人教版八下-Unit 7 what's the highest mountain in the world -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:e33b6).zip


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The important language points: 1.Panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas breakfast. 大熊猫饲养员正在准备大熊猫宝宝的牛奶早餐。 preparefor是固定用法,意为“为准备” 例:Ill prepare some drinks and snacks for you. prepare for 意为“为做准备” 例:The students are busy preparing for the exam. 2. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. awake 用作形容词,意为“醒着” ,常用于 be, stay, keep, lie 之后,作表语; 例:他是醒着的。He is awake. wake sb. up_ 即时练 : 你得把她给叫醒。 You would have to_her_. 注意:awake 不用于名词之前,因此用作定语时要_。 她是最后一个醒着的人。 She was the last person_ 注意:awake 不用于名词之前,因此用作定语时要_。 她是最后一个醒着的人。 She was the last person_ 3.When the babies see the keepers they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over ! 解析: (1) “跑上前去,跑过去” _,其中 over 是副词,意为“从的一边到另一 边” 【互动】Will you _ _to the shop and get some butter ? (2) with excitement 含意_作伴随状语 【互动】The fans screamed _ _ when they saw him. (兴奋地) (3)fall over 意为“_” ,fall over sth.则表示“被某物绊倒了” 。 【互动】He _ _(绊倒) a rock in his path. 4 .The babies often die from illness and do not live very long .大熊猫宝宝经常死于疾病,也活 不了多久。 通过预习,你知道 die of 与 die from 的区别了吗? 相同点:两者都可表示“死于” ,其宾语为表示死亡的原因。当表示因病死亡时,二者可互 换使用。 不同点:die from 通常指由于外部原因(事故、缺乏食物等)造成的死亡。 die of 通常指由于人体自身原因(年老、忧伤等)造成的死亡。 【互动】世界上有很多人死于癌症。Many people in the world _ _ cancer. 5.Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests. 句中 living in the remaining forests 是现在分词作_。 The woman _ _ by the river is my mother. 河边洗衣服的那个女人是我妈妈。 单项选择单项选择 ( )1. The house is too small for the family _. A. live in B.living in C. to live in D.lives in ( )2. There are five boys _in the classroom. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read ( )3. We must _using plastic bags in order to protect our earth. A.give out B.give up C.give away D.give in ( )4. The boys parents _a car accident. A. die from B. die of C. died from D. died of Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section B Lead in What do you know about pandas? PAIRWORK 2a. Talk about pandas with your partner. Use these words to help you. big bamboo zoo popular cute black and white Sichuan famous endangered beautiful forest protect The giant panda is known as the national treasure of China. 大熊猫被称为中国的大熊猫被称为中国的“国宝国宝”。 Do you know Chengdu Research Base? 成都大熊猫繁育研究基成都大熊猫繁育研究基 地地(Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding)位于成都北郊位于成都北郊 斧头山,距市区斧头山,距市区10公里公里 ,是一个专门从事濒危野生动物研究、繁,是一个专门从事濒危野生动物研究、繁 育、保护教育和教育旅游的非营利性机构。育、保护教育和教育旅游的非营利性机构。 该基地建有一座大熊猫博物馆,存有珍贵该基地建有一座大熊猫博物馆,存有珍贵 的资料和丰富的展品。除大熊猫外,该基的资料和丰富的展品。除大熊猫外,该基 地还从事对小熊猫、黑颈鹤等珍稀濒危动地还从事对小熊猫、黑颈鹤等珍稀濒危动 物的研究及繁育工作。物的研究及繁育工作。 一、预习检测一、预习检测 死于死于_ _ 把把砍到砍到_ 跑过去跑过去_ 濒危的野生动物濒危的野生动物_ 每两年每两年_ 的重要性的重要性_ excited (名词名词)_ die of die from cut down run over endangered wild animals every two years the importance of excitement be / stay / keep / lie + awake_ 撞到撞到_ 跌倒跌倒_ 醒着醒着 walk into fall over 1.Panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas breakfast. 大熊猫饲养员正在准备大熊猫宝宝的牛奶早餐。 preparefor是固定用法,意为是固定用法,意为“为为准备准备” 例:例:Ill prepare some drinks and snacks for you. prepare for意为“为为做准备做准备” 例:例:The students are busy preparing for the exam. awake用作形容词,意为用作形容词,意为“醒着醒着”,常用于,常用于be, stay, keep, lie之后,作表语;之后,作表语; 例:他是醒着的。例:他是醒着的。 wake sb. up_ 即时练即时练 : 你得把她给叫醒。你得把她给叫醒。 You would have to_her_. 2. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. He is awake. 