清华版六年级下册UNIT 1TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS-Lesson 4-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:3033b).zip


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义务教育教科书清华版小学英语6B TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONSTELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS called call back 1. Who answered the phone at the first time? 2. Did Fred answer the phone? 3. What was Fred doing? 4. What could Fred do then? ? call back Listen to the telephone conversation, find out the answer and order the sentences at the same time. Hello! Hello, Lee. Its Fred. Hi, Fred. Thanks for calling back. Im sorry I didnt answer the phone. Whats up? Whats up? Read the telephone conversation as quickly as you can, then, answer the question. ? Lee is thinking of going to the tomorrow morning. City Aquarium Lee is thinking of going to the tomorrow morning. Can people put aquariums at home? Hello! This is _. How are you doing? May I ask you a question? Can people put aquariums at home? Oh, I see. Thanks a lot. Goodbye! an aquarium 1.What will be showed at the City Aquarium tomorrow morning? 2.When will the show begin? READ AND ANSWER sea lion seal(海豹) seal sea lion Lets watch the show! Do you love the sea lions? THINK ABOUT IT What will Fred do before he says yes? THINK ABOUT IT If you were Fred, what would you say to your mom? Good luck. Did Freds mother agree to let him go? My mom agreed to let me go. Wonderful! Shall we meet at the aquarium at 10 oclock tomorrow morning? Great! See you then. See you. Does Freds mother agree him to go? My mom agreed to let me go. Wonderful! Shall we meet at the aquarium at 10 oclock tomorrow morning? Great! See you then. See you. Now! Lets read! Make a telephone conversation with your friends. A: Hello! B: Hello, _. Its _. A: Hi, _. Thanks for calling back. B: Im sorry I didnt answer the phone. Whats up? A: Im thinking of going to _. B: . what h when h where h who h Do you agree that phones are everything? Write some sentences about that, and tell us the reasons. HOMEWORK I agree that phones are everything. Because . I disagree that phones are everything. Because . Goodbye! ? call back Listen to the telephone conversation, find out the answer and order the sentences. beluga show dolphin show mermaid show sea lion show Make a telephone conversation with your friend Lets watch the show! spots seal sea lion seal sea lion seal sea lion seal sea lion Make a telephone conversation with your friend Whats up? 教学设计教学设计 清华版小学英语六年级下册清华版小学英语六年级下册 Unit 1Lesson 4 (1st Period) 设计思路设计思路 本节课是一节会话课。本单元的内容围绕本节课是一节会话课。本单元的内容围绕 TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS 展开,带领展开,带领 学生了解并掌握基本的电话用语等。本课主要围绕回电话展开,引导学生通过学习能用简单的学生了解并掌握基本的电话用语等。本课主要围绕回电话展开,引导学生通过学习能用简单的 语言和同伴以打电话的形式交流。这一个单元都是有关打电话的内容,所以,学生已经能够用语言和同伴以打电话的形式交流。这一个单元都是有关打电话的内容,所以,学生已经能够用 电话用语询问要找的人是否在以及简单回答来电人的问题,这一课是这个单元的第四课,主要电话用语询问要找的人是否在以及简单回答来电人的问题,这一课是这个单元的第四课,主要 学习回电话的英文用语。本课的单词和句型并不难理解,教师在教授的过程中需要给学生不断学习回电话的英文用语。本课的单词和句型并不难理解,教师在教授的过程中需要给学生不断 创造表达的机会,让学生对所学的有关回电话需要使用的句型进行练习,同时,还要不断巩固创造表达的机会,让学生对所学的有关回电话需要使用的句型进行练习,同时,还要不断巩固 已学的接打电话的功能句,通过情景对话和角色扮演的方式,引导孩子们理解文章内容。另一已学的接打电话的功能句,通过情景对话和角色扮演的方式,引导孩子们理解文章内容。另一 方面,通过小组活动编新电话对话的活动,鼓励学生使用英语自信并流利的表达,树立学生英方面,通过小组活动编新电话对话的活动,鼓励学生使用英语自信并流利的表达,树立学生英 语学习的自信心和兴趣,培养学生的英语思维能力,提高学生英语的综合运用能力。语学习的自信心和兴趣,培养学生的英语思维能力,提高学生英语的综合运用能力。 教学目标教学目标 1. Language Skills 语言技能语言技能 a. 