辽宁师大版六下英语Unit 9 My daily life-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:e0030).zip


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    • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 9 My daily life_ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:e0030)
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Unit 9 My daily life CONTENTSCONTENTS 3. Talk and write 5. Read and write 1. Read, write and say2. Read, write and guess 4. Read and judge 6. Think and write What do you always do? I always . Read, write and say Back What do you usually do? I usually . Read, write and say Back What do you often do? I often . Read, write and say Back What do you do on? Sometimes I . Read, write and say Back What do you never do? I never . Read, write and say Back What do you do every day? I every day. Read, write and say Back Read, write and say What time do you every day? I usually at . Back Talk with your partner My Daily Life Every morning, I get up at . After that, I . Then . . . I go to bed at . I really have a busy day! How is your life? Read, write and say Back Read, write and say Dear Laura, Nice to get your email. My name is Liu Yang. Im thirteen. I study in an elementary school. I _ at 7:00 am on weekdays and _ at 7:20 am. I _ at 7:40 am. I often walk to school. Sometimes I go there by bus. Word Bank have breakfast get up go to school get up go to school have breakfast Back Read, write and say My first class begins at 8:00. We _ six classes every day. My favorite class is science. I _ at 3:30 pm. I _ playing football, so after school I often play football with my friends. I _ swimming, but I _ swim very well. I usually _ after dinner. Sometimes I read books. I _ at 9:00 pm. How is your life? Please write to me. Liu Yang Word Bank go to bed go home cant can like watch TV have have cant watch TV go to bed like go home like Back Dear Laura, Nice to get your email. My name is Liu Yang. Im thirteen. I study in an elementary school. I get up at 7:00 am on weekdays and have breakfast at 7:20 am. I go to school at 7:40 am. I often walk to school. Sometimes I go there by bus. My first class begins at 8:00. We have six classes every day. My favorite class is science. I go home at 3:30 pm. I like playing football, so after school I often play football with my friends. I like swimming, but I cant swim very well. I usually watch TV after dinner. Sometimes I read books. I go to bed at 9:00 pm. How is your life? Please write to me. Liu Yang Read, write and say Back Liu Yangs Daily Life TimeActivity at 7:00 am on weekdays get up Read, write and say Back Who Is She? I have a friend. We always stay together. When I walk, she_, too. When I stop, she _, too. When I run, she_, too. When I jump, she _,too. When I dance, she _,too. But when I talk, she doesnt talk. Guess, who is she? She is my_. Read, write and guess Back Two get up have breakfast get home watch TV go to bed I Dad Mom What time do you get up every day? At about 7:00 am. Activity Time People Talk and write Back What time does your dad/mom get up every day? He/ She gets up at Talk and write Back Two get up have breakfast get home watch TV go to bed I Dad Mom Activity Time People Ben is a good boy. He helps his family a lot. He gets up at 6:30 every morning and then he delivers newspapers for one hour. Read and judge Back deliver newspapers Read and judge Back Read and judge At about 7:30, he comes back home and has breakfast. School starts at 8:30. He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. School is over at 3:30. After school he usually plays football with his friends. At 5:30 pm, he goes home. Back Read and judge After dinner, he often helps his mother do some housework. He goes to bed at 9:00. He has to get up early in the morning! Back 1. Ben is busy in the morning. 2. Ben gets up late on weekends. 3. Ben gets home at 3:30 in the afternoon. 4. Ben plays basketball with his friends after school. 5. Ben always helps his mom do some housework in the evening. Read and judge Back Ben is a good boy. He helps his family a lot. He gets up at 6:30 every morning and then he delivers newspapers for one hour. At about 7:30, he comes back home and has breakfast. School starts at 8:30. He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. School is over at 3:30. After school he usually plays football with his friends. At 5:30 pm, he goes home. After dinner, he often helps his mother do some housework. He goes to bed at 9:00. He has to get up early in the morning! 1. Ben is busy in the morning. Read and judge Back Ben is a good boy. He helps his family a lot. He gets up at 6:30 every morning and then he delivers newspapers for one hour. At about 7:30, he comes back home and has breakfast. School starts at 8:30. He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. School is over at 3:30. After school he usually plays football with his friends. At 5:30 pm, he goes home. After dinner, he often helps his mother do some housework. He goes to bed at 9:00. He has to get up early in the morning! 