辽宁师大版六下英语Unit 11 The class play-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:a136a).zip


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    • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 11 The class play_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:a136a)
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Unit 11 The class play Read, write and say King and Seeds King: Im getting old. Who wants to be the king? Three sons: Me! King: OK. Take a seed and plant it. (A month later.) King: Whose pot is it? Peter: Its Johns. King: Mm Your flower is very nice. _? John: _ Peters. King: Your flower is quite nice. Whose pot is it? Is this yours? Why dont you have flowers? Mark: Sorry, I dont know. King: Youre very honest. You will be the king. All the seeds were boiled. Read, write and say Lets have a class play Long long ago, there was an old king. He had three sons. One day, he told his sons to meet him. He asked “Im getting old. Who wants to be the king? ” His sons all said “Me! ” The king thought it over, and he said “Take a seed and plant it! ” A month later, his sons came to see the king. Peter and Johns flowers were quite nice. But Mark had an empty pot. Why? The king said “ Youre very honest. You will be the king. All the seeds were boiled. ” Read, write and say Lets tell the story was is had_ told_ asked_ said_ came_ thought_ were_ Read, write and say Fill in the blanks Long long ago, there was an old king. He had three sons. One day, he told his sons to meet him. He asked “Im getting old. Who wants to be the king? ” His sons all said “Me! ” The king thought it over, and he said “Take a seed and plant it! ” A month later, his sons came to see the king. Peter and Johns flowers were quite nice. But Mark had an empty pot. Why? The king said “ Youre very honest. You will be the king. All the seeds were boiled. ” Word Bank was were had a class play wrote enjoyed played a role At the end of the school year, we _, “The Princess and the Lion”. Our teacher, Miss Lin, _ it. Read, write and say had a class play wrote Every student in the class _ in it. Billy _ the King. Linda was the Queen. Liu Gang was the Lion. And I was the Princess! wasplayed a role Word Bank was were had a class play wrote enjoyed played a role Read, write and say Word Bank was were had a class play wrote enjoyed played a role On the evening of the play, the parents came to see the play. My mother, my father and my brother _ all there. were Read, write and say enjoyed Word Bank was were had a class play wrote enjoyed played a role The play was a lot of fun! Everyone_ it. After the play, my father said, “You are a beautiful princess tonight!” I was so happy! Read, write and say 1. _ was the Princess 2. _ wrote the class play. 3. _ was the Lion. 4. _ came to see the play. Who did these things? Read, write and say At the end of the school year, we had a class play, “The Princess and the Lion”. Our teacher, Miss Lin, wrote it. Every student in the class played a role in it. Billy was the King. Linda was the Queen. Liu Gang was the Lion. And I was the Princess! On the evening of the play, the parents came to see the play. My mother, my father and my brother were all there. The play was a lot of fun! Everyone enjoyed it. After the play, my father said, “You are a beautiful princess tonight!” I was so happy! 1. _ was the Princess. Read, write and say Read, write and say At the end of the school year, we had a class play, “The Princess and the Lion”. Our teacher, Miss Lin, wrote it. Every student in the class played a role in it. Billy was the King. Linda was the Queen. Liu Gang was the Lion. And I was the Princess! On the evening of the play, the parents came to see the play. My mother, my father and my brother were all there. The play was a lot of fun! Everyone enjoyed it. After the play, my father said, “You are a beautiful princess tonight!” I was so happy! 2. _ wrote the class play. Read, write and say At the end of the school year, we had a class play, “The Princess and the Lion”. Our teacher, Miss Lin, wrote it. Every student in the class played a role in it. Billy was the King. Linda was the Queen. Liu Gang was the Lion. And I was the Princess! On the evening of the play, the parents came to see the play. My mother, my father and my brother were all there. The play was a lot of fun! Everyone enjoyed it. After the play, my father said, “You are a beautiful princess tonight!” I was so happy! 3. _ was the Lion. Read, write and say At the end of the school year, we had a class play, “The Princess and the Lion”. Our teacher, Miss Lin, wrote it. Every student in the class played a role in it. Billy was the King. Linda was the Queen. Liu Gang was the Lion. And I was the Princess! On the evening of the play, the parents came to see the play. My mother, my father and my brother were all there. The play was a lot of fun! Everyone enjoyed it. After the play, my father said, “You are a beautiful princess tonight!” I was so happy! 