人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:e0ca9).zip


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Whatwereyoudoing whentherainstormcame? Unit5 What was she doing at that time ? 经典瞬间 What were they doing at that time ? PastProgressiveTense(过去进行时过去进行时) 1.概念概念: 2.构成构成: 3.标志词标志词: 表示过去表示过去某一时刻或或某段时间内正进行的动作。内正进行的动作。 a:表示某一时刻正进行的行为表示某一时刻正进行的行为,常见的时间常见的时间 状语状语有有: at8lastnight,atthattime,atthatmoment, atthistime(yesterday.)等等 e.g.Whatwereyoudoingat10yesterday morning? Iwaswritingalettertomyfatheratthat moment. b:表示过去某段时间内正进行的动作。表示过去某段时间内正进行的动作。常见的时常见的时 间状语有间状语有: allnight,from7:00to9:00am(yesterday), atthetimeof.等。等。 e.g.Wewerereadingfrom7:00to9:00yesterday. Theywerewaitingforyouallafternoon. PastProgressiveTense(过去进行时过去进行时) 1.概念概念: 2.构成构成: 3.标志词标志词: 表示过去表示过去某一时刻或或某段时间内正进行的动作。内正进行的动作。 was/were+v-ing Howtoadd-ing? 1)一般动词在词尾加一般动词在词尾加-ing,如如go-going。 2)以不发音字母以不发音字母e结尾的动词结尾的动词,去掉去掉e,再加再加-ing。 come-comingmake-making 3)以重读闭音节结尾的动词以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾以一个如果末尾以一个 辅音字母结尾辅音字母结尾,应先双写这个字母应先双写这个字母,再加再加ing。 如如:get-gettingswim-swimming 4)以字母以字母ie结尾的动词结尾的动词,变变ie为为y,再加再加ing。 diedyinglielying 直直 去去 双双 改改 lielie make study dance put 现在分词:现在分词:V-ing exercise run watch talk read see shop help die 游戏游戏 PickPickupupapplesapples摘苹果摘苹果 直直去去双双改改 使用进行时态的注意事项使用进行时态的注意事项 一些动词一些动词,如如see、hear、love、like、know、 remember;understand、have等表示感情、等表示感情、 知觉和状态的词知觉和状态的词,一般不用于进行时态。一般不用于进行时态。 PastProgressiveTense(过去进行时过去进行时) 1.概念概念: 2.构成构成: 3.标志词标志词: 表示过去表示过去某一时刻或或某段时间内正进行的动作。内正进行的动作。 was /were +v-ing at8lastnight,atthistime,atthattime, atthatmoment,allnight,atthetimeof. from7:00to9:00(yesterday)等等 语 境 Everyoneinterviewthreestudentswhat theyweredoingatthesetimesyesterday? Fillinthechart. eg. A:Whatwereyoudoingatnineoclock yesterday? B:Iwassleeping.Howaboutyou? A:Iwasdoingmyhomework. Doasurvey(调查调查) 基本句型 肯定句否定句一般疑问句 was/were+v-ing 例句:I was playing basketball yesterday afternoon. wasnt/werent +v-ing 例句:I wasnt playing basketball yesterday afternoon. Was/Were+主主 语语+v-ing? 例句:Were youplaying basketball yesterday afternoon? Was/Were 提前,放句首提前,放句首 was/were后面加后面加 not 选择一张你喜欢 的照片造句。(每 种句型都用到) 特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 一般疑问句一般疑问句 肯定句肯定句 否定句否定句 1.IsawhiminthelibraryyesterdayHe_a bookatthatmoment Areads Bisreading Cwasreading Dwillread C 2. Linda,Icalledyouthismorning,butnobody answeredthephone ImsorryI_footballwithmyfriendsthen Aplay Bplayed Camplaying Dwasplaying D 单项选择单项选择 翻翻译译 1.昨天晚上八点你在做什么?昨天晚上八点你在做什么? 我在淋浴我在淋浴。 Whatwereyoudoingateightlastnight? Iwastakingashower. 2.2.在暴风雨来临的时候她在做什么?在暴风雨来临的时候她在做什么? 她在做作业她在做作业。 Whatwasshedoingatthetimeoftherainstorm? Shewasdoingherhomework. 以以when和和while引导的时间状语从句引导的时间状语从句 延续性动词延续性动词指动作可以延续一段时间指动作可以延续一段时间,而不是而不是 瞬间结束。瞬间结束。 如如:work、study、drink、eat等。等。 非延续性动词非延续性动词指动作极为短暂,瞬间结束。指动作极为短暂,瞬间结束。 如如:start、begin、hit、jump、knock等。等。 延续性动词和非延续性动词延续性动词和非延续性动词 when while when & while When the thief came in,I was sleeping. The thief came in while I was sleeping. The thief was carrying the TV out while I was sleeping. 