教科版(广州)六下Module 1 Stories-Unit 1 Slow and steady wins the race-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:b0369).zip
Ms Yang I like reading stories. My daughter is in grade 6 like you. - fox The Fox and the Crow yellow - ow- row- crow 伊索寓伊索寓 言言 - fox 伊索寓言伊索寓言 插图 故事内 容 出版社 a piece of cheese What is the fox thinking ? He wants that cheese! 1. What did the Fox say? 2. What did the crow think? Thought Crow. She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. Its my lucky day ! set+ tle - settle - settling branch tasty snack. Just then, Fox came past. He called. re+ ply - reply= answer Hello, Crow! The crow couldnt reply- she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. ligh t ly- tightlytigh t But Fox carried on. . He said. How fine you look. What sleek, glossy feathers. sleek slee k glossy slee k glossy But Fox carried on. He said. How fine you look. What sleek, glossy feathers. I am ! What a smooth, shiny beak ! smoot h shiny smoot h shiny What a smooth, shiny beak ! I am ! Crow was delighted. de + lighted - delighted = happy Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? But the moment she opened her beak to speak, Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? at that time I do ! Crow was delighted. She cawed. out fell the cheese. Fox pounced on it instantly. ou+ poun - pounced = catch and eat fast The End. What do you think of Fox and Crow? I think the fox is I think the crow is crafty 狡猾 greedy贪心 silly 愚笨 credulous轻信的 proud骄傲自大的 dangerous危险 Listen and read the story. 听故事,可跟读、可默读。 try to read new words smoothly. Order the story in groups. Crow: Its my lucky day ! Narrator: Thought Crow. She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. Just then, Fox came past. Fox: Hello, Crow! Narrator: He called. The crow couldnt reply-she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. But Fox carried on. He said. Fox: How fine you look. Fox: What sleek, glossy feathers. Fox: What a smooth, shiny beak ! Fox: Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? Narrator: Crow was delighted. She cawed. Crow: I do. I do. Narrator: But the moment she opened her beak to speak, out fell the cheese. Fox pounced on it instantly. 1 Read and stick on the card together. 小组边读边按顺序 粘贴好在卡纸上。 3 Check the story in groups. Crow: Its my lucky day ! Narrator: Thought Crow. She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. Just then, Fox came past. Fox: Hello, Crow! Narrator: He called. The crow couldnt reply-she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. But Fox carried on. He said. Fox: How fine you look. Fox: What sleek, glossy feathers. Fox: What a smooth, shiny beak ! Fox: Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? Narrator: Crow was delighted. She cawed. Crow: I do. I do. Narrator: But the moment she opened her beak to speak, out fell the cheese. Fox pounced on it instantly. Watch, listen and tell the story in roles 分角色演读故事。 