教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 2 Waiting for another hare-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:40959).zip


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Module 1 Stories Unit 2 Period 2 Look and say. Look and guess. Look at these pictures and guess what the story is about? Read and number. (使用说明:阅读第一遍,给 图片排序) Read and answer. 1. What did the farmer buy? 2.Why didnt the farmer plant the tree in his field or his garden? 3.Suddenly,what idea did the farmer have? 4. What happened to his orange tree at last? (使用说明:阅读第二遍 ,完成以下问题) 5.What do you think of the farmer ? Read and answer. A farmer loved eating oranges.One day he bought a young orange tree at the market. 1. What did the farmer buy? He bought a young orange tree. (使用说明:以问题为出发点,层层 递进,再现相应文本内容,并同步板 书设计思维导图,以便让学生更深入 地理解故事内容及在故事中学习新词 ;呈现文本时,可以让学生来朗读一 下文本内容) Read and answer. “Where should I plant the tree? If I plant it in my field, my neighbours will come at night and take the oranges .If I plant it in my garden, my children will take it, the farmer said to himself. 2.Why didnt the farmer plant the tree in his field or his garden? Read and answer. Suddenly the farmer had an idea , I will plant it in the forest! Nobody can see it there. 3.Suddenly,what idea did the farmer have? Read and answer. But the forest was too dark and the youngorange tree soon died. 4. What happened to his orange tree at last? The young orange tree soon died. 5.What do you think of the farmer and whats the best title for the story ? Retell the story with the mind map. (使用说明:根据黑板上的思维导图复述故事内容) Listen and circle. (1) An old man met a young man in the country . True False (2) The old man knew the young man very well. True False (3) The old man didnt want to answer the young mans question. True False (4) The old man didnt know where the city was. True False (5) The old man didnt know how fast the young man could walk. Ture False (6) The old man was mad.(疯的) True False A young man was lost. He met an old man in the country.Could the old man help him? Lets talk. What do you think of the old man in the story ? Do you like the story? Why ? Mr Dongguo and the Wolf A long time ago , Mr Dongguo saved(救) a wolf (狼),because the wolf had no way to run.The hunters (猎人)would kill him. Lets read. 1.Was the wolf a good wolf ? 2.Did the wolf thank Mr Dongguo for he saved it? 3.What happened to them after the farmer saved the wolf? (使用说明:先出示故事背景,再让学生提一些关于 本故事的一些问题,再让学生阅读故事第一遍,回 答这些问题) Wolf: Help !Help ! The hunters are coming! Mr Dongguo: Sorry . How can I help you? Wolf: Look , there is a bag on your horses back .I can go into the bag. If the hunters want to know where I am , please dont them. Mr Dongguo: Ok . Please come into the bag. (The wolf tried its best to go into the bag . The hunter couldnt see the wolf . They went away.) Wolf: Hello , Mr Dongguo , where are the hunters? Mr Dongguo: They went away already . You can come out! (The wolf came out . It opened its big mouth to eat Mr Dongguo.) Wolf: I must eat you now. Mr Dongguo: You bad wolf! I saved you just now .You dont say thanks to me. But you want to eat me now. Wolf: You bag is too small . I feel very sad in your bag. (They didnt agree with each other . They asked a farmer for help.) Farmer: The bag is too small . You are too big . I dont think you can go into it. Wolf: Of course I can. (The wolf went into the bag again. The farmer and Mr Dongguo killed it quickly.) Lets talk. 1. What s your favorite character in this story? And why? I like the wolf/. . Because it is very clever. 2. What can we learn from this story? Dont show your mercy without choice, otherwise, it can eventually bring yourself disaster! Wolf is still a wolf , it cant become God. (使用说明:阅读第二遍,回答以下问题) Lets read and act. Read by following the tape. Read together. Read and act in groups. (使用说明:学生戴上提前做 好的人物图片帽进行表演) Homework. NameStory Make a survey and fill in the form. 调查小组成员阅读过的故事书。 A: What storybook did you read? B: The Tortoise and the Hare. Unit2 Know More Stories( Fun with language)教学设计教学设计 课题:课题:Know More Stories课型:巩固拓展课课型:巩固拓展课 教材分析教材分析 本课时的内容主要是 Fun with language 的部分内容和课外文本 Mr Dongguo and the Wolf 故事的阅读。通过对故事内容的想象预测及复述,在听说读写演等方面进一 步强化学生的学习能力和阅读能力。 学情分析学情分析 六年级下学期的学生已有自主的思维和行为方式,他们善于利用自己的想象 力去学习和使用语言,老师要提供更多可发挥想象的情景和空间才能真正引起和保持 对英语的兴趣,提高学习的效率。