冀教版(三起)四下Unit 4 My Favourites-Lesson 20 My Favourite Clothes-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:60054).zip


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Lesson 20 冀教版四年级下册冀教版四年级下册 学习目标:学习目标: 1,能够听、说、认读单词their、our、 clothes。 2,能够运用I like these/those句型表达 自己对衣服喜欢。 3,能用Whats your favourite clothes? 与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。 4,懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着 合体,同时不以貌取人。 Whatisit?Whatarethese? pants 12 I like _ pants. A. that B. those panda I like these blue pants. I like those blue pants. 火眼金火眼金 睛睛 Whats missing? Favourite clothes I like skirts! Me, too! We like skirts. Our favourite clothes are skirts. skirt意为短裙 clothes是复数名词 I like shorts! Me, too! They like shorts. Their favourite clothes are shorts. shorts是复数名词 ,不能用a或this 直接修饰。 Ilikeskirts. Whatsyourfavouriteclothes? Answer the questions 1. Whats Jennys favourite clothes? 2. Whats Dannys favourite clothes? Actthedialogue. clothes skirts skirts shorts shorts Whataretheirfavouriteclothes? Fillintheblanks. Welikeshirts._favouriteclothesare shirts.(We/) _likeshorts.Theirfavouriteclothesare shorts.(/Their) Our They Interview Ask your friends about their favourite colour and clothes. Sam Sarah Pair work A: Whats their favourite clothes? B: Their favourite clothes are Ilikemygreenshoe. Youlikeyourwhiteglue. Welikeourredshirts. Theyliketheiryellowskirts. Helikeshisorangehat. Shelikesherblackcat. I,my,you,your. One,two,three,four. We,our,they,their. Readabook.Sitinachair. He,his,she,her. Birdshavewings.Catshavefur. 3,Letsdoit!Jenny:Iliketrousersand_. Kim:Ilike_,too._favouritecolthesare skirts. Jenny:Iliketrousersandskirts. Kim:Ilikeskirts,too.Ourfavouritecolthes areskirts. Jenny:Stevenlikes_.Dannylikes_,too. Kim:_likeshorts._favouritecolthesare shorts. Jenny:Stevenlikesshorts.Dannylikesshorts,too. Kim:Theylikeshorts.Theirfavouritecolthesare shorts. 填入适当的物主代词。 1.(他的)coatisblack. 2.Whosedressisthis?-Its(我的)dress. 4.Arethese(你们的)shoes? -Yes,theyare(我们的)shoes. 5.Imanewstudent.nameisHelen. 6.Nancyismycousin.eyesarebig. 7.Wearestudents.schoolisvery nice. His my your our My Her Our 选择 ()1.Ilike_shirt. A.aB.anC./ ()2.Welikeskirts. _favouriteclothesareskirts. A.weB.OurC.My ()3._likeshorts._likeskirt. A.He,IB.I,YouC.You,He ()4.-Ilikeshorts!-_. A.Yes,Idontlike.B.No,youlike. C.Me,too! A B B C Name Whats your favourite colour? Whats your favourite clothes? I like _. You like _. We like _. Our favourite clothes are _. He/She likes _. They like _. Their favourite clothes are _. We should wear suitable clothes on different occasions. ( (我们应该在不同的场合穿合适的衣服。我们应该在不同的场合穿合适的衣服。 ) ) Dress nicely.(穿着漂亮穿着漂亮)Dress comfortably.(穿着舒适穿着舒适)Dress suitably.(穿着合适 穿着合适)Dress properly.(穿着恰当 穿着恰当) PleaseRemember Nothingintheworldismorebeautiful thanakindheart.Youarebeautifulonly Whenyouhaveabeautifulsoul. 美丽的东西当然是好的,但是内心美必然 是最美丽的! Thank you ! 冀教版四年级下册冀教版四年级下册 LessonLesson 2020 MyMy FavouriteFavourite ClothesClothes 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1 1,能够听、说、认读单词,能够听、说、认读单词 theirtheir、ourour、 clothesclothes。 2 2,能够运用,能够运用 I I likelike these/thosethese/those句型表达自己对衣服的喜欢。句型表达自己对衣服的喜欢。 3 3,能用,能用 WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite clothes?clothes?与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。 4 4,懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。,懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 能用能用 WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite clothes?clothes?与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。 