教科版(广州)六下Module 3 Famous people-Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a130c).zip


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义务教育教科书英语(广州版) 六年级下册 Module 3 Famous people Period 2 Introduce Dr Sun 教师邀请学生根据所提供的关键词介绍 Dr Sun Yatsen. 既是对第一课时所学内 容的回顾,也是为学生知识归纳,语言 组织及表达等能力的提高提供平台。( 教师可先不给出关键词,了解学生在没 有提示情况下的语言组织水平,再根据 根据课堂实际情况,给出关键词提示。 ) Dr Sun Yatsen famous free leader history important make better love ( ) 1. Jiamin is reading a book about Dr Sun Yatsen. ( ) 2. Sun Yatsen is a great man. He is very important and famous in Chinese history. ( ) 3. Sun Yatsen is a great leader now, just like President Xi. ( ) 4. Sun Yatsen loved the Chinese people and tried to free them and make their lives better. ( ) 5. Chinese people love Dr Sun Yatsen. Many streets , schools and parks have his name. Listen & Write T or F ( ) 1. Jiamin is reading a book about Dr Sun Yatsen. ( ) 2. Sun Yatsen is a great man. He is very important and famous in Chinese history. ( ) 3. Sun Yatsen is a great leader now, just like President Xi. ( ) 4. Sun Yatsen loved the Chinese people and tried to free them and make their lives better. ( ) 5. Chinese people love Dr Sun Yatsen. Many streets , schools and parks have his name. Listen & Write T or F F Xiaoling T F was then Sun Yatsen was a great leader then. President Xi is a great leader now. T T Ben: What are you reading, Xiaoling? Xiaoling: A book about _. Ben: Who is he? Jiamin: Hes a very _ and _ person in Chinas history. Ben: Wow! Can you tell me _ about him? Jiamin: Yes. He was a great _. He tried to _ the Chinese people and _ their lives better. Xiaoling: Yes. He loved the Chinese people and the Chinese people love him. Jiamin: Thats right. Today many streets, schools and parks have his name. Ben: Wow, _ a great man! Dr Sun Yatsen famous Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue. Level 1 important leader free make what something Xiaoling is reading a book about _. Ben wants to know _ about him. Jiamin tells Ben Dr Sun was _. He tried to _ and _. Xiaoling tells Ben Dr Sun _ and _. Ben thinks Dr Sun is a _. Retell the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Level 2 Dr Sun Yatsen something a great leader free the Chinese people make their lives better loved the Chinese people the Chinese people love him great man Look and find. (1) He leads people and tells them what to do. (2) She teaches you new things. (3) She writes or plays music well. (4) He acts in a play or a movie. (5) Her job is singing. (6) He invents new things. (7) Her job is writing books. (8) He helps sick people. (9) She paints pictures well. l e a d e r teachr m u s i c i a n a c t o r w r i t e r s i n g e r nnorv doto pine J. K. Rowling Qi BaishiXian Xinghai Charlie Chaplin Thomas Edison J. K. Rowling writer wrote the Harry Potter books Xian Xinghai musician wrote great music Charlie Chaplin actor made many funny movies Thomas Edison inventor invented the light bulb 学生在讨论结束后以小组为 单位进行汇报。此时教师呈 现此页PPT供学生参考,程 度较好的小组可在本页对话 模板内容的基础上进行发挥 。 4 2 3 1 5 6 2 1 3 4 He is _. He was the American leader and he freed the black people. He is _. He was the first Chinese runner to win the first prize in the Olympic games. He is _. He was the first Chinese writer to win the nobel prize. He is _. He invented the telephone and made life easy for people. Liu Xiang Alexander Bell Mo Yan Abraham Lincoln 教师结合第一课时名人卡片的做法,继 续添加卡片,丰富学生对名人的认识。 (教师可考虑让学生课后自己制作名人 小卡片,看看本模块的学习结束后,可 以有多少张卡片积累。) 5 6 He is _. He was a great American film maker. He made a lot of cartoon films. He is _. He was a great Chinese painter. He painted many wonderful pictures. Xu Beihong Walt Disney 教师结合第一课时名人卡片的做法,继 续添加卡片,丰富学生对名人的认识。 (教师可考虑让学生课后自己制作名人 小卡片,看看本模块的学习结束后,可 以有多少张卡片积累。) 延续本单元第一课时所创设的情境: Ben班级“名人知多少”主题班会其中有一 个“名人知多少”竞猜活动,要提供一些灯 谜题的谜面。谜面内容为对一位名人的 描述。谜底则希望通过同学们竞猜名人 姓名而揭晓,猜对者可获得小小奖励。 由此情境教师希望学生能帮帮Ben一起 设计谜面,给他提供一些好的思路和建 议。 本页PPT提供了谜面设计的范例,供学 生参考。(谜面设计要求见下页PPT作 业布置。) He was born in 1980. He is very tall. He went to America to play basketball. Look & Ask 教师给学生看一幅名人肖像画,引导他 们就这幅图上的人物提出一些他们想知 道的问题。本环节学生自己提出问题, 为下一环节阅读短文并回答短文后的问 题做准备,既调动其积极主动思考,又 为人物介绍的思维导图的形成奠定基础 。 When you see this man, what will you ask me about him? Teachers may say: Who was he?/ Who is he? When was he born? When did he die? Where was he born? What did he do to make him famous? Why was he so famous? 本章PPT列举了学生可能会提出的问题 ,教师可以将学生的提问用关键词的形 式标注在黑板上,以便学生之后将自己的 提问与课本29页Fun with language中第 4题的提问做比对。 Read & Answer 教师借助课本P29 Fun with language第 4题的内容,让学生阅读关于音乐家 Mozart的生平介绍,并从文章中找出相 关的信息,完成表格中所列问题的回答 。 Read and answer. Mozart was a famous musician. He was born in Salzburg, Austria, in 1756. He began to play the piano when he was four. He loved the piano and played it every day. He began to write music when he was five years old. Everyone liked Mozarts music, but he didnt make a lot of money. He was very poor. He became ill and died when he was only 35 years old. QuestionsAnswers Who was Mozart? When was Mozart born? Where was Mozart born? How old was Mozart when he began to play the piano? How old was Mozart when he began to write music? When did Mozart die? Homework 设计“名人知多少”竞猜活动。 