能看图、听音指认、说出单词:能看图、听音指认、说出单词:aquarium, luck, agree. 并能够流利的朗读课文。并能够流利的朗读课文。 b. 能够掌握回电话的交际用语并用语言进行表达等任务。能够掌握回电话的交际用语并用语言进行表达等任务。 2. Language Knowledge 语言知识语言知识 a. 理解对话中的主要信息。理解对话中的主要信息。 b. 掌握基本回电话的交际用语并得体的运用。掌握基本回电话的交际用语并得体的运用。 c. 学生能初步了解学生能初步了解 sea lion。 d. 能够用准确的语音、语调朗读课文。能够用准确的语音、语调朗读课文。 3. Affective Attitude 情感态度情感态度 a.学生能得体运用打电话请他人一起看演出的交际用语。学生能得体运用打电话请他人一起看演出的交际用语。 b.学生能够感受打电话邀请朋友一起做事情时的快乐情感。学生能够感受打电话邀请朋友一起做事情时的快乐情感。 4. Learning strategies 学习策略学习策略 a. 通过语音知识的牵引进行新单词的学习。通过语音知识的牵引进行新单词的学习。 b. 训练学生听力能力。训练学生听力能力。 c. 创设情景进行角色扮演,提供英文的表达机会,锻炼学生英语的综合运用能力。创设情景进行角色扮演,提供英文的表达机会,锻炼学生英语的综合运用能力。 d. 在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务。 5. Cultural awareness 文化意识文化意识 a. 学生认识英语国家不同的电话用语习惯。学生认识英语国家不同的电话用语习惯。 教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 2 Important Points 教学重点教学重点 1. 理解文章中的主要信息。理解文章中的主要信息。 2. 能看图、听音指认、说出单词能看图、听音指认、说出单词: aquarium, luck, agree.并能够流利的朗读课文。并能够流利的朗读课文。 3. 能够得体的运用打电话邀请他人做某事。能够得体的运用打电话邀请他人做某事。 Difficult Points: 教学难点教学难点 1. 归纳对话主要信息的意识和能力的培养,帮助学生为情境迁移提供支架。归纳对话主要信息的意识和能力的培养,帮助学生为情境迁移提供支架。 2. 在理解对话内容的基础上,使用电话用语进行对话练习。在理解对话内容的基础上,使用电话用语进行对话练习。 3. 创设情境,为学生搭建语用平台,使学生运用语言真实交流。创设情境,为学生搭建语用平台,使学生运用语言真实交流。 Teaching Aids: 教学准备教学准备 Video, PPT, stickers. Teaching Procedures: 教学过程教学过程/步骤步骤 教学步骤教学步骤教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图时时 间间 Warm - up 1. Greeting 2. Review Lesson 3 with questions. 2.1 Who answered the phone at the first time? 2.2 Did Fred answer the phone? 2.3 What was Fred doing? 2.4 What could Fred do then? Answer the questions to review Lesson 3. 通过快速复通过快速复 习第三课的习第三课的 内容,让学内容,让学 生熟悉内容,生熟悉内容, 为第四课的为第四课的 继续学习打继续学习打 下基础。下基础。 4 Presenta tion 1. Listen to the telephone conversation, find out the answer and order the sentences about the answering the phone. 1.1 Does Fred call Lee back? 1.2 Ask Ss to make the sentences in order. 2. Check the answers. 2.1 Does Fred call Lee back? 2.2 Whats Lees phone number? 2.3 How does he know it? 2.4 Check the numbers of the sentences. Then read them in roles. 3. Read the telephone conversation again, then, answer the question: Whats up between them? 3.1 Read the dialogue. Ask Ss to answer the question first. 3.2 PPT shows different places and let Ss choose the correct place that Listen to the MP3, answer the question and number the sentences at the same time. Ps: react with T. Read the sentences in order. Ss try to answer the question first. Choose the correct picture and react with T. 以排序的方以排序的方 式练习电话式练习电话 用语,节省用语,节省 了时间,又了时间,又 帮助孩子们帮助孩子们 快速掌握并快速掌握并 熟练本课的熟练本课的 功能结构。功能结构。 先让学生尝先让学生尝 试回答问题,试回答问题, 找出出错点,找出出错点, 然后再带领然后再带领 学生以语音学生以语音 的方式牵引的方式牵引 学习重点单学习重点单 词词 2 6 4 Lee wants to go. 3.3 New word: aquarium Read the word. square aquarium Talk about the aquarium. What can you see in the aquarium? Are there any aquariums in Xian? Make a telephone call together with Doris, and find out: Can people put an aquarium at home? Two different meaning of the word “aquarium”. 3.4 Read the dialogue and answer the questions. What will be showed at the City Aquarium tomorrow morning? When will the show begin? Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Choose the correct picture of the sea lion and compare the sea lion with the seal. Watch a sea lion show and ask: Do you love the sea lions? Does Fred like to watch the show? Does Fred want to watch the show? Answer Ts questions with Ts leading. React with T. Make a telephone conversation with teachers illustration. Answer the questions and react with T. Understand the difference between the sea lion and the seal. Find out the answers quickly and react with T. aquarium。 