人教版八下-Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:c1283).zip


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by Jin, Daqi Middle School Unit 8 Section B Reading John Denver (John Denver (约翰约翰 丹佛丹佛) ) a fan of records What comes to your mind when you listen to this song? This song is full of feelings for _ A. country life B. city life relaxing simple busy warm full of pressure I think _ life is _.This song is a kind of _ music. country TitleA Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever The passage is about _and _. SarahSarah country musicSarah Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Check the following statements. (T for true, F for false) 1.Country music is a traditional kind of music from the western states of America. 2.Nashville, Tennessee is the home of country music. 3.Country music is about modern life, such as money and success. 4.Many songs these days are about belonging to a group. 5.Country music reminds us that the best things in life are free. F F T southern Country music What are the best things? Many songs these days FA.现代的 B. 古代的 Para. 2 However, T Who created(创造) country music at first? A Bosses(老板) B. Workers C. Farmers It got popular during World War Two(二战). 1.What did Sarah use to be like? 2.Why did Sarah go abroad five years ago? 3.What made Sarah think about her family and friends back in the US? 4.Is she a fan of country music now? Para. 1 Read and underline the key words of the answers . Para. 3 Read and underline the answers.(划出答案) 1.Sarahs dream is to _. and she hopes to_. go to Nashville Sarah hasnt been to Nashville yet, but it is her dream to go there one day. see Garth sing live one day “Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. Hes sold more than 120 million records. I hope to see him sing live one day. 2. Who is Garth Brooks? lav Summarize(概述) how the country music changed Sarahs life according to the notes on the blackboard. How is Sarahs life now?How is Sarahs life now? her personalities her personalities 性格性格 her jobher job her relations with parentsher relations with parents her free time activitiesher free time activities Music is from life and it is for life, and it even changes the life! Love music and enjoy life! Level A: 1. Finish Country Music Fact Sheet on P63 2. Search more information about country music and add it to the Fact Sheet. Level B: summary of the passage within 100 words. Use the notes you made to write a short Nashville (纳什维尔) Country Music Hall of Fame Museum 乡村音乐名人堂博物馆 八下八下 Unit 8 Section B Reading A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever I. Teaching Material and Student Analysis 本单元 Section B 的主题是音乐。听说环节(1a-1d)让学生讨论自己最喜 爱的歌手及理由,而此篇阅读(2a-2e)则是让学生了解一位同龄人与音乐有关 的经历。学生在听说环节已经对很多音乐类型有所了解,如 pop music, rock music 等,但乡村音乐并没有接触,需要教师在正式文本阅读前让学生进行欣 赏和感知。学生对乡村音乐了解甚少,而文中第二段有关乡村音乐的介绍出现 了一些生词和长句,比较难以理解,需要教师加以引导并进行相关知识的补充。 II. Teaching Objectives 1. 语言能力: 1) 通过阅读掌握乡村音乐的特点并了解乡村音乐如何改变一个人。 2) 培养学生阅读技巧(如略读、寻读,通过上下文猜测词义等) ,同时也培 养学生如何通过摘笔记、划重点的方式概括文章大意。 2) 熟知文中的一些生词短语,如 fight over, forever, fan, belong to, laughter, million, record, success, abroad, southern, modern, one another, sing live 等。 2. 文化品格: 1) 让学生了解乡村音乐的特点以及其与现代音乐的区别,同时通过背景知 识的补充让学生了解乡村音乐的起源和发展,让学生明白“音乐来源于生活, 也服务于生活” 。 2) 从学习主人公 Sarah 的音乐经历中,让学生明白音乐的魅力无限,它甚 至可以改变一个人的性格和对生活的态度。 3. 思维品质: 培养学生的阅读能力,尤其是思维能力。在授课过程中,不仅让学生锻炼一 些初层次的认知技能,如 scanning, skimming, matching, summarizing,也训练学 生的中层次认知技能,如 inferring, comparing,并且,重点培养学生的高层次认 知技能,如 deep thinking, imaging, predicting 等。 4. 学习能力: 1) 培养学生的认知策略:如何精读一篇阅读文章,从预测文章大意、分析人 物情感、背景知识补充、读后猜想、根据关键词概括文意等方面进行文本解读。 2) 培养学生的资源策略:让学生明白除了从书本获得知识以外,还可从其他 途径(如网络等)获取知识,从而形成对书本知识的有效补充。 III. Focuses 1)培养学生通过阅读进行深层思考的能力,如乡村音乐为什么会有如此大的 魅力改变人们(包括 Sarah)的生活?这个女孩如今的生活将会有怎样的变化? 通过这些问题的设计,让学生对乡村音乐有更深层次的理解。 2)让学生学会通过摘笔记、划重点的形式,借助关键词句进行口头概括文章 大意。 IV. Difficulties 1)部分学生由于缺乏生活阅历、乡村音乐背景知识以及未能很好理解文章 第二段关于乡村音乐特点的描述,因而对于“生活中什么东西让你觉得是最好 的而又是免费的?乡村音乐为什么会有如此大的魅力改变人们的生活(包括 Sarah)?这个女孩如今的生活将会有怎样的变化?”等拓展问题将难以回答或 回答不深刻、不全面。 2)部分学生由于语言基础较差,借助关键词句口头概括文章大意这一环节 对他们来说也有一定难度。 V. Learning and Teaching Procedures Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesMethodology Step1. Warming-up Play the song Take Me Home, Country Roads Step2. Lead-in 1.Show the picture of the singer and his records. 