辽宁师大版六下英语Unit 4 A different weekend-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d0300).zip


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Unit 4 A different weekend last weekend How was your weekend? I was tired. I was_. (happy/ tired/ bored/excited) Hello, Im Fang fang. I was busy. It was rainy, so I stayed at home. I cleaned rooms and watered the flowers in the daytime. In the evening, I cooked delicious dinner. Listen and say Read and circle the answers Can you read? play bay stay /ei/ pay Listen and say Can you say? _ stayed at home last weekend. (I /My father/My mother/My friend.) I stayed at home last weekend.I stayed at home last weekend. A: Did you stay at home last weekend? B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. Listen and say Can you answer? A: Did you _(stay at home .)last weekend? B: Yes, I did./ No, I didnt. Listen and say Can you ask? A: Did you _(play sports/clean rooms/ .) last weekend? B: Yes, I did. No, I didnt. play gameslisten to the music clean the rooms water the flowerssing songsplay sports climb a hill answer the phone Listen and say Can you answer? A: Did you _(play sports/clean rooms/ .) last weekend? B: Yes, I did. I _(played sports/cleaned rooms.) No, I didnt. I _(stayed at home/.) play sports listen to the music clean the rooms play computer rooms cook dinner play football climb a hill water the flowers Listen and say Lets say _cooked _for me, I was happy. (My father/mother/grandma., noodles/ the meals/ breakfast/lunch.) cook-cooked /k/ /t/ A: Did you cook dinner? B: Yes, I did. I cooked dinner. No, I didnt. I _.(cleaned rooms/ played sports/.) I cooked delicious dinner, it made I cooked delicious dinner, it made me happy.me happy. tired QuestionsYesNo Did you play football? Did you clean the room? Did you watch TV? Did you read a storybook? Did you play computer games? Did you sweep the floor? Did you water the flowers? Did you wash your clothes? Did you? A: Did you _? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. Do a survey Did Linda/ Xiao Hui _? Can you guess, what did Linda and Xiao Hui do last weekend? Listen and say Its Monday morning. Linda and Xiao Hui are walking to school. They are talking about their weekend. Xiao Hui: How was your weekend? Linda: I was very happy. I watched funny cartoons. How was your weekend? Xiao Hui: I was a little tired. Linda: Did you play sports? Xiao Hui: No, I didnt. I stayed at home. Linda: What did you do then? Xiao Hui: I did some housework. Mom was ill. So I cleaned the rooms and washed clothes. Linda: You are a good helper! Listen and answer Back Listen and say 1. How was Lindas weekend? 2. What did Linda do on the weekend? Listen again and answer She watched funny cartoons. Back She was very happy. I watched funny cartoons on the weekend. Listen and say Back Listen and say Lets talk cartoon A: Did you watch cartoons? B: Yes, I did. I watched _.(Boonie Bears/ Minions.) No, I didnt.I _. (played sports/cleaned the room) Listen and say 3. Did Xiao Hui play sports last weekend? No, she didnt. Back Read loudly and answer 4. What did Xiao Hui do ? She did some housework, she cleaned the rooms and washed clothes. Help your mother do something,Help your mother do something, she must be happy. she must be happy. Who washed clothes in your family? _washed clothes. (My father/My mother/ My grandma.) Listen and say /d/t/ worked, climbed, worked, climbed, jumped ,jumped , listened, listened, helped, helped, answered, looked answered, looked Listen and say Its Monday morning. Linda and Xiao Hui are walking to school. They are talking about their weekend. Xiao Hui: How was your weekend? Linda: I was very happy. I watched funny cartoons. How was your weekend? Xiao Hui: I was a little tired. Linda: Did you play sports? Xiao Hui: No, I didnt. I stayed at home. Linda: What did you do then? Xiao Hui: I did some housework. Mom was ill. So I cleaned the rooms and washed clothes. Linda: You are a good helper! Read emotionally Its Monday morning. Linda and Xiao Hui are walking to school. They are talking about their weekend. Xiao Hui: How was your weekend? Linda: I was very happy. I watched funny cartoons. How was your weekend? Xiao Hui: I was a little tired. Linda: Did you