冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 12 Mr. Moon's Birthday-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:70502).zip


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When What Where How Sunny September 27 Jianshelu car Do you want to know something about me? 你想知道有关我的一些信息吗?你想知道有关我的一些信息吗? Look at the picture. What do you want to know? 看图片,你有哪些问题吗?看图片,你有哪些问题吗? Guess! What is he thinking about ? 猜猜他在想什么猜猜他在想什么 ? Which month is the best for my birthday? When What Where Who better good best Which month is the best for my birthday? I am the best month. No! We are the best! Me! Me! How about me? We are the best! Me! Which month does Mr. Moon choose? “My birthday can be in every month! In every month, I will be big and round. ” _ says, “I am the firtst.” January “The Spring Festival often comes in _.”February 3 Hows the weather in the other months?其它月份的天气怎么样?其它月份的天气怎么样? Please open your books. Read picture3 to picture7 silently. Please circle the months and the weather. 打开书,默读打开书,默读37图,把月份和图,把月份和 天气的单词圈出来。天气的单词圈出来。 Can you match the weather and the months? 你能搭配月份和天气吗?你能搭配月份和天气吗? “The flowers are beautiful in _.” _says, “Childrens Day is fun.” May June 6 Listen and imitate. 听音模仿。听音模仿。 and say, “We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!” JulyAugust 4 Listen and imitate. 听音模仿。听音模仿。 Role Play角色扮演角色扮演: Look at the blackboard. Lets try to role play the story. 看黑板,试着分角色表演一下这个故事看黑板,试着分角色表演一下这个故事 。 Can you retell the story? 你能复述这个小故事吗?你能复述这个小故事吗? If you are a month, how will you persuade Mr. Moon to choose you? You can change the red words. 如果你是一个月份,如果你是一个月份, 你会怎样说服月亮选择你会怎样说服月亮选择 你这个月你这个月? 你可以替换掉红色的单词。你可以替换掉红色的单词。 January: I am the best! I am the first. New Years Day is in Jan. It is cold and snowy. You can play in the snow. You can make a snowman(堆雪人堆雪人). January: I am the best! I am the first. New Years Day is in Jan. It is cold and snowy. You can play in the snow. You can make a snowman(堆雪人堆雪人). month Order 顺序顺序 Festival 节日节日 Weather 天气天气 Activities 活动活动 : I am the best! I am the . is in _. It is and . You can . You can . Why the moon get big and round every month? When will the moon be big and round every month? Its the fifteenth day of the lunar month(阴历十五阴历十五). the Mid-Autumn Festival August 15th of the lunar calendar 阴历八月十五阴历八月十五 Homework: 1.Retell the story to your friends or your family. 给你的朋友或家人讲一讲这个故事。给你的朋友或家人讲一讲这个故事。 2.Read the story on your activity book. Do the exercises.读一读练习册上的故事,并做练习题。读一读练习册上的故事,并做练习题。 Hello, Im January. I am cold and snowy. I am the first month of the year. I have a big family. There are twelve members in my family. We are Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, Jun., Jul., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. We have a different kinds of weather. In May, its warm. But in August, its very hot. In October, we can eat many fruits. Do you like my family? Story 1. There are _ members in the family. A. eleven B. twelve C.twelfth 2. Hows the weather in January? Its _. A. cold and snowy B. warm C.very hot 3. We can eat many fruits in _. A. January B. August C.Ocober 4. May and August have _ kinds of weather. A. the same(相同的相同的) B. different(不同的不同的) C.one 5. _is the six month in my family. A. July B. June C.May Can you choose the correct answer? Weather Report天气预报天气预报 Mohe County _and_ _ say, “We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!” “Its nice and cool in _ and _.” _and_ say, “We are the eleventh and twelfth months. We are cold months. You can play in the snow. Its fun.” “The flowers are beautiful in _. ” “There is rain, and trees are green in _.” “The weather is warm and sunny in _.” “There is rain, and trees are green in _.” _ says, “I am the firtst.” “The Spring Festival often comes in _.” 