人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:2020e).zip


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1 课时 : 1 个课时 课题Unit 9 SectionB2a-2e课型新课()复习课() 学习目标学习目标 1.智商目标:智商目标: 记忆目标:记忆目标:whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring 方法目标:揭示阅读理解段落方法:方法目标:揭示阅读理解段落方法:“核心词核心词”法法 2.情商目标:打造旅游景点具备的条件和设计思路情商目标:打造旅游景点具备的条件和设计思路 学习重点 新单词的理解和运用 : 学习难点 表演,合作探究以及朗读 学习程序 【一一】自主学习自主学习 (计划 5 分钟) Task1(任务任务 1): “A 朗读,或者朗读,或者 B 默写或者默写或者 C 翻译翻译” (活动要求: 抢答每次 4 题,共 3 次: 主持人:王小东;配音:抢答 到题本组同学) whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring whether.or. language diet (food) night scene journey weather geography Task2(任务任务 2): 根据课文和要求,回答下列问题:根据课文和要求,回答下列问题: (活动要求: 抢答每次 1 题:共 2 次 主持人:王小东) Have you ever been to Singapore? (两人对话) ( 配音:抢答到题本组同学) Paragraph I(第一段): Singapore lies(位于)in Asia.More than three quarters of the population are . So we speak and here. (首先:两人组合朗读;然后全班同 学: 配音) 【二二】合作探究合作探究(计划 15 分钟) Task3(任务任务 3):根据课文和要求,回答下列问题:根据课文和要求,回答下列问题 (活动要求: 主持人,潘永婷;组组合作,两组一道题;配音:抽到 题两组同学完成配音任务。小组积分) Many people say Singapore is a good place .For example: A “ and safe “place ;We believe people here are and .Especially(特别是) it is not for us to speak Chinese here. Certainly, You can speak . An place to try food. We can eat delicious foods: Chinese food, food, food or food. The time to watch a strange place: a more environment than a zoo. There are many animals in Singapore. For example: , , and so on(等等) One thing: the weather is neither nor hot 自助加油站自助加油站 a quarter = one fourth e.g. three quarters 四 分之三 a quarter = fifteen minutes 例如:a quarter past seven = 7:15 fear=afraid“ 害怕、恐惧” thousand 数词: “一千” 前有数词修饰, thousand 无“-s”。 thousands of “有 s,后面有 of” 同类: hundred(百) , billion(十亿), million(百万). whenever=no matter when 不论何 时 同类: whatever, wherever, whoever, however. Japanese 日语,日 本人,日本人的 单复数同词: Chinese, sheep, deer,Japanese, safe 安全的(n) safety Safe(adv)safely 2 .The four seasons are , , and winter. Task4(任务任务 4):用一个或者两个:用一个或者两个“英语单词英语单词”概括段落大意概括段落大意 (活动要求: 主持人,潘涛湫;组组合作,两组一道题并讲解原因。小 组积分) Paragraph I: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3 : Paragraph 4 : 【三三】展示成果展示成果(计划 10 分钟)(融入合作讨论) whether(同音词) weather most(adv)mostly 主 要 simply=only 仅仅 Simple(adv)simply 【四四】师生困惑分享师生困惑分享(计划 5 分钟)(融入合作讨论) 注明:注明:【二二】【】【三三】【】【四四】计划用时计划用时 30 分钟分钟 【五五】达标训练:达标训练:(计划 5 分钟) 第第 4 节节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将 所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成 1620 题。(题。(10 分)分) 活动要活动要 求:求: 个人独立完成,个人抢答,小组积分 抢答前,老师提供“配音” 主持人,李文艳 Have you ever heard of our Qian dongnan ? Have you 16 to Qian dongnan?There are many Miao and Dong people.It lies in the 17 of Gui zhou .The old people and young children here are very lovely and friendly. The environment is clean and beautiful. The weather is neither hot nor cold . This is a 18 place to take a holiday for people . One great thing about the city of Kai li is that the festival of Lu sheng . Every year , 19 of people will come to watch it in August or February .If you can come here, Im sure you can make many friends with people. You must be interested in the place .Of course, 20 you come here.You must fall love with it .You can have a nice time. 