2 Tell the story in roles. 小组分角色操练,选1个同学做狐狸,1个 同学做乌鸦,其他同学做旁白。 语言流畅语言流畅smoothly 语音语调语音语调 emotion 同伴协作合拍同伴协作合拍 team work 3 Show out. 分角色表演说故事,1个同学做狐狸,1 个同学做乌鸦,其他同学做旁白。 5 Whats the moral(寓意) of the story? 1 tell in group. 每人在小组每人在小组 说你的寓意说你的寓意 2 Write out the best one.小组最小组最 后写出最优故后写出最优故 事的寓意事的寓意。 2 Never trust a flatterer. 不要相信阿谀奉承之人 。 Dont always believe people who say nice things Sometimes they just want something from you . 小朋友,请问 新华书店在哪里? 你能带我过去吗? 我买冰激凌给你吃 。 小朋友,我是送外卖的, 你妈妈点了好吃的披萨让我送过 来给你。请开开门。 Think and talk: Be a clever and smart kid ! What would you do or say ? Dont believe strangers. Be a clever and smart kid ! Homework 1 借书、购书阅读 2 思考狐狸使用的感叹句,下一节课学习使 用这个句式改编故事。 1 The fox and the crow 阅读教学设计 教学设计教学设计 故事The Fox and the Crow 设计者 学生年级小学六年级 教学内容分析教学内容分析 选用本故事进行教学是作为广州使用的教科版英语教材六年级 M1 Stories 的巩固练习 Fun With Language 中的拓展内容,教材有简单的 4 幅图和 6 个提 示词(crow,meat,fell,ground,fox,silly)作为教学的建议,但没有文本提供。 结合英语课程标准对小学生的阅读要求,学生需要补充适合不同阶段的认 知发展需求、语言发展水平、题材和体裁丰富的读物,逐步发展各种阅读策略, 养成良好阅读习惯。 (王蔷,2017.3)因此,本课就选择英国 Usborne 出版社 的 Illustrated stories from Aesop 这本书中的 The Fox and The Crow 的故 事内容,再为了帮助学生理解,又选择了 Usborne First Reading 分级读物 The Fox and The Crow 的故事插图,重构而成。 故事讲述的是一只狐狸为了骗取乌鸦嘴里的奶酪,而想尽办法、通过三次 花言巧语,最终让乌鸦轻信而得逞的故事。故事不仅有童趣,更寓意深邃,在 故事教学过程中希望不仅能借助图片复述故事,还希望能教导学生尝试用自己 的语言说出故事的寓意,并尝试评价狐狸和乌鸦两个主人公,表达自己个人的 观点。实现以语篇为依托,以主题意义为引领,发展学生的创新思维,真正走 入文本,享受文本。 学情分析学情分析 2 本节课是异地教学,是使用人教版教材的六年级学生,他们具备了一定的 英语学习基础和能力,教材中就有学习和接触故事,学生对故事学习是习惯而 且喜欢的。而且该故事是学生熟悉的,但这次以英语绘本形式出现的伊索寓言 的阅读体验和学习会吸引学生,但也因为是伊索寓言的经典英语原版,词汇和 朗读会给学生带来一定的难度。 教学目标与教学重难点教学目标与教学重难点 教学目标 能理解故事的情节、复述故事大意 能猜测并尝试说出 Fox 和 Crow 的语言,并评价这两个主人公 能够尝试用自己的话说出故事的寓意 培养学生的逻辑思维以及解决问题的灵活思维能力 教学重点 能理解故事情节、复述故事大意。 教学难点 能对故事的角色评价 能够用自己的话说出故事的寓意 能明理后运用到生活实际当中解决问题 教学用具教学用具 3 故事书,多媒体课件,狐狸和乌鸦图片,词句板书 教学过程:教学过程: Pre-reading 1.Free talk:给出信息、老师趣味自我介绍 鼓励学生猜意思,表达自己很高兴和大家一起学故事。 T: Good morning, children. Nice to meet you. I want to introduce myself by some pictures. Look, what is it? Sheep. Chinese? 杨,Im Ms Yang. Hello children! Ps: Hello Ms Yang. T: And whats that? Ps: 6. T: Can you think out something about me? Ps: . T: last, what ? Ps: books. T: what does it mean? Ps: . I like reading books. And today I want to share a story of a book with you. 鼓励学生猜意思,表达自己很高兴和大家一起学故事。 2.介绍故事 1)出示狐狸的尾巴,猜狐狸。出示乌鸦的头部,猜乌鸦。 4 What animal is it? Fox. What animal is it? Crow. (音素替换法学习单词:yellow-ow-row-crow.) 2) 让学生猜故事名字,了解文本概念; T: So what is the name of the story I want to share? Where is the story from? 设计意图:了解文本概念,随时邀请不同的学生,鼓励他们开口说。 3) 引导学生关注主人公进而预测故事 T: So whats in the Crows beak? Ps: Cheese. T: What is the Fox thinking? Ps: He wants that cheese. Whats the moral ? Lets enjoy the story and tell me. 设计意图:随时邀请不同的学生,鼓励他们开口说。将阅读素养的培养有 机融入阅读的过程中。 While-reading 图片环游故事教学:图片环游故事教学: 1.图片环游师生共读故事,理解故事并学习生僻词、句 1)P1- She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. 理解 settling on a branch. 