人教版八下-Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:e0d9f).zip


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    • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum _Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_省级优课_(编号:e0d9f)
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1、Please fill in the blanks: Have you ever been to Singapore? Singapore is a small island in _ _.You can speak_ or _ there, because three quarters of the population are Chinese. _ _ go to Singapore, you can taste lots of _ such as Chinese food, Japanese food, Western food and so on. When its dark you can visit “Night Safari” to see animals in a _ _ environment._ _ _ about Singapore is that the_ is almost the same all year round, so you can go there whenever you like! 2、Groupwork: Please fill in the form. Lacation (where it is) Ningbo is a nice city and it is in Places to visit There are lots of places of interest in Ningbo Food In Ningbo, you can taste some special food, like Weather One great thing about Ningbo is that it has Ningbo 3、Writing: Write an article to introduce Ningbo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 教 学 反 思 本节课我执教的内容是 Go for it! Book 8B Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Grammar Focus 通过对文章的分析,完成本单元的写作任务介绍 自己的家乡。该篇阅读文章是对新加坡的介绍,因此可以通过对这样一篇地方 介绍性文章的学习来完成学生对自己家乡介绍的写作任务。本堂以读促写的写 作课关键在于让学生构建出写作支架。 一、对写前的反思一、对写前的反思 1、对导入的反思 (1)因为学生们前一天刚刚学完阅读文章 SingaporeA Place You Will Never Forget!所以我在课前播放介绍新加坡的视频,为导入时的提问 “Today, can you guess what we are going to talk about in this lesson?.”做铺垫, 教学中发现,学生的回答是没有问题的,但是当我提出 “how do you know?” 的时候,学生们却说“From the work sheet”这一点是出乎我的意料之外的,同 时也说明课前的视频或许没有起到很好的效果。 (2)在展示学生们去年一次很 棒的公开课照片时,可能因为 2 张图片都是关于全班的,而不是关于个别几个 人的特写,所以在提问“Its you, right?”时,学生因为没有看清楚而导致没 有反应过来,没有达到预期的效果。 措施:措施:(1)导入时删除课前视频,换成轻快点的音乐,比如新加坡爵士女歌 手董姿彦的歌曲top of the world,节奏轻快,听着让人心旷神怡,可以提高学生 的学习热情。然后问学生 “ Nice song, isnt it?” “ Do you know the singer of the song?” 同时展示 2 张董姿彦参加中国好声音的照片,再最问“where is she from?”引出 Singapore. (2)在展示学生去年很棒的一次公开课照片时,选取 1 张 集体照,2 张个人搞笑特写,或许效果会更好。 2、对分析文本结构时的反思 (1)在复习阅读文本,预设文本结构后,指出这是一个思维导图(mind map)后直接展示了文章标题“So from the mind map we can know Singapore is a place you will never forget.”在这里如果让学生来回答,可能更符合以学生为主 体的教学理念;(2)在复习完文本,给出 tip1 同时预设文本结构后,出现了一篇 概要文本,这个概要文本给的还是有一点点突然,语言上过度没问题, PPT 上 过度需要做一些修饰。 措施:措施:(1)指出思维导图后,问学生“From the mind map, what do you think of Singapore now?先让学生想一句总结性的话,再引出标题,让学生更清 楚结尾和每一段的中心思想都要和标题所表达的思想一致。(2)在出现一篇概要 文本时可以保留上一张 PPT 中的 Title 和 Body 这两个单词,让这两张 PPT 关 联度更大,让学生更直观地明白这篇范文就是把上一张 PPT 中的细节整合起来 的概要文本。 二、对写中的反思二、对写中的反思 从新加坡文本解读到地点介绍类说明文结构的提出,再到写作任务介 绍自己的家乡。首先让学生根据思维导图进行头脑风暴,谈谈介绍宁波时可以 写哪几个方面,然后欣赏宁波部分景点及介绍,接下来进行 Groupwork, 讨论介 绍宁波时的几个方面及其细节,最后进行作文写作。总体思路还是比较清晰的, 过程中的部分细节还需要进一步完善。 措施:措施:比如:在让学生进行 Groupwork 和写作时,在 PPT 上可以呈现宁波 的景点、食物、天气等照片及其相应的介绍,以便于学生们更直观地进行写作。 同时我的语句表达也应该更精炼,明确。 三、对写后的反思三、对写后的反思 写作完成后按照 checklist 进行了批改,因为需要进行 2 轮批改,怕时间来 不及,当时我直接拿了一名学生的作文进行了示范,然后再要求学生们在小组 中互改,总体效果还不错,学生们写出来的作文质量也可以的。但是第一轮时 如果让写作的学生上来,台下的学生一一提问批改,更符合以学生为主体的理 念。 措施:措施:首先从开始到结束,我的语句表达应该更精炼更明确,跟后期写作 无关的问题可以不问,这样就可以尽可能的为后期的写作批改争取时间,第 1 次按照 checklist 批改时,如果时间允许应该让写作的同学自己上来,跟台下同 学们一起按照 checklist 批改,比如:学生们问“Does the article have a title?”然 后写作的学生回答“Yes,Ningbo A Nice City You Will Never Forget!”接下 来,自己在这个标题旁边打个星,以此类推。 Unit 9 Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum ?Have you ever been to a museum ? By AndyBy Andy Singapore isSingapore isSingapore isSingapore is The Structure(结构)of the Article. in Southeast Asia; Putonghua(Chinese) and English; three quareters of the population SingaporeSingapore Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 Location Putonghua and English; three quareters of the population SingaporeSingapore Para.1 Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 FoodChinese food, like rice, noodles, and dumplings, Indian food, Western food and Japanese food a zoo at night in a more natural environment almost the same all year roundTemperature .so close to BodyBody A special place The Structure(结构)of the Article. SingaporeAPlaceYouWillNeverForget! TitleTitle Tip1: Its better to write details, like reasons, examples and so on. Mind-map HaveyoueverbeentoSingapore? Singaporeisasmallislandin. Youcanspeakorthere,because threequartersofthepopulationareChinese. gotoSingapore,youcantastelotsof suchasChinesefood,Japanesefood,Western foodandsoon.Whenitsdarkyoucanvisit “NightSafari”toseeanimalsina environment.about Singaporeisthattheisalmostthe sameallyearround,soyoucangothere wheneveryoulike! Singapore A place you will never forget!Singapore A place you will never forget!Title Beginning Body ?Ending SoutheastAsia ChineseEnglish you food morenatural Onegreatthing temperature If A special place Tip2: Its better to use some key sentences. Location have a picnic; sweet dumplings; sea food different four seasons; plenty of rainfall and sunshine Groupwork Structure (结构) Title Beginning Body (at least 3 aspects 方面) (Details, like reasons, examples and so on.) Ending Language Key sentences: If you,you will/can One great thing aboutis Grammar No mistakes Checklist I get: _ Enjoy your Homework!Enjoy your Homework! Level A: Keep the key words and sentences in mind. Level B: Polish your writing according to your checklist. GOODBYE! 