play sports? Xiao Hui: No, I didnt. I stayed at home. Linda: What did you do then? Xiao Hui: I did some housework. Mom was ill. So I cleaned the rooms and washed clothes. Linda: You are a good helper! Listen and say Read in roles Hello, Im Annie. I had a busy and happy weekend. On Saturday, I _ and _ in the morning. I _ in the afternoon. In the evening, I _. On Sunday, I _ and _ Oh, what a colorful weekend! Listen and say Can you write? Back What did you do last weekend? I played sports. I cleaned the rooms. . T: Hello, xxx Ss: Hello, Miss Zhu. T: How was your weekend? Ss: I was happy. T: Did you watch TV? Ss: Yes, I did. T: Did you wash clothes? Ss: No, I didnt. T: What else did you do? . Hello, Im _. I was _. It was rainy, so I _. I _ in the daytime. In the evening, I_. Words and expressions did homework read a storybook played games watched cartoons stayed at home cleaned the room cooked dinner watered the flowers 1. Talk about your weekend with your friends. 2. Write your weekend and send it to me. Unit 4 A different weekend 一、一、 Teaching aims: 1. Make Ss listen, read, speak and write the phrases: stayed at home, watched cartoons, cooked dinner, cleaned the rooms, washed clothes, watered the flowers. 2. Can ask and answer with “ Did you? Yes, I did. /No, I didnt. ” skillfully and use them in the real life. 3. Pay attention to the different sounds of “-ed” ending. 4. Can describe their own weekends. 二、二、 Important and difficult points. 1. Can use the sentence patterns “Did you ? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.” skillfully. 2. Know the past tense and use correctly. 三、三、 Teaching process. I. Warming up and leading in 1. Greeting and warming up T: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you! Its the first time to meet you. We dont know each other very well. Let me know you first, OK? This boy, whats your name? Hello, xxx. When were you born? Whats your animal sign? What do you do on weekends? Do you read books? Do you clean rooms? Do you play football? Do you go shopping? 2. Leading in T: Oh, you play football. I dont play football. I often go shopping on weekends. Our weekends were different. So today well learn Unit 4.A different weekend. (板书)Follow me. II. Presentation and drills 1、Set real situation . Present new patterns and new phrases T: You know, Im happy on weekends because I usually go shopping. but last weekend I wasnt happy. Do you want to know my last weekend? Last 上一个。Last Monday/ Tuesday/ night.生组词 Last weekend, I was tired. 先练习答语。How was your weekend?(PPT) I was tired. I was _.(happy, tired, bored,.) T: I know your weekends. Do you want to know my friend Fang fangs weekend? Lets say together, how was your weekend, fang fang?练习这个问句。 T: Now lets see Fang fangs weekend together. Read by yourselves Hello, Im fang fang. I was busy. It was rainy, so I stayed at home. I cleaned rooms and watered the flowers in the daytime. In the evening, I cooked delicious dinner. T: Oh, Fang fang was busy last weekend. What did she do? 生 说圈答案 T: Good job. Fang fang stayed at home, stay- ay/ei/ bay, pay, play. I take some words for you, can you find and read? Perfect! My friend Fangfang stayed at home, 板书 stayed at home.放在/d/房子里。 T: She stayed at home last weekend. I stayed at home last weekend, too. In your family, who stayed at home last weekend? _ stayed at home. (I/ My father/My mother .) T: Oh, your father/mother stayed at home. How about you? Did you stay at home? not stayed。将黑板的 ed 盖上。并板书句 子。 出示听音乐,玩游戏,擦桌子等图片练习答语出示听音乐,玩游戏,擦桌子等图片练习答语 Ss: Yes, I did. (若答 no,继续问:what did you do, Let me guess, did you clean rooms? Did you listen to the music?)根据生的答语板书 Yes, I did./No, I didnt。练习读练习读 didnt,问学生的过程中,将问学生的过程中,将 play sports, clean rooms, water flowers 先板书上。先板书上。 出示大量图片,练习问句。出示大量图片,练习问句。 T: This time, Can you ask me? 男生问师答,女生问师答。 Lets ask her together.其他人问一人答。玩剪刀石头布游戏。 Ss: Did you play football? Ss: Did you climb a hill? Ss: Did you listen to the music? Ss: Did you clean the rooms? Ss: Did you cook dinner? T: Who can ask me? 练习过去式陈述句练习过去式陈述句 Ss: Did you play sports? T: Yes, I did. I played sports.再添上 ed. T: Did you clean rooms? (同上) T: Did you water flowers? (PPT) Did you _?(play football/climb a hill/listen to the music/clean the rooms) Yes, I did. I _.