清华版五年级下册UNIT 1WELCOME TO MY SCHOOL!-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:c02a2).zip


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1 清华版小学英语五年级下册清华版小学英语五年级下册 LessonLesson 1 1 WelcomeWelcome toto MyMy SchoolSchool 说课稿说课稿 1. Warm-up (1). Greeting. Good morning, boys and girls. Lets say Hello to teachers! (2). Free talk. Why not sing a song to welcome them. Lets rock and sing Never Say Never. 2. Presentation Today we are going to learnWelcome to My School 3. New lesson (1). Pre-reading Listen to the first part and answer questions. Whats the boys name? Whats the schools name? How many students and teachers are there in his school? How many classroom buildings are there in his school? Where is the school library? Listen to the second part and answer questions. Where are teachers offices? Where do they have music class? 2 Where do they have art class? Where do they have computer class? Do they play computer games? Why? Ask Ss to read the questions first, then listen and answer. (2). While-reading Present the text on PPT and underline the answers of these 10 questions and ask them to check and repeat the answers again to make sure they can not only find out the target information, but also know where the answers are and how to highlight them. After this activity, invite Ss to read the whole text after me to confirm if there are any problems in pronunciations and intonations. Then encourage them to read aloud together by themselves. 4. Post-reading questions Welcome to our school and ask them to collect basic information and some data about our school through seeing pictures and teachers instructions. 5. Consolidation Do you have any suggestions to make our school better? Watch a video about the topic. 6. Homework Finish the exercises on page 3. Write a short passage about your school life. 教学设计教学设计 教学内容 Lesson 1 Welcome to My School 课时Period 1 3 教学目标:教学目标: 知识目标知识目标: 1. 掌握重点词汇和短语:this, that, these, those 2能够运用主系表结构描述自己对某人或某物的认识。 3. 能够灵活运用动词的一般现在时态、一般过去时态、一般将来时态和 正在进行时态。 技能目标技能目标: 1. 通过两人或多人对话,提高孩子主动思考和互助学习的能力。 2. 通过对课文的学习理解,提高孩子的语用能力和表现力。 3通过小组讨论,培养孩子的语言组织能力。 情感目标情感目标: 1.通过合作学习,培养学生的合作意识。 2.通过对课文的拓展,激发学生的学习兴趣。 3.通过发散思维的问题,培养孩子乐于动脑,勤于思考的习惯。 4.通过讨论,让孩子们激发自己的想象力和创造力。 教学重点教学重点: 1. 重点词汇:this, that, these, those 除了文本中出现的单词外,也补充了一部分和学校有关的名词。 2重点句型:存在句 There are . 有关于指示代词的句子 These are . This is . 有关情态动词 should 的句子 We should/should not . 教学难点教学难点: 1.句型的正确理解和灵活运用。 2.拓展性语言的生成和产出。 4 3.对人称转化的理解。 教学过程教学过程: 1. Warm-up Sing a songNever Say Never. 设计意图:由一首动感十足的英文课导入,在课前将学生们的状态调整至最佳。 2. Lead-in Today we are going to talk aboutWelcome to My School. 设计意图:开门见山,告诉学生今天学习的主题即我们的学校。 3. New lesson Listen to the first part and answer questions. (1)Whats the boys name? (2)Whats the schools name? (3)How many students and teachers are there in his school? (4)How many classroom buildings are there in his school? (5)Where is the school library? Listen to the second part and answer questions. (1)Where are teachers offices? (2)Where do they have music class? (3)Where do they have art class? (4)Where do they have computer class? (5)Do they play computer games? Why? Then show the whole text and ask Ss to know how to highlight the target information to make sure they know where these answers are. 5 Then present 5 T/F questions. (1)Li Ming is a middle school student. (2) The library is on the second floor. (3) We should spend a lot of time on computer games. (4) There are 250 students in my school. (5) We have our music class in the Music Room. 