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    0170 英国文学史及选读 21 西南 大学 英国 文学史 选读 作业 辅导资料 docx

    1、西南大学培训与继续教育学院 课程代码:0170学年学季:20211 单项选择题单项选择题 1 1、WhichWhich playplay isis notnot a a comedy?comedy? 1.A Midsummer Nights Dream 2.The Merchant of Venice 3.As You Like It 4.Romeo and Juliet 2 2、TheThe themetheme ofof AA WomanWoman onon a a RoofRoof isis thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween m

    2、enmen andand womenwomen asas wellwell asas thethe relationshiprelationship betweenbetween _ inin modernmodern society.society. 1.parents and children 2.neighbors 3.classes 4.workers 3 3、RobertRobert BurnsBurns camecame fromfrom _._. 1.F. Ireland 2.Scotland 3.Wales 4.England 4 4、InInLordLord ofof the

    3、the FliesFlies, , TheThe boysboys areare onon thethe islandisland because_.because_. 1.their plane was shot down 2.their ship sunk 3.they would be safe from the war there 4.they were on vacation 5 5、BothBoth VirginiaVirginia WoolfWoolf andand JamesJames JoyceJoyce dieddied inin _._. 1.1941 2.1942 3.

    4、1940 4.1939 6 6、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing isis NOTNOT a a romanticromantic poet?poet? 1.William Butler Yeats 2.William Blake 3.William Wordsworth 4.Robert Burns 7 7、CharlotteCharlottes s realisticrealistic representativerepresentative workworkJaneJane EyreEyreisis herher _ novel.nove

    5、l. 1.B. third 2.first 3.forth 4.second 8 8、WilliamWilliam WordsworthWordsworth isis frequentlyfrequently referredreferred toto asas _._. 1.a worshipper of beauty 2.a worshipper of nature 3.a modernist poet 4.a religious poet 9 9、InIn 1948,1948, _ waswas awardedawarded thethe NobelNobel PrizePrize fo

    6、rfor literature.literature. 1.E. D. H. Lawrence 2.James Joyce 3.T. S. Eliot 4.W. B. Yeats 1010、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing writerswriters isis a a poetpoet ofof thethe 20th20th century?century? 1.John Milton 2.T. S. Eliot 3.James Joyce 4.Francis Bacon 1111、TheThe ImportanceImportance o

    7、fof BeingBeing EarnestEarnestisis setset inin _._. 1.France 2.Ireland 3.England 4.Scotland 1212、TheThe WasteWaste LandLandisis writtenwritten byby _._. 1.T. S. Eliot 2.W. H. Auden 3.D. H. Laurence 4.W. B. Yeats 1313、WilliamWilliam GoldingGolding wrotewrote thethe followingfollowing except_.except_.

    8、1.The Magus 2.The Spire 3.Darkness Visible 4.Lord of the Flies 1414、InIn 1923,1923, _ waswas awardedawarded thethe NobelNobel PrizePrize forfor literature.literature. 1.D. Earnest Hemingway 2.D. H. Lawrence 3.W. B. Yeats 4.T. S. Eliot 1515、Pygmalion,Pygmalion, KingKing ofof Cyprus,Cyprus, waswas a a

    9、 sculptorsculptor whowho fellfell inin lovelove withwith _._. 1.C. sculpture 2.the statue of himself 3.Aphrodite the goddess of love and beauty 4.the statue of a woman he had sculpted 1616、InInGreatGreat ExpectationsExpectations, , MagwitchMagwitch worksworks hardhard inin _ toto makemake PipPip a a

    10、 gentleman.gentleman. 1.Britain 2.Canada 3.Australia 4.The United States 1717、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing isis notnot a a charactercharacter inin AA WomanWoman onon a a RoofRoof _?_? 1.A. Stanley 2.Tom 3.Henry 4.Harry 1818、TheThe CanterburyCanterbury TalesTalesisis writtenwritten by_.b