(played football/climbed a hill/ listened the music/cleaned the rooms) No, I didnt. I_.(played football/climbed a hill/ listened the music/cleaned the rooms) 问答导入并操练问答导入并操练 cooked dinner T: Did Fangfang clean rooms? Did Fangfang water flowers? Did Fangfang cook dinner? T: Yes,she cooked dinner. She cooked noodles. cook-cooked/t/练习读音/t/。将 cooked 放到/t/的房子里。 T: Who cooked dinner in your family? Your father or your mother? Ss:. Fang fang cooked dinner. Did you cook dinner? (PPT)Did you cook dinner? Yes, I did. I cooked _ No, I didnt. I _.(watered flowers/ played sports/.) 生练习问答生练习问答:出示 part 2. T: Youve known my friend Fang fangs weekend. I want to know your weekends. Can you guess, what did your partner do? (ppt) A: Did you .?(sweep the floor, read books, play computer games.) B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. 2. Go into the text. T: Good job! This time, can you guess, what did Linda and Xiaohui do last weekend? Ss: Did Linda.? Did Xiao Hui.? T: Maybe. Lets listen to the tape and find the answer. Q1: How was Lindas weekend? Ss:She was very happy. Q2: T: Why? What did she do?Please listen and imitate, then underline the answer. Ss: She watched funny cartoons.板书 (ppt)T: watch-watched /t/ cartoons. T: Which cartoon do you like best? I like Boonie Bears. I watched it last weekend. Did you watch cartoons? Ss: Yes, I did. Did you watch cartoons? Yes, I did. I watched _( .) No, I didnt. I _. T: Linda watched cartoons, did Xiao hui watch cartoons? Ss: No Q3: Did Xiaohui play sports? Yes or no? Ss:No. Q4: What did she do at home? Why? (PPT)Read loudly and circle the answers . Ss: She did some housework.She cleaned the rooms and washed clothes. T: Good, go one step. 师问个别学生:Did you do housework at home? Ss:Yes, I did. I did housework. T:You are good helpers.Help your mother do something, she must be happy. Xiao Hui is a good helper, too. Yes? She cleaned rooms and washed clothes. T:wash- washed /t/ Who washed clothes in your family? (PPT) _washed clothes. (My mother/ My father/ My grandma) 将最后一词填入对应房子内,总结读音 出示一些词,看看放到哪个房子里。work-worked,help- helped, look-looked, jump-jumped . Listened, climbed T: I give you some words. Can you choose right circle? T: Great. This time, Boys, you are Xiaohui, girls, you are Linda. Lets read, go. T: Excellent! This time can you read?挖空练习 III. Consolidation T: Wonderful! Cheers for yourselves. We know the weekends about Linda and Xiaohui, Here is my student Annies weekend. /d/ stayed played cleaned watered /t/ watched washed cooked Lets see together. 出示 Annie 周末做什么的图片。 T: Look, Can you finish it? 巩固词汇练习巩固词汇练习 Hello, Im Annie, I had a busy and happy weekend. On Saturday, I _(浇花图片)and _(打扫房间)in the morning. I_ (洗衣服) in the afternoon. In the evening,I _(做饭). On Sunday, I _ (呆在家) and _( 看动画片) Oh, what a colorful weekend! 学生用白板书写。 T: Annie had a colorful weekend, how about you? What did you do last weekend? Who can tell me? 巩固练习过去式的陈述句巩固练习过去式的陈述句,看哪组说的多。 T: Lets play 30 seconds-non-stop. (ppt) What did you do last weekend? I played sports.(.)师指着板书自己做示范 IV. Extension 1. Practice speaking. 指上次说完的最后一名学生 T: Oh, She did some housework, she had a busy weekend. How was your weekend? This cool boy, whats your name? T: Hello, xxx Ss: Hello, Miss Zhu. T: How was your weekend? Ss: I was happy. T: Did you watch TV? Ss: Yes, I did. T: Did you wash clothes? Ss: No, I didnt. T: What else did you do? This time, can you talk with your partners like this?书上 2 部分。是对话形式。再多些做示范,然后抠图。 2. Practice writing. T: Excellent. Your weekends were colorful, too. Do you remember my friend Fang fangs weekend? Hello, Im _. I was _. It was rainy, so I _. I _ in the daytime. In the evening, I _. (did homework, cleaned the rooms, answered the phone, visited grandparents, washed my toys) T: Can you write down your weekend like this? T: Now boys and girls, look, . are the winners, congratulations. today Im proud of you. V. Sum up T: Oh, you have a happy/ tired weekend. Do you want to know my weekend? Please guess. Ss: Did you .? T:. Today we talk about weekend. And I hope you have a meaningful and colorful weekend. VI. Homework 1. Talk about your weekend with your friends. 2. Write your weekend and send it to me.
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