1 2 34 56 “The weather is warm and sunny in _.” “There is rain, and trees are green in _.” March April 2 “Its nice and cool in _ and _.” September October 5 _and_ say, “We are the eleventh and twelfth months. We are cold months. You can play in the snow. Its fun.” NovemberDecember 1 _and_ say, “We are the _th and _th months. We are _ months. You can play in the _. Its fun.” Group Work: In each group, you have six different pictures. Please read your pictures in your group. Then paste them on the long paper in the right order. If you finished, please hands up. Lets see which group is the first. 每组有六张不同的图每组有六张不同的图 片。在你的组里读你图片内容,并把六张图片按正确顺序片。在你的组里读你图片内容,并把六张图片按正确顺序 贴在长条的纸上。完成的小组请举手,看哪个组第一。贴在长条的纸上。完成的小组请举手,看哪个组第一。 I am the best month. No! We are the best!Me! Me! Me! How about me? We are the best! Me! _and_ _ say, “We are hot and sunny. And theres a long holiday!” “Its nice and cool in _ and _.” _and_ say, “We are the eleventh and twelfth months. We are cold months. You can play in the snow. Its fun.” “The flowers are beautiful in _. ” “There is rain, and trees are green in _.” “The weather is warm and sunny in _.” “There is rain, and trees are green in _.” _ says, “I am the firtst.” “The Spring Festival often comes in _.” 1 2 3 4 5 6 教教 学学 过过 程程 Step 1: Class opening and review 小学英语学科教学设计小学英语学科教学设计 课题名课题名 称称 LessonLesson 1212 Mr.Mr. MoonsMoons BirthdayBirthday 单元名单元名 称称 UnitUnit 2 2 DaysDays andand MonthsMonths 教材版教材版 本本 冀教版小学英语一年级起始四年级下册第二单元冀教版小学英语一年级起始四年级下册第二单元 授课年授课年 级级 四年级 教学设计的具体内容教学设计的具体内容 知识知识 技能技能 目标目标 1. 学生能听懂和理解这一简单的故事。 2. 学生能就故事进行提问和回答。 3. 学生能用自己的语言复述整个或部分故事内容。 情感情感 态度态度 目标目标 1. 培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。 2. 培养学生在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。 3. 鼓励学生大胆自信地运用英语进行交流。 教教 学学 目目 标标 分分 析析 学习学习 策略策略 目标目标 1. 听:能听懂文本,并回答相关问题。 2. 说:能使用英语进行交流。 3. 读:能正确朗读故事,并读懂,掌握主要信息。 教学教学 重点重点 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读词汇: story, best, long, holiday 等词。 2.学生能听懂、会说、认读并口头运用句子:Which month is the best for my birthday? Why? 教学教学 难点难点 Which month is the best for my birthday? Why? 等句型的 应用。 1. Greeting. T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? Ss: Fine, thanks. And you? T: Im fine. Nice to see you. Are you ready for English class? Ss: Yes. T: What day is it? Ss: Its T: Hows the weather today? Ss: Its (开课简单问候,拉近师生间距离, 并复习本单元知识。 ) 2. Sing “The month song” T: Lets sing the month song together. 3. Review the months and the ordinal numbers. T: We have learnt the months of the year. How many months are there in a year? Ss: There are twelve. T: What are they? Jan. is the (first month). Ss: February is the second. (老师拿月份卡片边往黑板上贴边引导学生说句子,再次巩固复习月份及序 数词。) 