教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 4 We can save the animals-Did you know& Self-assessment-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频+素材)--(编号:00032).zip


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Animals Free talk Whats your Whats your Whats your favouritefavouritefavourite animal? Why?animal? Why?animal? Why? What is the problem of the animals ? Animals Animals in dangerin danger Read Paragraph 1 and Read Paragraph 1 and Read Paragraph 1 and Read Paragraph 1 and answer. answer. answer. answer. Did you know that there are only 50 blue whales in the world now ? Did you know that we can no longer see any South China Tigers on the earth ? Did you know that the number of polar bear is quickly decreasing .Nowadays , thousands of animals are disappearing . 1. How many blue whales are there in the world now ? 2. What kind of animals numbers are decreasing? 3.How many animals are disappearing nowadays ? Lets Lets Lets Lets answeransweransweranswer. . . . Did you know that there are only 50 blue whales in the world now ? Did you know that we can no longer see any South China Tigers on the earth ? Did you know that the number of polar bear is quickly decreasing .Nowdays , thousands of animals are disappearing . 1. How many blue whales are in the world now ? There are only 50 blue whales in the world now. Did you know that there are only 50 blue whales in the world now ? Did you know that we can no longer see any South China Tigers on the earth ? Did you know that the number of polar bear is quickly decreasing .Nowadays , thousands of animals are disappearing . 2. What kind of animals numbers are decreasing ? Blue whales,South China Tigers and polar bears. become fewer and fewer not any more Did you know that there are only 50 blue whales in the world now ? Did you know that we can no longer see any South China Tigers on the earth ? Did you know that the number of polar bear is quickly decreasing .Nowadays , thousands of animals are disappearing . 3.How many animals are disappearing nowadays? Nowadays,thousands of animals are disappearing. at the present time, compared to the past ? ? Now ,I will take two kinds of animals as examples. Read and guess Its yellow , strong and beautiful. It likes eating meat . It lives in Asia . Take tigers as an exampleThe tiger is one of the strongest and most beautiful animals in the world . In the past, tigers could be found throughout Russia , India and East Asia. But now there are fewer than 5000 tigers in the wild. People kill the tiger for its skin and to use its body for medicine. It is so sad . Appearance Place to live Numbers Reasons to be killed in every part Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the table. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the table. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the table. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the table. Lets fill in the table . Appearance Place to live Numbers Reasons to be killed the strongest and most beautiful animals Russia, India and East Asia fewer than 5000 tigers their skin and to use its body for medicine made from furfur coat People kill tigers for fur. Many people _ fur coats _ tigers.buy made from People _ tigers _ body. Many people _ medicines _ tigers.buy made from made from medicinebody killfor Will you buy fur coats or the Will you buy fur coats or the medicines made from tigers ?medicines made from tigers ? Why?Why? It has a long nose and big ears . It lives in Africa and Asia. It likes eating plants and grass. Read and guess What do you know about elephants from the video? A male elephant can be up to four metres tall. It can weight up to 6.5 tons. They can eat up to 200 kg of food a day. And they eat for 18 hours a day! Do you have any questions about elephants? Lets Lets discuss in group. discuss in group. