辽宁师大版五年级下册英语Unit 7 After school-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e1591).zip


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After school Unit 7 After school What do you usually do after school? I usually. watch TV wash clothes clean the room play football play basketball play games sweep the floor do homework do housework read books listen to music draw pictures. We are different. What do I do after school? What do I do after school? I do housework every day. Do you do housework every day? Yes, I do./No, I dont. I usually visit friends after school. Do you usually . after school? Yes, I do. I usually. No, I dont. visit friends What do I do after school? I often go shopping. shop ping go Do you often .? Yes,I do. I often. No,I dont. I dont often. Sometimes I go swimming on weekends . Do you.on weekends? go swim ming Yes,I do. No,I dont. Lets practice A:Do you often/usually_ after school? B:Yes,I do. No, I dont. watch TV do homework visit friends go shopping go swimming read books play football play basketball. Listen and say Look and guess Back School is over. Helen and Li Ming are going home. They are talking near the school gate. 1.What does Helen usually do after school? Listen and say Li Ming: What do you usually do after school, Helen? Helen: I often play the piano. Li Ming: I usually play sports after school. Helen: What sports do you play? Li Ming: And sometimes I play basketball. Helen: Wow! We are so different. I dont like sports. School is over. Helen and Li Ming are going home. They are talking near the school gate. Back Do you play the piano? No, I dont. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Listen and say Look and guess Back 1.What does Helen usually do after school? Play the piano play the guitar play the violin Listen and say Look and guess Back 2.What does Li Ming usually do after school? Listen and say Li Ming: What do you usually do after school, Helen? Helen: I often play the piano. Li Ming: I usually play sports after school. Helen: What sports do you play? Li Ming: And sometimes I play basketball. Helen: Wow! We are so different. I dont like sports. School is over. Helen and Li Ming are going home. They are talking near the school gate. Back Do you play the piano? No, I dont. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Listen and say Look and guess Back 2.What does Li Ming usually do after school? Play sports Do you like sports? Yes,I do. I like. No, I dont. I dont like. Listen and say Look and guess Back 2.What sports does Li Ming play? play football What sports do you play? I play. play basketball play ping-pong Listen and say Li Ming: What do you usually do after school, Helen? Helen: I often play the piano. Li Ming: I usually play sports after school. Helen: What sports do you play? Li Ming: And sometimes I play basketball. Helen: Wow! We are so different. I dont like sports. School is over. Helen and Li Ming are going home. They are talking near the school gate. Back Do you play the piano? No, I dont. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Fill in the blanks Li Ming: What do you usually do after school, Helen? Helen: I often play the piano. Li Ming: I usually play sports after school. Helen: What sports do you play? Li Ming: And sometimes I play basketball. Helen: Wow! We are so different. I dont like sports. School is over. Helen and Li Ming are going home. They are talking near the school gate. Back Do you play the piano? No, I dont. