人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:90032).zip


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授课人:84团学校 李静 was WatchingTV talkingonthe phone was wereReadingbooks playingwere 现在分词的构成 1)一般动词在词尾加-ing,如go-going。 2)以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。 come-comingmake-makingwrite-writing 3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾以一个 辅音字母结尾,应先双写这个字母,再加ing, x和w结尾的除外。 如:get-gettingswim-swimming show-showing 4)以字母y结尾的单词,直接加ing。 如carrying、playing、studying。 5)以字母ie结尾的动词,变ie为y,再加ing。 diedyinglielying 6)以元音字母加e结尾,或以e结尾,且e发音的 动词,直接加-ing。 see-seeingbe-being 1.能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和 短语:havealookicykid realize。 2.继续学习如何正确使用过去进 行时。 3.能够理解并正确使用when和 while两个词。 4.能够利用when和while描述自己 的日常生活。 Whatwereyoudoingwhenthe rainstormcame? Iwastakingashower. Shewascooking. Whatwasshedoingwhenthe rainstormcame? Hewascuttinghair. Whatwashedoingwhenthe rainstormcame? WhenIHewasdoing WhenIcalledhimup,hewassleeping. Makeupthesentences. WhenI Hewasdoing WhenIreadthenewspaper,hewas watchingTV. Whatwereyoudoingateightlastnight? Iwastakingashower. Whatwasshedoingatthetimeof therainstorm? Shewasdoingherhomework. 读读下列句子,你能总结总结 出句子中包含的语语法吗吗 ? Whatwashedoingwhentherainstormcame? Hewasreadinginthelibrarywhenthe rainstormcame. WhatwasBendoingwhenitbegantorain heavily? Whenitbegantorain,Benwashelping hismommakedinner. WhatwasJennydoingwhileLindawas sleeping? WhileLindawassleeping,Jennywashelping Marywithherhomework. 总结 1)when可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句中 可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。 2)while总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延 续性动词。 1. I _ (watch) TV when she _ (call). 2. When the phone _ (ring), she _ (write) a letter. 3. While we _ (have) a picnic, it _ (start) to rain. 4. While John _ (sleep) last night, someone _ (steal) his car. was watching called rang was writing were having started was sleeping stole 过去进行时 1.概念:表示过去某一时刻或某段时间内正进行的动作。 2.构成:was/were+动词现在分词 3.用法: a:表示某一时刻正进行的行为,与特定的过去时间状 语连用,常见的时间有:at8lastnight,atthistime atthattime,atthatmoment等 e.g.Whatwereyoudoingat10yesterdaymorning? Iwaswritingalettertomyfatheratthatmoment. b:表示过去某段时间内正进行的动作。 e.g.Wewerebuildingahouselastwinter. Theywerewaitingforyouyesterday. 否定句和疑问句: e.g.Wewerenotsleepingathome. Washefeelingwell? 过去进行时 含义: 表示过去某个时刻 正在进行的动作。 结构: was/were + doing 例句: I was having an English class at this time yesterday. 现在进行时 含义: 表示现在 正在进行的动作。 结构: is/am/are + doing 例句: I am having an English class. . Lookatthetableandwritesentences withbothwhileandwhen. JohnMary takephotosbuyadrink playthepianoleavethehouse cleanhisroomturnontheradio shoptakethecartothe carwash 4a 1.WhileJohnwastakingphotos,Mary boughtadrink. JohnwastakingphotoswhenMary boughtadrink. 2.WhileJohnwasplayingthepiano,Mary leftthehouse. JohnwasplayingthepianowhenMary leftthehouse. 3.WhileJohnwascleaninghisroom,Mary turnedontheradio. JohnwascleaninghisroomwhenMary turnedontheradio. 4.WhileJohnwasshopping,Marytookthe cartothecarwash. JohnwasshoppingwhenMarytookthe cartothecarwash. Fillintheblankswithwas,were, whenorwhile. At7:00a.m.,Iwokeup._I_making mybreakfast,mybrother_listeningto theradio._Iwaseating,theradio newstalkedaboutacaraccidentnearour home.MybrotherandIwentoutrightaway tohavealook._wegottotheplaceofthe accident,thecar_inbadshapefrom hittingatree.Butluckilythedriver_fine. Theroads_icybecauseoftheheavy snowfromthenightbefore. Whilewas was While When was was were 4b What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner. YouYourpartner 9:00a.m. 11:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 9:00p.m. 4c Afterclass,pleasemakesome dialogues withthephrasesand sentencesin4c. 授课人:84团学校 李静 was WatchingTV talkingonthe phone was wereReadingbooks playingwere 现在分词的构成 1)一般动词在词尾加-ing,如go-going。 2)以不发音字母e结尾的动词,先去掉e,再加-ing。 come-comingmake-makingwrite-writing 3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾以一个 辅音字母结尾,应先双写这个字母,再加ing, x和w结尾的除外。 如:get-gettingswim-swimming show-showing 4)以字母y结尾的单词,直接加ing。 