辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 9 A busy family-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:a0901).zip


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    • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 9 A busy family_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频)_县级优课_(编号:a0901)
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A busy family Im busy. Im busy Im busy Im sweeping the floor. Im doing the dishes. Im cleaning the desk. I do the dishes. I sweep the floor. I clean the desk. be doing 某人正在做某事 ing ing ing m m m Im cleaning the windows. Im dancing. Im swimming. Im _ing .Im writing . Im _ing .Im reading . Im _ing .Im drawing . Im _ing lunch.Im having lunch . What are you doing? Im _. Word Bank swimming washing clothes sweeping the floor doing the dishes Group work Back Choose one card Im _ . sweep the floor do the dishes read books listen to music wash clothes watch TV swim have class play sports Game time start sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time start Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time start Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time start Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time start Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes sweep the floor read books listen to music watch TV swim have class play sports Game time Im _ . wash clothes do the dishes Its Friday morning, Im busy. Im sweeping the floor. Im busy too. Im doing the dishes. Look , Im cleaning the windows. Its a busy day. Listen, Im singing a beautiful song, Its exciting. Everyday is busy, but everyday is rich. Hi, friends! What are you doing? . . . . . . . . . Look and write Look, think and write Im cleaning the blackboard Im cleaning the windows Im cleaning the desks Im cleaning the chairsIm sweeping the floor Im washing my hands Back Listen and answer Where are they? What are they doing? Look and talk Back Back Listen and answer Where are they? They are at home. Back Listen and answer What are they doing? They are doing housework. Its Sunday morning. Jimmy is at home. Everybody is busy. Jimmy: Dad, can you play with me? Dad: Sorry, Im busy. Jimmy: How about you, Mom? Mom: Sorry, Jimmy: Grandma, please. Grandma: Look! Linda: And Im washing clothes. Jimmy: What about you, Spot? Spot: Woof! Woof! Jimmy: Yeah! Spot is free. Lets go. Listen and imitate(听音模仿) Look and say Im cleaning the windows. Im sweeping the floor. Im doing the dishes. Back Listen and say 1. Spot is _. 2. Jimmy is _ (play)with Spot. free playing free = not busy Its Sunday morning. Jimmy is at home. Everybody is busy. Jimmy: Dad, can you play with me? Dad: Sorry, Im busy. Im cleaning the windows. Jimmy: How about you, Mom? Mom: Sorry, Im sweeping the floor. Jimmy: Grandma, please. Grandma: Look! Im doing the dishes. Linda: And Im washing clothes. Jimmy: What about you , Spot? Spot: Woof! Woof! Jimmy: Yeah! Spot is free. Lets go. Role play(角色扮演) Look and say Back Its Sunday morning. Jimmy is at home. Everybody is busy. Jimmy: Dad, can you play with me? Dad: Sorry, Im busy. Im cleaning the windows. Jimmy: How about you, Mom? Mom: Sorry, Im sweeping the floor. Jimmy: Grandma, please. Grandma: Look! Im doing the dishes. Linda: And Im washing clothes. Jimmy: What about you , Spot? Spot: Woof! Woof! Jimmy: Yeah! Spot is