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 African elephants are the biggest animals on land . They are strong and clever animals .But their number is also decreasing . People in Africa cut down trees and the elephants have no place to live . Water pollution also brings problem to the elephants . Some people kill elephants for their tusks . They sell elephant tusks for money . the long , pointed teeth that come out of the mouth of some animals Read Paragraph 3 and find out the answers. Read Paragraph 3 and find out the answers. Read Paragraph 3 and find out the answers. Read Paragraph 3 and find out the answers. Do you want to live in a world with no animals ? If not , please do something now . Dont pollute . Dont kill . Dont buy things made from animals in danger . Lets work together and try our best to save the animals in danger . Or they may disappear forever. 1.Why are the animals in danger ? 2.How can we save the animals in danger? Read Paragraph 4 and discuss.Read Paragraph 4 and discuss.Read Paragraph 4 and discuss.Read Paragraph 4 and discuss. Animals are in danger. 1. People cut down the forests . 2. People pollute the river and oceans 3.People kill the animals for their skin ,tusks and body . . . . . . . Why ?Why ?Why ?Why ? Would you like to live in a world with NO animals? We only have one earth! We need to save the animals! Animals are in danger. 1. People cut down the forests . 2. People pollute the rivers and oceans 3.People kill the animals for their skin ,tusks and body . Why ?Why ?Why ?Why ? 1. Plant trees and dont cut the forests . 2.Dont pollute the rivers and oceans . 3.Never buy things made from animals in danger . 4.Love the animals and dont keep the amimals in the zoo. 5.We all work together we can save the animals . How to do How to do How to do How to do ? ? ? ? How do you feel ? How do you think of the peoples activities? Make a poster to save the animals in group . dolphin Save the animalsSave the animals _are in danger._ _ _ _ _ _ Paragraph1: Why the animals are in danger ? Paragraph 2 :How to save the animals? Paragraph 3 :A slogan(标语) about saving animals . fox blue whale polar bear Lets work together Lets work together and try our best to and try our best to save the animals in save the animals in danger .danger . Homework: 1. Group Job :Continue to make a poster about saving the animals. 2. Surf the net and know more ways to save the animals. Wordsheet (课中学习) Animals in danger Did you know that there are only 50 blue whales in the world now ? Did you know that we can no longer see any South China Tigers on the earth ? Did you know that the number of polar bears is quickly decreasing? Nowadays, thousands of animals are disappearing . Take tigers as an exampleThe tiger is one of the strongest and most beautiful animals in the world . In the past, tigers could be found throughout Russia , India and East Asia. But now there are fewer than 5000 tigers in the wild. People kill the tiger for its skin and to use its body for medicine. It is so sad . African elephants are the biggest animals on land . They are strong and clever animals .But their number is also decreasing . People in Africa cut down trees and the elephants have no place to live . Water pollution also brings problem to the elephants . Some people kill elephants for their tusks . They sell elephant tusks for money . Do you want to live in a world with no animals ? If not , please do something now . Dont pollute . Dont kill . Dont buy things made from animals in danger . Lets work together and try our best to save the animals in danger . Or they may disappear forever. Task1: Read paragraph 1 and answer the questions. (请在文中第一段划出答案) 1. How many blue whales in the world now ? 2. What kind of animals numbers are decreasing? 3.How many animals are disappearing nowadays ? Task 2 :Read paragraph 2 and fill in the tables.(请在文中第二段找答案并写出关键 词) Apperance Place to live Numbers Reasons to be killed Task 3 :Discuss the questions about paragraph 4 .