教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the race-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:d01f0).zip


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1 ModuleModule 1 1 StoriesStories UnitUnit 1 1 Unit1Unit1 SlowSlow andand steadysteady winswins thethe racerace 年级:六年级年级:六年级单元:单元:Module 1课型:听说课课型:听说课主备人:主备人: 审核:审核:学科负责:学科负责: 学科主管:学科主管:授课人:授课人: 【Learning【Learning aims】aims】研学目标:研学目标: 1. 我能读短语猜测故事内容,独立完成 task1。 2. 我能看图片提出问题,看视频,回答问题,独立完成 task2。 3. 我能根据提示词,复述故事,合作完成 task3。 4. 我能看课文视频,判断对错,独立完成 task4。 5. 我能听课文,学习重点句,完成练习 task5。 6. 我能根据课文内容完成练习,独立完成 task6。 7. 我能熟读课文,角色表演,合作完成 task7。 【Learning【Learning points】points】研学重难点研学重难点 1. 能听懂,理解故事内容并用一般过去式进行阐述。 2. 能运用祈使句进行劝说和警示。 3. 能熟读课文并进行复述和表演。 【Learning【Learning Guides】Guides】学习路线图学习路线图 【Learning【Learning Procedures】Procedures】研学过程研学过程 一、一、 【课前研学课前研学】 1.复习有关伊索寓言的知识 I can read and guess I can ask and answer I can read and talk I can learn and write I can retell and act out 2 2.大概了解龟兔赛跑的故事内容。 二、二、 【课堂学习课堂学习】 I.I. PreparationPreparation 【Task 1】I can read and guess.读出红包里的短语:had a race, too proud and careless, slow but careful, took a rest, won the rest, won the race, slow and steady wins the race.并根据短语猜测故事内 容。 【Task 2】I can ask and answer.看图片提出问题,看视频回答问题。 【Task 3】I can retell the story with the keywords。根据提示词复述 故事的大概内容。 【Task 4】I can judge.看课文视频判断句子对错。对的写 T,错的写 F。 (1)( ) Jiamin tried to carry all the books because he thought the books were not heavy. (2)( ) Xiaoling thinks Jiamin is like the silly tortoise. (3)( ) In the story The tortoise and the Hare, the slow but careful tortoise won the race. (4)( ) Finally, Jiamin knows that he should be quick and careful if he wants to do something well. 【Task 5】I can learn.听课文,学习重点句并完成练习。 Lets match. If you want to do something well. you should keep a good diet If you want speak good English you should listen and speak more If you want to be healthy you should be careful and patient 3 If you want to win the race you should try to run very fast Make your own sentences: In our life, if you want to _,you should_. 【Task【Task 6】I6】I cancan write.write.听录音,完成下面的填空题。听录音,完成下面的填空题。 Listen and fill in the blanks. 1. Why are you in such a hurry? You are like that _ hare. 2. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was so _ and_. 3. The slow but _ tortoise won the race. 4. If I want to do something well, I should be _ and _. 5. Remember, _ and _ wins the race. V.V. OutputOutput 【Task 7】I can act out.小组熟读课文,并分角色表演课文。 VI.VI. HomeworkHomework Read the story loudly Share the story with your family Review the new words and phrases of unit 2 三三【Assessment】课堂评价课堂评价 1、My team has got _points in this class. I ve got _ points. 2、请根据评价表进行评价交流。 