冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 12 Mr. Moon's Birthday-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频)-公开课-(编号:203d7).zip
Lesson 12 Mr. Moons Birthday 冀教版冀教版 四年级下册四年级下册 教学目标: (1)知识与技能目标: 1、学生能理解故事内容,并在教师引导下讲述故事 、表演故事; 2、学生能利用上下文、借助课件及肢体语言推测生 词的意思; 3、培养学生的阅读能力的策略。 (2)情感目标:培养学生的阅读兴趣。 (3)学习策略目标:通过对故事的学习,渗透各种阅 读策略的培养:朗读、寻读、略读、默读等,训练学生 根据上下文推测生词的能力。 教学准备:PPT , CD Mr.Moon Mr.Moon doesnt have a birthday. What roles are in this story? 在这个故事里有什么角色? What roles are in this story? 在这个故事里有什么角色? What do you see in this picture? Where is the moon standing on? Which month is the first? What festival comes in February? What do they say? 12 Hows the weather in March? What does April think(想)? 34 Why(为什么)does May think he is a good month for the moons birthday? What happens in June is fun? 5 6 Hows the weather in July and August? Why do they think they are the best? 78 Hows the weather in September and October? Whats your favourite weather? 9 10 Hows the weather in November and December? What can we do in these cold months? 11 12 My birthday can be in every month! In every month, I will be big and round. Which month do you like best? Why? January: I am the best month. I am the first. February: The Spring Festival often comes in February. March: The weather is warm and sunny in March. April: There is rain; the trees are green in April. May: The flowers are beautiful in May. June: Childrens Day is fun. July and August: We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday. September and October: Its nice and cool . November and December: We are cold months. You can play in the snow. The _ often comes in February. A. Spring Festival B. New Years Day The weather is warm and sunny in _. A. January B. March _ is fun. A .Childrens Day B .Teachers Day July and August are _ and _. A .cold / snowy B. hot / sunny You can play in the snow in _ and _. A August / September B November / December January is the _ month. A. sixth B. first Its nice and cool in _ and _. A .June / July B. September / October Mr. Moons birthday can be in _. A. every month B. one month Mr. Moon will be _ and _ on his birthday. A. small / hot B. big / round Put the sentences in the correct order.(排序) ( )The flowers are beautiful in May. ( ) Childrens Day is fun. ( ) I am the best month. I am the first. ( ) We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday. ( ) There is rain,and trees are green in April. ( ) Its nice and cool in September and October. ( ) The Spring Festival often comes in February. ( ) We are cold months. You can play in the snow. ( ) The weather is warm and sunny in March. 5 5 6 6 1 1 7 7 4 4 8 8 2 2 9 9 3 3 Happy birthday Mr. Moon! Homework: Retell the story to your family. 给家人讲讲这个故事。 Lesson12Mr. Moons Birthday 教 学 设 计 一、教材分析 单元及课文分析:本课内容选自冀教版小学英语第四册第二单元, 本课内容为故事课,讲述了月亮先生在很久以前没有生日,从而十 二个月份争相推荐自己,并在自我推荐过程中,介绍了自己的月份 特点,从而使学生在学习故事的过程中也复习了有关月份和天气的 知识。 本课内容是 Unit2 的最后一课,本单元的主题是 Days and Months,故 事中出现的月份和天气均是学生在本单元中接触过的词汇,因此学 生们在自主探究的过程当中并没有遇到过多的麻烦,同时对于出现 的少量的新单词,学生可以借助老师的表情、动作进行猜测,理解。 