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Listen and say Li Ming: What do you usually do after school, Helen? Helen: I often play the piano. Li Ming: I usually play sports after school. Helen: What sports do you play? Li Ming: And sometimes I play basketball. Helen: Wow! We are so different. I dont like sports. School is over. Helen and Li Ming are going home. They are talking near the school gate. Back Do you play the piano? No, I dont. Do you play football? Yes, I do. Back A:Do you.? B:Yes, I do. /No, I dont. play sportsvisit friendsgo swimminggo shopping watch TVread booksplay the pianoplay football A: What do you usually do after school/on weekends? B: I often/usually Do you? A: Yes, No, .I often/usually Ask and answer Back read books ,play games, play football, play basketball, play sports,play the piano,clean the room, draw pictures, watch TV, listen to music,go shopping,go swimming, sweep the floor, visit friends ,do homework. Write about your life after school. Im_.I_ _ _ _. usually, often, sometimes, every day read books ,play games, play football, play basketball,play sports,play the piano, clean the room, draw pictures,watch TV, listen to music,go shopping,go swimming, sweep the floor, visit friends ,do homework. Do you like their life after school? In western countries, the children have very little homework. They have a lot of time to play. They often take part in some sports, such as football, basketball,skiing,swimming etc. They usually stay outside and play games. Sometimes they read books in the library. 在西方国家,孩子们家庭作业很少,在西方国家,孩子们家庭作业很少, 他们有许多的时间玩耍。他们经常参加一些运动,他们有许多的时间玩耍。他们经常参加一些运动, 比如足球、篮球,滑雪,游泳等。他们经常待在比如足球、篮球,滑雪,游泳等。他们经常待在 户外做游戏。有时他们在图书馆里读书户外做游戏。有时他们在图书馆里读书 Make the most of your time after school. 充分利用放学后的时间。充分利用放学后的时间。 Do something meaningful to keep fit. 做一些有意义的事情做一些有意义的事情 保持身体健康。保持身体健康。 Happy every day! 开心每一天开心每一天! 1.Make a reasonable timetable for your life after school. 为你放学后的生活制作一个合理的时间表。为你放学后的生活制作一个合理的时间表。 2. Talk with others about your life after school . 和别人讨论你放学后的生活。和别人讨论你放学后的生活。 Homework Unit7 After school 教学设计教学设计 一一Teaching aims. 1.The students can listen, say,read and write five phrases: go shopping、watch TV、go swimming、visit friends、play sports. 2.The students can understand and use the sentences Do you.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.” proficiently. 3. The Students practice the conversation in “Listen and say”and try to talk about their own life after school.(Using “What do you usually do after school? I./ Do you.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.). 4.Know the main activities of American school children after school.Make the most of the time after school. Develop broad interests and do something meaningful. 二二Teaching important and point difficult points Key Points: 1.Learn to use“What do you usually do after school?I./Do you.?Yes,I do./No,I dont.” proficiently. Difficult Points: 1.The students can use the sentence patterns for simple conversions. 2.Know the answers to general questions. 三学情分析三学情分析 五年级英语在小学英语教学中起着承上启下的作用,既是 四年级的衍生又是六年级的铺垫。我们的学生虽然已有两年的 英语学习经验,但是学习兴趣不是很高,部分学生甚至有厌恶 感,同时,许多学生还是为学习而学习,谈不上兴趣问题。回 家不会学习,无正确的学习方法,不知如何看书.学习态度谈不 上十分端正,回家以后巩固时间很少,且缺乏有效的巩固手段, 练的机会明显不足。部分学生学习的目的性不是很强,导致学 习习惯不好,学习无明确的计划,有作业就写,无作业就玩。 老师布置的作业不能按时完成。作为语言性学科,听与读是非 常关键的环节,而大多数学生这一点做的不好,这在听力测试 时表现的尤为明显。 四课前准备:短语卡片、鸿和课件四课前准备:短语卡片、鸿和课件 五教学步骤五教学步骤 (一一)Warming up and leading in 1.Greeting T: Hello boys and girls. Ss:Hello,Miss Fan T: Welcome to my class. Lets begin our lesson,are you ready? Ss: Yes. 2.Leading in T: Do you like your school life? Ss: Yes. T: Do you know the sound?When you hear the sound, class is over.Its your time after school.(课件出示放学图片) So this class well learn unit7 After school. (板书课题) I want to know your life after school. 模板一模板一 What do you usually do after school? I usually. watch TV wash clothes clean the room play football play basketball play games sweep the floor do homework do housework read books listen to music draw pictures. S1: I usually. T asks Ss: Do you usually.?(引导学生用 Yes 或 No 进行回答) S2: I usually. T: Do you.?Yes, I do. No, I dont.(板书本课重点,并引导学 生完整回答。) Ss:. T:I usually watch TV,too.