辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 12 Good habits.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:50d6e).zip


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快乐英语第四册 Unit 12 Good habits Lets chant I can, you can and everybody can Sing and dance, jump and run. He can, she can, everybody can Come and go, sit and stand. We can, you can, everybody can Play and laugh and have lots of fun. Back He can _.draw pictures I can guess Back He can _.play the guitar I can guess Back He can _.play chess I can guess Back He can _.make a model plane I can guess Back He can listen. What can he do? listen Listen and say Back . lsn 听 talk Listen and say Back tk 说话说话,谈话谈话 To respect the teacher respect others. 尊敬老师师,尊敬他人。 Talk about what you know the traffic rules. 谈谈你所知道的交通规则。 wait Listen and say Back Wait for the green light. 等待绿绿灯。 wet 等待 walk Walk on the right side. Listen and say Back 右侧侧通行。 wk 走;散步 What can he do? He can stand.standStand in line. Dont push. Listen and say Back stnd 站立 排 队。 别 推。 Game over stand wait stand listen talk Lets play a game. Lets play! Back I can say quickly Listen to the teacher.on the right side.Walk Stand in line. Dont push. Wait for the green light. Read and say. Good habits Bad habits Good habits benefit life, the bad habits of a lifetime. 好的习惯终生受益, 坏的习惯终生受累。 Listen and do. Word Bank Shut your eyes. Open your mouth. Shut your mouth. Open your eyes. Stand with your right leg. Stand with your left leg. One eye open and one eye shut. Shut your eyes and open your mouth! Shut your mouth and open your eyes! Game time Back Stand with your left leg. Open your right eye. Listen with your left ear. Shut your eyes. Shut your mouth. Game over Game time Back Fill in blanks. (1). In class, we must_to the teacher and dont _ (2). W_ on the right side. (3).We should _ for the green light to cross the road.(过马过马 路) (4)._ in line. Dont push. listen talk alk s wait Stand What have you learnt this class? 这节课你学到了什么? Homework (1) Read and recite the dialogue of page 63. 读并且背诵第63页对话。 (2) Read and copy the words and the sentences of page 63 two times and the dialogue once. 读并且抄写第63页单词和句子2遍 课文1遍。 四年级英语学科第十二单元教学设计四年级英语学科第十二单元教学设计 单元题目单元题目 Unit 12 Good habits 教材分析:教材分析: 本单元是辽师大版快乐英语第四册的第十二单元,本单元的话 题是理解和表达有关学校与日常生活中礼貌待人、遵守规则的简单 信息,功能是了解和运用表示意愿、情感、请求等交际功能的基本 表达方式。通过本单元教学使学生能够听懂、读懂、会用单词 listen,talk,stand,wait.能够在真实情景中运用所学单词以及所学 句型来描述文明习惯和行为规则。并能正确书写句子“Listen to the teacher”.本单元内容比较贴近学生生活,所以利于学生间开展交流。 教学目标:教学目标: 一、知识目标: 1. 能听、说、认读和书写单词:listen,talk,stand,wait 和句子: Listen to the teachers。 2. 会使用祈使句 Listen to the teacher .Let us be描述在校规则、交 通规则和有关文明礼貌的做法。 3. 知道元音字母 a, e, i, o, u 在单词中的发音及发音规律。 二、能力目标: 1. 能够使用本单元的核心语言 Listen to the teachers. Walk on the right side.描述行为规则和文明习惯。 2. 能听懂、会说、表演本单元 Listen and say, Lets act 的内容。 3. 能运用所学知识,听懂、读懂英语对话,并能仿造对话内容与同 伴进行信息交流与沟通。 4. 通过对五个元音字母的读音规则的总结,学会简单的归纳总结的 方法。初步掌握看图猜测词义学习单词的阅读策略。 三、情感、文化、策略目标: 1. 知道遵守规则的重要性。了解简单的交通规则及学校里的规则。 通过学习本单元,养成良好的学习、生活习惯。 2. 学会感谢别人的帮助,并对别人的感谢做出回应。 教学重点:教学重点: 重点: 1. 能听懂、会读、会说、会运用本单元 Listen and say,Read and say 中的内容。 2. 能听、说、认读和书写本单元的单词: listen,talk,stand,wait。 难点: 1. 了解祈使句的简单结构。 2. 会演 Lets act 的对话内容。 教学策略:教学策略: 针对对话中出现的重点、难点句子,利用幻灯片、图片创设情 境或者是利用自己的肢体语言来帮助学生理解。在适当的情况下, 可以给学生以点拨,让学生明白这些重难点句子的意思,领悟其用 法,这样做的同时也培养了学生用英语思维的能力。同时以小组合 作学习为主,多元化教学评价为辅,调动学生的学习气氛,激发他 们的求知欲。 单元各课主要学习内容:单元各课主要学习内容: 第一课时:Listen and say Game time 第二课时:Listen, read and color Lets act Try to do 第三课时:Read and say Lets chant Reward time 教学 目标 1. Aims on the knowledge (1) Can understand, read,speak and write the words “listen,talk,stand,wait”. (2)Can understand, read ,speak and write the sentence “Listen to the teacher.” 