:参考答案: Alfred the great became known as “Father of the British Navy”. 4545、WhatWhat waswas thethe firstfirst collegecollege setset upup inin thethe USA?USA? 参考答案:参考答案: The first college set up in US was Harvard College. 4646、HowH

    50、ow diddid thethe two-partytwo-party systemsystem inin thethe U.S.U.S. developdevelop intointo itsits presentpresent structure?structure? 参考答案:参考答案: There are two major parties in the U.S, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. The Democratic Party was founded in Washingtons time. It was main

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