    11、y_. 1.Geoffrey Chaucer 2.William Shakespeare 3.Francis Bacon 4.Mary Shelley 1919、AmongAmong thethe following,following, thethe oneone whowho waswas alsoalso anan artistartist isis _._. 1.William Blake 2.Samuel Taylor Coleridge 3.William Wordsworth 4.Robert Burns 2020、JaneJane EyreEyrehashas beenbeen

    12、 greatlygreatly valuedvalued byby _ becausebecause ofof thethe independentindependent femalefemale protagonistprotagonist itit hashas made.made. 1.moralist 2.environmentalist 3.feminist 4.socialist 2121、“TurningTurning andand turningturning inin thethe wideningwidening gyre,gyre, thethe falconfalcon

    13、 cannotcannot hearhear thethe falconer;falconer; ThingsThings fallfall apart;apart; thethe centrecentre cannotcannot hold:hold:” TheThe aboveabove lineslines areare takentaken fromfrom _._. 1.C. “The Lake Isle of Innisfree” 2.B. “The Second Coming” 3.D. “The Love Song” of J. Alfred Prufrock 4.A. The

    14、 Waste Land 2222、W.W. B.B.YeatsYeats waswas a(n)a(n) _ poet.poet. 1.English 2.Irish 3.Scottish 4.Welsh 2323、BesidesBesides WilliamWilliam Yeats,Yeats, _ isis alsoalso a a world-wideworld-wide knownknown IrishIrish poet.poet. 1.Iris Murdoch 2.Stephen Spender 3.Seamus Heaney 4.Jonathan Swift 2424、WhoW

    15、ho isis thethe representativerepresentative ofof thethe schoolschool ofof artart forfor artarts s sakesake atat thethe VictorianVictorian Age?Age? 1.Robert Browning 2.Samuel Johnson 3.Thomas Hardy 4.Oscar Wilde 2525、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing couldcould bebe WilliamWilliam WordsworthW

    16、ordsworths s preferencepreference forfor thethe languagelanguage inin poetrypoetry writing?writing? 1.local dialect 2.decorum 3.the language of the common people 4.archaic words 2626、WhichWhich ofof thethe followingfollowing novelsnovels isis NOTNOT writtenwritten byby JamesJames Joyce?Joyce? 1.A Po

    17、rtrait of the Artist as a Young Man 2.Ulysses 3.Finnegans Wake 4.To the Lighthouse 2727、InInTessTess ofof thethe D DUrbervillesUrbervilles, , ThomasThomas HardyHardy resolutelyresolutely makesmakes a a seducedseduced girlgirl hishis heroine,heroine, whichwhich clearlyclearly demonstratesdemonstrates

    18、 thethe authorauthors_s_ ofof thethe VictorianVictorian moralmoral standards.standards. 1.blind fondness 2.mounting defiance 3.total acceptance 4.deep understanding 2828、“MyMy LastLast DuchessDuchess” isis a a poempoem thatthat bestbest exemplifiesexemplifies RobertRobert BrowningBrownings_.s_. 1.se

    19、nsitive ear for the sounds of the English language 2.excellent choice of words 3.use of the dramatic monologue 4.mastering of the metrical devices 2929、TheThe cradlecradle ofof RenaissanceRenaissance isis _._. 1.Germany 2.England 3.America 4.Italy 3030、_,_, thethe firstfirst ofof thethe greatgreat t

    20、ragedies,tragedies, isis generallygenerally regardedregarded asas ShakespeareShakespeares s mostmost popularpopular playplay onon thethe stage.stage. 1.The Merchant of Venice 2.Hamlet 3.King Lear 4.Julius Caesar 3131、_ isis thethe mostmost outstandingoutstanding stream-of-consciousnessstream-of-cons

    21、ciousness novelist.novelist. 1.James Joyce 2.John Galsworthy 3.H. Lawrence 4.Oscar Wilde 3232、MostMost ofof ThomasThomas HardyHardys s novelsnovels areare setset inin _,_, thethe fictionalfictional primitiveprimitive andand crudecrude regionregion whichwhich isis reallyreally thethe homehome placepl