非延续性非延续性延续性延续性 延续性延续性 含有含有whenwhen和和whilewhile的时间状语从句的时间状语从句 主句主句从句从句 Whe n当当 的的 时候时候 过去进行时(过去进行时( was/were+v-ing) 一般过去时(一般过去时(v -ed) Whil e 当当 的的 时候时候 一般过去时一般过去时 (v-ed) 过去进行时(过去进行时( was/were+v-ing) Whil e 同时同时 过去进行时(过去进行时( was/were+v-ing) 过去进行时(过去进行时( was/were+v-ing) 非延续性非延续性 延续性延续性 延续性延续性 延续性延续性 延续性延续性 非延续性非延续性 1._weweretalkingintheclassroom, theteachercamein. 2._theygottotheairport,itwasraining. 3._shewasreadingabook,thephonerang. 4._Isawtheboy,hewaswearinganewcoat. 5._hewasreading,hefellasleep. 用用when或或while填空填空。 While When While When While 4a.Lookatthetableandwritesentences withbothwhileandwhen. JohnMary takephotos buyadrink playthe piano leavethehouse cleanhis room turnontheradio shoptakethecartothecar wash 写一写写一写 e.g. WhileJohnwastakingphotos,Maryboughtadrink. JohnwastakingphotoswhenMaryboughtadrink. WhileJohnwasplayingthepiano,Maryleftthehouse. JohnwasplayingthepianowhenMaryleftthehouse. WhileJohnwasshopping,Marytookthecartothe carwash. Johnwasshoppingwhentookthecartothecarwash. WhileJohnwascleaninghisroom,Maryturnedon theradio. JohnwascleaninghisroomwhenMaryturnedon theradio. 4b.Fillintheblankswithwas,were, whenorwhile. At7:00a.m.,Iwokeup._I_making mybreakfast,mybrother_listeningtothe radio._Iwaseating,theradionews talkedaboutacaraccidentnearourhome. MybrotherandIwentoutrightawaytohavea look._wegottotheplaceoftheaccident, thecar_inbadshapefromhittingatree. Butluckily,thedriver_fine.Theroads _icybecauseoftheheavysnowfromthe nightbefore. Whilewas was While When was was were Whatwashedoingwhentherainstormcame? Hewasreadinginthelibrarywhentherainstormcame. WhatwasJennydoingwhileLindawassleeping? WhileLindawassleeping,JennywashelpingMarywithher homework. 翻翻译译 1.当暴风雨来的时候他在做什么? 暴风雨来的时候他在图书馆读书 2.Linda 在睡觉的同时Jenny 在做什么? Linda 在睡觉的同时Jenny在帮Mary做作业。 What were you doing at 9:00 last Sunday? Brainstorm(头脑风暴)(头脑风暴) 要求:把这个句子变的面目全非 时时 态态 概概 念念 结结 构构 标志标志 词词 一般过一般过 去时去时 过去进过去进 行时行时 现在进现在进 行时行时 过去某过去某 个时间个时间发发 生过生过的动的动 作或状态作或状态 过去过去某某 个时刻个时刻正正 在在进行的进行的 动作动作 现在正现在正 在在进行的进行的 动作动作 规则变规则变 化(化(4 4点点 ) 不规则不规则 变化变化 was/wewas/we rere + + doingdoing is/am/is/am/ areare + + doingdoing ago、 yesterday、 last week/year/ night.、 in1989、just now 、on that day等 at 8 last night, at this/that time , at that moment 、 all night,at the time of., from7:00 to 9:00 yesterday 等 listen、look 、now、these days等 1. 2. c B .单项选择单项选择 Tony,couldyougivemeahand? WaitaminuteI_ AlockthedoorBwilllockthedoor CamlockingthedoorDwaslockingthedoor Listen!Thephone_Pleasegotoanswerit Arings Bisringing Crang Dwillring 3.-Whatdidyoudoyesterday? -I_. A.sleep B.slept C.wassleepingD.sleeping B 1.What_(be)you_(do)whenhearrived? 2.Jim_(sleep)whenIcamein. 3.They_(watch)TVyesterdayevening. 4.Nowhe_(read)and_(write). weredoing wassleeping watched isreading writing .用所给词的正确形式填空用所给词的正确形式填空 5.Mother_(wash)clotheswhenI _(get)homefromschoolyesterday afternoon. 6.Look,mysister_(be)thereinthebarbershop. Thebarber_(cut)herhair. 7.-When_you_(see)mybag? -I_(see)itfifteenminutesago. waswashing got is iscutting didsee saw 理发店理发店 1.昨天早上昨天早上9点钟你在干什么点钟你在干什么? 2.他们正在做家庭作业。他们正在做家庭作业。 Whatwereyoudoingat9oclockyesterdaymorning? Theyaredoingtheirhomework .