2. Ben gets up late on weekends. Read and judge Back Ben is a good boy. He helps his family a lot. He gets up at 6:30 every morning and then he delivers newspapers for one hour. At about 7:30, he comes back home and has breakfast. School starts at 8:30. He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. School is over at 3:30. After school he usually plays football with his friends. At 5:30 pm, he goes home. After dinner, he often helps his mother do some housework. He goes to bed at 9:00. He has to get up early in the morning! 3. Ben gets home at 3:30 in the afternoon. Read and judge Back Ben is a good boy. He helps his family a lot. He gets up at 6:30 every morning and then he delivers newspapers for one hour. At about 7:30, he comes back home and has breakfast. School starts at 8:30. He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. School is over at 3:30. After school he usually plays football with his friends. At 5:30 pm, he goes home. After dinner, he often helps his mother do some housework. He goes to bed at 9:00. He has to get up early in the morning! 4. Ben plays basketball with his friends after school. Read and judge Back Ben is a good boy. He helps his family a lot. He gets up at 6:30 every morning and then he delivers newspapers for one hour. At about 7:30, he comes back home and has breakfast. School starts at 8:30. He has lunch at school. He has two classes in the afternoon. School is over at 3:30. After school he usually plays football with his friends. At 5:30 pm, he goes home. After dinner, he often helps his mother do some housework. He goes to bed at 9:00. He has to get up early in the morning! 5. Ben always helps his mom do some housework in the evening. Read and judge Back My mom gets up early every day because she (cook/cooks) for us. My dad (get up/gets up) early, too. His company is far from our home. cooks gets up Read and write Back Mom (walks/drives ) me to school. I have six classes every day. At 5:00 pm, my mom picks me up at school. My dad gets home later. drives me Read and write Back After dinner, I usually . (do my homework/does my homework). Mom does some housework. Dad watches TV, or helps Mom. We all (go to bed/ goes to bed) before 9:30 pm. do my homework go to bed Read and write Back My mom gets up early every day because she cooks for us. My dad gets up early, too. His company is far from our home. Mom drives me to school. I have six classes every day. At 5:00 pm, my mom picks me up at school. My dad gets home later. After dinner, I usually do my homework. Mom does some housework. Dad watches TV, or helps Mom. We all go to bed before 9:30 pm. Read and write Back Read and write Back My mom gets up early every day because she cooks for us. My dad gets up early, too. His company is far from our home. Mom drives me to school. I have six classes every day. At 5:00 pm, my mom picks me up at school. My dad gets home later. After dinner, I usually do my homework. Mom does some housework. Dad watches TV, or helps Mom. We all go to bed before 9:30 pm. tall, short, young, old, cute, lovely, pretty, big, small, long, strong, white, black, yellow jump high, run fast, swim well, play football well, like music, like collecting stamps My_ I have a _ _ _ _ _ Think and write Back 课题:Unit 9 My daily life (1) (电教) 教学 内容 1.有关日常生活的活动。 2.询问及回答有关个人日常生活的简单信息. 教 学 目 标 知识与技能:1.能听,说,读,写本课重点复习的词汇,并能在句子中正 确使用。 2.能,听,说,读,写重点句型,并能在实际情景中正确使 用。 3.能用 What time do you/does your?等句型询问别 人日常活动时间。 4.读懂,会填写,会说 Read ,write and say 中的内容。 5.能够与同桌合作进行问答交流,完成 Talk and write 中 的表格调查任务。 6.能够运用所学知识仿照课文内容介绍自己的日常生活。 过程与方法:能通过书信,电子邮件方式与朋友进行书面交流。 情感态度与价值观:知道英语中有美式英语和英式英语之分,美式英语用 elementary school 表示“小学” ,而英式英语常用 “primary school”表示。 重 点 难 点 重点:能听,说,读,写记性:What time do you I get up What time does your dad ?等。 难点:能熟练运用特殊疑问句的单三形式:What time does your dad get up? 教 学 准 备 pictures cards PPT 设 计 意 图 本课设计为了让学生能通过书信,电子邮件方式与朋友进行书面交 流,知道英语中有美式英语和英式英语之分,美式英语用 elementary school 表示“小学” ,而英式英语常用“primary school”表示。 教 法 与 学 法 创设情境让学生能通过书信,电子邮件方式与朋友进行书面交流, 知道英语中有美式英语和英式英语之分,美式英语用 elementary school 表示“小学” ,而英式英语常用“primary school”表示,激发 学生学习英语兴趣。 教 学 过 程 教 学 Step 1 Warm up 教师知道学生自由讨论: Can you say something about your school or your bedroom? 通过学生描述自己的学校或者卧室 来复现以往所学内容,帮助教师了解学生的知识储备。 Step 2 Presentation 1.在学习 Read, write and say 中的内容时,建议教师先提问 学生:What time do you get up/go to school/go to bed?教师将短语写在黑板上,请学生练读两遍。教师接着说:Today lets meet a new friend. His name is Liu Yang. Today we are going to read about his daily life. (播放课件) 2. 教师请学生先自己默读课文,画出不懂得地方,教师讲解。学 生利用 Word Bank 所给词汇独立完成填空,然后小组讨论,核对答案。 教师请学生公布答案并帮助学生改正错误。 3.请学生跟老师读课文,注意模仿老师的语音语调。学生可以采用 小组合作的方式练习读课文。教师抽查几个小组,然后指定不同的学生 课文,适时纠正错误的发音。 4.请学生评价 Liu yang 的作息时间是否健康科学。引导学生树立 时间意识与健康意识,养成良好的生活习惯。 5.复习电子邮件及书信的书写格式。 (播放课件) 6.学习 Talk and write 中的内容时,教师将句子 What time do you get up every day?写在黑板上,请学生读句子,然后同桌 互问互答。 Step 3 Practice 接龙游戏。教师手持 watch TV 的卡片问一位学生:What time do you watch TV?学生回答:I watch TV at 然后教师将卡片 过 程 给这位学生,请他走出座位去问另一位学生。这时教师在拿出另外一张 卡片,问第三位学生,What time do you go to bed?依次进行下 去。这样教师内就会有四五位学生进行问答接龙游戏,提醒学生低声交 流。 Step 4 Consolidation 抄写本课重点词汇及句子。 Step 5 Sum up 师生总结本课重点词汇及句子。 作 业 与 练 习 熟读 Read, write and say 中的内容,口头练习说说自己的日常 活动。 板 书 设 计教 学 反 思 Unit 9 Lesson 1 What time do you every day? get up go to school go to bed
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