设计意图:通过让学生以听力理解的方式,先训练从文本中提取关键信息并做 出适当转换的能力。然后引导学生学习如何通过思考,在文中标注出需要关注 的关键信息,这样有助于提高学生提取文本关键信息的能力。接下来,通过再 次齐读课文,通过五道判断题来检测对于文本的掌握程度,从而达到没有漏洞。 4.Extension Ask Ss to use adjectives to describe our school. Introduce our own school and ask them to take down some words about buildings and rooms of our school. Discuss about how to make our school better? 设计意图: 首先,让学生们用主系表结构的句子描述对我们陕西师范大学大 兴新区小学的第一印象。然后,通过呈现学校内的各种建筑和部室及活动向学 生输入一些实用的词汇。最后,通过播放采访老师们和同学们的视频,引起学 生间的共鸣和讨论:如何让我们的学校变得更好? 5.Consolidation Lets make our school better together. 设计意图: 播放校歌,让学生们再次观看我校在教育教学和校园活动各方面 的努力和成果,鼓励大家合力,使我们学校变得更好。 6 6.Homework 1. Finish the exercises on page 3. 2. Write a short passage to describe your school life! 板书设计: Lesson 1 Welcome to My School Word Bank Language Tips complex building fire drill I can ., auditorium flea market I want ., calligraphy military training First,. dormitory orchestra Second, carnival album At last, , 教学反思教学反思 小学英语教学新课标指出:为了每一个学生的发展。在尊重、 理解、相信学生的前提下,小学英语要从学生的兴趣出发,以 语言结构为主线,注重能力培养,重视双向交流,发展学生的 语言交际能力。根据以上理念我设计并实施了本课的教学,体 现在以下几个方面: 一、 创设适合五年级学生的英语学习环境和语言环境。 对于五年级学生,我选择了先自读再讲解的模式,旨在培 养高年级学生的常规阅读习惯。板书以思维导图为主,旨在培 养学生的逻辑能力和想象力。这样做的目的就是要让学生发挥 主观能动性,养成自我思维的过程,自然地产生听、读、说、 写英语的意愿。 与此同时,我一直要求孩子们使用完整的句子来表达的自 己的情感和观点,比较难的部分可以用单词的形式来呈现。另 外,我一直鼓励他们培养批判性思维,哪怕是答案是错误的, 只要是自己的观点,就可以勇敢地和老师们、同学们一起交流。 7 孩子们知道,答错了我从来不批评,而是指正,所以课堂气氛 一直很活跃,集思广益,产出了很多令人惊喜的答案。 二、注重情感教育,促进学生健康发展 之所以选择这节课,是因为学校就是孩子们一年中绝大多 数时间内学习和生活的真实场景。关于学校,他们能自发地产 生很多语言。同时,我提前录制了一些老师和同学们的视频来 引发他们的共鸣,并鼓励孩子们勇敢地表达自己的想法,同时 也给予学校一些他们稚嫩却直观的建议和意见,从而使他们畅 所欲言并更加信任学校和老师们,从而养成正确的世界观。 三、存在的些问题: 在本节课的教学过程中,我有两处考虑不周的地方:一是 拓展部分的图片和词汇过多,必须进行适当的瘦身和调整,压 缩到 10 个单词为宜。二是时间安排需要再次调整,最后一个环 节小组研讨留的时间不够,一定要留出至少 10 分钟来呈现讨论 的过程、成果及总结。 通过反思,我更加坚定了想要做出一节精品课,就必须反 复打磨,既要学会虚心听取同事们的意见,还要拓展自己的思 维和脑洞,做到与时俱进,才能使课堂教学再上新的台阶。 本学期我一直坚持听每一位老师的课,从大家的课上学习 新的技能,通过和大家的研讨和思维碰撞收获全新的教学反思。 我相信,通过不断地上课、反思、磨课和评课,一定会使我从 备教材、备学生、备突发状况,上好课、勤反思、反复沟通和 交流等方面懂得了更多,这将会对今后的教学起到非常积极的 促进作用。我会继续努力,为孩子们创设更加轻松、快乐、高 效的学习环境和氛围,让他们一如既往地爱学、乐学英语,为 小学高年级学段的英语学习奠定扎实的根基。 Lesson 1 Welcome to My School 1. Whats the boys name? 2. Whats the schools name? 3. How many students and teachers are there in his school? 4. How many classroom buildings are there in his school? 5. Where is the school library? Listen and answer. 6. Where are teachers offices? 7. Where do they have music class? 8. Where do they have art class? 9. Where do they have computer class? 10. Do they play computer games? Why? Listen and answer. T or F 1. Li Ming is a middle school student. 2. The library is on the second floor. 3. We should spend a lot of time on computer games. 4. There are 250 students in my school. 5. We have our music class in the Music Room. F F F F T Welcome to MySchool Our school is very beautiful big nice adjectives: clean colorful wonderful Its name is Shaanxi Normal University, Daxing New District Primary School. This is the logo of our school. There are 2128 students in our school. They are in 43 classes. There are 132 teachers in our school. They teach 12 different subjects. 1.Do you have any suggestions for our school? 2.How to make our school better? Lets make our school better together! Homework 1. Finish the exercises on page 3. 2.Write a short passage to describe your school life!
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