把某人叫醒把某人叫醒 wake up 注意:注意:awake不用于名词之前,因此用作定不用于名词之前,因此用作定 语时要语时要_。 她是最后一个醒着的人。她是最后一个醒着的人。 She was the last person_awake. 后置后置 3.When the babies see the keepers they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over ! 解析:解析: (1) “跑上前去,跑过去跑上前去,跑过去” _,其,其 中中over是副词,意为是副词,意为“从从的一边到另一的一边到另一 边边” 【互动互动】Will you _ _to the shop and get some butter ? run over run over (2) with excitement 含意_ 作伴随状语 【互动】The fans screamed _ _ when they saw him. (兴奋地) (3)fall over意为“_”,fall over sth.则表示“被某物绊倒了”。 【互动】He _ _(绊倒) a rock in his path. 兴奋地兴奋地 with excitement 绊倒绊倒 falls over 4 .The babies often die from illness and do not live very long .大熊猫宝宝经常死于疾病,也活不了多久。大熊猫宝宝经常死于疾病,也活不了多久。 通过预习,你知道通过预习,你知道die of与与die from的区别了吗?的区别了吗? 相同点相同点:两者都可表示:两者都可表示“死于死于”,其宾语为表示死亡,其宾语为表示死亡 的原因。当表示因病死亡时,二者可互换使用。的原因。当表示因病死亡时,二者可互换使用。 不同点不同点:die from 通常指由于外部原因(事故、缺通常指由于外部原因(事故、缺 乏食物等)造成的死亡。乏食物等)造成的死亡。 die of 通常指由于人体自身原因(年老、忧伤等)通常指由于人体自身原因(年老、忧伤等) 造成的死亡。造成的死亡。 【互动互动】世界上有很多人死于癌症。世界上有很多人死于癌症。 Many people in the world _ _ cancer. die of 5.Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests. 句中句中living in the remaining forests 是现在分词作是现在分词作_。 The woman _ _ by the river is my mother. 河边洗衣服的那个女河边洗衣服的那个女 人是我妈妈。人是我妈妈。 后置定语后置定语 washing clothes 1. What is Lin Weis job? 2. What do the baby pandas eat for breakfast? 3. Why are pandas endangered? Scan the article again and write short answers to the questions. He is a panda keeper./A panda keeper. Baby pandas drink milk for breakfast./Milk. Because they do not have many babies,and the babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long.As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems,pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies. 2c2c 4. What does the education program in Chengdu do? 5. Why are the scientists doing research? It teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. They are doing research to better understand the habits of pandas. 课时重点回顾课时重点回顾 preparefor awake run over fall over with excitement die of/from living in the forest现在分词作后置定语现在分词作后置定语 【课堂检测】 单项选择。 ( )1. The house is too small for the family _. A. live in B.living in C. to live in D.lives in ( )2. There are five boys _in the classroom. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read C C ( )3. We must _using plastic bags in order to protect our earth. A.give out B.give up C.give away D.give in ( )4. The boys parents _a car accident. A. die from B. die of C. died from D. died of B C Homework 1.Finish 2d. 2.Remember the words and key language points of this unit. Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world? Section B Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge Objectives: 1) Be able to master the new words and phrases in the article. 2) Be able to master the key language points in the article. 2. Ability Objectives: 1) Be able to talk about how to protect endangered animals. 2) Be able to improve the skills of reading. 3. Moral Objectives: Students will be able to have a correct view of protecting endangered animals and taking measures to save them. Teaching importance: 1. Master the new words and phrases in the article. 2. Master the key language points in the article. 3. How to read an article. Teaching Difficulties : 1. Students may find it difficult to read an article. 