书山有路:书山有路: 记忆单词的方法: 语音、节奏记 忆法 单词融入“句 子”记忆法 “三最”记忆 法 词缀记忆法 朗诵短文记忆 法 词图记忆法 思维、知识导 图记忆法 分类、对比记 忆法 【六六】师生小结师生小结(计划 5 分钟)总体评价标准: 快、好、美 语音美,书法 美,合作美 【七七】Homework Task1(任务任务 1):完成:完成 p71; 2c-2d-3a Task2( 任务任务)2: 结合课本知识和实际情况,为结合课本知识和实际情况,为“丹寨万达小镇丹寨万达小镇”设计一个设计一个“游乐场游乐场” (丹寨和新加坡特色相结合)(丹寨和新加坡特色相结合) 所有代学习工具: 英语字典英语 资料地理图册 彩画笔 Unit9: Have you ever been to a museum? SectionB2a-2eSectionB2a-2e 授课老师:龙文平 Have you ever been to Singapore?Have you ever been to Singapore? 【一】Independent study Task1. Translation ,reading , whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring whether.or. language diet (food) night scene journey weather geography 【一】Independent study 任务2.根据课文和要求,回答下列问题: Have you ever been to Singapore? Paragraph I: Singapore lies(位于)in Asia. More than three quarters of the population are . So we speak and here. 【二】Cooperative research Many people say Singapore is a good place .For example: A “ and safe “place ;We believe people here are and .Especially(特别是) it is not for us to speak Chinese here. Certainly, You can speak . An place to try food. We eat delicious foods: Chinese food, food, food or food. 【二】Cooperative research The time to watch a strange place: a more environment than a zoo. There are many animals in Singapore. For example: , , and so on(等等) One thing: the weather is neither , nor hot .The four seasons are , , and winter. 【二】Cooperative research Task4:用一个或者两个“英语单词”概括段落 大意 Paragraph I: . Paragraph 2: . Paragraph 3 : . Paragraph 4 : . 【五】Standards of training: 第四节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词), 并将所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成1620题。(10分) Have you ever heard of our Qian dongnan ? Have you 16 to Qian dongnan?There are many Miao and Dong people.It lies in the 17 of Gui zhou .The old people and young children here are very lovely and friendly. The environment is clean and beautiful. The weather is neither hot nor cold . This is a 18 place to take a holiday for people . One great thing about the city of Kai li is that the festival of Lu sheng . Every year , 19 of people will come to watch it in August or February .If you can come here, Im sure you can make many friends with people. You must be interested in the place .Of course, 20 you come here.You must fall love with it .You can have a nice time. 【六】Summary 学生: 。 老师: 。 【七】HomeworkTask:完成p71; 2c-2d-3a Unit9: Have you ever been to a museum? SectionB2a-2eSectionB2a-2e 授课老师:龙文平 Have you ever been to Singapore?Have you ever been to Singapore? 【一】Independent study Task1. Translation ,reading , whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring whether.or. language diet (food) night scene journey weather geography 【一】Independent study 任务2.根据课文和要求,回答下列问题: Have you ever been to Singapore? Paragraph I: Singapore lies(位于)in Asia. More than three quarters of the population are . So we speak and here. 【二】Cooperative research Many people say Singapore is a good place .For example: A “ and safe “place ;We believe people here are and .Especially(特别是) it is not for us to speak Chinese here. Certainly, You can speak . An place to try food. We eat delicious foods: Chinese food, food, food or food. 