    22、ace hehe bothboth lovedloved andand hated.hated. 1.London 2.Yoknapatawpha 3.Wessex 4.Paris 3333、AlexanderAlexander PopePope workedworked painstakinglypainstakingly onon hishis poemspoems andand finallyfinally broughtbrought toto itsits lastlast perfectionperfection _ DrydenDryden hadhad successfully

    23、successfully usedused inin hishis plays.plays. 1.the heroic couplet 2.the free verse 3.the blank verse 4.the Spenserian stanza 3434、TheThe termterm “metaphysicalmetaphysical poetrypoetry” isis commonlycommonly usedused toto namename thethe workwork ofof thethe 17th-century17th-century writerswriters

    24、 whowho wrotewrote underunder thethe influenceinfluence of_of_ 1.John Milton 2.John Donne 3.Ben Jonson 4.John Bunyan 3535、“ToTo be,be, oror notnot toto bebeThatThat isis thethe question.question.” WhoWho saidsaid thisthis statement?statement? 1.King Lear 2.Romeo 3.Antonio 4.Hamlet 3636、_ isis thethe

    25、 essenceessence ofof RenaissanceRenaissance 1.Humanism 2.Reformation 3.Heroism 4.Chivalry 3737、_ waswas thethe mostmost distinguisheddistinguished playwrightplaywright duringduring thethe ElizabethanElizabethan period.period. 1.William Shakespeare 2.Francis Bacon 3.Edmund Spenser 4.George Puttenham

    26、3838、TheThe CanterburyCanterbury TalesTaleswaswas originallyoriginally writtenwritten inin _._. 1.Latin 2.French 3.old English 4.middle English 3939、TheThe timetime settingsetting ofofTheThe CanterburyCanterbury TalesTalesisis April,April, oror toto saysay thethe spring,spring, whichwhich mightmight

    27、 signify_.signify_. 1.death 2.Chaucers birth day 3.rebirth 4.the young sun 4040、TheThe poetrypoetry ofof SamuelSamuel TaylorTaylor ColeridgeColeridge maymay bebe characterizedcharacterized byby itsits _._. 1.lain language 2.supernatural color 3.scenes of common life 4.traditional images 4141、RobertR

    28、obert BurnsBurns camecame fromfrom _._. 1.England 2.Wales 3.Scotland 4.Ireland 4242、WhatWhat isis thethe purposepurpose ofof thethe speakerspeaker inin JohnJohn DonnesDonnes poempoem Flea?Flea? 1.to condem the flea who sucked his lovers blood 2.to convince his lover their blood has been mingled 3.to

    29、 persuade his lover to accept his love 4.to tell his lover killing the flea means self-murder 4343、InInParadiseParadise LostLost,_,_ isis thethe seducer.seducer. 1.Satan 2.God 3.serpent 4.Adam 4444、WilliamWilliam GoldingGolding usedused _ asas thethe warwar settingsetting forforLordLord ofof thethe

    30、FliesFlies. . 1.the American Civil War 2.D. The Vietnam War 3.World War I 4.World War II 4545、JaneJane EyreEyreisis firstfirst publishedpublished inin _ byby thethe pseudonympseudonym ofof _._. 1.1853; Charlotte Bronte 2.1847; Currer Bell 3.1848; Acton Bell 4.1847; Ellis Bell 判断题判断题 4646、TheThe 19th

    31、-century19th-century novelistsnovelists tooktook thethe irrationalirrational philosophyphilosophy andand SigmundSigmund FreudFreuds s theorytheory ofof psychoanalysispsychoanalysis asas theirtheir theoreticaltheoretical base.base. 1.A. 2.B. 4747、Complexity,Complexity, obscurity,obscurity, symbols,sy