要求: 1.请用几句话描写这位名人,但文字中不要透露其姓名 。 2.至少设计一位名人的灯谜谜面。 (欢迎两份以上的设计) 3.请将谜底(名人姓名)写在练习纸卡片背面。 必做: 学教学设计学教学设计 Teacher : SubjectEnglishGradeGrade Six TitleUnit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen knowledge 1. Vocabulary: famous, person, history, leader, free, make, inventor, invent, light bulb, actor, funny, movie, musician。 2. Can understand and read the dialogue. 3. Can retell the dialogue. 4. Can talk about the famous people. abilityA:Whos she he? B:A: Can you tell me something about him? B: Teach ing aims emotionTo encourage creativity and cooperation. Main pointsUnderstand the dialogue DifficultiesRetell the dialogue. period1st period Teaching Procedure Teaching steps(time) Teachers activitiesPupils activities Warming up (Revision) 5 Activity 1: Game Activity 2: Free talk Activity 1: Look at the pictures of famous athletes and singers and say who he/she is. Activity 2: talk something about those famous people as they can. Presentation And Practice 20 Activity 3. Draw in the topic of this module: Famous People Activity 4. 1. Show the photo of Sun Yatsen and say : This person is famouse, too. Do you know anything about him? 2. draw in the topic of this unit and introduce him with some new words Activity 5. Present the new words. Activity 6. Ask the Ps to talk about Dr Sun Yatsen in details and the teacher should try to inspire them and write the words and expression on the blackboard Activity 3. Read the title Activity 4. Look and listen Activity 5. Learn and read the new words. Activity 6. try to talk in English, if they cant, they can say in Chinese Activity 7. Activity 7. Teach the new words. Activity 8. Display the text Activity 9. Listen & Judge. Learn and read. 1. Follow the teacher and read. 2. Read together all the way through. Activity 8. Look, listen and try to understand the text Activity 9. Listen & Judge. Consolidation 5 Activity 10. Ask the Ps to read the text Activity 10. Read the dialogue after the tape and read in chorus, in groups Summary 3 Activity 11. Words and expressions. Activity 11. Say out what theyve learned this class Dvelopment 5 Activity 12. Using the simple past tense to talk about the events. Activity 12. Retell the text with their own words and the right tense Homework 2 1Listen、read and try to recite the dialogue 2Retell the text. Blackboard design Module 3 Famous People Unit 5 Dr Sun Yatsen 可可以以利利用用思思维维导导图图描描述述孙孙中中山山 Dr Sun Yatsen was a famous historical person the father of modern China a great leader very important against the emperor tried to free the Chinese people make their lives better loved the people famous inventor, person invent, history light bulb leader actor, free funny, make movie, , musician A:Whos she he? B: A: Can you tell me something about him? B: 新塘镇甘泉小学教学设计新塘镇甘泉小学教学设计 Teacher : Miss Huang SubjectEnglishGradeGrade Six TitleUnit 5 Fun with Language knowledge Nouns: leader, teacher, musician, actor, singer, inventor, writer, doctor, Painter, head, play, movie Verbs: act, paint, invent ability Can understand the statements about what is special about certain people. Can use the language items to describe famous people. Teach ing aims emotionTo encourage creativity and cooperation. Main pointsCan use the language items to describe famous people. DifficultiesCan use the language items to describe famous people. period2nd period Teaching Procedure Teaching steps(time) Teachers activitiesPupils activities Leading-in: 5 Activity 1: Revision. Activity 2: Retell the text of U5. Activity 1: Revision. Activity 2: Retell Uni5 with their own words Pre-task 13 While-task 15 Activity 3: 1. Have the pupils look at the picture and retell the text of U5. 2. Listen and write T or F. 3. Check the answers. 4. Fill the blanks according to the dialogue. Activity 4: 1. Look and find. Listen and number.(P.28) 2. Get the pupils hear something about some great people and number. 3.Check the answers. Activity 3: 1. Retell the text of U5. 2.Listen to the dialogue and choose. 3.Check the answers. 4.Fill the blanks according Activity 4: 1. Listen and number. 2. Say aloud the six names. 3. Check the answers. 4. Invite the pupils to say aloud the six names. Post-task 5 Activity 5: Play a game.(P29) Get the pupils to practise the language items related to describing famous people through the guessing game like this: A: -Whos the famous people youre Thinking of? B:He/ She A:-I think he is. B:-Youre right./ No. Please try again. Activity 6: Get the pupils read and answer.(P.29) Activity 7: Conclusion. Activity 5: Play the game like this: A: -Whos the famous people youre Thinking of? B:He/ She A:-I think he is. B:-Youre right./ No. Please try again. Activity 6: 1.Read and answer.(P.29) 2.Talk and write down the sentences Homework 2 1. Finish the exercises. 2. Read the dialogue fluently. 3. Write down something about a famous person. Blackboard design Unit Five Dr Sun Yatsen A: Who is he/ she? B: He/ She is A: Can you tell something about him? B:.
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