(学习 watch TV) Dont watch TV too much.Its bad for your eyes. (二)(二)New presentation and drills. 1.T: I know your life after school。We are different, what do I do after school? Lets watch a video. Ss: You do housework every day. T: Yes, I do housework every day. Do you do housework every day? Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Ss: You usually visit friends after school. T: Yes ,I usually visit friends after school. (学习 visit friends) Do you usually visit friends after school? Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 模板二模板二 Do you usually.after school? Yes, I do.I usually. No, I dont.I dont usually. T: What other things do I do after school?Lets watch the video again. Ss:You often go shopping. T: Yes , I often go shopping .(学习 go shopping) Do you often go shopping ? Ss: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 模板三模板三 Do you often.? Yes, I do. I often. No, I dont.I dont often. T: Sometimes I . Ss: Sometimes you go swimming. T: Yes,sometimes I go swimming on weekends.(学习 go swimming) T: Do you go swimming on weekends? Ss:. Do you.on weekends? Yes, I do. I.on weekends. No, I dont.I dont.on weekends. 模板四模板四 A:Do you usually/often.after school? B:Yes, I do/No, I dont. (短语提示词短语提示词) 2.T: You all do a good job.Look !Who are they?( 出示 Helen 和 Li Ming 图片,介绍对话背景) Ss: . T:What do they usually do after school? Listen and answer question one (1)What does Helen usually do after school? Play the piano.(出示图片 play the guitar play the violin) (2)What does Li Ming usually do after school? Ss: Play sports T: Do you like sports? Ss:. 模板五模板五 Do you like sports? Yes,I do.I like. No, I dont.I dont like. T: What sports does Li Ming play? Ss: play football Play basketball(出示踢足球、打篮球、打乒乓球图片) 模板六模板六 What sports do you play? I. (3)T:Open books and imitate emotionally. Ss:. (4)Read in roles (5) Fill in the blanks (三)(三)Consolidation and practice 1.T:You are so great.Lets have a race. I will divide you into two teams.You are Team A,You are Team B.Are you ready? Ss:Yes. T:I will give each group 30 seconds. Make dialogues as quickly as you can. A: Do you .? B: Yes,I do. No, I dont. Ss:. (计时开始) T:Which group is the winner? Ss:. (四)(四)Extension 1.T: You give me a big surprise.Choose one picture or other things you often or usually do and make a new dialogue with your partner. 模板七模板七 A: What do you usually do after school/on weekends? B: I often/usually. Do you.? A: Yes, ./No, . I often/ usually.(提示词提示词) 2.T:Now write about your life after school.(背景音乐) Im .I I . every day,usually,often,sometimes read books ,play games, play football,play basketball, play sports,play the piano,clean the room, draw pictures,watch TV, listen to music, go shopping,go swimming, sweep the floor, visit friends ,do homework, T: Who can read? Ss: (5)Emotional education. 1.让学生了解西方国家孩子放学后的生活。 T:This is your life after school.In western countries, the children have very little homework. They have a lot of time to play. They often take part in some sports, such as football,basketball,skiing,swimming etc. They usually stay outside and play games.Sometimes they read books in the library. 在西方国家,孩子们家庭作业很少,他们有许多的时间 玩耍。他们经常参加一些运动,比如足球、篮球,滑雪, 游泳等。他们经常待在户外做游戏。有时他们在图书馆里 读书。 Do you like their life after school? T: No matter what you do.Remember: 2.Make the most of your time after school. 充分利用放学后的时间。充分利用放学后的时间。 Do something meaningful to keep fit. 做一些有意义的事情保持身体健康。做一些有意义的事情保持身体健康。 Happy every day! 开心每一天开心每一天! ! ( 六)Summary and homework 1.T: Today I think you all do a good job.Im very happy,I learned a lot in this class. Im sure you must learn a lot.Can you tell me? Ss: 2. Remember your homework (1.)Make a reasonable timetable for your life after school. 为你放学后的生活制作一个合理的时间表。为你放学后的生活制作一个合理的时间表。 (2. )Talk with others about your life after school . 和别人讨论你放学后的生活。和别人讨论你放学后的生活。 3.Time is up, Lets say goodbye .
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