    32、mbols, allusionallusion andand ironyirony areare allall characteristicscharacteristics ofof modernistmodernist writings.writings. 1.A. 2.B. 4848、SamsonSamson AgonistesAgonistesisis a a dramadrama byby JohnJohn Milton.Milton. 1.A. 2.B. 4949、TheThe metaphysicalmetaphysical poetspoets areare characteri

    33、zedcharacterized byby theirtheir extensiveextensive useuse ofof conceit.conceit. 1.A. 2.B. 5050、ChaucerChaucer waswas fatherfather ofof EnglishEnglish poetry.poetry. 1.A. 2.B. 5151、DickensDickens waswas a a VictorianVictorian novelist.novelist. 1.A. 2.B. 5252、WordsworthWordsworth said,said, poetrypo

    34、etry isis thethe spontaneousspontaneous overflowoverflow ofof powerfulpowerful feelings.feelings. 1.A. 2.B. 5353、ToTo bebe oror notnot toto bebe isis includedincluded inin HamletHamlet 1.A. 2.B. 5454、Wordsworth,Wordsworth, ColeridgeColeridge andand SoutheySouthey werewere poetspoets ofof thethe Lake

    35、Lake SchoolSchool 1.A. 2.B. 5555、LyricalLyrical BalladsBallads waswas composedcomposed byby WordsworthWordsworth onlyonly 1.A. 2.B. 5656、PopePope andand JohnsonJohnson werewere contemporaries.contemporaries. 1.A. 2.B. 主观题主观题 5757、英国现代主义文学有何特征?(中文答题)、英国现代主义文学有何特征?(中文答题) 参考答案:参考答案: 涉及现代主义文学背景、主要作家作品、艺

    36、术和主题特征等方面。 5858、英国浪漫主义诗歌有何特征?以具体的诗歌进行说明。(中文答题)、英国浪漫主义诗歌有何特征?以具体的诗歌进行说明。(中文答题) 参考答案:参考答案: 涉及艺术和主题两个方面的特点。 5959、BrieflyBriefly discussdiscuss thethe causescauses forfor TesssTesss tragedytragedy asas presentedpresented ininTessTess ofof thethe DUrbervillesDUrbervillesbyby ThomasThomas Hardy.Hardy. 参考答

    37、案:参考答案: The answer should cover the times when Tess lived, Tesss weak character, her family background, and mans prejudice against woman as well. 6060、WhatWhat isis freefree verse?verse? 参考答案:参考答案: Free verse means poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. A looser and more open-ended syn

    38、tactical structure is frequently favoured. Lines and sentences of different lengths are left lying side by side just as things are, undisturbed and separate. There are few compound sentences to draw objects and experience into a system of hierarchy. 6161、WhatWhat isis sonnet?sonnet? 参考答案:参考答案: The s

    39、onnet is one of the poetic forms that can be found in lyric poetry originating from Italy, and it originally means “little song”. By the 13th century, it had come to signify a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure. Giacomo da Lentini is credited with the in

    40、vention of the sonnet. His poetry concerns courtly, chivalrous love. Other Italian poets of the time, including Dante Alighieri (12651321) and Guido Cavalcanti (c. 12501300) wrote sonnets, but the most famous early sonneteer was Petrarca (known in English as Petrarch 1304-1374). Other fine examples

    41、were written by Michelangelo (1475-1564). In the early 16th century, sonnets were introduced intoEngland by Thomas Wyatt (1503-1542).Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey (1516-1547) gave them the rhyming meter, and division into quatrains that now characterizes the English sonnet. Shakespearean sonnet is al

    42、so called the English sonnet. Besides, there is Spenserian sonnet in England. 6262、WhatWhat isis modernism?modernism? 参考答案:参考答案: It is a reaction against realism. It rejects rationalism which is the theoretical base of realism; it excludes from its major concern the external, objective, material wor

    43、ld, which is the only creative source of realism; by advocating a free experimentation on new forms and new techniques in literary creation, it casts away almost all the traditional elements in literature such as story, plot, character, chronological narration, etc., which are essential to realism. Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base.

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