5 2) P2-The crow couldnt reply-she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. 通过动作示范让学生理解 holding the cheese tigntly in her beak.2 个学生 3) P3-4 How fine you look. What sleek, glossy feathers. What a smooth, shiny beak. 通过图片理解 sleek, glossy, smooth, shiny,并且老师引导学 生思考狐狸对乌鸦羽毛、嘴巴的赞美是否真实,从而拓展科学关于鸟的知 识。 4) P5- Crow was delighted. She cawed. 通过声音理解 strong, good. 5) P6- But the moment she opened her beak to speak, out fell the cheese. 这句动作快速理解 6) P7-Fox pounced on it instantly.邀请两个学生分别示范理解 设计意图:师生合作建构故事文本意义,以问题为引导,在不断地分析和 解决问题中,学习语言知识,把握故事情节,理解人物心理,联系实际生 活,培养学生的批判性思维,并拓展延伸出科学关于鸟方面的知识。 2.学生带着再次熟悉不会的词的要求,边听边自己默读故事一次 设计意图:帮助学生自己理解和减轻了生僻词的发音困难,帮助学生熟悉 词汇的音与形,加强阅读精确度,并给予学生自主阅读的时间,增强积极 的阅读体验。 3.帮助学生流畅阅读 1)学生根据老师分出的四段故事内容,小组同学边朗读边排序,并贴好在卡 纸上。 设计意图:帮助学生理清楚故事的段落,以帮助学生以排序的方式再次进 6 行阅读,为之后分角色演读故事做好准备。 2) 小组借助 ipad 故事的视频,分角色演读,然后展示,小组 4 个为旁白,2 个为 fox 和 crow,老师给出评价标准在 PPT 上 设计意图:给予学生充分的时间,属于自己的时间学习,又加上 ipad 的应 用,帮助学生对于仍然不熟悉的词、句进行自学,充分发挥学生的自主学 习能动性和自主学习的能力培养,鼓励学生自主地、有感情地分角色朗读, 帮助学生真正流畅阅读故事, Post-reading 联系生活实际联系生活实际 1.思考故事的寓意,先个人思考,然后口头在小组分享,小组汇报,鼓励使用 英语,中文也可以。 2.小组展示,学生评价,老师小结 3 Be a clever and smart kid ! 出示陌生人诱导欺骗小孩的图,学生讨论 What would you do or say ? 五 Homework 1 鼓励借书购书阅读 2 思考狐狸使用的感叹句,下一节课学习改编故事。 板书设计板书设计 The Fox and the Crow sleek, glossy feathers. . a smooth, shiny beak ! . 7 Whats the moral? Never trust a flatterer. couldnt reply Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? . What a smooth, shinybeak ! . Whatsleek, glossy feathers. . Howfine you look. Hello, crow. I do. I am. a good, strong voice .
- 资源描述:
Ms Yang I like reading stories. My daughter is in grade 6 like you. - fox The Fox and the Crow yellow - ow- row- crow 伊索寓伊索寓 言言 - fox 伊索寓言伊索寓言 插图 故事内 容 出版社 a piece of cheese What is the fox thinking ? He wants that cheese! 1. What did the Fox say? 2. What did the crow think? Thought Crow. She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. Its my lucky day ! set+ tle - settle - settling branch tasty snack. Just then, Fox came past. He called. re+ ply - reply= answer Hello, Crow! The crow couldnt reply- she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. ligh t ly- tightlytigh t But Fox carried on. . He said. How fine you look. What sleek, glossy feathers. sleek slee k glossy slee k glossy But Fox carried on. He said. How fine you look. What sleek, glossy feathers. I am ! What a smooth, shiny beak ! smoot h shiny smoot h shiny What a smooth, shiny beak ! I am ! Crow was delighted. de + lighted - delighted = happy Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? But the moment she opened her beak to speak, Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? at that time I do ! Crow was delighted. She cawed. out fell the cheese. Fox pounced on it instantly. ou+ poun - pounced = catch and eat fast The End. What do you think of Fox and Crow? I think the fox is I think the crow is crafty 狡猾 greedy贪心 silly 愚笨 credulous轻信的 proud骄傲自大的 dangerous危险 Listen and read the story. 