教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 2 Waiting for another hare-Let's read-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:30aaa).zip


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One day, a farmer was working in the fields. Suddenly, a hare ran very fast and crashed into a tree. It fell to the ground and died. The man picked up the hare and took it back home. He cooked it and had a delicious meal. “To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the fields. ” he said to himself. From then on, the farmer didnt work any more. All day long he sat in the fields and waited for a hare to appear. working in the field run very fast crash into a tree fall to the ground pick up cook it and have a delicious meal sit in the field 1.crash1.crash 2.die2.die 3.wait3.wait 4.cook4.cook 5.pick5.pick crashed died waited cooked picked 1.run 2.fall- 3.take - 4.sit- 5.has/have - ran fell (倒下,落下倒下,落下 ) took sat had A. Questions: 1.How did the hare die? 2.Did the farmer eat the hare? 3.Did the farmer work any more after he picked up the hare? 4.Do you think he could pick up another hare? A. Questions: 1.How did the hare die? The hare ran very fast and crashed into the tree. It fell to the ground and died. 2.Did the farmer eat the hare? Yes, he did. 3.Did the farmer work any more after he picked up the hare? No, he didnt. To is certainly easier than to To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the fields. To say is certainly easier than to do. To_ is certainly easier than to_. One day, was working in the . Suddenly, ranand crashed into . It fell to and . Retell the story The . picked up and took back home. He cooked and had a meal. Retell the story “To is certainly easier than to . ” he said to himself. Retell the story From then on, didnt any more. All day long sat and waited for to appear. What had you learn today? Dont wait for another hare. Go for it! No pain no gain. From then on he slept under the tree and (1)_ the hare to appear. He (2)_ , but there wasnt a hare. One day, another farmer came .He saw the farmer under the tree. He asked him, “Why are you sleeping on the floor?” The farmer opened his eyes and said, “There will be a hare to appear .It will (3)_ the tree and die .I am going to wait it.” The other farmer laughed and went away. A few days later the farmer was very hungry and sad. He saw the fields full of (4)_, and the vegetables were died. From then on, the farmer knew that he couldnt sit in the fields and wait for the hare. He must work hard. He works (5)_ . At last he got much of corpper. Such as (6)_, _, _, _, _, _. 续写故事,1-5用所给的单词填空,6补充你所认识的蔬菜水果名称 。 crash intowaited and waitedharder and harder waited forgrass Homework: 1.Read the fable as much as you can. 2.Try to retell the fable. 