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 careless,careful,silly,slow,steady,proud, patient 4 评价项目评价项目Great! Good!OK!Try Hard!Great! Good!OK!Try Hard! Task 1 理解故事 Task2 朗读课文 Task3 仿照句子 Task4 复述 One, two, three, four, five One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the right. Lets talk This is an Aesops fable about It is very It tells us Lets listen and choose ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The tortoise and the hare It is an Aesops fable. Why do you choose this picture? Why? Who?Where? When? What? ? Lets ask questions Lets watch and answer sad Win-won fast proud careles s slow careful patient had a race the hare the tortoise slow but carefultoo proud and careless won the racetook a rest Slow and steady wins the race. Story1: One day, a boy tried to carry a heavy bag. He was running too fast. The bag fell on the ground. He fell on the ground too. His friend said, “Why are you in such a hurry? You should have a rest.” Story 2: One day, Lucy was riding a bike in the park. Suddenly her phone rang. She didnt stop ridding. She took out the phone and talked on the phone. A moment later, she crashed into a tree. Story 3: One day, Tommy helped her mom cut the vegetables in the kitchen. He cut too fast. Suddenly he cut a finger. He was sad. His mom said, “Dont cut too fast. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Lets mine and guess Dont You should Be Lets practise. try to do something=try ones best to do something 尽自己最大能力做某事尽自己最大能力做某事 ( try-tries-tried) Mr. Wang _ _ _ the heavy box. tried to carry The boys _ _ _ _ _ fast. tried their best to run Lets mine and guess in such a hurry (名词)(名词) hurry(动词)(动词) to do something 急忙做某事急忙做某事 She _, because she wanted to catch the bus. was in such a hurry remember I dont _ what did the teacher say to me. remember Lets talk. Jiamin needs some advices too. Lets see. What is Jiamin doing? Why are some books on the floor? Lets listen and choose 1. Jiamin was like that_. A. hare B. tortoise 2. Jiamin understood that_. A. If we want to do something well, we should be fast. B. If we want to do something well, we should be proud. C. If we want to do something well, we should be careful and patient. A C Which part of this story can make you think of our real life? Whats the connection? Lets watch and discuss If we want to do something well, Lets match. If we want to speak good English, We should be careful and patient. Dont We should listen and speak more. Dont If we want to be healthy, We should keep a good diet. Dont we should try to run harder. Dont If we want to win the race, Make your own sentences: If we want to _, we should _. Dont_. hardharder If you want to pass the test, you should _. Work harder Lets read and ask question Lets read in roles and act out. One day xiaoling and Janet told Jiamin an old story. It was an Aesops fable about_. In this story, the hare was _, so he _. The tortoise was_, so he_. It told us_。 Finally, Jiamin understood that if we_, we should_. Lets summarize Homework Listen to an Aesops fable and finish the task sheet. 1 Module1Module1 StoriesStories 听说课(第二课时)听说课(第二课时) Unit1Unit1 SlowSlow andand steadysteady winswins thethe racerace 一、一、 教材分析教材分析 本节课是广州版小学英语六年级下册 Module 1 Stories 第二课时,是 一节听说课。课题为:Slow and steady wins the race。学生在第一课时 导读课上了解了伊索寓言故事的相关知识。本课以学习伊索寓言龟兔赛跑 的故事为主线, 引入 Unit1 课文对话的学习。五年级上册 Module 4 Foods and drinks 学生已经初步认识了 shouldshouldnt 表示建议、提醒的句 型。在五年级下册 Module 1 中,学生掌握了should, be,don t,Be的句型。本课的语法重点是用 If I want to , I should . 句型结 合生活实际对自己和他人提出建议。