人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section B 2a—3b Self check-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:23506).zip


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Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B 2a-2c 教学目标: 1、知识目标:掌握文中出现的新词及短语,如:date,terrorist,shocked, silence,tower, World Trade Center 等等.21 教育网 2、能力目标:1)学生能够掌握文章的大意并能获取关键信息。 2)通过文章的学习,学生能够学会如何讲述一个时间。 3、情感目标:通过学习让学生对大事件有一定的认识,学会珍惜我们所拥有的 一切。 教学流程 环节师生活动教学反思 I. Lead-in 1通过学校的大事件“红歌会”以及中国历史事 件“新中国的成立”以及汶川大地震导入新课并学 习新单词及词组。 2通过图片简要介绍马丁路德金被刺事件及 “911”事件。 由学生的实际生 活出发,由近及 远地导入,能调 动孩子们的积极 性,效果良好。 II. Before Reading 通过标题猜测题意: The title(题目) can be helpful to understand the text. Read the title and guess the passage will talk about _ . A. the future (将来的)events . B. the present (现在的)events. C. the past(过去的 )events. 通过标题来猜测 文章即将讲述的 内容,有助于同 学们理解文章, 但是如果这个猜 测能由其他方式 进行可能效果会 更好,思考中。 III. While Reading Task1. Fast Reading Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions: (1) How many events(事件) were mentioned(提到) in this passage(文章)? (2) What are the two events in the passage? One is about Dr. Martin Luther King was killed, and the other is about World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorist. Task2. Skimming Reading Skim the passage and complete the two forms. 1).Read the first and second paragraph, complete the form. What was the event? When did it happen? Where did it happen? What was Robert Allen doing? How did his parents feel? 2).Read the third and forth paragraph, complete the form. What was the event? When did it happen? Where did it happen? What was Kate Smith doing? How did she feel? Task3. Detailed Reading 在阅读的过程中, 按部就班,一段 一段地进行学习, 处理文中的细节, 学生能很快接受。 判断正误的题目 同学们的反应也 很不错,期间播 放的视频让同学 们产生震撼,效 果不错。写作方 面的指导时间不 多,在下一堂课 中进行补充。 2c Read the passage carefully and judge the following information. T stands for true, F for false and NG for not given. (1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T) IV. After Reading 1.Group work: ask the students to retell the passage by filling in the blanks, students are divided into groups in four,and they can have a discussion. Then check the answers. 2. Make a summary about the passage and teach them how to write a passage to describe an event,then make a chart on the blackboard. 小组合作加深同 学们对本课的认 识,总结部分也 起到很大的作用。 V.moral education Show some pictures about the big events in Chinese history,and then tell them to cherish the things we owned, because its not easy to get them. 情感教育方面可 以再深入一些。 VI. Homework write a short passage about an important past event. 板书设计 Unit 5 Reading Do you remember what you were doing?2 on the left part on the right part event chorus date shocked in silence terrorist tower passage What happened in this picture? We had a chorus festival. When was it ? Its on May 15th 2016. event 大事件 Chairman Mao Zedong declared that New China was founded(成立). Event in history 宣布 on May 12th, 2008 There was a big earthquake(地震) . Event more recently It happened _ _in Wenchuan, Sichuan province. Thousands of people were killed When I heard the news, I was_.studying I was _ at the news . shocked Then I didnt say anything. So I went on studying _. =silently =quietly The _ was _. in silence dateMay 12, 2008 det n.日期 kt adj. 惊愕的 salns n. 沉默 Were the people killed by terrorists ? terrst n. 恐怖分子 No, its not human disaster but natural disaster. They are _ in the USA. The two buildings are like two tall _ .towers World Trade Center What happened to the World Trade Center? It may happen in a _ . 世贸大楼 The buildings are modern . Event 1 ta(r) n. 塔city Martin Luther King 马丁路德金 (1929-1968) Event 2 It may happen _. The picture is _. black and white a long time ago Now, lets read a passage to know more about the last two events. psd n. 文章、段落 Tip 1: The title(题目) can be helpful to understand the text. Read the title and guess The passage will talk about _ . A. the future (将来的)events . B. the present (现在的)events. A.C. the past(过去的 )events. Fast reading How many events(事件) were mentioned(提 到) in this passage(文章)? Two events While reading Tip 2: The topic sentences can be helpful to understand the meaning of each paragraph. Important events in history Event 1 2.Where? Read Para.1 and fill in the blanks. While reading careful reading An important event 1.When? On April 4, 1968 3.Who? 4.What happened? In America Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Martin Luther King was killed on April 4, 1968 in America. Martin Luther King was killed On April 4,1968 in America. Robert Allen what was he doing? Important events in history Event 1 1.When we heard the news on the radio, we _. 2.My parents were _, and after that, we finished the rest of our dinner _. were eating dinner in the kitchen completely shocked in silence Read Para.2 and fill in the blanks. While reading careful reading Dr. Martin Luther King a great civil right (民权) fighter a black American the winner of Nobel Peace Prize (1644) was good at speech Martin Luther King was killed On April 4,1968 in America. Robert Allen Important events in history Event 1Event 2 Read Para.3 and answer the questions. When? Where? What happened? September 11 , 2001 In New York The World Trade Center was taken down by terrorists on September 11,2001 in New York. “911” event While reading An important event careful reading The world Trade Center was taken down by terrorists on September 11,2001 in New York. Martin Luther King was killed On April 4,1968 in America. Robert Allen Important events in history Event 1 Event 2 Kate Smith Read Para.4 and answer the questions. 