3.Copy the new words and have a dictation. Thank you! Unit 2 Waiting for another hare. 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计 Teaching plan for Unit 2: Waiting for another hare. (第二课时) 一、教学内容分析:一、教学内容分析: Unit 2 主要的内容分为借书用语和寓言故事两部分。本课的教学内容是一 篇中国古代寓言故事, Waiting for Another Hare.讲的是一个寓言故事“守 株待兔”,教学内容趣味性较强,而且属于小故事大道理,具有一定的教育意义。 本课通过寓言故事的教学让学生充分发挥他们的丰富想象力,让学生懂得如何 用英语讲故事和表演寓言故事,并借此训练学生的写作能力,在学习寓言的同 时复习一般过去式,而且也要求学生去续写故事,把故事中的道理:Dont wait for another hare. Go for it。延续下去 二、学二、学情分析:情分析: 孩子到了六年级下学期,他们的年龄和身心已接近初中生的水平,有他们 自己的思维和行为方式,他们比较喜欢自主和有思维挑战性的学习;他们善于 利用自己的想象力学习和使用语言,老师要提供更多可发挥想象的情景和空间, 给予他们自主学习和探索的机会,才能真正引起和保持学生对英语的兴趣,提 高学习的效率;他们已经基本养成了较好的学习习惯,乐于和同学分享自己的 学习经验和方法,而且对英语科有比较浓厚的兴趣,他们喜欢和老师一起去学 习,共同解决学习上的难题。具备初步的运用英语进行听、说、读、写的能力, 喜欢生动有趣和自主学习的方式,乐于和别人通过合作进行学习。 三、教学策略:三、教学策略: 通过老师现场表演这一故事,从中引出单词的学习,通过学生自主的方式 学习单词和短语并通过运用中理解单词的含义和用法。课文学习方面,因为故 事、寓言的趣味性较强,学生具备初步的运用英语进行听、说、读、写的能力, 可以用多种多样的自主的思维学习练习让学生达到理解甚至讲出这个故事的要 求。发展部分让学生学到知识后,马上进行运用,多读一个寓言故事,发展学生 阅读的能力。并通过选择的形式,让学生多了解中国寓言故事的英语名称。 四、教学目标:四、教学目标: (一)语言知识目标: 1、掌握本课单词以及短语(单词:field, suddenly, hare, ground, certainly, himself;短语:pick up, from then on, any more, all day long, wait for) ; 2、能理解并能在 key words 的帮助下复述或讲述整个故事; 3、续写本故事,做相应的练习。 (二)语言技能目标: 1、能连贯的复述或讲述本寓言故事; 2、能通过理解,学习新的故事。 (三)思想情感目标: 1、能通过合作学习,培养合作精神。 2、通过老师的引导培养学生的爱读书的习惯; 3、通过寓言的学习促进学生学习的积极性,使学生体验到用英语表达情感的乐 趣,增强英语学习自信心。 (四)学习策略目标: 小组合作学习,发展学生的灵活运用英语的能力。 (五)文化意识目标: 让学生更好地了解中国的寓言故事用英语是怎样表达。 五、教学重、难点:五、教学重、难点: 教学重点:学生能理解课文内容,并简单复述寓言故事。 教学难点:“To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the fields.” 六、教学过程:六、教学过程: (一) Warming up 1、Greeting. Free talk and get ready for the new lesson. 2、Sing a song. (二)Preparation 1、出示图片,猜一猜今天所学的内容。 (设计意图:一来活跃课堂气氛,集中学生注意力。二来为了让学生更快 地融入英语课堂,适应环境。) 2、揭示课题。 学生看图片,说下是什么寓言故事。 利用学生对故事有浓厚的兴趣,引出一 个有关 farmer 与 hare 的故事。从而引入课题学习 Unit 10 Waiting for Another Hare. (设计意图:让学生清楚明白本节课学习的内容,为下面作铺垫。) 3、Tell the story. A、老师结合图画与身体语言表演讲故事,让学生认真听。 (设计意图:老师结合身体语言讲故事目的是吸引学生注意听,同时帮助 他们理解故事大意。) B、全班跟老师一起学说故事,并教、学新单词。(field 、ground、pick up、himself、any more、wait for) (设计意图:老师边讲故事边结合图画与动作教新单词,一来可以让学生 整体认知,二来可以帮助学生理解单词的含意与用法。同时也为每个学生都轻 松容易地掌握句型。) C、全班结合图读短语做动作。 (设计意图:充分给学生一个学习语言的机会,调动课堂气氛,同时培养 学生大胆开口说英语及积极参与到课堂学习中来) D、TPR game. (一个学生做动作,其他学生猜出与本课有关的短语) 4、Listen to the story and answer the questions. (设计意图:充分给学生一次全面理解、认知课文的机会,同时让他们有 一次语言输入的机会,带着问题去听读课文,初读课文整体感知,遇到不认识 的单词、词组与句子找出来,然后全班师生共同学习与解决,为下面的环节做 好充分的准备。) (三) Development. 1、按提示词,复述故事。 (设计意图:整体复述故事,既能充分发挥学生学习的积极性,也让老师 知道他们对本课有那些不明之处,让教与学更加有针对性,共同解决重难点, 给予提示词对寓言进行复述从而达到演绎的层次,不断提高学生的综合运用能 力。) 2、分小组表演课文。 (设计意图:学生分小组分角色去表演课文,发挥他们的小组合作精神, 调动整体的学习积极性。) 3、归纳总结学习本寓言的道理,让孩子能懂得“没有付出就没有收获” 的道理。 4、根本提示词续写故事。 (四)Homework for today. 1.Read the fable as much as you can. 2.Try to retell the fable. 3.Copy the new words and have a dictation. 