返回 NorthNorth SouthSouth WestWest EastEast in the east of Zhejiang Provincein the east of Zhejiang Province Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Grammar Focus (Go for it! Book 8B) Teaching aims: At the end of the period, students are expected to have a better understanding of the article by reviewing. know the basic structure of an article about introducing a place. be able to write an article to introduce Ningbo. give marks to an article by using the checklist. Teaching focus: Consolidate present perfect tense with been, ever and never. Yes, I have. I went Have you ever been to? No, I have never been to Me, neither. Master the basic structure of an article about introducing a place: Title Beginning 1、Location & Language Body 2、Food 3、A special place 4、Temperature Ending Use details and key sentences to make the article better. Teaching difficulties: Write an article to introduce Ningbo using the structure, details and key sentences. Teaching procedures ProceduresLearning activitiesTeaching purpose Lead-in Step 1. Watch a video and free talk 1. Show Ss a short video about Singapore before class to indicate we are going to review Singapore first. 2. Free talk with students T: Can you just guess what we are going to talk about today? S: Singapore T: Have you ever been to? To review present perfect tense and arouse students interests. Review Step2. Use the mind map to review the article 1. Five simple questions Q1. What is each paragraph about? Q2. Why can you speak Putonghua a lot of the time in Singapore? More than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of time. You can simply speak Putonghua a lot of time. Tip1: Its better to write details, like reasons, examples and so on. (Teacher writes it on the blackboard) Q3.What food can we eat in Singapore? Q4. Why is the Night Safari a special place? Q5. Why is the temperature almost the same all year round? 2.The prelude of the basic structure of the article T: From the mind map, we know that Singapore is a place you will never Forget (Title) Title: SingaporeA Place You Will Never Forget! Body: Location & Language, Food, A special place and Temperature To review the article the students learned yesterday then elicit Tip1 and get prepared for the basic structure of the article. Drill and Presentation Step3. Make a summary of the article and talk about it 1. Students make a summary of the article by filling the blanks. Then teacher asks the students to pay attention to the key sentences in red and to tell why the key sentences are important. At the same time shows tip2 to students. Tip2: Its better to use some key sentences. (Teacher writes it on the blackboard) 2. Analyze the basic structure of the summary. Title Beginning 1、Location & Language Body 2、Food 3、A special place 4、Temperature Ending (Teacher writes them on the blackboard) To consolidate key words and sentences by filling in the blanks. 1. To elicit Tip2 to make the article better. 2. To teach students the basic structure of an article about introducing a place. Writing Step4. Talk about NingboOur hometown 1. Teacher asks students how many aspects we can talk about in Ningbo. Then asks students what details of each aspect are.(students may dont know some of them) 2. Teacher shows students several pictures with the introduction about Ningbo. 3. Group work: Talk about details of each aspect in Ningbo in the group of 4. LacationNingbo is a nice city and it is in Places to visit There are lots of places of interest in Ningbo FoodIn Ningbo, you can taste some special food, like WeatherOne great thing about Ningbo is that it has Ningbo Step5. Present the checklist and use it to give marks Present the checklist and show students how to give marks. Step6. Writing 7-8 minutes for writing Step7. Check 1. Teacher chooses one letter and check it in class. (Teacher asks questions from the checklist and the student answers, the teacher also makes symbols.) 2. Check letters in groups by using the checklist. 3. Invite one student to come to the front and gives an example to the class. 1.To make students get prepared for further writing 2.To teach students how to use the Checklist. 3.To practice what they learned about the article writing 4.To teach students how to polish the article. AssignmentsLevel A: Keep the key words and sentences in mind. Level B: Polish your writing according to the checklist. To make students write better. Blackboard Design Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum? Title Beginning Tip1: Details: reasons, examples. 1、Location & Language Body 2、Food Tip2: Key sentences. 3、A special place 4、Temperature Ending StructureTips
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