通过展开一系列听说的活动,让学生对 寓言故事的角色及他们的行为品质进行评价,对故事寓意提出不同见解。联 系我们生活的实际问题,培养学生的批判性思维。 二、二、 教学对象分析教学对象分析 六年级的学生年龄在 11 至 12 岁,有一定的逻辑思维能力,有较好的语 言基础、丰富的想象力、较强的求知欲和表现欲。课堂上他们能够积极参与 到小组活动中,具备良好的互帮互助的小组研学能力。通过第一课时导读课 的学习,学生已经了解了伊索寓言的特点,并能正确理解寓言故事的要素。 本课主要是通过一系列听说的练习,学生能理解故事内容并能用正确的语音 语调朗读故事。在研学案的引导下,学生能运用所学语言知识,小组合作交 2 流,完成语言的内化和输出,故事和故事主人公进行简单评价并能听懂故事, 领会故事的寓意,小组合作复述并表演故事。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1.语言知识目标 能理解并初步运用以下词汇和句型。 (1)词汇: 形容词:steady, proud, careless, patient, silly 动词:win ,carry, mean, remember 名词:hare, tortoise 词组; in such a hurry (2)句型: a) be like b) If we want to, we should. 2.技能目标 a) 能听懂故事并说出寓言的寓意。 b) 能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 c) 能够小组合作进行故事表演。 d) 能运用形容词简单评价故事主人公。 2.2.语言运用目标语言运用目标 3 (1)能运用以下句型对故事和故事主人公进行简单的评价。 a) This is an Aesops Fable about b) It is very (funny, interesting, happy, sad) c) The hare is The tortoise is d)It tells us (2) 能结合生活实际对自己和他人提出建议。 If we want to we should . (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 1.1.学习能力目标学习能力目标 (1)能运用所学语言知识,小组合作交流,完成语言的内化和输出。 (2)能灵活运用形容词简单对故事和故事主人公进行简单评价。 (3)能听懂故事,领会故事的寓意,小组合作复述并表演故事。 (4) 能运用reading circles 里的“group leader”和“life connector” 需使用的方法提取相关信息,发展阅读技能,为阅读圈的建立做铺垫。 2.2.思维品质目标思维品质目标 (1)能对寓言主人公进行简单的评价。 (2)能对寓意提出不同见解,培养学生的批判性思维。 3.3.文化品格目标文化品格目标 通过读故事,了解寓意,根据寓意自我反思,自我成长,明白做任何事情都 必须要踏踏实实。 4 四、教学理念及策略四、教学理念及策略 本节课运用了番禺区 IIO 课堂教学模式设计教学,分为 Input、output and internalization 三个环节。通过完成不同的学习任务来提高学生的英 语水平,通过展示研学成果内化语言,提升语言能力。本课围绕谈论 “Story”这一话题,开展系列的教学任务,具体策略如下: 1、运用情景教学法来讲述故事。 2、以“研学后教”升级版的理念为指导,最大限度发挥研学小组长的作用, 充分调动每个研学小组组员的学习积极性,在班级开展小组研学,达到 以学促教的目的。 五、教学重点与难点五、教学重点与难点 (一)教学重点: a) 能听懂故事并说出寓言的寓意。 b) 能用正确的语音语调朗读课文。 c) 运用所学语言对故事和故事主人公进行简单的评价。 d) 能运用reading circles 里的“group leader”和“life connector”需 使用的方法提取相关信息,发展阅读技能,为阅读圈的建立做铺垫。 (二)教学难点: 能结合生活实际对自己和他人提出建议。 If we want to we should . 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 5 1.多媒体课件 2.研学案 3.视频 七、教学过程七、教学过程 I.I. PreparationPreparation 1. Warm up Step1:Free talk Step2: Sing along:One two three four five. Step3: Fun with language, play a game: Mine and guess. Review the phrases. 【设计意图:新学期的第一课用轻松愉快的音乐活跃气氛,以游戏的方式 复习短语,为学习课文、故事做好准备。 】 II.II. LeadLead inin 1.1. Lets read and guess. 【TaskTask 1 1】 Step1: Ps choose the lucky money from the teacher. Step2: Ps read the phrases on the paper in the lucky money. Step3: Learn the new words from the phrases. Step4: The phrases are from a story. It is an Aesops fable. Lead 6 the ps guess what is the story about. 【设计意图:通过抢红包的游戏让学生学习新单词和短语,并通过学习短语 让学生猜故事内容,既可以活跃课堂气氛,又为下一步学习新内容做好准备。 】 III.InputIII.Input Lets learn 【Task 2】 Step1: Ps listen to the story and guess what is the fable about. Step2: T: What else do you want to know about the fable? 7 Ps ask questions with the words: what, when, where, who and why. Step3: ps watch the video and try to answer the questions above. 【设计意图:让学生通过听故事,大概了解故事的内容。引导学生自主提问 题,看视频,回答问题,培养学生自主学习,发现问题,解决问题的能力。 】 Step4:ps talk about the story and try to summarize the story with the key words. Why ? Who ? Where ? When ? What ? ? 