2. Students may find it difficult to find out how to protect endangered animals. Teaching Procedures: Step1 Pre-reading Show the photos of pandas and ask the students to discuss some questions: 1.Did you see the pandas? 2.What do you think of them? 3.What do they look like? 4.Do you think they need to be protected? Then let students enjoy a video about Chengdu Research Base. Step2 While-reading 1.Prepare test Let students find out the important phrases in the article. 2.Read the article loudly and correctly. 3.Read for understanding. The important language points: 1.Panda keepers are preparing the milk for the baby pandas breakfast. 大熊猫饲养员正在准备大熊猫宝宝的牛奶早餐。 preparefor是固定用法,意为“为准备” 例:Ill prepare some drinks and snacks for you. prepare for 意为“为做准备” 例:The students are busy preparing for the exam. 2. At 9:00 a.m., they find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry. awake 用作形容词,意为“醒着” ,常用于 be, stay, keep, lie 之后,作表语; 例:他是醒着的。He is awake. wake sb. up_ 即时练 : 你得把她给叫醒。 You would have to_her_. 注意:awake 不用于名词之前,因此用作定语时要_。 她是最后一个醒着的人。 She was the last person_ 注意:awake 不用于名词之前,因此用作定语时要_。 她是最后一个醒着的人。 She was the last person_ 3.When the babies see the keepers they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over ! 解析: (1) “跑上前去,跑过去” _,其中 over 是副词,意为“从的一边到另一 边” 【互动】Will you _ _to the shop and get some butter ? (2) with excitement 含意_作伴随状语 【互动】The fans screamed _ _ when they saw him. (兴奋地) (3)fall over 意为“_” ,fall over sth.则表示“被某物绊倒了” 。 【互动】He _ _(绊倒) a rock in his path. 4 .The babies often die from illness and do not live very long .大熊猫宝宝经常死于疾病,也活 不了多久。 通过预习,你知道 die of 与 die from 的区别了吗? 相同点:两者都可表示“死于” ,其宾语为表示死亡的原因。当表示因病死亡时,二者可互 换使用。 不同点:die from 通常指由于外部原因(事故、缺乏食物等)造成的死亡。 die of 通常指由于人体自身原因(年老、忧伤等)造成的死亡。 【互动】世界上有很多人死于癌症。Many people in the world _ _ cancer. 5.Scientists say there are now fewer than 2000 pandas living in the remaining forests. 句中 living in the remaining forests 是现在分词作_。 The woman _ _ by the river is my mother. 河边洗衣服的那个女人是我妈妈。 Step3 Post-reading Scan the article again and write short answers to the questions. 1.What is Lin Weis job? He is a panda keeper./A panda keeper. 2. What do the baby pandas eat for breakfast? Baby pandas drink milk for breakfast./Milk. 3. Why are pandas endangered? Because they do not have many babies,and the babies often die from illnesses and do not live very long.As the forests get smaller and other human activities cause more problems,pandas cannot find enough to eat and they are having fewer babies. 4. What does the education program in Chengdu do? It teaches children about pandas and other endangered wild animals. 5.Why are the scientists doing research? They are doing research to better understand the habits of pandas. Step4 Review Review the key points of this class. Step5 Exercises 单项选择。 ( )1. The house is too small for the family _. A. live in B.living in C. to live in D.lives in ( )2. There are five boys _in the classroom. A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read ( )3. We must _using plastic bags in order to protect our earth. A.give out B.give up C.give away D.give in ( )4. The boys parents _a car accident. A. die from B. die of C. died from D. died of Step6 Homework 1.Finish 2d. 2.Remember the words and key language points of this unit.
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人教版八下_Unit whats the highest mountain in world _Section 2a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:e33b6 人教版八下
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