辽宁师大版六下英语Unit 1 Back to school-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)--(编号:80c9e).zip


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    • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_六年级下册(2015年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 Back to school_ppt课件_(含教案+音频)__(编号:80c9e)
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Unit 1 Back to school A happy family Listen and say Listen and say (单击图片播放动画) Listen and say Theyre happy. Shes angry. Listen and say 2. How are you doing, Linda? 1. How are you doing, Xiao Hui? Im happy. I feel sad. Listen and answer Listen and say Linda is sad. How come? Because her good friend Laura is leaving. Read silently and answer Listen and say excited I feel _. Today is my birthday. I feel _. How come? Look at the pictures and try to guess Listen and say angry I feel _. My favorite books were broken! You, bad cat! I feel _. How come? Look at the pictures and try to guess Listen and say sad I feel _. I cant find my lovely dog. I feel _. How come? Look at the pictures and try to guess Listen and say boredI feel_. The meeting is too long. I feel _. How come? Look at the pictures and try to guess Listen and say I feel _. I do exercise a lot. tired I feel _. How come? Look at the pictures and try to guess Listen and say I feel _. I have got full marks(满分). happy I feel _. How come? Look at the pictures and try to guess Listen and say Whats Xiao Huis feeling tip (情感小贴士)? Dont worry. You can email her. Group work Listen and say Its the first day of the new term. Linda meets Xiao Hui at the school gate. Linda: Hi! Xiao Hui. Nice to see you again! Xiao Hui: Nice to see you, too! Im happy to be back to school. Linda: Me, too. Xiao Hui: How are you doing? Linda: I feel sad. Xiao Hui: How come? Linda: My good friend Laura is leaving. Shes going back to the UK. Xiao Hui: Dont worry. You can email her. Listen and imitate Listen and say Linda: Hi! Xiao Hui. Nice to see you again! Xiao Hui: Nice to see you, too! Im happy to be back to school. Linda: Me, too. Xiao Hui: How are you doing? Linda: I feel sad. Xiao Hui: How come? Linda: My good friend Laura is leaving. Shes going back to the UK. Xiao Hui: Dont worry. You can email her. Its the first day of the new term. Linda meets Xiao Hui at the school gate. Read emotionally Listen and say Linda: Hi! Xiao Hui. Nice to see you again! Xiao Hui: Nice to see you, too! Im _ to be back to school. Linda: Me, too. Xiao Hui: _ are you doing? Linda: I feel _. Xiao Hui: _ come? Linda: My good friend Laura is leaving. Shes going _ to the UK. Xiao Hui: Dont worry. You can _ her. Its the first day of the new term. Linda meets Xiao Hui at the school gate. happy How sad How back email Read and fill in the blanks Listen and say Linda: Hi! Xiao Hui. _! Xiao Hui: Nice to see you, too! _. Linda: Me, too. Xiao Hui: _? Linda: I feel sad. Xiao Hui: _? Linda: My good friend Laura is leaving. Shes going back to the UK. Xiao Hui: Dont worry. _. Its the first day of the new term. Linda meets Xiao Hui at the school gate. Nice to see you again Im happy to be back to school How are you doing How come You can email her Read and fill in the blanks Ive got a new book. I feel happy. Ive got an A in English. I feel happy. Play and say Talk with your partner Group 1 Play and say I feel bored. Im going to play football. I feel bored. Im going to draw pictures. Talk with your partner I feel bored. Im going to play the piano after school. Group 2 Play and say I feel excited. Im going to excited I feel excited. Im going to I feel excited. Im going to Talk with your partner Group 2 Group 1 Play and say I feel