翻译翻译 LiLeihadbreakfastathisgrandparentshome. 3.李雷在奶奶家吃的早饭李雷在奶奶家吃的早饭. 过去进行时 1.概念 3.标志词 2.结构 6.区分过去进行时、一般过去式、 现在进行时 5.时间状语从句中when/while的区别 4.复习了现在分词和过去式的变化规则 肯: 否定句 变一般疑问句 : While you were.,your friends were. Homework A A组同学:组同学: 完成习题并背诵完成习题并背诵3636页页grammargrammar focusfocus B B组同学:组同学: 完成习题并和你的伙伴编写一个对话完成习题并和你的伙伴编写一个对话 Thank you for listening! 第 1 页(共 22 页) 英语时态专项测试英语时态专项测试 选择题选择题 1Many scientists believe that robots _ able to talk like humans in 50years () AwereBare Cwill beDhave been 2How did the accident happen? The girl _Wechat(微信)while walking across the street () AreadsBis readingCwas reading 3My sister with my parents_dumplings when I got home yesterday evening ( ) Aare makingBis makingCwas making Dwere making 4 Did you see Betty just now? YesShe _ someone,so I nodded to her and went away () Aphoned Bis phoningCwas phoning Dhas phoned 5Nancy _ for five years () Awas dyingBhas died CdiedDhas been dead 6Dont you see the signNo Parking!on the right? Sorry,I _But now I know parking here is not right () AdontBdidntChadntDdoesnt 7Where did you go last weekend? I to the Great Wall () AgoBwentCwill goDhave gone 8Yang Jiang,a famous female writer,_for abut a month so far ( ) 第 2 页(共 22 页) AdiedBhas been dead Chas been died 9Hi,NoraIs your mother at home? Just a minute!She_flowers in the garden () AplantBis plantingCplanted Dwas planting 10You cant smoke here Sorry,I _ the sign () Adont seeBdidnt seeChavent seen Dwont see 11Steve _ TV in the living room when his mother came in () Awas watchingBwatches Cis watching 12Your coat fits you well Thank youI_ it when I was on vacation () Ahave bought Bbuy Cbought 13I dont know if it _tomorrow Well,if it _,the school sports meet will be canceled () Awill rain; will rainBrains; will rain Cwill rain; rains Drains; rains 14Did you call Jenny? Oh no,I forgotI_her right away () AcalledBhave calledCcall Dwill call 15Anita,where is your brother? He _ out in the garden with a group of kids () AplaysBplayedCis playingDhas played 16Oh,dear!A power cut! Sorry,I didnt know you _ the washing machine () 第 3 页(共 22 页) Aare usingBusedCuse Dwere using 17My mother _ dinner when I got home yesterday () Ahas cookedBwas cooking Cwill cookDcooks 18Where were you when I called? Ion the bed() Alied Bwas lyingClayDwas lying 19Look!Someone _ the classroom Well,it wasnt meI didnt do it () Ais cleaningBwas cleaning Chas cleaned Dwill clean 20If we_ water,there will be less fresh water on the earth () Awill save Bwont saveCdont saveDsave 21What are you doing,Sam? I _ the house for my uncle () Aam painting Bpainted CpaintDwill paint 22The population of the world _still _now () Ahas,grown Bis,growing Cwill,growDis,grown 23Lei Feng _ for many years,but his spirit is still encouraging us () AdiedBhas been dead Chas died 24Our team _ another point!Im sure well win the game () Awill get Bhas got Cis gettingDwas getting 25The decision about the price _ in a few daysSo they have to wait ( ) Ais made Bwas made Cis being madeDwill be made 26Please dont use my computer Sorry!I _ do it again () Amustnt