英语课程标准一级目标要求学生能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提 下认读所学词语,能在图片的帮助下读懂、理解并能表演故事。 二、学情分析 通过本单元的学习,学生已能较熟练地认读一些常见的天气、 月份,能介绍它们的一些特征。学生从三年级起学习英语,经过一 学期的学习,已有初步的英语基础,正逐渐向读写过渡,本课的月 份生日话题是他们比较感兴趣的内容,学生会有较高的学习热情。 三、教学目标 (1)知识与技能目标: 1、学生能理解故事内容,并在教师引导下讲述故事、表演故事; 2、学生能利用上下文、借助课件及肢体语言推测生词的意思; 3、培养学生的阅读能力的策略。 (2)情感目标:培养学生的阅读兴趣。 (3)学习策略目标:通过对故事的学习,渗透各种阅读策略的培养: 朗读、寻读、略读、默读等,训练学生根据上下文推测生词的能力。 四、教学重点:读懂故事,理解故事并能表演故事。 五、教具和学具 (1)多媒体课件。 (2)月份头饰 六、教学过程 IPre-reading 1. Greeting Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you? Hows the weather today? 老师把全班分成四个组在本节课进行比赛。 2. Lets sing a song. OK? What did you hear in the song? Review the twelve months. (设计意图:为学生创造了一个较轻松愉快的学习环境,以单词卡 片游戏和歌曲的方式复习月份以及节日、序数词,让学生尽快进入 上课的状态,为后面的故事打下基础。 ) II. While-reading. 1. I bring a new friend for you. 出示幻灯片月亮先生 Look , this is Mr. Moon. I will tell you a new story. This story is about Mr. Moon. Mr. Moons birthday . Lets watch the story and answer my question. T:What roles are in this story? Ss:Mr. Moon and twelve months. T: What happened? Lets look at it. (设计意图:播放第一遍光盘,学生大概了解本故事的内容。以一问 一答的形式,降低难度师生谈论故事,帮助学生理解分析课文。) 2.逐图出示课本图片学习故事, 老师完成板书。 图 1:What do you see in this picture? Where is the moon standing on? 图 2:This is January and February. Which month is the first? What festival comes in February? What do they say? 图 3:This is March and April. Hows the weather in March? What does April think? So they are the best. 图 4:This is May and June. Why does May think he is a good month for the moon birthday? What happens in June is fun? 图 5: Look at July and August. Hows the weather in July and August? Why do they think they are the best? 图 6:Look at September and October. Hows the weather in September and October?(cool) Whats your favourite weather? Do you like cool weather? Do you like cloudy weather? Do you like rainy weather? 图 7:This is November and December. 指出图中的序数词。Hows the weather in November and December? What can we do in these cold months?堆雪人、开心 图 8:Now Mr. Moon is very happy! Because he has a birthday in every month. In every month , he will be big and round! OK! This story is very interesting. Lets listen to the story and follow the tape. 学生跟读故事,然后回答课后问题。Which month do you like best? Why? (设计意图:学生跟读故事,再次感知故事。教师对个别知识点进行 解释,规范学生的语音语调。) 3. Now Lets read the story by yourself in your group!And then act this story. Role-play.学生在小组内练习读课本,然后角色表演。 (设计意图:这一部分体现的是小组合作,通过小组合作,学生共同 解决问题。角色朗读,进一步抓住故事含义,对故事内容进行整体 熟悉。这部分的角色表演,也是进一步检测学生对故事的理解程度, 激发学生的表演欲望。) 4. Do some exercises. 做习题。 Choose.选择题。 Lets read and match. 连线题。 (边订正边让孩子读句子) (设计意图:进一步加深对故事的理解,抓住关键词,整体感知故 事。通过选择、排序等练习,检查学生对故事的理解。) III. Post-reading. Today, the moon is big and round. Do you want to sing a song to Mr. Moon? 唱生日歌 Lets singHappy birthday to you. Homework: Retell this story to your friends. (设计意图:这部分是对课文内容的扩展练习,紧密联系学生的生活 实际,让学生复述故事,加强口语表达能力。) 板书设计:见下页 Lesson12 Mr. Moons Birthday first, the Spring Festival warm rain flowers, Childrens Day hot , holiday nice, cool cold T1 T2 T3 T4