听故事,可跟读、可默读。 try to read new words smoothly. Order the story in groups. Crow: Its my lucky day ! Narrator: Thought Crow. She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. Just then, Fox came past. Fox: Hello, Crow! Narrator: He called. The crow couldnt reply-she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. But Fox carried on. He said. Fox: How fine you look. Fox: What sleek, glossy feathers. Fox: What a smooth, shiny beak ! Fox: Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? Narrator: Crow was delighted. She cawed. Crow: I do. I do. Narrator: But the moment she opened her beak to speak, out fell the cheese. Fox pounced on it instantly. 1 Read and stick on the card together. 小组边读边按顺序 粘贴好在卡纸上。 3 Check the story in groups. Crow: Its my lucky day ! Narrator: Thought Crow. She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. Just then, Fox came past. Fox: Hello, Crow! Narrator: He called. The crow couldnt reply-she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. But Fox carried on. He said. Fox: How fine you look. Fox: What sleek, glossy feathers. Fox: What a smooth, shiny beak ! Fox: Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? Narrator: Crow was delighted. She cawed. Crow: I do. I do. Narrator: But the moment she opened her beak to speak, out fell the cheese. Fox pounced on it instantly. Watch, listen and tell the story in roles 分角色演读故事。 2 Tell the story in roles. 小组分角色操练,选1个同学做狐狸,1个 同学做乌鸦,其他同学做旁白。 语言流畅语言流畅smoothly 语音语调语音语调 emotion 同伴协作合拍同伴协作合拍 team work 3 Show out. 分角色表演说故事,1个同学做狐狸,1 个同学做乌鸦,其他同学做旁白。 5 Whats the moral(寓意) of the story? 1 tell in group. 每人在小组每人在小组 说你的寓意说你的寓意 2 Write out the best one.小组最小组最 后写出最优故后写出最优故 事的寓意事的寓意。 2 Never trust a flatterer. 不要相信阿谀奉承之人 。 Dont always believe people who say nice things Sometimes they just want something from you . 小朋友,请问 新华书店在哪里? 你能带我过去吗? 我买冰激凌给你吃 。 小朋友,我是送外卖的, 你妈妈点了好吃的披萨让我送过 来给你。请开开门。 Think and talk: Be a clever and smart kid ! What would you do or say ? Dont believe strangers. Be a clever and smart kid ! Homework 1 借书、购书阅读 2 思考狐狸使用的感叹句,下一节课学习使 用这个句式改编故事。 1 The fox and the crow 阅读教学设计 教学设计教学设计 故事The Fox and the Crow 设计者 学生年级小学六年级 教学内容分析教学内容分析 选用本故事进行教学是作为广州使用的教科版英语教材六年级 M1 Stories 的巩固练习 Fun With Language 中的拓展内容,教材有简单的 4 幅图和 6 个提 示词(crow,meat,fell,ground,fox,silly)作为教学的建议,但没有文本提供。 结合英语课程标准对小学生的阅读要求,学生需要补充适合不同阶段的认 知发展需求、语言发展水平、题材和体裁丰富的读物,逐步发展各种阅读策略, 养成良好阅读习惯。 (王蔷,2017.3)因此,本课就选择英国 Usborne 出版社 的 Illustrated stories from Aesop 这本书中的 The Fox and The Crow 的故 事内容,再为了帮助学生理解,又选择了 Usborne First Reading 分级读物 The Fox and The Crow 的故事插图,重构而成。 故事讲述的是一只狐狸为了骗取乌鸦嘴里的奶酪,而想尽办法、通过三次 花言巧语,最终让乌鸦轻信而得逞的故事。故事不仅有童趣,更寓意深邃,在 故事教学过程中希望不仅能借助图片复述故事,还希望能教导学生尝试用自己 的语言说出故事的寓意,并尝试评价狐狸和乌鸦两个主人公,表达自己个人的 观点。实现以语篇为依托,以主题意义为引领,发展学生的创新思维,真正走 入文本,享受文本。 学情分析学情分析 2 本节课是异地教学,是使用人教版教材的六年级学生,他们具备了一定的 英语学习基础和能力,教材中就有学习和接触故事,学生对故事学习是习惯而 且喜欢的。而且该故事是学生熟悉的,但这次以英语绘本形式出现的伊索寓言 的阅读体验和学习会吸引学生,但也因为是伊索寓言的经典英语原版,词汇和 朗读会给学生带来一定的难度。 