4. Free talk. T: There are 12 months. When is your birthday? S1: My birthday is T: What festival comes in . Hello, the girl/boy. Whats your name? Oh, Mr./ Miss How old are you? When is your birthday? . Hows the weather in _? (师生对话,拉近师生距离,消除学生内心的紧张感,并复习本单元重点句 子,也为之后的环节做铺垫。) Step 2: New Concepts 5. T: I know more about you. Do you want to know sth. about me? Can you ask me some questions with these words? What, How, When, Where. (让学生用所给的疑问词对老师提问,启发学生的思维。) Look at this picture, what do you want to know about him? You can also ask with these four words. “What, How, When, Where” Where is he? (He is on the cloud.) “Whats his name?” and “When is his birthday?” Lets listen. Can you answer? (This is Mr. Moon. He doesnt have a birthday.) Is he happy? (NO. ) Guess! What is he thinking about? Lets listen. Which month is the best for my birthday? Explain “the best” (给学生同样的疑问词,自然引出本课主人公,Mr. Moon,让学生设问, 并根据一系列问题一步步引出课文。 ) 5. Listen and Imitate. T: Lets listen. What are the months talking? Can you imitate? Every month wants to be Mr. Moons birthday month. Guess! Which month will Mr. Moon choose? (让学生预测故事结尾,培养学生高阶思维。 ) 6. Watch the flash. Now lets watch the flash. Then answer this question. T: Which month does Mr. Moon choose? (Every month) 7. Why Mr. Moon choose Jan. and Feb.? Lets listen. Hows the weather in Jan. and Feb.? (Its cold and snowy.) (通过询问一二月的天气,引出一个环节。 ) 8. Read the text. Circle the words. T: Hows the weather in the other months? Please open your books. Read pic3 to pic7 silently. Circle the words about the weather and the month. (运用默读、寻读等阅读策略,让学生找出本单元涉及月份和天气的重点 单词,把长篇比较难懂的段落变得简单清晰。 ) 9. Match the month and the weather. Try to say the sentence. Its _in _. (检查学生的学生结果,并让学生能够用自己的语言表达出每个月份的天气。 ) 10. How about May and June? Lets listen. The flowers are beautiful in May. So the weather must be warm. 11. Listen and imitate. (May, June, July, August) (听音模仿环节,培养学生纯正的语音语调,根据不同学生的水平,选择不 同难度的句子。 ) 12. Retell the story. T: Lets look at the blackboard. Retell the story together. (利用板书,和学生一起试着复述故事,有能力的学生可以尝试单独复述。 ) 13.If you are a month. Can you try to say more about you? You can say the name, the weather, the festival and the activity. For example: I am January. I am the first. Step3: Class closing 14. Watch a video. T: The moon gets big and round every month. Do you know why? Lets watch a video. When the moon is big and round, we called it the “full moon”. When does it get big and round every month? On the fifteenth day of the lunar month. August 15th of the lunar calendar, is the Mid-Autumn Festival. We can watch the moon and eat moon cakes with our family. (通过科普小视频,让学生知道每月的阴历十五,月亮是最大最圆的,并 学会满月的英语表达。每年的阴历八月十五是中秋节,我们可以和家人一起赏 月,吃月饼。 ) 15. Homework: 1) Retell the story to your friends. 2) Read the story on the activity books. 板书设计: 教学反思: 生态课堂是以学生为主体,以强调每一个学生的需求、欲望和意识,兼 顾学生的个性发展,通过现代课堂教学手段,实现教学与学生发展的真正统 一的课堂。 本课的教学目标是 1.学生能听懂和理解这一简单的故事;2.学生能就故 事进行提问和回答;3.学生能用自己的语言复述整个或部分故事内容。本课 教学基本完成了教学目标。 通过开课复习和学生的自由对话,复习本单元的重点,为本课课文的理 解做铺垫。在询问学生姓名后,以 Miss *或 Mr.*来称呼学生,为了缓解 学生的紧张心理,也为引出本课主人主 Mr. Moon。学生根据特殊疑问词对主 人公设问,引导学生通过观察图片,听句子来回答问题。本文通过听音回答 问题、自己寻读、默读,圈重点词等不同的教学方法,帮助学生来理解课文。 学生在输出时,提到了我在开课时没有提到的节日,妇女节,证明学生的思 维一直是在积极思考的。由于本文比较长,所以最后让学生全体和个别相结 合的方法来进行复述的。 本课也有一些小遗憾。.由于黑板比较小,所以思维导图的呈现不是 很清晰,整体感觉有些乱;二. 因为时间的关系,有一个关于月亮阴晴圆缺 的科普视频,没有给学生播放,有点小遗憾;三.给学生的作业没有分层, 可以让水平高的学生尝试写一写自己喜欢的月份,或者可以画思维导图。
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冀教版(三起)四下Unit Days and Months_Lesson 12 Mr. Moons Birthday_ppt课件_(含教案)_公开课_(编号:70502 冀教版 四下 unit 十二 mr
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