【二】Cooperative research The time to watch a strange place: a more environment than a zoo. There are many animals in Singapore. For example: , , and so on(等等) One thing: the weather is neither , nor hot .The four seasons are , , and winter. 【二】Cooperative research Task4:用一个或者两个“英语单词”概括段落 大意 Paragraph I: . Paragraph 2: . Paragraph 3 : . Paragraph 4 : . 【五】Standards of training: 第四节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词), 并将所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成1620题。(10分) Have you ever heard of our Qian dongnan ? Have you 16 to Qian dongnan?There are many Miao and Dong people.It lies in the 17 of Gui zhou .The old people and young children here are very lovely and friendly. The environment is clean and beautiful. The weather is neither hot nor cold . This is a 18 place to take a holiday for people . One great thing about the city of Kai li is that the festival of Lu sheng . Every year , 19 of people will come to watch it in August or February .If you can come here, Im sure you can make many friends with people. You must be interested in the place .Of course, 20 you come here.You must fall love with it .You can have a nice time. 【六】Summary 学生: 。 老师: 。 【七】HomeworkTask:完成p71; 2c-2d-3a 1 课题Unit 9 SectionB2a-2e课型新课()复习课() 学习目标学习目标 1.智商目标:智商目标: 记忆目标:记忆目标:whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring 方法目标:揭示阅读理解段落方法:方法目标:揭示阅读理解段落方法:“核心词核心词”法法 2.情商目标:打造旅游景点具备的条件和设计思路情商目标:打造旅游景点具备的条件和设计思路 学习重点 新单词的理解和运用 : 学习难点 表演,合作探究以及朗读 学习程序 【一一】自主学习自主学习 (计划 5 分钟) Task1(任务任务 1): “A 朗读,或者朗读,或者 B 默写或者默写或者 C 翻译翻译” (活动要求: 抢答每次 4 题,共 3 次: 主持人:王小东;配音:抢答 到题本组同学) whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring whether.or. language diet (food) night scene journey weather geography Task2(任务任务 2): 根据课文和要求,回答下列问题:根据课文和要求,回答下列问题: (活动要求: 抢答每次 1 题:共 2 次 主持人:王小东) Have you ever been to Singapore? (两人对话) ( 配音:抢答到题本组同学) Paragraph I(第一段): Singapore lies(位于)in Asia.More than three quarters of the population are . So we speak and here. (首先:两人组合朗读;然后全班同 学: 配音) 【二二】合作探究合作探究(计划 15 分钟) Task3(任务任务 3):根据课文和要求,回答下列问题:根据课文和要求,回答下列问题 (活动要求: 主持人,潘永婷;组组合作,两组一道题;配音:抽到 题两组同学完成配音任务。小组积分) Many people say Singapore is a good place .For example: A “ and safe “place ;We believe people here are and .Especially(特别是) it is not for us to speak Chinese here. Certainly, You can speak . An place to try food. We can eat delicious foods: Chinese food, food, food or food. The time to watch a strange place: a more environment than a zoo. There are many animals in Singapore. For example: , , and so on(等等) One thing: the weather is neither nor hot .The four seasons are , , and winter. 自助加油站自助加油站 a quarter = one fourth e.g. three quarters 四 分之三 a quarter = fifteen minutes 例如:a quarter past seven = 7:15 fear=afraid“ 害怕、恐惧” thousand 数词: “一千” 前有数词修饰, thousand 无“-s”。 thousands of “有 s,后面有 of” 同类: hundred(百) , billion(十亿), million(百万). whenever=no matter when 不论何 时 同类: whatever, wherever, whoever, however. Japanese 日语,日 本人,日本人的 单复数同词: Chinese, sheep, deer,Japanese, safe 安全的(n) safety Safe(adv)safely whether(同音词) 2 Task4(任务任务 4):用一个或者两个:用一个或者两个“英语单词英语单词”概括段落大意概括段落大意 (活动要求: 主持人,潘涛湫;组组合作,两组一道题并讲解原因。