1.What was Kate Smith doing when the plane hit the World Trade Center? 2. What was the writers feeling after she realized that it was true? She was working in her office. She was so scared that she could hardly think clearly after that. While reading careful reading 415m the World Trade Center was taken down by terrorists on . 2998 lives were lost human disaster T Or F 1.Everyone in America remembers who killed Dr. King. 2.Robert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed. 3.Roberts parents were shocked to hear the news. 4.Kate Smith was watching a movie when a plane hit the World Trade Center. 5.Kate didnt think her friend was telling the truth about the event. F F T F T Dedailed reading tru n. 真相 Somebody may not eating dinner working Group work(小组活动) : Read the whole passage and retell(复述) On April 4, 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King_. Robert Allen _ _ with his family _they hear the news. They felt_ and they_ _. On September 11, 2001. The world Trade Center _ by _. Kate _ in her office. She was so _ that _. was killed was eating dinnerwhen completely shocked in silence was taken down terrorists was workingscared She could hardly think clearly after that finished the dinner where Important events in history Martin Luther King was killed On April,4,1968. where 9.11 event (2001) Robert Allen after that feeling doing at first The writers main idea Kate Smith His parents feeling she was so scared that she could hardly think clearly . His parents were completely shocked! They did not talk after that, and they finished the rest of their dinner in silence! She didnt believe it It has meaning to most Americans The world Trade Center was taken down. job People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. how to write a past event who when where what happened peoples feeling topic sentence Write a short passage about an important past event. Remember And value(珍惜) everything we have owned.( 拥有的) Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B 2a-2c 教学目标: 1、知识目标:掌握文中出现的新词及短语,如:date,terrorist,shocked, silence,tower, World Trade Center 等等.21 教育网 2、能力目标:1)学生能够掌握文章的大意并能获取关键信息。 2)通过文章的学习,学生能够学会如何讲述一个时间。 3、情感目标:通过学习让学生对大事件有一定的认识,学会珍惜我们所拥有的 一切。 教学流程 环节师生活动教学反思 I. Lead-in 1通过学校的大事件“红歌会”以及中国历史事 件“新中国的成立”以及汶川大地震导入新课并学 习新单词及词组。 2通过图片简要介绍马丁路德金被刺事件及 “911”事件。 由学生的实际生 活出发,由近及 远地导入,能调 动孩子们的积极 性,效果良好。 II. Before Reading 通过标题猜测题意: The title(题目) can be helpful to understand the text. Read the title and guess the passage will talk about _ . A. the future (将来的)events . B. the present (现在的)events. C. the past(过去的 )events. 通过标题来猜测 文章即将讲述的 内容,有助于同 学们理解文章, 但是如果这个猜 测能由其他方式 进行可能效果会 更好,思考中。 III. While Reading Task1. Fast Reading Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions: (1) How many events(事件) were mentioned(提到) in this passage(文章)? (2) What are the two events in the passage? One is about Dr. Martin Luther King was killed, and the other is about World Trade Center in New York was taken down by terrorist. Task2. Skimming Reading Skim the passage and complete the two forms. 1).Read the first and second paragraph, complete the form. What was the event? When did it happen? Where did it happen? What was Robert Allen doing? How did his parents feel? 2).Read the third and forth paragraph, complete the form. What was the event? When did it happen? Where did it happen? What was Kate Smith doing? How did she feel? Task3. Detailed Reading 在阅读的过程中, 按部就班,一段 一段地进行学习, 处理文中的细节, 学生能很快接受。 判断正误的题目 同学们的反应也 很不错,期间播 放的视频让同学 们产生震撼,效 果不错。写作方 面的指导时间不 多,在下一堂课 中进行补充。 2c Read the passage carefully and judge the following information. T stands for true, F for false and NG for not given. (1.F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T) IV. After Reading 1.Group work: ask the students to retell the passage by filling in the blanks, students are divided into groups in four,and they can have a discussion. Then check the answers. 2. Make a summary about the passage and teach them how to write a passage to describe an event,then make a chart on the blackboard. 小组合作加深同 学们对本课的认 识,总结部分也 起到很大的作用。 V.moral education Show some pictures about the big events in Chinese history,and then tell them to cherish the things we owned, because its not easy to get them. 情感教育方面可 以再深入一些。 VI. Homework write a short passage about an important past event. 板书设计 Unit 5 Reading Do you remember what you were doing?2 on the left part on the right part event chorus date shocked in silence terrorist tower passage
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人教版八下_Unit what were you doing when the rainstorm came _Section 2a—3b Self check_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:23506 人教版八下
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