(默读第四段思考并小组讨论以 下问题) 1.Why the animals are in danger ? 2.How can we save the animals in danger? 研修促进发展 课堂陶养生命 广州市第一一三中学陶育实验学校广州市第一一三中学陶育实验学校 教教 学学 设设 计计 课题课题 名称名称 Animals in danger 科科 目目英语 年级年级 六年级执教时间执教时间 设计设计/ /施教施教 教教材材 分分析析 本文选自于拓展读与写六年级下册。文章主要谈论濒危动物的生存现状,是 Module 2 Animals 的拓展阅读材料。在 Module 2 的教学内容里,主题是讨论濒危动物,学生已经知道 了濒危动物所遇到的问题和解决办法,这节阅读课是课本 Module 2 的阅读主题的延伸,能较 好地拓宽展学生的阅读视野。本文篇幅教长,因此采用分段教学的方式降低学习难度。 学学情情 分分析析 六年级的学生已经过了三年的英语学习,大部分学生都具有简单的英语口语表达能力。本 班学生的两级分化比较突出,部分学生的口语表达能力较强而且表达的意愿也很强,但是也有 部分的学生英语基础薄弱,难以进行简单的英语口语表达的。本课时学习的内容是关于濒危动 物,由于 Module2 的课文学习中也有对学生进行环境保护爱护动物等的思想意识的教育与渗透, 话题本身也与学生的日常生活密切相关,因此学生应该是有比较多的真实感受的。 教学教学 目标目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: 【词汇词汇】在语境中认读、理解、运用以下单词:no longer , decrease , nowadays , tusks ,throughout 【句型句型】能理解和运用以下句型: Nowadays , thousands of animals are disappearing . People kill the tiger for its skin and to use its body for medicine . Water pollution also brings problems to the elephants . Some people kill elephants for their tusks . 2. Language skills 语言技能:语言技能: 1)学生能通过篇章学习,用所学句型阐述现在动物所面临的困难和原因。 2)学生能用英语汇报濒危动物所面临的问题,提出拯救濒危动物的解决办法。 3)学生能通过细节阅读捕捉关键信息。 3.Affections 情感态度:情感态度: 敢于开口自信用英语交流。通过合作学习,相互帮助,完成学习任务。通过本文的学习,要学 会爱护动物,特别是濒危动物,养成保护动物和保护环境的好习惯。 4.Learning Strategies 学习策略:学习策略: 1) 通过小组合作学习,提高解决问题的能力。 2)学生学会从听、读活动中获取所需信息。 教学教学 重难点重难点 教学教学重点:重点:1. 文本的理解,解决关于文本的问题; 2.通过层层递进的阅读策略训练学生的阅读 能力 教学难点教学难点:1.能针对濒临动物所面临的问题,提出挽救濒危动物的建议,并以倡议书形式进行展 示。 教学教学 资源资源 自制课件, worksheet,微课,视频 研修促进发展 课堂陶养生命 教学教学 结构结构 教学进程教学进程 I. Pre-reading (5 分钟)分钟) Activity 1:Free talk about animals Activity2: Watch a video and then answer the question. Question : What is the problem of the animals ? 设计设计 说明说明 以一问一答的形式引入篇章学习,唤醒学生的旧知,激发学生进入篇章学习的兴趣。 观看视 频知道现存世界上的动物越来越少,引出篇章的阅读主题 Animals in danger 。 II. While-reading (25 分钟)分钟) Activity 3 : Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions. Questions: 1. How many blue whales in the world now ? 2. What kind of animals numbers are disappearing ? 3.How many animals are disappearing nowadays ? Activity 4 : Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the tables . Activity 5: Watch a Micro lesson about elephants and answer the questions. Question: What do you know about elephants from the video? Activity 6: Try to ask some questions about elephants in group. Activity 7: Read Paragraph 3 and find out the answers to the questions. Activity 9 : Discuss the questions about Paragraph 4 in group. Questions : 1.Why are the animals in danger ? 2.How can we save the animals in danger? 设计设计 说明说明 在篇章学习中,通过分段的学习策略解决 4 个段落的理解。在阅读技巧方面,通过不同层次的 阅读问题和策略的设计,比如带问题在文章中找答案, 根据文章完成表格,根据段落的内容自创 问题并解答,从中培养学生阅读能力和解答问题的能力。在 Mind-map 环节通过小组交流,互相 学习,口述完成思维导图,训练了学生的口头表达能力和对所学知识进行总结的能力。 Pre-reading While-reading Post-reading GreetingWatch a video and answer the question Read and answer the questions in P1 Read and fill in the table about P2 Ask the questions about P3 and answer Discuss the answers about P4 in groups Do and share the poster about saving the animals 研修促进发展 课堂陶养生命 III.Post -reading (10 分钟)分钟) Make the poster about how to save the animals in groups and share in class. 设计设计 说明说明 通过小组合作制作拯救濒危动物的英文海报并全班分享展示,培养学生的运用英语做事情的能 力,同时提高学生爱护动物,保护环境的意识。 板板书书 设设计计 New words : no longer decrease nowadays thoughtout tusk 设设计计 总总评评 这是根据六年级下册 Module 2 Animals 这一模块而设计的一堂英语阅读拓展课,在 Module 2 的教学内容里,主题是讨论濒危动物和爱护地球动植物生存环境,学生已经知道了濒临动物所遇 到的问题和解决办法,这节阅读课是围绕课本里 Module 2 的阅读的延伸,通过阅读材料不仅拓 展学生的阅读视野,知道更多的濒临动物的现状,造成的问题,而且学生能总结出解决的办法, 提出挽救濒危动物的倡议。在教学的同时,不仅掌握了一些阅读的技巧,更重要的是在教学的同 时优化英语思维品质,这也是这节课重要的教学任务之一。所以,在思维导图的时候,着重训练 了学生用英语进行总结的能力;在新词的学习中,也是用英英翻译,着重培养学生用英语思维去 分析解释的能力;在篇章第三段介绍大象的学习中, 我也是有意识地培养学生用英语提问的能 力。在篇章教学中不仅仅要落实知识点的教学,更重要的是培养学生的英语思维,这才是我们英 语教学的重要目标。
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教科版(广州)六下Module Animals_Unit We can save the animals_Did you know Self-assessment_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+视频+素材)__(编号:00032 教科版
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