三、教学过程三、教学过程 ClassClass openingopening andand reviewreview 1.1. FreeFree talk.talk. 2.2. listenlisten toto a a song.song. NewNew conceptconcept 1 1、AskAsk andand answeranswer LookLook atat thethe picturespictures : : T:T: WhatsWhats this?this? S:S: ItIt isis a a dress.dress. T:T: WhatWhat colourcolour isis it?it? S:S: ItsIts red.red. T:T: ItIt a a redred . S:S: dressdress T:T: ItsIts a a redred dress.dress. 激发学生兴趣:(火眼金睛抢说单词。鼓励学生认真看,大胆说。激发学生兴趣:(火眼金睛抢说单词。鼓励学生认真看,大胆说。 ) 玩游戏:玩游戏:CanCan youyou telltell me:me: WhatsWhats missing?missing? StudentsStudents saysay oneone byby one.one. T:T: I I likelike skirt.skirt. SkirtSkirt isis mymy favouritefavourite clothes.clothes. (Say(Say thesethese sentencessentences twice)twice) WhoWho likeslikes skirt?skirt? S1:S1: I I likelike skirt.skirt. SkirtSkirt isis mymy favouritefavourite clothes.clothes. (Give(Give thethe studentstudent a a skirtskirt card)card) (Ask(Ask fivefive students)students) T:T: I I likelike skirt.skirt. YouYou likelike skirt.skirt. WeWe likelike skirts.skirts. OurOur favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare skits.skits. LetLet thethe classclass readread afterafter me.me. ThenThen askask thethe otherother studentsstudents readread thesethese sentences.sentences. T:T: WhatWhat dodo theythey like?like? WhatWhat areare theirtheir favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? C:C: TheyThey likelike skirts.skirts. TheirTheir favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare skirts.skirts. ReadRead thesethese sentencessentences oneone byby oneone inin thethe group.group. 2 2、ListenListen andand readread thethe texttext AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions 1.Whats1.Whats JennysJennys favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? 2.Whats2.Whats DannysDannys favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? 3 3、RoleRole playplay ActAct thethe dialogue.dialogue.(找出两组同学前面扮演)(找出两组同学前面扮演) 4 4、PracticePractice AskAsk andand answer.answer. WhatWhat areare theirtheir favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? 5 5、 FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks. WeWe likelike shirts.shirts. _favourite_favourite clothesclothes areare _ shirtsshirts .(We.(We / / OurOur ) ) _ likelike shortsshorts . . TheirTheir favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare shortsshorts . . (They(They / / Their)Their) 6 6、 InterviewInterview AskAsk youryour friendsfriends aboutabout theirtheir favouritefavourite colourcolour andand clothes.clothes. (利用手中的图片小组内讨论交流,找出三组同学前面展示)(利用手中的图片小组内讨论交流,找出三组同学前面展示) 7 7、 LetsLets chant!chant! (听录音跟唱,然后一起大声唱)(听录音跟唱,然后一起大声唱) HomeworkHomework 1 1、FillFill inin thethe chart.chart. FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks. NameNameWhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite colour?colour? WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? I I likelike _._. YouYou likelike _._. WeWe likelike _._. OurOur favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare _._. He/SheHe/She likeslikes _._. TheyThey likelike _._. TheirTheir favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare _._. 2 2、懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。、懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。 冀教版四年级下册冀教版四年级下册 LessonLesson 2020 MyMy FavouriteFavourite ClothesClothes 一、教学目标一、教学目标 1 1,能够听、说、认读单词,能够听、说、认读单词 theirtheir、ourour、 clothesclothes。 2 2,能够运用,能够运用 I I likelike these/thosethese/those句型表达自己对衣服的喜欢。句型表达自己对衣服的喜欢。 3 3,能用,能用 WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite clothes?clothes?