free. Lets go. Can you read Look and say Back Its Sunday morning. Jimmy is at home. Everybody is busy. Jimmy: Dad, can you play with me? Dad: Sorry, Im busy. Im cleaning the windows. Jimmy: How about you, Mom? Mom: Sorry, Im sweeping the floor. Jimmy: Grandma, please. Grandma: Look! Im doing the dishes. Linda: And Im washing clothes. Jimmy: What about you , Spot? Spot: Woof! Woof! Jimmy: Yeah! Spot is free. Lets go. Jimmys Busy Family Its_. Were at home. Everybody is _. Look! My dad is _. My mom is _. My grandma is _. Linda is _. Spot is_. I can play with him. This is my _ family! I love my family! Sunday morningbusy free washing clothesdoing the dishes sweeping the floorcleaning the windows busy A _ Family Its _. Were at home. Everybody is_. Look! My dad is_. My mom is _. Im _ This is my _ family! I love my family! Lets write Tips: busy, happy, clean, warm, Monday morning, Friday afternoon clean the windows, sweep the floor, eat, study Early in the morning When you are sleeping, 当你在睡觉的时候, mom is cooking for you. 妈妈在为你做早餐 Eight oclock in the morning When you are watching TV, 当你在看电视的时候, dad is working. 爸爸在工作。 When you are playing computer games, 当你在玩儿电脑游戏的时候, mom is washing clothes. 妈妈在洗衣服 Four oclock in the afternoon When you are sleeping, 当你在睡觉的时候, mom is doing housework. 妈妈在做家务。 Nine oclock in the evening Lets learn to say “thanks” to your parents, and help your parents to do some housework. 学着感恩我们的父母,并帮助父母做一些家务。 1.Please say1.Please say“ “ I love you I love you” ” to to your parents.your parents. 2.Do some housework 2.Do some housework after school. after school. HOMEWORK: HOMEWORK: 快乐英语五年级(下)快乐英语五年级(下) Unit 9 A busy family (Period 1) 一、教材分析:一、教材分析: 本课是辽师大版快乐英语(三年级起点)第 6 册第 9 单元的第 一课时,本单元话题是通过家人之间的对话,谈论日常生活中正在 发生的事情,重点学习现在进行时 be doing.。了解和运用动词 短语,谈论现在正在发生的事情。 二、学生分析:二、学生分析: 本节课的教学对象是小学五年级的学生,通过一段时间的英语 学习,大部分学生已对英语学习有较浓厚的兴趣,具备一定的听、 说、读,写的能力,另外,本班的部分学生活泼好动,因此,在课堂 上要多变换学习方式,利用各种学习用具和现代化教学手段辅助教 学,培养学生良好的学习习惯,调动他们学习的积极性,增强运用 语言到实际生活中的能力。 三、教学目标:三、教学目标: 1. 知识与技能: a. 能听、说、读、写并运用本单元的动词短语 cleaning the windows, sweeping the floor, doing the dishes, washing clothes。 b. 能听懂、会读、会说、会运用现在进行时表示正在发生的动作 和事情。 c. 运用现在进行时进行 Play and say 部分的游戏。 d. 能使学生体会到英语学习的乐趣,积极参与各种课堂学习活动。 2.教学重点: 能听懂、会说并运用现在进行时在语境中的运用。 3.教学难点: 现在进行时时态的使用。 4.情感态度: 通过本课的学习不仅能让孩子理解并运用现在进行时 的用法,还能更加体谅父母的辛苦付出,同时从实际行动上尊重 父母并帮助父母做些力所能及的劳动,爱父母爱家庭。增强家庭 责任感。 5.教学用具: 多媒体课件、单词卡、实物卡片,游戏卡片。 四、设计理念四、设计理念 1、英语课程标准强调“学生是学习的主体” 。本节课将努力践行新 课程理念,通过直接教学法,对比教学法,竞赛法,游戏法等教 学方法,运用多媒体等多种教学手段,尽量创设反映真实生活情 境,给学生提供学以致用的机会,培养运用语言的能力。 2、设计螺旋递进的三个层次的任务,使学生通过感知、体验实践与 合作交流实现任务目标,让学生用英语做事情。 四、教学过程:四、教学过程: StepI . Warming-up a. Greetings T: Now lets begin our class. S: Stand up! T: Good morning ,boys and girls! S:Good morning, teacher! T: Nice to see you! S:Nice to see you ,too! T:How are you? S: Im fine, thank you! And you? T:Im fine,too! Sit down,please! (设计意图:师生问候,消除紧张情绪,把学生带进轻松愉悦的 情绪中,同时锻炼学生英语口语能力.) b. Watch a cartoon T:Boys and girls, Do you like cartoons? S:Yes,I do. T:Lets look at the blackboard, tell me, Who are they? S:大头儿子小头爸爸。 T: Yes, “The big head son and the small head dad”. (师生观看“大头儿子和小头爸爸”动画片,引出新知。这 个动画片耳熟能详,学生看英文版的内容充满好奇,故事内 容较简单,好理解,对新知识的学习起到铺垫作用) 。 StepII. Presentation. 1. T: Wow,A busy family! Everybody is busy! Answer some questions ,according to the cartoon . Q1: What are you doing, dad? (Listen again) S: Im sweeping the floor. Q2: What are you doing, mom? (Listen again) S: Im cleaning the windows. Q3: What are you doing, son? (Do you remember?) S: Im cleaning the desk. (设计意图:在情境中问答,让学生在仿真环境中感受新知。