BwontCdontDneednt 第 4 页(共 22 页) 27I think Ill take a bus to the meeting The bus?If you_,you will be late () AdoBhave doneCwill do 28My parents and I _ my grandparents tomorrow () Avisit BvisitedChave visited Dwill visit 29He _ newspapers when the earthquake happened in Japan () Awas looking through Blooked through Chad looked through 30When Jims mother came in,he_his homework () Ais doing Bhas doneCwas doingDhad done 31Tony and I _tennis yesterdayHe did much better than I () Aplay BplayedCwill play Dare playing 32I heard your father gone to Beijing on business Yes,And he_in three weeks () Awill returnBhas returned CreturnedDreturns 33We _ for a picnic if it _ rain this Sunday () Awill go;doesnt Bwill go;wont Cgo;doesnt 34 The plant likes dryingIf you water it often,it _ () Awill die Bdies Cwill be death Dis dead 35Please dont make so much noiseThe baby _ now () AsleepsBsleptCwill sleepDis sleeping 36Pass the raincoat to me,pleaseIt _ hard now Here you are () Ais rainingBrainedCwill rain 37一 Did you watch the fashion show on TV last night? 第 5 页(共 22 页) 一 I wanted to,but my mother_ her favorite TV programme () AwatchedBwas watchingCis watchingDhas watched 38You didnt answer when I called you yesterday Oh,I _ the play about You are the one who comes from the stars ( ) Aam watching Bhad watched Cwatched Dwas watching 39What _ you _ when the captain came in?() Aare; doing Bdid; doCwere; doing 中考英语专项测试(时态)中考英语专项测试(时态) 参考答案与试题解析参考答案与试题解析 一选择题(共一选择题(共 50 小题)小题) 1 (2016黄石)Many scientists believe that robots _ able to talk like humans in 50years () AwereBare Cwill beDhave been 【分析】许多科学家认为五十年后机器人能和人类一样进行交谈 【解答】答案:C 本题考查的是动词的时态,根据题干 in 50 years 可知这是表示将来时间的时 间短语,应该用一般将来时,其结构是 will+动词原形,故选 C 2 (2016漳州)How did the accident happen? The girlWechat(微信)while walking across the street () 第 6 页(共 22 页) AreadsBis readingCwas reading 【分析】事故是如何发生的? 女孩过马路的时候,正在看微信 【解答】答案:C;while 引导的从句在事情同时发生的情况时,主句和从句都 用进行时;根据句中信息 The girlWechat(微信)while walking across the street可知主句和从句表示的动作是同时发生的,根据上句 How did the accident happen?可知该句描述的是过去发生的动作,故主句要用过去进行时 态表达;其形式为 was/were+现在分词故选 C 3 (2016兰州)My sister with my parentsdumplings when I got home yesterday evening () Aare makingBis makingCwas making Dwere making 【分析】昨天晚上当我到家的时候,我妹妹在和我父母正一起包水饺 【解答】答案:C 根据 when 引导的时间状语从句用了一般过去时,判断设空处的动作在过去某 个时刻,即当我到家时正在进行着,且动作在一段时间内持续进行,所以用 过去进行时,过去进行时的构成是:主语+was/were+动词的现在分词,另外主 语后面跟 with 短语时,谓语动词由 with 前面的主语来确定,My sister 是第三人 称单数形式,故选 C 4 (2016威海)Is that a new coat? No,I_it for a long time () Abought Bhave bought Chave had 【分析】那是一件新上衣吗? 不,我已经买了很长时间了 【解答】答案:C 根据 for a long time 可知,这是一个表示一段时间的时间状语,通常用于现在完 成时,而且动词应该用延续性动词,而 buy 是瞬间性动词,不能持续一段时间, 所以要用 have,这里是指拥有手表这种状态持续到现在,故用现在完成时态, 第 7 页(共 22 页) 结构为 have/has+动词的过去分词,主语是 I,所以助动词用 have,动词 have 的过去分词为 had故选 C 5 (2016上海)This medicinemillions of peoples lives since it was put into use ( ) Ais saving Bwill save Chas savedDhad saved 【分析】这种药自投入使用来就挽救了数百万人的性命 【解答】答案为 C 根据从属连词 since 可知,需要用现在完成时,表示从过去某个时间点开始到现 在的动作,而且这个动作对现在有影响 此处 since 引导时间状语从句,since 后接表示一个时间点的句子,说明从过去 的时间点到现在的这段时间里的动作现在完成时的构成为 has/have+过去分 词故选 C 6 (2016绵阳)Dont you see the signNo Parking!on the right? Sorry,I _But now I know parking here is not right () AdontBdidntChadntDdoesnt 【分析】难道你没看到右边的禁止停车的标志吗? 