板书设计: Unit 2 Waiting for another hare. field suddenly To is certainly easier hare ground than to pick up certainly himself from then on any more all day long wait for 一、读例子,然后用自己的想法完成句子。 To is certainly easier than to 1、To pick up a hare is certainly easier than to work in the fields. 2、To say is certainly easier than to do. To_ is certainly easier than to_. 二、 续写故事,1-5 用所给的单词填空,6 补充你所认识的 蔬 菜水果名称。 crash into, waited and waited, harder and harder, waited for, grass From then on he slept under the tree and (1)_ the hare to appear. He (2)_ , but there wasnt a hare. One day, another farmer came .He saw the farmer under the tree. He asked him, “Why are you sleeping on the floor?” The farmer opened his eyes and said, “There will be a hare to appear .It will (3)_ the tree and die .I am going to wait it.” The other farmer laughed and went away. A few days later the farmer was very hungry and sad. He saw the fields full of (4)_, and the vegetables were died. From then on, the farmer knew that he couldnt sit in the fields and wait for the hare. He must work hard. He works (5)_ . At last he got much of corpper. Such as (6)_, _, _, _, _, _. 尊敬的各位评委、老师: 大家上午好! 我上的这节课内容是 Grade six Module 1 Unit 2 Waiting for Another Hare. 讲的是一个寓言故事“守株待兔”。描述一个农民在某一天捡到了一只野兔之后, 再也不工作,整天等着兔子的出现。 在进行这一课堂的教学设计时,我采取整体分部整体的呈现方法,帮助 学生理解故事和复述故事。在教学中,我围绕故事内容,借助多媒体、图画、 身体语言等手段进行教学,让学生听一听,说一说,读一读,演一演,写一写。 实在而有效。 这一节课让我最深刻的地方是,作为故事教学的目的是提高学生获取信息 的能力,对于小学生来说,他们不必要完全理解故事内容,只要基本理解就可 以了,在理解故事的基础上获取信息,这是最为重要的。老师在故事教学中的 作用是一个引导者,帮助孩子们理解故事,如果老是过于参与,学生本身的能 力就会丢失,应该让学生自己学,实在处理不了老师再帮忙。,英语归根结底 是一门语言,我们的最终目的并不是看学生掌握了多少咱们所谓的“重点”,而 是学生是否把英语作为一门语言,真正的运用到自己的日常生活中。 我觉得这节课的课堂实施效果最好的地方有以下这方面: 一、一、 激发学生学习的兴趣,主动参与。激发学生学习的兴趣,主动参与。 六年级学生的学习心态已经有所不同,他们不再喜欢过多的课堂活动或在 课堂里蹦蹦跳跳,说说笑笑,那如何更好的去过渡呢?在教学过程中,我结合 自己丰富的身体语言动作去吸引学生的注意,激发他们得兴趣,让他们不知不 觉得投入到学习当中。又如:要求学生把他们的疑难点写出,全班与老师或同 学一起共同学习,这样改变了以往老师教什么,学生学什么的教法。而是变成 了学生他自己要学什么的主动行为。这使教与学都具有针对性。 二、二、 小组合作学习,发挥集体力量。小组合作学习,发挥集体力量。 例如:学生可以通过共同学习,合作交流的方式去完成任务。又如:在学 生表演这一环节,每个学生都有参与机会,即使是扮演一颗树的角色,他们都 很投入很认真,为求自己组能得到别人的认同。发挥集体力量,做到最好。 三、三、 建立探索性学习法式,培养创新意识。建立探索性学习法式,培养创新意识。 英语学习也要有创新精神,有创造性的语言,才是丰富的语言。在发展部 分,要求学生把故事结局写出这一环节,让我很惊讶!没有想到学生能用这么 丰富的语言去表达,真是日久显真知。 当然在这一节课,我还存在很多不足,如学了 tois certainly easier than to句型后应该让学生联系生活实际进行造句,巩固所学句型。另外还有在单 词的教学方面,我未能做得很好,希望日后的教学中,多些使用 phonics 和对 比等教学方法,以减轻学生背单词的负担。 另外还有些地方需要改进,敬请各位领导老师予以指正,不胜感激 一、一、Complete the story One day a farmer was _ in the fields. Suddenly a hare _ very fast and _ into a tree. It _ to the ground and _. The man _ _ the hare and _ it back home. He _ it and _ a delicious meal. “To _ _ a hare is certainly easier than to _ in the fields,” he _to himself. From then on, the farmer didnt _any more. All day long he _ in the fields and _ _ a hare to _.
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