小 组积分) Paragraph I: Paragraph 2: Paragraph 3 : Paragraph 4 : 【三三】展示成果展示成果(计划 10 分钟)(融入合作讨论) weather most(adv)mostly 主 要 simply=only 仅仅 Simple(adv)simply 【四四】师生困惑分享师生困惑分享(计划 5 分钟)(融入合作讨论) 注明:注明:【二二】【】【三三】【】【四四】计划用时计划用时 30 分钟分钟 【五五】达标训练:达标训练:(计划 5 分钟) 第第 4 节节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将 所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成 1620 题。(题。(10 分)分) 活动要活动要 求:求: 个人独立完成,个人抢答,小组积分 抢答前,老师提供“配音” 主持人,李文艳 Have you ever heard of our Qian dongnan ? Have you 16 to Qian dongnan?There are many Miao and Dong people.It lies in the 17 of Gui zhou .The old people and young children here are very lovely and friendly. The environment is clean and beautiful. The weather is neither hot nor cold . This is a 18 place to take a holiday for people . One great thing about the city of Kai li is that the festival of Lu sheng . Every year , 19 of people will come to watch it in August or February .If you can come here, Im sure you can make many friends with people. You must be interested in the place .Of course, 20 you come here.You must fall love with it .You can have a nice time. 书山有路:书山有路: 记忆单词的方法: 语音、节奏记 忆法 单词融入“句 子”记忆法 “三最”记忆 法 词缀记忆法 朗诵短文记忆 法 词图记忆法 思维、知识导 图记忆法 分类、对比记 忆法 【六六】师生小结师生小结(计划 5 分钟)总体评价标准: 快、好、美 语音美,书法 美,合作美 【七七】Homework Task1(任务任务 1):完成:完成 p71; 2c-2d-3a Task2( 任务任务)2: 结合课本知识和实际情况,为结合课本知识和实际情况,为“丹寨万达小镇丹寨万达小镇”设计一个设计一个“游乐场游乐场” (丹寨和新加坡特色相结合)(丹寨和新加坡特色相结合) 所有代学习工具: 英语字典英语 资料地理图册 彩画笔 1 课时 : 1 个课时 课题Unit 9 SectionB2a-2e课型新课 学习目标学习目标 1.知识目标:单词目标:知识目标:单词目标:whenever thousands of safe Japanese spring 方法目标:方法目标:揭示阅读理解段落方法揭示阅读理解段落方法记忆单词的方法。记忆单词的方法。 2.情感价值目标:打造旅游景点具备的条件和设计思路情感价值目标:打造旅游景点具备的条件和设计思路 学习重点 新单词的理解和运用 : 学习难点 展示、合作探究以及朗读;主持人的组织 整体设计 步骤及设 计理念 设计步骤:设计步骤: 根据新目标以及新课改的理念,本话题的教学步骤 为:“导入”和“八步设计”。即:“自主学习”,“合作探究”,“展示成 果”,“师生困惑分享”,“师生小结”,“达标训练”,“师生小结”,“家 庭作业”和“教学反思”。 设计理念:设计理念: 1、秉着我校“两标三心”以及“新目标、新课改”的双“目 标”,删减掉“难的和不常用的”知识,以“段落,形容词以及动 词”为主线,重新组合教材进行教学。 2、鉴于目前的传统教学:即“老师承包课堂”的思想,根据实 际需求,特在“各任务中抽取任务主持人”进行讨论活动和学习, 培养良好的“合作探究”的思想情感;同时在“达标训练中”,自 编“黔东南州府凯里”的考题,达到热爱家乡的“德育教育”的学 习目的。 教学手段:教学手段:ppt 和学生导学案 学习程序学习程序 2 导入:视频和教师介绍相结合导入:视频和教师介绍相结合 新加坡的旅游宣传片 ppt用“课文”重点名词和形容词解释和介绍图片出现的内容 【设计理念:点题和提供部分语音导读,明确学习目标,为各任务作铺垫设计理念:点题和提供部分语音导读,明确学习目标,为各任务作铺垫】 【一一】自主学习自主学习 (计划 5 分钟) Task1(任务任务 1): “A 朗读,或者朗读,或者 B 默写或者默写或者 C 翻译翻译” (活动要求: 抢答每次 4 题,共 3 次: 主持人: ;配音:抢答 到题本组同学) whenever thousands of : safe Japanese : spring whether.or. : language diet (food) : night scene journey : weather geography : 【设计理念:根据设计理念:根据新目标新目标,新课改新课改的要求:培养学生的学习习惯和学习质量;的要求:培养学生的学习习惯和学习质量; 故作这样设计。一方面:为任务故作这样设计。一方面:为任务 3 和任务和任务 4 提提供必要的辅助;另一方面:培养学生提提供必要的辅助;另一方面:培养学生 “预习预习”习惯;提高学生习惯;提高学生“预习预习”质量质量 。】 Task2(任务任务 2): 根据课文和要求,回答下列问题:根据课文和要求,回答下列问题: (活动要求: 抢答每次 1 题:共 2 次 主持人: ) Have you ever been to Singapore? (两人对话) ( 配音:抢答到题本组同学) Paragraph I(第一段): Singapore lies(位于)in Asia.More than three quarters of the population are . So we speak and here. (首先:两人组合朗读;然后全班同 学: 配音) 【设计理念:设计理念:“良好的开头是成功的一半良好的开头是成功的一半”,为了过度到任务,为了过度到任务 3 和点题和点题 (Singapore),同时减轻课堂学习任务压力,故作此设计:目的:起到),同时减轻课堂学习任务压力,故作此设计:目的:起到“承上启下承上启下” 作用和作用和“良好开端良好开端”效果效果】 【二二】合作探究合作探究(计划 15 分钟) Task3(任务任务 3):根据课文和要求,回答下列问题:根据课文和要求,回答下列问题 (活动要求: 主持人, ;组组合作,两组一道题;配音: 抽到题两组同学完成配音任务。