2. Aims on the abilities (1) Can understand simple structure of imperative sentence, and can operate in real situation. (2) To use words and sentences to describe simple rules. 3. Aims on the emotion (1) Know the importance of follow the rules. (2) Form the habit of abide by the rules. 教学 重点 (1) To master the words “ listen,talk,stand,wait” and the sentence “Listen to the teacher”. (2) Can use the words and sentences to describe simple rules. 教学 难点 Understand the simple structure of imperative sentence. 核心 问题 Good habits. 教学 方法 Situational teaching method; Group cooperation teaching method 教学 媒体 CAI、tape recorder、cards、pictures. 教学过程 教学环节教学内容及教师指导学生活动设计意图 Step1 (5 分) I. Warming up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/ Mr. AA 2. Lets chant I can ,you can and everybody can Sing and dance, jump and run. He can, she can, everybody can Come and go, sit and stand. We can, you can, everybody can Play and laugh and have lots of run 3. Free talk Greeting to each other. Say the chant with the actions. 教师面带微 笑地问候,拉近 与学生的距离, 愉快的韵律诗使 学生们进入学习 英语的良好状态, 达到课前热身的 效果,学生之间 用所学过的语言 互相问答,既回 顾了原有知识, 又为学习本课课 文做了铺垫。 教学 目标 1. Aims on the knowledge (1) Can understand, read,speak and write the words “listen,talk,stand,wait”. (2)Can understand, read ,speak and write the sentence “Listen to the teacher.” 2. Aims on the abilities (1) Can understand simple structure of imperative sentence, and can operate in real situation. (2) To use words and sentences to describe simple rules. 3. Aims on the emotion (1) Know the importance of follow the rules. (2) Form the habit of abide by the rules. 教学 重点 (1) To master the words “ listen,talk,stand,wait” and the sentence “Listen to the teacher”. (2) Can use the words and sentences to describe simple rules. 教学 难点 Understand the simple structure of imperative sentence. 核心 问题 Good habits. 教学 方法 Situational teaching method; Group cooperation teaching method 教学 媒体 CAI、tape recorder、cards、pictures. 教学过程 教学环节教学内容及教师指导学生活动设计意图 Step1 (5 分) I. Warming up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss/ Mr. AA 2. Lets chant I can ,you can and everybody can Sing and dance, jump and run. He can, she can, everybody can Come and go, sit and stand. We can, you can, everybody can Play and laugh and have lots of run 3. Free talk Greeting to each other. Say the chant with the actions. 教师面带微 笑地问候,拉近 与学生的距离, 愉快的韵律诗使 学生们进入学习 英语的良好状态, 达到课前热身的 效果,学生之间 用所学过的语言 互相问答,既回 顾了原有知识, 又为学习本课课 文做了铺垫。 Step2 (15 分) Can you sing? Can you sing in the library? Can you play football? Can you play football in the classroom? II. Presentation 1. (出示几组教师正在上课但是 有的学生却在溜号的图片) 2. (出示句子卡片)Listen to the teacher.(认真听讲) 渗透于情感教育,尊重老师, 尊重他人。 Dont talk! 3. Show the word card “talk” and teach the word. 4.(播放一段在红灯亮的情况下一 只大螃蟹横冲直撞不遵守交通规 则的动画) The teacher shows the pictures: “Walk on the right side. (右侧通行) . Wait for the green light.(等待绿 灯) Stand in line. Dont push(排队。 别推。 ) 5. Play a game “Whats missing?” The teacher shows all the words: listen, talk, stand, wait, walk and changes the locations of the cards quickly, and then, takes out one card and asks the students to guess. Again and again. 