本模块的话题内容是故事,一般小孩子总是对故事 感兴趣的,六年级的学生也不例外。通过 Module1Unit1 和 Unit2 Waiting for another hare 这几篇中国古代寓言故事的学习,学生对中国的古代寓言故事的学习已 经有了一定的能力。本节课将不仅从寓言故事上,还从其它类故事上着手,创设情景 让学生理解故事内容,进一步强化他们的阅读能力,也让他们尽情尝试用英语讲故事 的乐趣。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 教学重点:想象预测故事内容和复述故事内容。 教学难点:对故事内容及人物的评价。 教学内容教学内容 Fun with language 的部分内容和课外文本 Mr Dongguo and The Wolf 故事的阅读。 教学资源教学资源 多媒体教学课件、音频、自制人物图片、学生 A4 纸故事文本 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Revision and warming up 1.Free talk. 2.Retellthe story about Waiting for Another Hare in your own words. 1.Free talk. 2. Retell the story. 1、创造良好师生氛围 和复习旧知。 Presentation 1.Look and guess.:Look at these pictures and guess what the story is about? 2.Read and number. 3.Read and answer. 4.Check the answer and learn the story by representing the text and the new words: neighbours , forest, dark. 5.Lets discuss :What do you think of the farmer and whats the best title 1. Look and guess. 2. Read and number. 3. Read and answer. 4.Answer the questions and learn the text and the new words 1、通过图片的观察, 预测故事内容,培养学 生的观察、预测,想象 能力。 2、通过第一遍阅读,给 图片排序,达到整体感 知故事内容。 3、带着问题进行第二遍 阅读。 4、以问题为出发点, 层层递进,再现相应文 本内容,并同步板书设 计思维导图,以便让学 生更深入地理解故事内 容及在故事中学习新词。 5、通过故事的学习,对 故事人物进行评价,且通 for this story? 6.Retell the story: Retell the story with the mind map. 5.Lets discuss :What do you think of the farmer ? Think about the title about this story. 6. Retell the story. 过给故事起标题,可以 发散学生思维能力和对 故事的理解概括能力。 6、根据黑板的思维导 图对故事进行复述,再 次巩固学生对故事的理 解和记忆,及口头表达 能力。 Consolidation and development 1.Guess,listen and answer: A young man was lost. He met an old man in the country . Could the old man help him? 2. Listen and circle. 3. Lets talk:What do you think of the old man in the story ?Do you like the story? Why ? 4.(Text 一)Set out a background and ask students to put forward some questions they want to know. 1. 1.Guess,listen and answer. 2.Listen and circle. 3. Lets talk. 4.Put forward some questions about this story they want to 1、通过创设故事情景, 让学生预测故事内容, 再通过第一遍听力,整 体感知故事内容。 2、通过第二遍听力,关 注故事的细节内容,也 从而进一步练习学生的 听力能力。 3、通过故事的学习,对 故事人物进行评价。 4、课外拓展文本的学习, 进一步强化巩固学生的 阅读能力;也通过情景 创设呈现,让学生提出 自己想知道的问题,从 而发散学生思维能力。 5、学生带着问题去阅读 5.Read and answer. 6.Read and talk: What s your favorite character in this story? And why? What can we learn from this story? 7.Read and act in group. know. 5.Read and answer. 6.Read and talk. 7. Read and act in group. 故事内容。 6、进行第二遍阅读,品 读,对故事内容及人物 进行评价。 7、通过小组合作方式, 以表演的形式对故事内 容进行巩固再现。 Homework1.Make a survey and fill in the form. 1、调查小组成员阅读过 的故事书,给学生创 造口头表达的机会, 且能激发学生阅读的兴 趣,也为下一课时的学 习做铺垫。 板书设计板书设计 Unit2 Know More Stories(Period2) New words: Title: A farmer and an Orange Tree/ A selfish farmer. neighbour who forest bought dark what question Where should I plant? if if in the field in my garden had an idea :in the forest at last died 作业设计作业设计 1.Make a survey and fill in the form. 调查小组成员阅读过的故事书。 A: What storybook did you read? B: The Tortoise and the Hare. NameStory 本课时的作业内容主要是想通过以调查小组成员阅读过的故事书为主这样的一个实践 活动,给学生创造口头表达的机会,且激发学生阅读的兴趣,而且也为下一课时的学 习做铺垫。 情景设置辅助文本: 情景设置辅助文本一:A young man was lost. He met an old man in the country .Could the old man help him? 情景设置辅助文本二:A long time ago ,Mr Dongguo saved(救)a wolf(狼), because the wolf had no way to run. The hunters(猎人)would kill him. 课外拓展文本(Text 一)Wolf: Help !Help ! The hunters are coming! Mr Dongguo: Sorry . How can I help you? Wolf: Look , there is a bag on your horses back .I can go into the bag. If the hunters want to know where I am , please dont them. Mr Dongguo: Ok . Please come into the bag. (The wolf tried its best to go into the bag . The hunter couldnt see the wolf . They went away.) Wolf: Hello , Mr Dongguo , where are the hunters? Mr Dongguo: They went away already . You can come out! (The wolf came out . It opened its big mouth to eat Mr Dongguo.) Wolf: I must eat you now. Mr Dongguo: You bad wolf! I saved you just now .You dont say thanks to me. But you want to eat me now. Wolf: You bag is too small . I feel very sad in your bag. (They didnt agree with each other . They asked a farmer for help.) Farmer: The bag is too small . You are too big . I dont think you can go into it. Wolf: Of course I can. (The wolf went into the bag again. The farmer and Mr Dongguo killed it quickly.)
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