教学目标与教学重难点教学目标与教学重难点 教学目标 能理解故事的情节、复述故事大意 能猜测并尝试说出 Fox 和 Crow 的语言,并评价这两个主人公 能够尝试用自己的话说出故事的寓意 培养学生的逻辑思维以及解决问题的灵活思维能力 教学重点 能理解故事情节、复述故事大意。 教学难点 能对故事的角色评价 能够用自己的话说出故事的寓意 能明理后运用到生活实际当中解决问题 教学用具教学用具 3 故事书,多媒体课件,狐狸和乌鸦图片,词句板书 教学过程:教学过程: Pre-reading 1.Free talk:给出信息、老师趣味自我介绍 鼓励学生猜意思,表达自己很高兴和大家一起学故事。 T: Good morning, children. Nice to meet you. I want to introduce myself by some pictures. Look, what is it? Sheep. Chinese? 杨,Im Ms Yang. Hello children! Ps: Hello Ms Yang. T: And whats that? Ps: 6. T: Can you think out something about me? Ps: . T: last, what ? Ps: books. T: what does it mean? Ps: . I like reading books. And today I want to share a story of a book with you. 鼓励学生猜意思,表达自己很高兴和大家一起学故事。 2.介绍故事 1)出示狐狸的尾巴,猜狐狸。出示乌鸦的头部,猜乌鸦。 4 What animal is it? Fox. What animal is it? Crow. (音素替换法学习单词:yellow-ow-row-crow.) 2) 让学生猜故事名字,了解文本概念; T: So what is the name of the story I want to share? Where is the story from? 设计意图:了解文本概念,随时邀请不同的学生,鼓励他们开口说。 3) 引导学生关注主人公进而预测故事 T: So whats in the Crows beak? Ps: Cheese. T: What is the Fox thinking? Ps: He wants that cheese. Whats the moral ? Lets enjoy the story and tell me. 设计意图:随时邀请不同的学生,鼓励他们开口说。将阅读素养的培养有 机融入阅读的过程中。 While-reading 图片环游故事教学:图片环游故事教学: 1.图片环游师生共读故事,理解故事并学习生僻词、句 1)P1- She had found a piece of cheese, and was settling on a branch, high in a tree, to enjoy her tasty snack. 理解 settling on a branch. 5 2) P2-The crow couldnt reply-she was holding the cheese tightly in her beak. 通过动作示范让学生理解 holding the cheese tigntly in her beak.2 个学生 3) P3-4 How fine you look. What sleek, glossy feathers. What a smooth, shiny beak. 通过图片理解 sleek, glossy, smooth, shiny,并且老师引导学 生思考狐狸对乌鸦羽毛、嘴巴的赞美是否真实,从而拓展科学关于鸟的知 识。 4) P5- Crow was delighted. She cawed. 通过声音理解 strong, good. 5) P6- But the moment she opened her beak to speak, out fell the cheese. 这句动作快速理解 6) P7-Fox pounced on it instantly.邀请两个学生分别示范理解 设计意图:师生合作建构故事文本意义,以问题为引导,在不断地分析和 解决问题中,学习语言知识,把握故事情节,理解人物心理,联系实际生 活,培养学生的批判性思维,并拓展延伸出科学关于鸟方面的知识。 2.学生带着再次熟悉不会的词的要求,边听边自己默读故事一次 设计意图:帮助学生自己理解和减轻了生僻词的发音困难,帮助学生熟悉 词汇的音与形,加强阅读精确度,并给予学生自主阅读的时间,增强积极 的阅读体验。 3.帮助学生流畅阅读 1)学生根据老师分出的四段故事内容,小组同学边朗读边排序,并贴好在卡 纸上。 设计意图:帮助学生理清楚故事的段落,以帮助学生以排序的方式再次进 6 行阅读,为之后分角色演读故事做好准备。 2) 小组借助 ipad 故事的视频,分角色演读,然后展示,小组 4 个为旁白,2 个为 fox 和 crow,老师给出评价标准在 PPT 上 设计意图:给予学生充分的时间,属于自己的时间学习,又加上 ipad 的应 用,帮助学生对于仍然不熟悉的词、句进行自学,充分发挥学生的自主学 习能动性和自主学习的能力培养,鼓励学生自主地、有感情地分角色朗读, 帮助学生真正流畅阅读故事, Post-reading 联系生活实际联系生活实际 1.思考故事的寓意,先个人思考,然后口头在小组分享,小组汇报,鼓励使用 英语,中文也可以。 2.小组展示,学生评价,老师小结 3 Be a clever and smart kid ! 出示陌生人诱导欺骗小孩的图,学生讨论 What would you do or say ? 五 Homework 1 鼓励借书购书阅读 2 思考狐狸使用的感叹句,下一节课学习改编故事。 板书设计板书设计 The Fox and the Crow sleek, glossy feathers. . a smooth, shiny beak ! . 7 Whats the moral? Never trust a flatterer. couldnt reply Do you have a good, strong voice as well ? . What a smooth, shinybeak ! . Whatsleek, glossy feathers. . Howfine you look. Hello, crow. I do. I am. a good, strong voice .