- 资源描述:
Lesson 12 Mr. Moons Birthday 冀教版冀教版 四年级下册四年级下册 教学目标: (1)知识与技能目标: 1、学生能理解故事内容,并在教师引导下讲述故事 、表演故事; 2、学生能利用上下文、借助课件及肢体语言推测生 词的意思; 3、培养学生的阅读能力的策略。 (2)情感目标:培养学生的阅读兴趣。 (3)学习策略目标:通过对故事的学习,渗透各种阅 读策略的培养:朗读、寻读、略读、默读等,训练学生 根据上下文推测生词的能力。 教学准备:PPT , CD Mr.Moon Mr.Moon doesnt have a birthday. What roles are in this story? 在这个故事里有什么角色? What roles are in this story? 在这个故事里有什么角色? What do you see in this picture? Where is the moon standing on? Which month is the first? What festival comes in February? What do they say? 12 Hows the weather in March? What does April think(想)? 34 Why(为什么)does May think he is a good month for the moons birthday? What happens in June is fun? 5 6 Hows the weather in July and August? Why do they think they are the best? 78 Hows the weather in September and October? Whats your favourite weather? 9 10 Hows the weather in November and December? What can we do in these cold months? 11 12 My birthday can be in every month! In every month, I will be big and round. Which month do you like best? Why? January: I am the best month. I am the first. February: The Spring Festival often comes in February. March: The weather is warm and sunny in March. April: There is rain; the trees are green in April. May: The flowers are beautiful in May. June: Childrens Day is fun. July and August: We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday. September and October: Its nice and cool . November and December: We are cold months. You can play in the snow. The _ often comes in February. A. Spring Festival B. New Years Day The weather is warm and sunny in _. A. January B. March _ is fun. A .Childrens Day B .Teachers Day July and August are _ and _. A .cold / snowy B. hot / sunny You can play in the snow in _ and _. A August / September B November / December January is the _ month. A. sixth B. first Its nice and cool in _ and _. A .June / July B. September / October Mr. Moons birthday can be in _. A. every month B. one month Mr. Moon will be _ and _ on his birthday. A. small / hot B. big / round Put the sentences in the correct order.(排序) ( )The flowers are beautiful in May. ( ) Childrens Day is fun. ( ) I am the best month. I am the first. ( ) We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday. ( ) There is rain,and trees are green in April. ( ) Its nice and cool in September and October. ( ) The Spring Festival often comes in February. ( ) We are cold months. You can play in the snow. ( ) The weather is warm and sunny in March. 5 5 6 6 1 1 7 7 4 4 8 8 2 2 9 9 3 3 Happy birthday Mr. Moon! Homework: Retell the story to your family. 给家人讲讲这个故事。 Lesson12Mr. Moons Birthday 教 学 设 计 一、教材分析 单元及课文分析:本课内容选自冀教版小学英语第四册第二单元, 本课内容为故事课,讲述了月亮先生在很久以前没有生日,从而十 二个月份争相推荐自己,并在自我推荐过程中,介绍了自己的月份 特点,从而使学生在学习故事的过程中也复习了有关月份和天气的 知识。 本课内容是 Unit2 的最后一课,本单元的主题是 Days and Months,故 事中出现的月份和天气均是学生在本单元中接触过的词汇,因此学 生们在自主探究的过程当中并没有遇到过多的麻烦,同时对于出现 的少量的新单词,学生可以借助老师的表情、动作进行猜测,理解。 