6.Learn the text There are things we cant do. There are things we must do. Now lets look at the text. Look at the pictures ask and answer in pairs. Look at the pictures and judge we should say “yes” or “no” for these behaviors. Read and spell the word “listen”. Read “talk” together,groups by groups,boys and girls, one by one. Watch the movie then talk about “If he is right” and “What do you know about the traffic rules”. a. Read the words and sentences with the actions. b. Practice reading words and sentences in pairs. c. Choose several students to read. Play a game Say: listen, listen, l-i-s- t-e-n, listen. talk, talk, t-a-l-k, talk a. Open the books, listen to the tape and repeat. b. Practice to read the 通过图片导 入新课比较直观, 更能吸引同学们 的注意力, 教师引导学 生讨论,鼓励学 生畅所欲言,使 每个学生都能积 极参与到课堂教 学之中,激发学 生的学习热情。 以游戏的方 式激发学生的学 习兴趣,符合小 学生的心理特点, 使学生在玩中自 然的掌握新知。 Step3 (15 分) Step4 (3 分) III. Consolidation 1. Game time The teacher shows the sentence of “Word Bank on the board. Teach the word: shut.(闭上) 2 (出示课文挂图)The teacher asks the students to read and act the text by different characters. 3According to the prompt and fill in the blanks. (1). In class, we mustto the teacher and dont _ (2). W_ on the right side. (3).We should _ for the green light to cross the road.(过马路) (4)._ in line. Dont push. IV. Summary 1. Ask several Ss to sum up what we have learnt in this class. 2. The teacher draws a conclusion. There are many good habits and bad habits in our daily life, we should obey the rules to be a good student. 3. Homework (1). Listen to the tape and read the text. (2).With your classmates in English class rules, and tries to give pictures. (3).Copy the words and the sentences of page 63 two times. text in groups. a. Read and translate. b. Listen to the orders and do actions. c. Practice in groups. Read the text and act it out. Finish the exercise. Sum up 通过游戏改 变了枯燥、乏味 的学习方式,使 学生以高度的热 情、良好的姿态 进入学习状态。 通过学生的 阅读检测学生的 掌握情况,分组 表演,给学生提 供表演机会。让 每一位学生都能 展示自己,表现 自己。 学生总结既 锻炼了学生的表 达能力,同时更 能了解学生的掌 握情况。 适量的作 业,巩固新知。 板 书 设 计 Unit 12 Good habits Listen to the teacher. Walk on the right side. Stand in line. Dont push. Wait for the green light. 反 思 升 华 教学 目标 1. Aims on the knowledge (1) To understand, read, speak the dialogue “Lets act”. (2) Can use English to ask if can do something. 2. Aims on the abilities (1) To develop the abilities of listening and speaking. (2) Through the summary of five vowels pronunciation rules, learn the simple method of generalizations 3. Aims on the emotion Through the study of this unit, form good learning habits. 教学 重点 To understand, read, speak the dialogue “Lets act”. Can use English to ask if can do something. 教学 难点 Can act “Lets act”. 核心 问题 Good habits. 教学 方法 “Situational Teaching Method Play Method 教学 媒体 CAI、tape recorder、cards 教学过程 教学 环节 教学内容及教师指导学生活动设计意图 Step1 (5 分) Step2 (15 分) I. Warming up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon. 2. Free talk Can you play chess? Can you draw pictures/make model planes/ 3. Show students made their own rules II. Presentation 1. Ask “Can you play football”? Can you play football now? (强调两个 can 的意思不一样,前 一个 can 表示能力,后一个表示 允许。) Teaches: We are in the classroom. Greeting to each other. Free talk Answer: Yes, I can. No. 通过师生亲切的 日常问候、自然的交 流,可以引导学生进 入英语思维的课堂环 节。既培养了师生之 间的情感,也为以下 的教学打下了良好的 基础。 Step3 (15 分) Step4 (3 分) 2. Show the picture of “Try to do” Listen to the tape and answer : (1) Who are they? (2) Where are they? 3.Read the dialogue of part 1 by themselves then answer: (1)What does Li Ming say? (2)What does his mother say? (3)Can Li Ming watch TV? 4. Show the sentence card and teaches: Do the homework first.(先 做作业) 5.Read the dialogue of part 2 by themselves then answer: Can Li Ming watch TV now? Why? 3. Show the sentence card and teaches: Mom, my homework is done.