Im going to Talk with your partner I feel Im going to I feel Im going to pen duck nice tall box bag cute star Listen and read Listen and imitate Listen and read window doctor happy yellow angry driver heavy pencil Listen and imitate Listen and read behind today again invite afraid begin before agree Listen and imitate Listen and read pen duck nice tall box bag cute star Can you read? Listen and read window doctor happy yellow angry driver heavy pencil Can you read? Listen and read behind today again invite afraid begin before agree Can you read? 1/3 Unit1 第第 1 课时教学设计课时教学设计 【内容来源内容来源】辽宁师范大学出版社(三起点)六年级下册 Unit 1 【主主 题题】Back to school 【课课 时时】第 1 课时:1. Listen and say 2. Play and say 3. Listen and read 一、教学目标与要求(一、教学目标与要求(Teaching aims and request) 1. 能听、说、读、写 Listen and say 中:How are you doing? I feel sad. How come? My good friend Laura is leaving.并能在实际情景中运用。 2. 能听、说、读、写及运用单词:happy, sad, angry, tired, bored, excited。 3. 了解单词的音节与重音,并能正确读出单词。 4. 小组合作完成 Play and say 部分的活动。 5. 使学生在学习过程中乐于感知与合作,并积极使用英语。 二、教学重点、难点二、教学重点、难点(Teaching points and difficulties) (一)重点(一)重点(Points) 正确使用 How are you doing? I feel . How come? My good friend. 的句型询 问他人近况,并能根据实际情况灵活使用。 (二)难点(二)难点 (Difficulties) 实际交流中 How are you doing?和 What are you doing?答句的区分和运用。 三、课前准备(三、课前准备(Teaching preparation) 本单元核心词汇卡片、课文图片(见本书所附光盘) 、课文音频。 四、教学建议四、教学建议 (Teaching suggestions) Step 1: Warm-up 1. T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. How are you today? 教师引导学生用不同的词汇及句子来回答 How are you? 为下文学习做好铺 垫。 2. 选择学生喜欢的歌曲进行演唱。 Step 2:Presentation 1. 建议教师用自由问答的方式引入新课。教师问学生:How are you? 引导 学生回答:Im . 并建议学生根据实际情况用不同的词汇或句子回答,从而引 出本课学习的核心句型及词汇。 2/3 2. 教师做各种表情,让学生猜单词:happy, sad, angry, tired, bored, excited。教师可以先拿出一张哭脸的单词卡片,问:How are you doing? 然后自 答:I feel sad.接着继续问学生:How are you doing? 学生根据卡片表情来回答: I feel happy/angry . 教师板书 How are you doing? I feel. 和 6 个核心词汇,并 适当通过表情和动作解释其含义。 3. 教师让学生根据板书内容进行问答练习。接着教师提问:How are you doing? 让学生依次根据自己的实际情况做出表情,并回答:I feel.教师追问学 生:How come?学生根据情境回答,如果没有回答出来,教师顺势回应:You feel happy. Maybe you eat a nice breakfast.从而引导学生在情境中理解句子。建议教 师与学生多做几次练习,再让学生同桌两人进行练习。 4. 教师出示 Listen and say 中的课文图片,先让学生看图听录音,接着教师 领读,要求学生模仿纯正的语音语调跟读。朗读四句核心句时,教师要启发学 生用相应的语气和表情朗读。最后学生试读,教师适时给予指导和评价,增强 学生的自信心。 5. 本单元 Listen and read 学习的是单词音节及重音。教师引导学生了解不 同单词的重音位置。如:单音节词单独存在时一般重读;双音节词重音一般 落在第一个音节上,但有的特殊双音节重读第二个音节;多音节词重音一般 落在倒数第三个音节上。学生通过教师讲解准确读出例词,了解单词的重音 位置及规则。 Step 3: Practice 以下活动教师可视情况灵活安排。 活动一:Whos the best?教师请同桌两人到讲台前,台下学生问:How are you doing?同桌两人一人做表情,如高兴的表情,另一人则根据其表情说出答句: I feel happy.其他学生再问:How come?做表情的同学则根据实际情况回答。问 桌两人互换角色进行练习。这个活动也可以在小组内进行。最后老师评出表演 及回答最好的一组。 活动二:Quick response.教师拿出本课核心单词卡片或做不同的表情,男生 问:How are you doing?请女生根据教师手中的卡片表情快速说出答句。可以请 男女生 一名参加比赛,看谁说得又快又好。 3/3 活动三:转述比赛。比赛由学生小组四人合作完成。四人一起问:How are you doing?第一位学生说:I feel. 第二位学生用第三人称转述:He/She feels. 第三位学生说:I feel.第四位学生用第三人称转述:He/She feels.活动之前, 教师必须先与小组中一位学生进行活动演练,以保证学生们能了解如何进行这 个活动。 活动四:创编对话。学生四人一组,根据自己的实际情况,运用本单元核 心句型,小组合作创编对话。教师进行指导,然后班级展示。展示后,学生互 评。 Step 4: Consolidation 1. 请学生打开书,跟录音反复诵读 Listen and say 部分的内容。在这一过程 中,教师可以走到平日学习有困难的学生身边,注意他们的发音,并低声纠正。 2. 教师指导学生分角色朗读 Listen and say 中的课文。然后分组表演,如果 学生不能背诵,可以朗读或教师适当做提示。 3. 小组合作,完成 Play and say 部分的游戏。学生们根据抽到的单词卡片 进行练习。教师应适时指导,使学生所说句子合情合理。最后,请 23 组学生 进行班级汇报。 Step 5: Evaluation 1. 情感态度评价 姓名 你能听、说、读、写 本课的核心句型及单 词吗? 你了解单词音节和重音, 并能正确读出例词吗? 你能小组合作完成 play and say 部分的游 戏吗? 学生 A 学生 B 学生 C 学生 D 2. 学习成果评价 用框内单词填空,一空一词。 come, A, doing, happy 4/3 A: Hi! Xiao Hui. How are you _? B: Great! I feel so _. A: How _? B: Ive got an _n this quiz. 答案;doing happy come A Step6: Homework 1. 完成快乐听读或活动用书中与本课内容有关的练习。 2. 听录音,模仿朗读 Listen and say 中的内容。 3. 课后根据 Listen and say 中的对话,以同桌或小组为单位创编对话并进行 表演。
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