如carrying、playing、studying。 5)以字母ie结尾的动词,变ie为y,再加ing。 diedyinglielying 6)以元音字母加e结尾,或以e结尾,且e发音的 动词,直接加-ing。 see-seeingbe-being 1.能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和 短语:havealookicykid realize。 2.继续学习如何正确使用过去进 行时。 3.能够理解并正确使用when和 while两个词。 4.能够利用when和while描述自己 的日常生活。 Whatwereyoudoingwhenthe rainstormcame? Iwastakingashower. Shewascooking. Whatwasshedoingwhenthe rainstormcame? Hewascuttinghair. Whatwashedoingwhenthe rainstormcame? WhenIHewasdoing WhenIcalledhimup,hewassleeping. Makeupthesentences. WhenI Hewasdoing WhenIreadthenewspaper,hewas watchingTV. Whatwereyoudoingateightlastnight? Iwastakingashower. Whatwasshedoingatthetimeof therainstorm? Shewasdoingherhomework. 读读下列句子,你能总结总结 出句子中包含的语语法吗吗 ? Whatwashedoingwhentherainstormcame? Hewasreadinginthelibrarywhenthe rainstormcame. WhatwasBendoingwhenitbegantorain heavily? Whenitbegantorain,Benwashelping hismommakedinner. WhatwasJennydoingwhileLindawas sleeping? WhileLindawassleeping,Jennywashelping Marywithherhomework. 总结 1)when可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句中 可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词。 2)while总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延 续性动词。 1. I _ (watch) TV when she _ (call). 2. When the phone _ (ring), she _ (write) a letter. 3. While we _ (have) a picnic, it _ (start) to rain. 4. While John _ (sleep) last night, someone _ (steal) his car. was watching called rang was writing were having started was sleeping stole 过去进行时 1.概念:表示过去某一时刻或某段时间内正进行的动作。 2.构成:was/were+动词现在分词 3.用法: a:表示某一时刻正进行的行为,与特定的过去时间状 语连用,常见的时间有:at8lastnight,atthistime atthattime,atthatmoment等 e.g.Whatwereyoudoingat10yesterdaymorning? Iwaswritingalettertomyfatheratthatmoment. b:表示过去某段时间内正进行的动作。 e.g.Wewerebuildingahouselastwinter. Theywerewaitingforyouyesterday. 否定句和疑问句: e.g.Wewerenotsleepingathome. Washefeelingwell? 过去进行时 含义: 表示过去某个时刻 正在进行的动作。 结构: was/were + doing 例句: I was having an English class at this time yesterday. 现在进行时 含义: 表示现在 正在进行的动作。 结构: is/am/are + doing 例句: I am having an English class. . Lookatthetableandwritesentences withbothwhileandwhen. JohnMary takephotosbuyadrink playthepianoleavethehouse cleanhisroomturnontheradio shoptakethecartothe carwash 4a 1.WhileJohnwastakingphotos,Mary boughtadrink. JohnwastakingphotoswhenMary boughtadrink. 2.WhileJohnwasplayingthepiano,Mary leftthehouse. JohnwasplayingthepianowhenMary leftthehouse. 3.WhileJohnwascleaninghisroom,Mary turnedontheradio. JohnwascleaninghisroomwhenMary turnedontheradio. 4.WhileJohnwasshopping,Marytookthe cartothecarwash. JohnwasshoppingwhenMarytookthe cartothecarwash. Fillintheblankswithwas,were, whenorwhile. At7:00a.m.,Iwokeup._I_making mybreakfast,mybrother_listeningto theradio._Iwaseating,theradio newstalkedaboutacaraccidentnearour home.MybrotherandIwentoutrightaway tohavealook._wegottotheplaceofthe accident,thecar_inbadshapefrom hittingatree.Butluckilythedriver_fine. Theroads_icybecauseoftheheavy snowfromthenightbefore. Whilewas was While When was was were 4b What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner. YouYourpartner 9:00a.m. 11:30a.m. 4:00p.m. 9:00p.m. 4c Afterclass,pleasemakesome dialogues withthephrasesand sentencesin4c. UnitUnit 5 5 WhatWhat werewere youyou doingdoing whenwhen thethe rainstormrainstorm camecame SectionSection A A 3 3 (Grammar(Grammar focus-4c)focus-4c) TeachingTeaching aims:aims: 1.1. 能够熟记并正确使用下列单词和短语:have a look icy kid realize 2. 继续学习如何正确使用过去进行时( Learn the Irregular verb past forms) fall-fell, break-broke, feel-felt, put-put 3. 能够理解并正确使用 when 和 while 两个词。 4. 能够利用 when 和 while 描述自己的日常生活。 AbilityAbility aims:aims: 1. The students can use the “when/while” clause to narrate a long story. 2. To change the “when/while” clause into each other. 3. Try to find necessary information through fast reading. EmotionalEmotional aims:aims: Encourage the students to think more of others and try to help each other in time of difficulty. Remember that helping others is just helping ourselves. TeachingTeaching importantimportant points:points: 1.What were you doing at eight last night? 