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The Biggest Hamburger and the Smallest Pizza What can you see in the picture? What do you think of the castles? Can you give a name to each castle? Big Man Country Small Man country What do you think of the people in Big Man Country and people in Small Man Country? Big Small Whats everything like in Big Man Country and in Small Man Country? Big Man CountrySmall Man Country peoplebigsmall knivesbigsmall bowlsbigsmall Talk in pair and try to say as many differences as you can. in Big Man Country are in Small Man Country are What are they making? What do you think of the pizza and the hamburger? too big too small not small enough not big enough How to make it smaller? How to make it bigger? Cut it smaller and smaller Put more We put more_ _ _ _ _ to make the hamburger bigger. We think it is bigger than everything in Small Man country. What do you think of the things they make? too big too small not small enough not big enough How to make it smaller? How to make it bigger? Cut it smaller and smaller Put more Reading (page 7-15) 1.What are the pizza and the hamburger like at last? 2.What do they think of the pizza and the hamburger? 3.What do you think of what they make? 1.Is the pizza small enough for the small men? 2.Is the hamburger big enough for the big men? Do they like the gifts? The pizza is still too big. The hamburger is still too small. But it didnt matter. They loved the gifts and they had a good time together. If your friend give you a gift that is not suitable for you, what do you think and what will you do? The gift itself may be small, but the goodwill is deep. 礼轻情意重礼轻情意重 What would they say to each other? What would they do next? Thank you for your gift. I know you made it by your heart. I will enjoy it with my children. Thank you for your gift too. I think it is delicious. They have a good time at the party. The big men teach the small men to make the hamburger. The small men teach the big man to make the pizza. What do you think of the things they make? too big too small not small enough not big enough How to make it smaller? How to make it bigger? Cut it smaller and smaller Put more 1.Read the story. 2.Continus the story. Homework: The Biggest Hamburger and the Smallest Pizza What can you see in the picture? What do you think of the castles? Can you give a name to each castle? Big Man Country Small Man country What do you think of the people in Big Man Country and people in Small Man Country? Big Small Whats everything like in Big Man Country and in Small Man Country? Big Man CountrySmall Man Country peoplebigsmall knivesbigsmall bowlsbigsmall Talk in pair and try to say as many differences as you can. in Big Man Country are in Small Man Country are What are they making? What do you think of the pizza and the hamburger? too big too small not small enough not big enough How to make it smaller? How to make it bigger? Cut it smaller and smaller Put more We put more_ _ _ _ _ to make the hamburger bigger. We think it is bigger than everything in Small Man country. What do you think of the things they make? too big too small not small enough not big enough How to make it smaller? How to make it bigger? Cut it smaller and smaller Put more Reading (page 7-15) 1.What are the pizza and the hamburger like at last? 2.What do they think of the pizza and the hamburger? 3.What do you think of what they make? 1.Is the pizza small enough for the small men? 2.Is the hamburger big enough for the big men? Do they like the gifts? The pizza is still too big. The hamburger is still too small. But it didnt matter. They loved the gifts and they had a good time together. If your friend give you a gift that is not suitable for you, what do you think and what will you do? The gift itself may be small, but the goodwill is deep. 礼轻情意重礼轻情意重 What would they say to each other? What would they do next? Thank you for your gift. I know you made it by your heart. I will enjoy it with my children. Thank you for your gift too. I think it is delicious. They have a good time at the party. The big men teach the small men to make the hamburger. The small men teach the big man to make the pizza. What do you think of the things they make? too big too small not small enough not big enough How to make it smaller? How to make it bigger? Cut it smaller and smaller Put more 1.Read the story. 