与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。 4 4,懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。,懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。 二、教学重点二、教学重点 能用能用 WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite clothes?clothes?与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。与同伴谈论自己所喜爱的衣服。 三、教学过程三、教学过程 ClassClass openingopening andand reviewreview 1.1. FreeFree talk.talk. 2.2. listenlisten toto a a song.song. NewNew conceptconcept 1 1、AskAsk andand answeranswer LookLook atat thethe picturespictures : : T:T: WhatsWhats this?this? S:S: ItIt isis a a dress.dress. T:T: WhatWhat colourcolour isis it?it? S:S: ItsIts red.red. T:T: ItIt a a redred . S:S: dressdress T:T: ItsIts a a redred dress.dress. 激发学生兴趣:(火眼金睛抢说单词。鼓励学生认真看,大胆说。激发学生兴趣:(火眼金睛抢说单词。鼓励学生认真看,大胆说。 ) 玩游戏:玩游戏:CanCan youyou telltell me:me: WhatsWhats missing?missing? StudentsStudents saysay oneone byby one.one. T:T: I I likelike skirt.skirt. SkirtSkirt isis mymy favouritefavourite clothes.clothes. (Say(Say thesethese sentencessentences twice)twice) WhoWho likeslikes skirt?skirt? S1:S1: I I likelike skirt.skirt. SkirtSkirt isis mymy favouritefavourite clothes.clothes. (Give(Give thethe studentstudent a a skirtskirt card)card) (Ask(Ask fivefive students)students) T:T: I I likelike skirt.skirt. YouYou likelike skirt.skirt. WeWe likelike skirts.skirts. OurOur favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare skits.skits. LetLet thethe classclass readread afterafter me.me. ThenThen askask thethe otherother studentsstudents readread thesethese sentences.sentences. T:T: WhatWhat dodo theythey like?like? WhatWhat areare theirtheir favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? C:C: TheyThey likelike skirts.skirts. TheirTheir favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare skirts.skirts. ReadRead thesethese sentencessentences oneone byby oneone inin thethe group.group. 2 2、ListenListen andand readread thethe texttext AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions 1.Whats1.Whats JennysJennys favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? 2.Whats2.Whats DannysDannys favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? 3 3、RoleRole playplay ActAct thethe dialogue.dialogue.(找出两组同学前面扮演)(找出两组同学前面扮演) 4 4、PracticePractice AskAsk andand answer.answer. WhatWhat areare theirtheir favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? 5 5、 FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks. WeWe likelike shirts.shirts. _favourite_favourite clothesclothes areare _ shirtsshirts .(We.(We / / OurOur ) ) _ likelike shortsshorts . . TheirTheir favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare shortsshorts . . (They(They / / Their)Their) 6 6、 InterviewInterview AskAsk youryour friendsfriends aboutabout theirtheir favouritefavourite colourcolour andand clothes.clothes. (利用手中的图片小组内讨论交流,找出三组同学前面展示)(利用手中的图片小组内讨论交流,找出三组同学前面展示) 7 7、 LetsLets chant!chant! (听录音跟唱,然后一起大声唱)(听录音跟唱,然后一起大声唱) HomeworkHomework 1 1、FillFill inin thethe chart.chart. FillFill inin thethe blanks.blanks. NameNameWhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite colour?colour? WhatsWhats youryour favouritefavourite clothes?clothes? I I likelike _._. YouYou likelike _._. WeWe likelike _._. OurOur favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare _._. He/SheHe/She likeslikes _._. TheyThey likelike _._. TheirTheir favouritefavourite clothesclothes areare _._. 2 2、懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。、懂得在不同场合要穿不同衣服,注重衣着合体,同时不以貌取人。
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