4. _ came to see the play. last Monday last Tuesday last Friday last Saturday last Sunday I my parents What did you do last Monday? I went to the library. Talk and write When Who What did your parents do? They Talk and write last Monday last Tuesday last Friday last Saturday last Sunday I my parents When Who Last Week Last week, I was happy and busy. On Monday, I _. On Tuesday, _ _ _ _ I really had a good time! Talk and write 1. last Monday/see a film/went to/with/ I/Gao Liang 2. found/on the street/we/watch/a 3. watch/the/gave/a policeman/to/we 4. were/the film/for/we/late 5. we/happy/were/but/very Look and write 1. last Monday/see a film/went to/with/I/Gao Liang _ Look and write I went to see a film with Gao Liang last Monday.Last Monday I went to see a film with Gao Liang. 2. found/on the street/we/watch/a _ Look and write We found a watch on the street. 3. watch/the/gave/a policeman/to/we _ Look and write We gave the watch to a policeman. 4. were/the film/for/we/late _ Look and write We were late for the film. 5. we/happy/were/but/very _ Look and write But we were very happy. 1. I went to see a film with Gao Liang last Sunday. 2. We found a watch on the street. 3. We gave the watch to a policeman. 4. We were late for the film. 5. But we were very happy. Look and write Look and write 1. I _ to see a film with Gao Liang last Sunday. 2. We _ a watch on the street. 3. We _ the watch to a policeman. 4.We _ late for the film. 5.But we _ very happy. went found gave were were 1/3 Unit11 The class play 第第 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 一、教学目标与要求(一、教学目标与要求(Teaching aims and request) 1. 能够利用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。 2. 能够听、说、读、写过去式词汇:was, were, had a class play, wrote, enjoyed, played a role。 3. 能读懂、会说、会填写 Read, write and say 中的内容。 4. 能用 What did.句型进行问答,并完成 Talk and write 中的任务。 5. 能在图片和所给词汇的帮助下,完成 Look and write 中的任务。 二、教学重点、难点二、教学重点、难点(Teaching points and difficulties) (一)重点(一)重点(Points) 用一般过去时的陈述句描述过去发生的事情。 (二)难点(二)难点 (Difficulties) 用一般过去时的疑问句形式进行问答与交流。 三、课前准备(三、课前准备(Teaching preparation) 课文图片、词汇卡片、活动图片、教学音频、三个小纸盒或信封等。 四、教学建议四、教学建议 (Teaching suggestions) Step 1: Warm-up 1. 自由问答练习教师说:What did you do yesterday?学生回答:I. 通过一般 过去时的问答练习来复习以往所学内容,也帮助教师了解学生对一般过去时的 掌握情况。 2. 教师用词汇卡片或板书展示学过的与本课相关的动词和动词短语及其过 去式,请学生每组词读两遍,如果发现朗读有闲难,教师及时领读。也可以用 不同节奏的音乐配音,以增加学习的趣味性。如:iswas, arewere, write wrote 等。 Step 2:Presentation 1. 学习 Read, write and say 中的内容时,教师说:At the end of the school year, we had a class play.并将句子呈现在黑板上。建议教师先出示课文图片,请 学生试着对图片进行描述。教师可以用:Who was the Princess? Who was the Lion?等问句提示学生,描述过去发生的事要用一般过去时,教师把问句和相应 2/3 答句写在黑板上。 2. 学生小组合作,利用 Word Bank 中的词汇,合作完成填空任务。 3. 教师请学生公布答案。如果学生回答正确,那么其他人用“Excellent!” 表示鼓励。对于课文中的疑难问题,教师本人或请优秀学生加以解释。 4. 学生跟录音读课文,注意模仿语音语调。然后教师指定不同的学生读课 文。教师适时纠正不当的发音。 5. 老师提出问题:Who wrote the class play? Who came to see the play?并请 学生回答。 6. 学生小组之间进行比赛。每组选一个代表,一组提问 Talk and write 中的 问题,另一组回答,教师和其他学生点评。 7. 看图说话。教师出示 Look and write 中的第一幅图片及书中所给词汇, 请学生小组合作,连词成句描述该图片。依次出示后面四幅图及相应词汇,学 生一一完成后,教师指导学生将五句话依次写在书上,连接成一个完整的小故 事。 Step 3: Practice 以下活动教师可视情况灵活安排。 活动一:Make funny sentences.教师准备三个小纸盒或信封,请学生每人准 备一张小纸条,第一组学生写出班级中任意同学的名字,放入第一个纸盒中, 第二组学生写学过的动词短语的过去式形式,放入第二个纸盒中,第三组学生 写出时间,如:last Monday 等,放入第三个纸盒中。然后教师请一个学生从三 个纸盒中分别抽取一张纸条组成一个句子,如:Li Ping watched TV last night.完 成后被提到名字的学生用第一人称做主语改写句子,说:I watched TV last night.而 其他同学用第三人称做主语改写句子,说 He/She watched TV last night. 活动二:教师事先准备一些活动图片。教师问一位学生:What did you do last Monday?如果图片上是一位学生看电影,学生则回答:I saw a film last Monday.然后教师将图片给这个学生,请他(她)走出座位去问另一位学生。这时 教师再拿出另外一张图片,问另外一名学生:What did you do last Tuesday?依次 进行下去。这样教室内就会有四五组学生在进行问答练习。此活动也可以不用 图片,让学生根据真实情况冋答。最后老师请其他学生汇报,如:. saw a film last Monday. 3/3 活动三:A guessing game.教师请 45 名学生站在讲台前面,面向黑板, 请另一位学生在座位上做动作,其他问学齐问:What did you do last Monday?前 面的学生猜。连猜三次,猜不对则换人。 活动四:看看说说。问桌两人根据 Talk and write 中的表格内容进行回答练 习,并选其中两个时间进行问答汇报。 Step 4: Consolidation 1. 看图说话。请学生看图试着复述 Read, write and say 中的课文。 2. 学生组内反复练读 Look and write 中的句子,然后写在书上。 Step 5: Evaluation 1. 情感态度评价 姓名 你能复述 Read, write and say 中的课 文吗? 你能用一般过去时描述 已经发生的事情吗? 你能完成课本上连词 成句,连句成文的书 写任务吗? 学生 A 学生 B 学生 C 学生 D 2. 学习成果评价 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 Last Tuesday, I _(see) a film with Billy. Billy _ (find) a watch on the way. We _ (give) the watch to the policeman. We _ (are) late for the film, but we _ (are) very happy. 答案:saw found gave were were Step6: Homework 1. 在作业本上抄写 Look and write 中已排序好的句子,完成小故事书写。 2. 熟读 Read, write and say 中的内容。 3. 向父母汇报你的学习成果。 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit11 4/3 【教学反思教学反思】
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