(妈妈,我的作业做完 了。 ) 4. Listen to the tape recorder and follow to read. And then read the dialogue in roles. 8. Show the words of “Listen and read and color”. III. Consolidation 1. Try to do. 2. Make a small composition with We can We cant IV. Brief Summary 1. Ask several Ss to sum up what we have learnt in this class. 2. The teacher draws a conclusion. 3. Ask the Ss to repeat the main knowledge. Listen to the tape and answer: (1) They are Li Ming and his mother and father. (2)They are at home. Read the dialogue then answer: (1)Li Ming says: Can I watch TV? (2)His mother says: No. Do your homework first. (3)No, he cant. Read the dialogue then answer: Yes, he can. Group cooperation, summarize the pronunciation rules of vowels, and classify the words Read the sentences, according to the book described in the manual. Sum up 引导学生带着问 题读课文,集中学生 的注意力。 通过小组合作, 使学生学会团结互助, 培养合作精神。 通过小作文帮助 学生巩固所学知识, 并给他们一个机会将 所学知识运用在真实 的生活情境中。 板 书 设 计 Unit 12 Good habits Do your homework first. My homework is done. 反 思 升 华 Step5 (2 分) V. Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. 2. Complete their handmade 富有刺激性的、 挑战性的作业再一次 激发学习兴趣,把兴 趣延伸到以后的每一 节课。 教学 目标 1. Aims on the knowledge (1) To master the key sentence “Please do”and use them in right situation (2) To listen and speak stand in line, be careful, ticket, be polite, remember to say, dont forget,” and use the sentence in real situations. (3)Master the chant. 2. Aims on the abilities (1) To train the ability of working in groups. (2) To foster the abilities of communication. 3. Aims on the emotion (1)To foster consciousness of good co-operation and proper competition. (2)Learn to be grateful. 教学 重点 To understand, speak “Read and say” Can use Please do to ask somebody to do something. 教学 难点 Can understand and speak “stand in line, be careful.” 核心 问题 Good habits. 教学 方法 “Task-base” teaching method. 教学 媒体 CAI、tape recorder、cards. 教学过程 教学 环节 教学内容及教师指导学生活动设计意图 Step1 (5 分) Step2 (15 分) I. Warming up 1. Greetings T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning/afternoon 2. Play a game. Listen to the orders and do actions. II. Presentation 1. The teacher shows the picture of the text and ask: Where are they? What can you see? 2. Help students to answer: They are in the street. Greeting to each other. Listen and do. 课前游戏营造轻 松愉快的教学气氛, 抓住学生的注意力, 缩短师生的距离又可 以培养学生的交际能 力,为以下的新课教 学创设一个英语的学 习环境。 图片是最直观的 展示新知识的方法, 通过图片和解释创设 情境,加快孩子们的 理解过程。让学生们 在老师的指引下层层 板 书 设 计 Unit 12 Good habits. Where are they? What can you see? 反 思 升 华 Step3 (15 分) Step4 (3 分) Step5 (2 分) 3. Ask students to read the text of “Read and say” and ask: Who is the man in blue? 4. Read the text by themselves. 5. Read the text after the tape. 6. Read the text in roles. III. Consolidation 1. Make a dialogue in groups. And then act it out. 2. Reward time. 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given words (1) This is my pet._( it) name is Tom. (2) Can you play the violin? No, I _(can). (3)_(Do) watch too long. Its bad for your eyes. (4)Do _(you) homework first. IV. Brief Summary 1. Ask some Ss to sum up what we have learnt in this class. 2. Ask the Ss to repeat the main knowledge. V. Homework 1. Listen to the dialogue. 2. Say the chant. Answer: Hes a policeman. Read the text in different ways. Make and act dialogues. Fill in the blanks then report. Sum up 深入的进入了新知识 的教授。 。 用所学的知识和 语言去和同学展开积 极的交流和对话,学 会倾听,学会团结互 助,培养合作精神。 通过练习准确检 测学生对知识的掌握 能力。 学生总结既锻炼 了学生的表达能力, 同时更能了解学生的 掌握情况。
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