小组积分) Many people say Singapore is a good place .For example: A “ and safe “place ;We believe people here are and .Especially(特别是) it is not for us to speak Chinese here. Certainly, You can speak . An place to try food. We can eat delicious foods: Chinese food, food, food or food. The time to watch a strange place: a more environment than a zoo. There are many animals in Singapore. For example: , , and so on(等等) 自助加油站自助加油站 a quarter = one fourth e.g. three quarters 四分之三 a quarter = fifteen minutes e.g. a quarter past seven = 7:15 事 fear=afraid“害 怕;恐惧” thousand num. 一千 前有数词修饰, thousand 无“-s”。 thousands of “有 s,后面有 of” whenever=no matter when 不论 何时 Japanese 日语, 日本人,日本人 的 , safe 安全的(n) safety Safe(adv)safely most(adv)mostl y 主要 simply=only 仅 仅 Simple(adv)simply 【设计理念:获设计理念:获 取知识的多少,取知识的多少, 因人而异,像因人而异,像 “驾驶车辆驾驶车辆”一一 样,走不动,想样,走不动,想 3 One thing: the weather is neither nor hot .The four seasons are , , and winter. 【设计理念设计理念 :把课本:把课本 2c 和和 2d 的内容,进行分析,分解和整理,并且根的内容,进行分析,分解和整理,并且根 据教师和学生的具体情况,浓缩而成。目的:让学生通读全文,抓住关键据教师和学生的具体情况,浓缩而成。目的:让学生通读全文,抓住关键 “形容词形容词”和和“名词名词”对课文进行对课文进行“简易简易”了解。同时对任务了解。同时对任务 4 起到起到“铺铺 垫垫”作用。也为作用。也为 homework 服务。服务。】 Task4(任务任务 4):用一个或者两个:用一个或者两个“英语单词英语单词”概括段落大意概括段落大意 (活动要求: 主持人, ;组组合作,两组一道题并讲 解原因。小组积分) Paragraph I: : Paragraph 2: : Paragraph 3 : : Paragraph 4 : : 【设计理念设计理念 :根据平时阅读理解的题目以及任务:根据平时阅读理解的题目以及任务 1-3 的设计,用的设计,用“经典经典” 的课文知识或者学习到的知识,概括段落大意。为的是:培养学生对阅读的课文知识或者学习到的知识,概括段落大意。为的是:培养学生对阅读 理解的概括和总结努能力目标,同时也为了到达理解课文的学习目标理解的概括和总结努能力目标,同时也为了到达理解课文的学习目标】 【三三】展示成果展示成果(融入合作讨论) 走,自己走,自己“加油加油” 】 【四四】师生困惑分享师生困惑分享(融入合作讨论) 注明:注明:二二三三四四计划用时计划用时 30 分钟分钟 【设计理念设计理念 :根据模板和自己的实际情况,我认为:根据模板和自己的实际情况,我认为【二二】【】【三三】四四】 的过程要求可以同时进行,在过程中展示和解惑,使课堂不会间断,及时的过程要求可以同时进行,在过程中展示和解惑,使课堂不会间断,及时 困惑及时处理的效果困惑及时处理的效果】 【五五】达标训练:达标训练:(计划 5 分钟) 第第 4 节节: 听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将听短文三遍,根据短文内容填写所缺的单词(每空一词),并将 所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成所缺单词填入答题卡内相应的位置上,完成 1620 题。(题。(10 分)分) 活动要活动要 求:求: 个人独立完成,个人抢答,小组积分 抢答前,老师提供“配音” 主持人 。 Have you ever heard of our Qian dongnan ? Have you 16 been to Qian dongnan?There are many Miao and Dong people.It lies in the 17southeast of Gui zhou .The old people and young children here are very lovely and friendly. The environment is clean and beautiful. The weather is neither hot nor cold . This is a 18 wonderful place to take a holiday for people . One great thing about the city of Kai li is that the festival of Lu sheng . Every year , 19 thousands of people will come to watch it in August or February .If you can come here, Im sure you can make many friends with 书山有路:书山有路: 记忆单词的方法: 语音、节奏记 忆法 单词融入“句 子”记忆法 “三最”记忆 法 词缀记忆法 朗诵短文记忆 法 词图记忆法 思维、知识导 图记忆法 分类、对比记 忆法 【设计理念:相设计理念:相 对于课本而言,对于课本而言, 知识属于知识属于“静态静态” 现象,方法是现象,方法是 “动态动态”情况。情况。 所以授之以鱼不所以授之以鱼不 4 people. You must be interested in the place .Of course, 20whenever you come here.You must fall love with it .You can have a nice time. 【设计理念:根据设计理念:根据新目标新目标,新课改新
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