辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 4 I have a new friend-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:3003a).zip


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I have a new friend Unit 4 Shiyan Primary School Zhai Kun Who is tall? Giraffe is tall. Who is big? Elephant is big. Who is strong? Bear is strong. Who is thin? Monkey is thin. Who is beautiful? Peacock is beautiful. Lets chant Back Lets say . The man is Yao Ming. He is _ and _. The woman is Jin Guizi. She is _ and _ . tall strong short smart She is tall. Is she tall? Yes , she is. Is she short? No ,she isnt. 一般疑问句 1.Be动词提前 2. 句号变问号 3. 第一人陈变第二人称 4.开头字母大写 含有be动词的陈述句变一般疑问句 郎平 陈述句 Hello! I am Jim. Look at my family photo. Guess ! Who are they? old My grandparents are old. My father is tall and thin. thin beautiful My mother is beautiful. clever My sister is clever. young The boy is me. I am young. old adj. 老的;旧的 /ld/ Is she old? Yes,she is. No,she isnt. Hello! I am Jim. Look at my family photo. Guess ! Who are they? old My grandparents are old. My father is tall and thin. thin beautiful My mother is beautiful. clever My sister is clever. young The boy is me. I am young. thin 瘦的;薄的;细的 /n/ Is he strong? No, he isnt. Is he thin? Yes, he is. Is he tall? No, he isnt. Hello! I am Jim. Look at my family photo. Guess ! Who are they? old My grandparents are old. My father is tall and thin. thin beautiful My mother is beautiful. clever My sister is clever. young The boy is me. I am young. beautiful adj. 美丽的,美好的; 极好的 ; /bjutfl/ Is she beautiful? Yes ,she is. Is she smart? Yes ,she is. She is very smart. Hello! I am Jim. Look at my family photo. Guess ! Who are they? old My grandparents are old. My father is tall and thin. thin beautiful My mother is beautiful. clever My sister is clever. young The boy is me. I am young. clever /klev/adj. 聪明的,灵巧的 Is he clever? Yes , he is. Hello! I am Jim. Look at my family photo. Guess ! Who are they? old My grandparents are old. My father is tall and thin. thin beautiful My mother is beautiful. clever My sister is clever. young The boy is me. I am young. young /j/adj. 年幼的; 年轻的 He is _ . He is _ . old youn g old young clever beautiful thin Game over Listen and say Back I can say quickly 看谁说的快 Hello! I am Jim. Look at my family photo. Guess ! Who are they? old My grandparents are old. My father is tall and thin. thin beautiful My mother is beautiful. clever My sister is clever. young The boy is me. I am young. Listen and answer (听录音,回答问题) Back 1. Who is Xiao Huis friend? 2. Is she tall? 3. Is she beautiful? Helen is Xiao Huis friend. Yes ,she is. Yes ,she is. Yes, she is. Shes tall and beautiful. Her name is Helen. Is she tall? Whats her name? I have a new friend. She is from the UK. Listen and say 听一听,读一读 Back Yes, she is. Shes tall and beautiful. Her name is Helen. Is she tall? Whats her name? I have a new friend. She is from the UK. Back 分角色朗读 Yes, she is. Shes tall and beautiful. Her name is Helen. Is she tall? Whats her name? I have a new friend. . She is from the UK. Fill in the blanks. 填一填 Back Yes , he/she is. He/Shes _and_. Her/His name is _. Is she/he_? Whats her/his name? I have a new_. He/She is from_. Back Change it. 换一换 Look! I have a special friend. Is he tall? Is he tall now? Is he strong? Is he thin? Is he strong now? Is he thin now? Game time Back I can answer Guess, who is my friend? A boy or a girl? A boy/girl. Is she/he tall? Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isnt. She/He is Game time Back Talk about your favorite person. (说说你最喜欢的人吧) A: Who is your favorite person? B: Guess! A: A man or a woman? B: A A: Is he/she old/tall/beautiful/ short/young? B: Yes, he/she is./ No, he/she isnt. A: I know! He/She is Yao Ming Yang Liwei Bing Xin 拓展练习: Back I can say 2. This is Doctor Lee. He is from _ . He is _ . 3. This is Little Mark. He is from _ . He is _ . 1. This is Meimei. She is from _ . She is _. the UK the USA China beautiful young old China beautiful the USA old the UK young Fill in the blanks 选词填空 Back Hi! Im _. Look at my family photo. My father is _and _. My mother is _. My sister is _. You know, Im a _boy! Ha! Ha! tall short thin beautiful strong old young clever tallthin beautiful young clever 拓展练习 Back I can write (我会写) John Summary: What have you learned this class? (这节课你学到了什么呢?) Homework: 1.规范书写四会单词各5遍 2.与你的好朋友一起练习part1 课文 Friendship Friendship 友友谊谊 Friendship is very important to us. Everyone needs friendship. In all our lives, we cannot live without friendship just as we cannot survive without air and water. We should cherish and respect our friendship. 友谊对于我们来说非常重要。每个人都需要友 谊。在我们的一生中,我们就像离不开空气和水 一样,离不开友谊。我们要珍惜和尊重我们的友 谊。 Goodbye! 二、教学目标 教学目标: 1.能听、说、读、写单词 young,old,beautiful,thin,clever,the UK,做到 书写规范,并能将其正确、熟练地运用于句型和对话中。 2.能听懂、会读、会说本单元核心语言 Is he/she .?Yes,he/she is. No, he/she isnt.并能在真实的情境中运用。 3.体会学习英语的乐趣,并能积极与同学合作完成学习任务。 4.引导学生多交朋友,学会与他人友好沟通;了解常见国家名称的缩略形式。 重点:掌握并正确运用 Is he/she .?句式,并能做出相应回答。 难点:用本单元词汇和句子对他人进行简单介绍。 三、学习者特征分析 认知能力方面:四年级学生大概十岁左右,这个阶段的儿童注意力不稳 定、不持久,难于长时间专注于同一件事物,容易为一些新奇刺激的事物所 吸引。所以他们对课件里的动画和会动发声的教具感兴趣。 知识能力方面:现在是四年级下学期,学生们经过一年半的学习,学生 们已经掌握了一定数量的三会及四会单词,并掌握了一些常用简单句型,进 行简单对话。 新课学习方法:同学们通过对一张全家福的观察,复习之前所学的知识, 并引出相关的新知。对于小学生来说,实际的情景教学更为喜欢和适应,理 解和接受起来效果更好。所以我采用了演示法和小组合作法等教学方法。 如何设计预习:课前请孩子们携带或者绘制一张全家福。在课上进行实 物教学和练习。 四、教学过程 一、热身及复习 1.师生问候。 2.Let chant. 教师带领学生们进行 chant 活动 (环节目标环节目标:通过此活动学生们复习了之前学习的单词及句型) 二、新课呈现 1.通过姚明和金龟子的照片,引出上课重点句型及单词。He is tall and strong./She is short and smart. 2.教师指着姚明的照片,询问学生们:Is he tall/short? 引导学生们用 Yes,he is./No,he isnt.来回答。并利用课件演示,陈述句到一般疑问 句的变化。 (环节目标:环节目标:这个环节起承上启下的作用。 ) 3.教师扮演 Jim。出示全家福照片,引出本课重点词汇 young,old,beautiful,thin,clever.并将重点句型与词汇相结合,进行练习。 4.在进行上一活动时,每学到一个重点句型和词汇,教师要板书单词,带领 学生书写,同时通过 PPT 呈现讲解英文书写规则。 (环节目标环节目标:英文书写也是英语教学的重要内容之一) 5.Game time :I can say it quickly. (环节目标环节目标:通过这个练习,强化重点词汇的理解,并调动学生注意力及 学习兴趣。 ) 6.课文学习。教师利用 ppt 出示问题。让孩子们带着问题听课文录音。请学 生们回答问题。 7.再听一次录音,并讲解课文。 8.学生操练课文,小组表演。 9拓展练习,教师鼓励学生们利用实际生活的朋友及家人将重点句型及词汇 做替换练习。 (环节目标环节目标:通过该练习,让孩子们操练了句型,并重温了友谊。 ) 10.游戏教学。教师请三位学生到讲台,请学生们猜其中哪个是自己的朋友, 学生们通过使用本课重点句型:Is he .?来猜哪个是。 (环节目标环节目标:这个环节,既操练了重点句型,又调动了学生的学习积极性。 ) 11. I can write 环节,这部分操练了重点句型,I am from +国家。 12.小作文。这部分将本课所学进行整合练习。同时也练习了学生们的书写能 力。 (环节目标环节目标:练习孩子们的书写能力。 ) 三、总结/评价 1.让学生们自己总结本课所学和收获。 2.让学生们对本课自己的表现进行客观评价。 (环节目标:提高孩子们对学习的归纳与总结能力,提高学习的自主性。 ) 四、情感教育。教师用英语讲述友谊的重要意义。 五、作业。 (环节目标:环节目标:作业的布置是对本课所学的加深与巩固) 教学流程: 二、新 授1.通过 姚明和 2.利用全 家福引 出本课 Game time: 课文学 习: I can write 三、总 1.热身/ 复习 五、教学评价设计 英语课堂学习自我评价表 ABC 自我评价教师评价 听全部听懂, 能准确回答 所给出的问 题 基本听懂,能 给出一部分问 题的关键信息 只能听懂 课文中的 一部分, 不能答问 说能熟练地运 用所学知识 与老师、同 学进行问答, 语音清晰, 正确 能够及时回答 老师所提出的 问题,与同学 就所学的句型 进行问答 能模仿句 型造句 读朗读对话时, 发音准确、 清晰,语言 流畅 发音比较准确, 语言比较流畅 发音不够 准确,读 书不流利 写格式正确, 书写流畅, 页面整洁 格式正确,书 写工整 不够工整、 准确 课 堂 表 现 认真听课, 积极回答问 题,勤于思 考,能够积 极与小组成 员合作 认真听课,偶 尔溜号,偶尔 举手回答问题, 与他人合作 不够认真, 知识掌握 不好,没 有发言 总 结 六、教学板书 Unit 4 I have a new friend. Is she tall ? Yes, she is. Boys Girls(男女生比赛图示) beautiful ? No, she isnt. clever ? thin ? old ? Homework: 1.抄写本课四会单词及句型 2.与好朋友操练本课课文。
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