2.What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm? She was doing her homework 或 She was taking a shower. 3.What was he doing when the rainstorm came? He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came Teaching difficult points: 1) when 可指时间点, 又可指时间段, 从句中可用延续性 动词, 也可用非延续性动词。 2) while 总是指一个时间段, 从句中必须用延续性动词。 TeachingTeaching procedures:procedures: ShowShow studyingstudying goals:goals: 1. Words and phrases: storm, wind, light, area, window, match, against, rise, icy. fall asleep, in a mess, die down, break apart, have a look , in bad shape 2. Sentence structure: Its hard to . with no light outside, it felt like midnight. Youre kidding. 3. Learn the Irregular verb past forms fall-fell, break-broke, feel-felt, put-put StepStep 1 1 RevisionRevision Look at the pictures and make up the sentences. StepStep 2 2 GrammarGrammar FocusFocus 读下列句子,能否总结出句子中包含的语法? 1. What were you doing at eight last night? I was taking a shower. 2. What was she doing at the time of the rainstorm? She was She was cooking 3. What was he doing when the rainstorm came? He was reading in the library when the rainstorm came. 4. What was Ben doing when it began to rain heavily? When it began to rain, Ben was watching TV. 5. What was Jenny doing while Linda was sleeping? While Linda was sleeping, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework. StepStep 3 3 过去进行时过去进行时 1. 基本概念:过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或一段 时间内正在进行的动作。这一特定的过去 时间除有上下文暗示以外, 一般用时间状 语来表示。 2. 结构 was / were ( not ) + 动词-ing 3. 句式 肯定式:I /He /She /It was working. We/You/They/ were working. 否定式: I/He /She/It was not working. We/You/They/ were not working. 疑问式和简略回答: Was I working? Yes, you were. No, you were not. Were you working? Yes, I was. No, I was not. Was he/she/it working? Yes, he/she/it was. No, he/she/it was not. 注:1) was not 常缩略为 wasnt; were not 常缩略为 werent。 2) 一般过去时与过去进行时用法的比较: 一般过去时 表示在过去某个时间发生过的动作或存在的状态, 而过去进行时则表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间 正在进行的动作。 例如: David wrote a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚给他的朋友写了封信。(信写完了。) David was writing a letter to his friend last night. 大卫昨晚一直在给他的朋友写信。(信不一定写完。 ) Practice:Practice: 1. I _ (watch) TV when she _ (call). 2. When the phone _ (ring), she _ (write) a letter. 3. While we _ (have) a picnic, it _ (start) to rain. 4. While John _ (sleep) last night, someone _ (steal) his car. StepStep 4 4 过去进行时中的过去进行时中的 whenwhen 和和 whilewhile 1) when 可指时间点, 又可指时间段, 从句中可用 延续性动词, 也可用非延续性动词。 2) while 总是指一个时间段, 从句中必须用延续性 动词。 when 和 while 都可表示“当的时候” ,引导时间状语 从句。你知道两者在过去进行时中的用法有什么不同吗? 请仔细观察下面的例句,然后补全空格中的内容。 I was walking to school when I saw a cat in a tree. When Sally arrived home, her mother was cleaning the house. 主句的动作是持续性的,而从句动作是短暂性的, 此时用_引导时间状语从句,主句用 _时态,从句用一般过去时态。 While I was sleeping in the bedroom, someone knocked at the door. David fell while he was riding his bike. 主句的动作是短暂性的,从句的动作是持续性的, 此时用_引导从句,主句用 _时态,从句用过去进行时态。 While Andy was waiting for the bus, he was reading a newspaper. He was cleaning his car while I was cooking. 主句和从句的动作在过去的某时刻或某段时间同 时发生,而且动作都是持续性的,此时用 _引导从句,而且主句和从句都用 _时态。 Practice: 汉译英。 StepStep 5 5 活学活用活学活用 4a. Look at the table and write sentences with both while and when. John Mary take photos buy a drink play the piano leave the house clean his room turn on the radio shop take the car to the car wash 4b. Fill in the blanks with was, were, when or while. StepStep 6 6 SpeakingSpeaking 4c. What were you doing at these times last Sunday? Fill in the chart. Then ask your partner. StepStep 8 8 HomeworkHomework After class, please make some dialogues with the phrases and sentences in 4c. TeachingTeaching toto getget andand lose:lose: You Your partner 9:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
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人教版八下_Unit what were you doing when the rainstorm came _Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:90032 人教版八下
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