通过不同问通过不同问 题的预设,题的预设, 首先让学生首先让学生 理解理解 aquarium 的的 意义,再让意义,再让 全班以打电全班以打电 话的方式找话的方式找 出该词的另出该词的另 一个意思。一个意思。 一方面复习一方面复习 了常规打电了常规打电 话的表达方话的表达方 法,另一方法,另一方 面,锻炼了面,锻炼了 学生的听力。学生的听力。 充分调动了充分调动了 学生各个感学生各个感 官完成难点官完成难点 的突破。的突破。 知识是相通知识是相通 的。两幅图的。两幅图 片的对比直片的对比直 观的展示了观的展示了 两种动物的两种动物的 不同,学生不同,学生 通过思考拓通过思考拓 展知识的储展知识的储 备。备。 六年级的学六年级的学 生可以尝试生可以尝试 换位思考,换位思考, 通过自己的通过自己的 语言表达出语言表达出 自己的想法,自己的想法, 是锻炼他们是锻炼他们 英语口语表英语口语表 8 5 Is he sure to go? What will Fred do before he says yes? Read the dialogue quickly and answer the questions. Discuss. If you were Fred, what would you say to your mom? T: You are children right now. You need to ask your parents before you do something. If your parents say Yes, that means they agree to let you do., so you can do that. If they say “No”, it means that they disagree, may be you cannot do that. T: Lee wants Fred to go to the City Aquarium with him, so he says “Good luck” to Fred. He hopes Freds mother can say “Yes”. 5. Read the rest part of the dialogue together, and answer the questions. T: Now, Fred goes to talk to his mother. Then he comes back. Lets read the rest part of the dialogue, and find out. Does Freds mother agree him to go? When and where are they going to meet? Read the dialogue and find out the answers. 达能力、英达能力、英 语思维能力语思维能力 和综合运用和综合运用 能力有效的能力有效的 方法之一。方法之一。 不断地阅读不断地阅读 让学生在读让学生在读 的过程中抓的过程中抓 住重点的信住重点的信 息,完成课息,完成课 文的学习。文的学习。 3 Practice & Produc- tion 1. Read the dialogue. 1.1 Read it follow the teacher. 1.2 Read it in roles. 2. Read it by some students. 3. Make a telephone conversation with friends based on the patterns. 3.1 Make a dialogue. 3.2 Performance. Read the text. React with T. Make a telephone conversation with friends. 在学生已经在学生已经 能够掌握课能够掌握课 文大意的基文大意的基 础上,通过础上,通过 阅读让学生阅读让学生 加深对课文加深对课文 的印象。同的印象。同 时,练习与时,练习与 15 6 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 4 calling at 18-2046-3868 Lee Fred thinking of aquarium Yes! agree There will be a lion show at 10:30 a.p. No! disagree at . at. 教学反思:教学反思: 我所执教的这节课是清华大学出版社出版的小学英语 6B 六年级下册 Unit 4 TELEPHONE CONVERSATIONS 纵观本单元的每一课,都是有关电话用语的 固定句型。学生通过前三课的学习,对基本的电话用语已经掌握,到了这一课, 连续第三课的内容完成回电话的交际用语。我在设计的时候将电话用语作为了听 力训练,以排序的形式展示。在实际操作的过程中,预想中十分简单易操作的环 节,有的孩子却没有及时明确老师的要求而没有完成听音排序。作为老师,发现 有一部分孩子并没有完成排序后,应该及时调整上课的节奏,再次播放录音,要 朋友打电话,朋友打电话, 不断熟悉电不断熟悉电 话用语。话用语。 Home- work Do you agree that phones are everything? Write some sentences about that, and tell us the reasons. You can do it like this: I agree that phones are everything. Because . I disagree that phones are everything. Because . Listen to the T.将本节课学将本节课学 习知识通过习知识通过 作业形式延作业形式延 伸至课堂外,伸至课堂外, 引发学生的引发学生的 思考,同时思考,同时 练习练习 agree 的的 用法。用法。 2 5 求完成的学生检查,未完成的学生有机会再做一次。我在课堂上考虑到了时间的 问题,并没有再次播放录音,导致在检测环节,叫到的学生不能够正确找到句子。 在下一次的教授中,我需要注意到这一点。 在学生明确了回电话的用语之后,我带领学生学习新单词 aquarium。这个单 词很长,但是却十分符合发音规律。我使用了用旧知牵引学习的方式。先出示单 词 square,在牵引学习 aquarium。但是有一个特殊的一点,字母组合 qu 在遇到 s 时,qu 浊化了发音,在添加 a 后,qu 读音需要告诉学生是本音,如果不强调, 有可能会产生歧义。在我的课堂上,我根据本班学生的学情,并没有强调浊化音, 所以在听课老师看来感觉读音不清。 作为老师,总想为孩子们多讲一些,所以在设计的初期,总是预设了很多的 环节,而在课堂的进行中,我们会发现,短短的四十分钟并不够完成预设的内容。 所以,我们在教学设计中,要学会取舍。分清哪些部分不是本节课的重点,哪些 部分是必须在本节课内进行处理和强调的,明确教学的目标和重难点,有针对性 的进行教学。不要觉得自己好不容易设计出来的点子就这么被 pass 掉不甘心,要 时刻以本课的教学目标相联系,高质量高效率的完成课堂任务。真正做到有效、 高效。
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