并 初步感知现在进行时的规律。) 2. Show some pictures about the teacher and students. T: Im cleaning the windows. T :Im dancing. T: Im swimming. How about you? Lets look! ( 教师借助照片介绍自己正在做的事,并给出本班学生的照片, 提问当事人正在做的事,练习使用动词的 ing 形式。) T: What are you doing, xxx? Ss: Im (设计意图:用学生熟悉的老师和同学的照片进行提问,学生更感 兴趣也更愿意参与,将所学语言运用到实际生活中。) 3. Group work. (show some cards, choose one and tell us “What are you doing?” ask one by one) T:Boys and girls, look at me ,there are some cards in my hands. Choose one card and tell me What are you dong?, S1 : What are you doing? S2: Im S3: What are you doing? (设计意图:小组中生生之间的反复练习,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围 中掌握新语言点。) 4.Game time.(提供更多的动词短语在大转盘里) Its time for the game time. T touch “Start”, S1 say “stop”, others read the sentence as quickly as they can. (设计意图:游戏更能激发学生的兴趣,在游戏中学生更乐于主动的 参与语言操练的活动,参与的人数多了,同时说的准确性也提高了。 ) 5.Show some pictures about other jobs. T: At the same time, what are they doing? Look. T:Its Friday morning, Im busy. Im sweeping the floor. Im busy too. Im doing the dishes. Look , Im cleaning the windows. Its a busy day. Listen, Im singing a beautiful song, Its exciting. Everyday is busy, but everyday is rich. (设计意图:此刻学生不但知道自己正在做的事,还了解不同行业的 工作活动,语言的使用范围得到了扩展。) 6. They are busy too, they are on duty today. Some students are on duty now. “what are you doing?” (Look at the pictures and answer the question. Write some sentences.) T:What are you dong? S:Im cleaning the blackboard. What are you dong? Im cleaning the windows. What are you dong? Im cleaning the chairs. What are you dong? Im sweeping the floor. What are you dong? Im washing my hands. (设计意图:将所学新的语言点运用到情景书写中,巩固新知。) 7.About the passage Jimmys family is busy, too! Lets listen. 1)Listen and answer (Q1:Where are they? Q2: What are they doing?) 2)Listen and imitate Boys and girls, listen the dialogue again and answer my questions. (讲解 free 的意思并回答“What is spot doing?”) 3)Role play and act Role play and act with your partner. 4)Can you read? 5)Can you fill in the blanks? (设计意图:将课文分层,通过逐步递进的方式,让孩子理解并运用 核心语言,在情境游戏中操练核心语言,达到巩固核心句型和单词 的目的。) StepIII. Consolidation and extension. 1. This is jimmys busy family. How about yours? Lets talking about your families. Lets write something about your families. Write a composition My _ Family: (设计意图:将所学新知识运用到语篇书写中。) Ss: 学生汇报自己的短文,分小组讨论。 2. Whats the family? 1) T say something about the family. 3.Boys and girls,Next lets watch a video. (设计意图:介绍家庭成员每个时间点做的事,让孩子感知每天做的 事,并体谅辛苦一天的父母为家庭的付出,从而激发孩子爱父母爱 家庭的责任感。 ) T: Early in the morning . When you are sleeping, mom is cooking for you. T: Eight oclock in the morning . When you are watching TV, dad is working. T: Four oclock in the afternoon When you are playing computer games, mom is washing clothes. T: Nine oclock in the evening When you are sleeping, mom is doing housework. T: Lets learn to say “thanks” to your parents, and help your parents to do some housework. 学着感恩我们的父母,并帮助父母做一些家务。 StepIV. Homework. Now todays homework is 1. Please say“I love you to your parents.” 2. Do some housework after school. 板书设计:板书设计: Unit 6 A busy family (图片)图片)Im sweeping the floor. (图片)图片) Im doing the dishes. Im cleaning the windows. (图片图片) Im washing clothes.(图片)(图片)
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