8 O On ne e d da ay y a a t to or rt to oi is se e a an nd d a a h ha ar re e h ha ad d a a r ra ac ce e. . T Th he e h ha ar re e w wa as s s su ur re e h he e w wo ou ul ld d w wi in n s so o h he e t to oo ok k a a r re es st t. . H He e w wa as s t to oo o p pr ro ou ud d a an nd d c ca ar re el le es ss s. . T Th he e s sl lo ow w b bu ut t c ca ar re ef fu ul l t to or rt to oi is se e w wo on n t th he e r ra ac ce e. . S Sl lo ow w a an nd d s st te ea ad dy y w wi in ns s t th he e r ra ac ce e. . L Le et ts s t ta al lk k 【设计意图:通过让学生根据提示词运用学过的一般过去时,口头概括故事 内容,让学生复习一般过去式的同时培养学生概括故事的能力。 】 Step5: Ps talk about the characters of the story according to the reading response sheet . 9 【设计意图:通过 reading response sheet,培养学生概括故事内容的能 力,领会故事的寓意,能对故事的主人公进行简单的评价,培养学生的思辨 能力。 】 IV.IV. InternalizationInternalization Lets talk. Step1: Ps look at the picture and answer the questions: Who are they? What are they doing? What is Jiamin doing? 【设计意图:通过观察图片回答问题,培养学生的发散性思维。 】 10 Step2: 【TaskTask 3 3】Lets listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. (1)_tried to carry all the books. A.Jiamin B. Janet C. Xiaoling (2) In the story, the slow but_ tortoise won the race, the proud and_ hare lost the race. A. careless B. careful 【设计意图:通过听对话选择填空,对对话内容有一个初步了解。 】 Step3: 1.1. Watch the video and discuss the dialogue in groups. 【设计意图:小组研学学习对话,鼓励学生进行质疑问难。 】 2.2. Learn the main sentences. I triedtried toto carry all the books. Why are you inin suchsuch a a hurryhurry? You areare likelike that silly hare. IfIf I want to do something well, I shouldshould bebe careful and patient. 【设计意图:学习对话中重点句型,帮助学生进一步了解并掌握对话内容。 】 3.3. 【Task【Task 5】5】Lets match. If we want to do something well we should keep a good diet If we want to speak good English we should listen and speak more If we want to be healthy we should be careful and patient 11 If we want to win the race we should try to run very fast Make your own sentences: In our life, if we want to _,we should_. Dont 【设计意图:通过练习结合生活实际,让学生深入理解句型:Ifwe should,学生能运用句型对自己和他人提出建议。 】 Step 4: 【Task【Task 6】6】Read and fill in the blanks in groups. carelesscareless,carefulcareful,sillysilly,slowslow, steadysteady,proudproud, patientpatient 1. Why are you in such a hurry? You are like that _ hare. 2. The hare was sure he would win so he took a rest. He was so _ and_. 3. The slow but _ tortoise won the race. 4. If I want to do something well, I should be _ and _. 5. Remember, _ and _ wins the race. 【设计意图:通过听说练习,完成课文对话学习的内化过程。 】 Step 5: Read in group /together/ roles V.V. OutputOutput 【Task 7】Act out the dialogue and the story in groups. 【设计意图:通过将文中对话和故事相结合进行表演,培养学生合作能力。 】 careless,careful,silly,slow,steady,proud, patient 12 VI.VI. HomeworkHomework Listen to an Aesops fable and finish the task sheet. 八、板书设计八、板书设计 【Assessment】学习评价学习评价 1、My team has got _points in this class. Ive got _ points. 2、请根据评价表进行评价交流。 自我评价自我评价小组评价小组评价 评价项目评价项目GreatGreat! Good!Good!OK!OK! GreatGreat! Good!Good!OK!OK! Task 1 看一看,说一说 Task 2 读一读,说一说 Task 3 做一做,练一练 Task 4 看一看,说一说 Module 1 stories Unit 1 slow and steady wins the race steady win carry silly hare mean tortoise proud careless patient remember such in such a hurry try to be like If we want to we should. 1
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