对不起,我没有但是现在我知道在这里停车是不对的 【解答】答案:B 根据题干 But now I know parking here is not right 但是现在 我知道在这里停车是不对的可知上文是说:刚才没看到应该用一般过去时 态一般过去时态的构成:主语+谓语动词的过去式所以答案是:didnt,故 选:B 7 (2016北京)Where did you go last weekend? I to the Great Wall () AgoBwentCwill goDhave gone 【分析】上周末你去了哪里? 我去了长城 【解答】答案:B 根据题 Where did you go last weekend?上周末你去了哪里? 第 8 页(共 22 页) 可知下文是说:上周末发生的事情应该用一般过去时态一般过去时态的构 成:主语+谓语动词的过去式所以答案是:went,故选:B 8 (2016郴州)Yangjiang,a famous female writer,_for abut a month so far () AdiedBhas been dead Chas been died 【分析】杨绛,一位著名的女性作家,到目前为止去世大约一个月了 【解答】答案:B 句中的时间状语 for+时间段是现在完成时的标志,且句子中的谓语动词必须是 延续性动词,现在完成时的构成是:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词;主语是 第三人称单数,助动词用 has,die 是非延续性动词,不能与时间段连用,be dead 表状态,可以与时间段连用,故答案为 B 9 (2016南京)Hi,NoraIs your mother at home? Just a minute!She_flowers in the garden () AplantBis plantingCplanted Dwas planting 【分析】你好,Nora,你妈妈在家吗?等一会!她正在花园种花 【解答】答案:B 根据 Just a minute,可知 Nora 让前来找他妈妈的人等一会, 妈妈正在忙着做某事故应用现在进行时(be+doing) she 为第三人称单数, be 用 isA 选项为一般现在时;B 为现在进行时;C 为一般过去时;D 为过去进 行时故选 B 10 (2016黔南州)Rick_a lot about Chinese culture since he came to China () Ahas learned Bwill learnClearnsDlearned 【分析】自从 Rick 来到中国,他学到了很多关于中国文化的知识 【解答】答案:A 根据时间状语从句 since he came to China 结合句意自从 Rick 来到中国,他学到 了很多关于中国文化的知识强调对于现在造成的结果和影响,判断主句用现 在完成时现在完成时的构成是:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词;主语是第 第 9 页(共 22 页) 三人称单数,助动词用 has,故答案为 A 11 (2016吉林)Steve _ TV in the living room when his mother came in () Awas watchingBwatches Cis watching 【分析】当他妈妈进来的时候,斯蒂芬正在客厅看电视 【解答】答案:A结合 when his mother came in 可知表达的是过去正在进行 的动作故用过去进行时 was/were+doing,主语 Steve 三单,故 was,故答案是 A 12 (2016长沙)Your coat fits you well Thank youI_ it when I was on vacation () Ahave bought Bbuy Cbought 【分析】你的大衣很适合你,谢谢我度假时买的 【解答】答案:C 根据时间状语从句when I was on vacation,可知动作发生在 过去,应该用一般过去时have bought 为现在完成时的构成;buy 为一般现在 时的构成;bought 为一般过去时的构成故选 C 13 (2016咸宁)I dont know if it _tomorrow Well,if it _,the school sports meet will be canceled () Awill rain; will rainBrains; will rain Cwill rain; rains Drains; rains 【分析】我不知道明天是否会下雨 哦,如果明天下雨的话,校运动会将被取消 【解答】答案:C 根据 I dont know if it _tomorrow,可知这里 if 是是否的意思,引导的 是宾语从句,根据宾语从句的时态的用法,主句是一般现在时,从句应该根据 自身的时间决定时态,又因为 tomorrow,所以应该用 will rain;再根据 if it _,the school sports meet will be canceled,可知这里 if 是如果,引 导的是条件状语从句,条件状语从句的时态用法是主将从现,故用 rains故 第 10 页(共 22 页) 选 C 14 (2016临沂)Did you call Jenny? Oh no,I forgotI_her right away () AcalledBhave calledCcall Dwill call 【分析】你给 Jenny 打电话了吗? 哦,不,我忘了我会立刻给她打电话 【解答】答案:D 根据答语中时间状语 right away立刻,马上可知,叙述的是在将来发生的事情, 故用一般将来时态,一般将来时态的结构为 will+动词原形,故选:D 15 (2016绵阳)Anita,where is your brother? He _ out in the garden with a group of kids () AplaysBplayedCis playingDhas played 【分析】Anita,你哥哥在哪里? 他和一群孩子正在花园里玩 【解答】答案:C 根据 Anita,where is your brother?Anita,你哥哥在哪里?可知问的是现在的情 况推测下文可知应该是:他和一群孩子正在花园里玩表示正在进行的动作, 应该用现在进行时态,现在进行时态构成:助动词 be+doing,故选:C 16 (2016苏州)Oh,dear!A power cut! Sorry,I didnt know you the washing machine (
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