英语课程标准一级目标要求学生能看图识字,能在指认物体的前提 下认读所学词语,能在图片的帮助下读懂、理解并能表演故事。 二、学情分析 通过本单元的学习,学生已能较熟练地认读一些常见的天气、 月份,能介绍它们的一些特征。学生从三年级起学习英语,经过一 学期的学习,已有初步的英语基础,正逐渐向读写过渡,本课的月 份生日话题是他们比较感兴趣的内容,学生会有较高的学习热情。 三、教学目标 (1)知识与技能目标: 1、学生能理解故事内容,并在教师引导下讲述故事、表演故事; 2、学生能利用上下文、借助课件及肢体语言推测生词的意思; 3、培养学生的阅读能力的策略。 (2)情感目标:培养学生的阅读兴趣。 (3)学习策略目标:通过对故事的学习,渗透各种阅读策略的培养: 朗读、寻读、略读、默读等,训练学生根据上下文推测生词的能力。 四、教学重点:读懂故事,理解故事并能表演故事。 五、教具和学具 (1)多媒体课件。 (2)月份头饰 六、教学过程 IPre-reading 1. Greeting Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. How are you? Hows the weather today? 老师把全班分成四个组在本节课进行比赛。 2. Lets sing a song. OK? What did you hear in the song? Review the twelve months. (设计意图:为学生创造了一个较轻松愉快的学习环境,以单词卡 片游戏和歌曲的方式复习月份以及节日、序数词,让学生尽快进入 上课的状态,为后面的故事打下基础。 ) II. While-reading. 1. I bring a new friend for you. 出示幻灯片月亮先生 Look , this is Mr. Moon. I will tell you a new story. This story is about Mr. Moon. Mr. Moons birthday . Lets watch the story and answer my question. T:What roles are in this story? Ss:Mr. Moon and twelve months. T: What happened? Lets look at it. (设计意图:播放第一遍光盘,学生大概了解本故事的内容。以一问 一答的形式,降低难度师生谈论故事,帮助学生理解分析课文。) 2.逐图出示课本图片学习故事, 老师完成板书。 图 1:What do you see in this picture? Where is the moon standing on? 图 2:This is January and February. Which month is the first? What festival comes in February? What do they say? 图 3:This is March and April. Hows the weather in March? What does April think? So they are the best. 图 4:This is May and June. Why does May think he is a good month for the moon birthday? What happens in June is fun? 图 5: Look at July and August. Hows the weather in July and August? Why do they think they are the best? 图 6:Look at September and October. Hows the weather in September and October?(cool) Whats your favourite weather? Do you like cool weather? Do you like cloudy weather? Do you like rainy weather? 图 7:This is November and December. 指出图中的序数词。Hows the weather in November and December? What can we do in these cold months?堆雪人、开心 图 8:Now Mr. Moon is very happy! Because he has a birthday in every month. In every month , he will be big and round! OK! This story is very interesting. Lets listen to the story and follow the tape. 学生跟读故事,然后回答课后问题。Which month do you like best? Why? (设计意图:学生跟读故事,再次感知故事。教师对个别知识点进行 解释,规范学生的语音语调。) 3. Now Lets read the story by yourself in your group!And then act this story. Role-play.学生在小组内练习读课本,然后角色表演。 (设计意图:这一部分体现的是小组合作,通过小组合作,学生共同 解决问题。角色朗读,进一步抓住故事含义,对故事内容进行整体 熟悉。这部分的角色表演,也是进一步检测学生对故事的理解程度, 激发学生的表演欲望。) 4. Do some exercises. 做习题。 Choose.选择题。 Lets read and match. 连线题。 (边订正边让孩子读句子) (设计意图:进一步加深对故事的理解,抓住关键词,整体感知故 事。通过选择、排序等练习,检查学生对故事的理解。) III. Post-reading. Today, the moon is big and round. Do you want to sing a song to Mr. Moon? 唱生日歌 Lets singHappy birthday to you. Homework: Retell this story to your friends. (设计意图:这部分是对课文内容的扩展练习,紧密联系学生的生活 实际,让学生复述故事,加强口语表达能力。) 板书设计:见下页 Lesson12 Mr. Moons Birthday first, the Spring Festival warm rain flowers, Childrens Day hot , holiday nice, cool cold T1 T2 T3 T4
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