2.Continus the story. Homework: Module1 Stories 拓展阅读课拓展阅读课 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是在学习了本模块两个寓言故事之后,进行拓展延伸的一节课。本课 内容是北京师范大学出版社,王文静主编的攀登英语阅读系列第五级的内容。 主要内容是关于大人国和小人国为彼此精心准备礼物的故事。文中的配图和文 字运用了对比的手法,将大人国在准备礼物 Pizza 的过程以及遇到的困难,跟 小人国在准备礼物 Hamburger 的过程以及困难进行了鲜明的对比,目的是突出 他们能从对方的需要出发,克服重重困难为彼此准备一份合适的礼物。基于以 上分析,在教学过程中,教师通过引导学生观察图片,预测故事,提取信息, 锻炼学生的分析解码能力;通过设置各种开放性问题,激发学生发散性思维, 调动他们的学习积极性;通过鼓励学生在阅读过程中不断带入自身的感受,尊 重他们依据自身经验所做出的推测和理解,从而实现与文本的互动;通过设置 各种活动任务,让学生参与体验,激活他们的生活经验和好奇心,提高学生解 决问题的能力;通过引导学生对故事进行讨论和对比,让学生明白“礼轻情意 重”的道理。 二、二、教学对象分析教学对象分析 本班学生英语学习兴趣浓厚,基础比较扎实,口语表达能力也比较强,课堂 上喜欢表现自己。在四年级的时候,他们已经学习了攀登英语阅读系列第四级 的内容,初步学会通过观察图片,提取信息。在本节课上,会继续引导学生观 察图片,理解绘本大意,通过各种开放性问题,激发学生发散性思维,还通过 布置小组任务,培养学生小组合作能力以及解决问题的能力。 三、三、教学目标教学目标 (一) 语言能力目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1) 能准确读出下列生词并通过图片和语境理解生词意思: decided, enough, found, item (2) 能读懂绘本故事,准确并比较流畅地读绘本故事 2. 语用目标 能把故事讲给朋友或家人听,能跟同学讨论里面的内容并对故事进行续写 (二) 思维品质目标 1. 能通过观察图片,对故事情节进行预测,讨论和分析,锻炼学生分析问题和 解决问题的能力 2. 能通过阅读绘本,结合实际,进行分析判断,培养学生的批判性思维和逻辑 性思维 (三) 文化品格目标 能通过阅读绘本,学会从对方的角度考虑问题,明白“礼轻情意重”的道理 四、四、教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 (1) 教学重点 能读懂绘本故事,对故事情节进行分析判断,并结合自己的生活实际,提出自 己的见解 (2) 教学难点 能大胆想象,对绘本故事进行有创意地续写 五、五、教学理念及策略教学理念及策略 (1) 教学理念 1. 英语学习活动观:英语语言的学习必须基于语篇语境,通过建立与学生 实际生活相关联的活动,让学生体验,感受,运用语言 2. 王蔷教授英语阅读素养:英语阅读不仅要培养学生的解码能力和理解能 力,还要培养学生的阅读习惯,让学生进行阅读体验 (2) 全语言教学观:鼓励孩子们在阅读过程中不断带入自身的感受,从而实 现与文本的互动,尊重他们依据自身经验所做出的推测和理解 (3) 教学策略:情境教学法,对比教学法, 小组合作学习教学法 六、六、教学媒体教学媒体 多媒体课件、视频、任务卡 七、七、 教学过程教学过程 I. preparation: good better best game 【设计意图:通过热身游戏,复习比较级最高级,仍学生快速进入学习状态, 为后面的学习进行铺垫,通过游戏,引出绘本故事封面。 】 II Pre-reading (page2-3) 1. Guessing: 1) What can you see in the picture? (two castles) 【设计意图:通过观察图片,提取跟故事有关的重要信息,预测故事发生的地 点。 】 2) What do you think of the castles? 【设计意图:通过对比两个城堡,说出他们的异同,为下文绘本的理解做铺垫。 】 3) Can you give a name to these two countries through reading the picture? 【设计意图:通过让学生给两个城堡起名字,激发学生的发散性思维,促发他 们进一步思考。 】 2. Listen and know the names ( Big Man Country and Small Man country) 【设计意图:通过听第 3-4 页的录音,让学生知道两个国家的名字。 】 3. Pair work 1) What do you think of the people in the Big Man Country and the people in the Small Man Country? 【设计意图:让学生通过国家名字,猜测出两个国家的人的样子,也为下一 步的想象做示范。 】 2) Whats everything like in the Big Man Country and in the Small Man Country? Big Man CountrySmall Man Country PeopleBigSmall HousesBigSmall The people in Big Man Country is but the people in Small Man Country is 【设计意图:通过想象,同桌合作完成表格,培养学生的想象能力。 】 III. While-reading (page4-15) 1.Listen and answer the questions (page4-5) 1) What are they doing? ( pizza and hamburger) 2) Why do they make these things? ( They are going to have a party and they make pizza and hamburgers as gifts) 【设计意图:通过听 4-5 页的录音,让学生进一步了解故事发展情况,为下文 学习做铺垫。 】 2.discussing (page7 and page11) 1) What do you think of the things they make? 2) Do what they make are suitable for each other? Why? (The pizza is too big for the Small Men and the hamburger is too small for the Big Men) 【设计意图:通过观察图片并讨论,促发学生思考,发现问题,为下一个任务 的布置做铺垫。 】 3.Group work 1) The pizza is not small enough and how to make it smaller? 【设计意图:通过小组讨论,促发学生结合实际进行思考,并分享各自想到的 办法。 】 3) The hamburger is not big enough and how to make it bigger? 【设计意图:通过小组讨论合作完成任务卡,培养学生小组合作意识以及问题 解决的能力。 】 Chicken We put more_ _ _ _ to make the hamburger bigger. We think it is bigger than everything in the Big Men country. 4. Reading (page 7-15) 1) What are the pizza and the hamburger like at last? 2) What do they think of what they make? 3) What do you think of what they make? 【设计意图:给学生独立默读的时间,让学生通过默读,理解绘本故事,并通 过发表对所做礼物的看法,预测故事结尾。 】 IV. Post-reading 1. Is the pizza small enough for the small men? 2. Is the hamburger big enough for the big men? 3. Do they like the gifts? 4. If your friend give you a gift that is not suitable for you, what do you think and what will you do? 【设计意图:通过一系列的问题,让学生体会感受故事结局,并结合自身情况, 发表看法,达到情感提升的目的。 】 V Consolidation 1. read the story again and try to retell the story according to the blackboard. 【设计意图:通过听读故事,进一步熟悉绘本,根据板书复述绘本,培养学生 语言综合运用能力。 】 2.What would they say to each other and what would they do next? 【设计意图:促使学生进一步思考,鼓励学生大胆想象,为课后的续写做铺垫】 VI. Homework 熟读绘本故事并把续写故事熟读绘本故事并把续写故事 VII. Board-writing Big Men CountrySmall Men Country Not bigger enough Put more Cut it smaller Not small enough
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