2.Ask Ss what comes to their mind when they listen to the song and what kind of life it is about. 3.Let Ss use given adjectives to describe country life and city life and tell why. 4.Let Ss decide what kind of music this song is. Students listen to the song and try to sing along with it. Students enjoy the pictures. Students freely talk about what comes to their mind while listening. Students describe the country life and the city life with the given words and give reasons. 欣赏歌曲,紧扣主题,通过旋 律和歌词来感知乡村音乐。 让学生自由讨论由此歌想到的 事物,旨在让学生了解歌词大 意以及歌曲类型,从而引出乡 村生活。同时也是为文章第二 段乡村音乐的介绍进行铺垫。 让学生分别谈论乡村生活和城 市生活也是为文章第二段乡村 音乐的介绍进行铺垫。给出形 容词供其选择一来降低难度, 二来也容易让学生围绕文中内 容展开讨论。 Step3.Pre-reading Ask Ss to predict the main idea of this passage by looking at the title and the picture. Step 4. Skimming Let Ss decide which paragraph is about country music or Sarah. Step 5. Careful reading Para.2 1.Ask Ss read Para. 2 first and check five statements (T/F). teach the word “southern” Let Ss understand “the home of” and show them the map teach the word “modern” Let Ss pay attention to “However” and teach the word “belong to” Let Ss think about “What else are the best and free?” 2.Let Ss know more about country music and think deeply. Do you know who created country music? (Farmers) Why did country music get popular during World War Two? Step 6. Careful reading Para.1 Ask Ss read and underline the answers to questions and write down the key words of the answers on the blackboard Step 7. Careful reading Para.3 Ask Ss read and underline the answers to questions and write down the key words of the answers on the blackboard. Guide Ss to find out the exact answers by reading the sentence before or after. Students predict the main idea of the passage. Students read quickly and decide the main idea of each paragraph. Students read carefully and check the statements and try to correct the wrong ones. Students learn about the new words and phrases, trying to guess their Chinese meanings. Students freely talk about the question. Students freely talk about the question and give reasons Students read carefully and underline the answers to the questions. Students read carefully and underline the answers to the questions with the help of the key words, like “dream” and “hope”. 培养学生通过标题和插图来预 测文章大意的能力。 培养学生通过抓中心句来判断 段落大意的能力,同时也是培 养其略读的能力。 通过细读文章,培养学生精读 的能力。同时,每个设问都蕴 藏着知识点,有生词,也有引 申义,还有阅读技巧渗透(如 关注连词等) 。其中最后一个 问题是开放性问题,帮助学生 拓展思维,从而引发学生对生 命和生活的思考。 通过乡村音乐背景知识的介绍, 让学生再次深入理解乡村音乐 所蕴含的意义它来源于生 活,也服务于生活(二战时慰 藉了人们的心灵) ,同时也引 出了乡村音乐改变了 Sarah 的 生活这个主题。 设置针对性问题,通过学生回 答,教师能够直接板书关键词, 为之后的概括复述做准备。同 时在学生阅读过程中也指导其 应有重点地做记号。 通过抓关键词,让学生快速填 空和回答。在学生回答过程中, 渗透另一阅读技巧,即通过上 下文阅读找到确切答案。 Step 8. Summarizing Let Ss summarize Sarahs experience according to the notes on the blackboard. Step 9 Guessing Let Ss guess how Sarahs life is now (job, personality, relation with parents, free time activities ) Step 10 Conclusion Make a conclusion of what Ss have learned from this passage Music is from life and it is for life, and it even changes the life! Love music and enjoy life! Step 11 Homework Level A: 1. Finish Country Music Fact Sheet on P63 2. Search more information about country music and add it to the Fact Sheet. Level B: 1. Use the notes you made to write a short summary of the passage within 100 words. Students try to summarize Sarahs experience according to the notes on the blackboard. Students freely guess about Sarahs life now. Students try to appreciate the conclusion. Students finish their homework in the textbook and exercise book. 让学生借助板书关键词来概述 Sarah 的改变,体现本堂阅读 课的一个重要技能 “summarizing” 。 在了解 Sarah 的过去和梦想之 后,让学生们猜想她的现状, 是对课文内容的升华,也是检 验学生对乡村音乐和乡村音乐 如何影响人的理解。 帮助学生一起总结本堂课所学, 即乡村音乐来源于生活,服务 于生活,甚至可以改变人的生 活,从而深化主题。 因 Fact Sheet 内容与课堂问题 设置有重复,因而留到课后完 成,是学生对本堂课所学的一 个自我检测。同时让学生通过 课外多种途径查阅相关知识, 既拓展了课内知识,也培养了 其搜索信息的能力。 第二项作业让学生将口头概述 落实到笔头,帮助其进一步提 高概述能力和写作能力。 VI. Blackboard Design A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever Country music Sarah belong tofight overwith brings us back changedstudy abroad heard reminds us made think about forever came to realize a fan of Its her dream to hopes to ?
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