人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:7708d).zip


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知识目标 words and phrases 能力目标 To be able to talk about problems and give advice 情感目标 Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A(3a-3c) Face problems ,express yourself and accept advice and. Enjoy a song Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. No Matter if youre fast no matter if youre slow, oh oh. The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh. Your fine for a while but then start to loose control. Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh. And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh. He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh. So dont forget as you ease on down the road. Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! What are the parents doing? Do they get on with each other? Do they have good relations? How does the boy feel? What trouble/problem may he have? 3a What is Sad and Thirteens problem? What is Sad and Thirteens problem? Listen and answer He cant get on with his family. DearMr.hunt, MyproblemisthatIcantgetonwithmyfamily. Relationsbetweenmyparentshavebecomedifficult. Theyfightalot,andIreallydontlikeit.Itstheonly communicationtheyhave.IdontknowifIshouldsay anythingtothemaboutthis.Whentheyargue,itslike abig,blackcloudhangingoverourhome.Also,my elderbrotherisnotverynicetome.Healways refusestoletmewatchmyfavoriteTVshow.Instead hewatcheswhateverhewantsuntillateatnight.I dontthinkthisisfair.AthomeIalwaysfeellonelyand nervous.Isthatnormal?WhatcanIdo? SadandThirteen. What is Sad and Thirteens problem? Letter 1 Find out the problems. 3a Letter 1 Find out the problems. Sad and Thirteens main problem: _ About his parents 1._ About his elder brother 1._ 2._ About himself 1._ He cant get on with his family. His parents fight a lot. His elder brother is not nice to him. His elder brother refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show. He feels lonely and nervous. AS we know the problem, can you give him some advice? Advice Why dont you +V. ? Why not +V. ? You could +V. You should +V. Letter 2 listen and write down the advice. About whomAdvice About his parents Why dont you_ _? You should _ . Maybe you could_. About his brother Why dont you_ _? You should explain that you dont _. talk about these feelings with your family offer to help do more jobs sit down and communicate with your brother mind him watching TV all the time. However DearSadandThirteen Itsnoteasybeingyourage,anditsnormaltohave thesefeelings.Whydontyoutalkaboutthesefeelings withyourfamily?Ifyourparentsarehavingproblems, youshouldoffertohelp.Maybeyoucoulddomore jobsaroundthehousesothattheyhavemoretimefor propercommunication.Secondly,whydontyousit downandcommunicatewithyourbrother?Youshould explainthatyoudontmindhimwatchingTVallthe time.However,heshouldletyouwatchyourfavorite show.Ihopethingswillbebetterforyousoon. RobertHunt Letter 2 listen and write down the advice. Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Hunts advice? Why? I agree/disagree with his advice because . I I agree with his advice because anyway they are families, communication is the best way to make them understand each other and get on well with each other. 3b I I disagree with his advice. Because I dont think parents should fight or argue any more, they should communicate more, care more about their children and spend more time with their children. Discussion Communication Solve the problem with your parents. Have a talk with your friends/famalies. Accept the advice of your teachers/friends. Running away from problems is useless. Enjoy your life every day. Share your problem and your happiness. Be a happy teenager from now on. Because trouble is a friend. No big deal. which words and phrases have the same or similar meaning as others? ( ) 1. get on with ( ) 2. nervous ( ) 3. communicate ( ) 4. explain ( ) 5. refuse A.紧张的 B. 主动做. C. 解释 D. 吵架 E. 交流,沟通 F. 与相处 G. 关系 H. 拒绝 I. 恰当的,正 确地 J. 任何,每一 K. 反而,却, 代替 a. talk to b. make it clear c. get along with d. worried e. not allow D B E F A C H ( ) 6. argue ( ) 7. offer to do ( ) 8. relation ( ) 9. whatever ( ) 10. instead ( ) 11. proper G J K I Dear students, My problem is that things in Class 13 doesnt work out fine . Some students cant get on with each other, they fight and argue a lot, relations between them have become difficult. I talked to them last week, but it didnt work. Also a few students think the homework is too difficult, they always refuses to finish it on time, instead, they often copy others in the morning before the teacher comes or just write whatever they want on the exercise books. I feel worried and nervous, what can I do? Mrs Cai Share my problem with you. I need your help. Dear Mrs Cai , Its not easy being a head teacher, and its normal to have these feelings, Why dont you_, you should_. Maybe you could_ so that_. Why dont you_ . You should_.I hope things will be better for you soon. Tina Reply to me by using the words should, could, offer, proper, communicate, explain and the sentence patterns Why dont you, or why not 1. Retell the article several times after school. 2. Finish 3c Make sentences with these words: explain, communicate, refuse, nervous, get on with Home with Kids is a popular comedy. we know Liu Xing is Xiaoyus _ brother. The _ between them are various(多样样的). They can _ each other, but sometimes they _. Then their parents _ with them at the _ time. The children have a happy life. elder relations communicate get on with argue proper Read and fill. Four students in a group try to prepare a play about Sad and Thirteen according to the letter.(根据课文内容改编一个话剧) role: father, mother, elder brother and Sad and Thirteen Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. No Matter if youre fast no matter if youre slow, oh oh. The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh. Your fine for a while but then start to loose control. Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh. And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh. He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh. So dont forget as you ease on down the road. Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! So dont be alarmed if he takes you by the arm. I wont let him win, but im a sucker for his charm. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! Oh how I hate the way he makes me feel. And how I try to make him leave; I try. Oh Oh I try! Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! So dont be alarmed if he takes you by the arm. I wont let him win, but im a sucker for his charm. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. Oh oh! 知识目标 words and phrases 能力目标 To be able to talk about problems and give advice 情感目标 Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A(3a-3c) Face problems ,express yourself and accept advice and. Enjoy a song Trouble will find you no mater where you go, oh oh. No Matter if youre fast no matter if youre slow, oh oh. The eye of the storm and the cry in the morn, oh oh. Your fine for a while but then start to loose control. Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe, oh oh. And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow, oh oh. He sees what I see and he knows what I know, oh oh. So dont forget as you ease on down the road. Hes there in the dark, hes there in my heart, he waits in the winds hes gotta play a part. Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine. oh oh! What are the parents doing? Do they get on with each other? Do they have good relations? How does the boy feel? What trouble/problem may he have? 3a What is Sad and Thirteens problem? Listen and answer He cant get on with his family. Letter 1 Find out the problems. Sad and Thirteens main problem: _ About his parents 1._ About his elder brother 1._ 2._ About himself 1._ He cant get on with his family. His parents fight a lot. His elder brother is not nice to him. His elder brother refuses to let him watch his favorite TV show. He feels lonely and nervous. DearMr.hunt, MyproblemisthatIcantgetonwithmyfamily.Relations betweenmyparentshavebecomedifficult.Theyfightalot,and Ireallydontlikeit.Itstheonlycommunicationtheyhave.I dontknowifIshouldsayanythingtothemaboutthis.When theyargue,itslikeabig,blackcloudhangingoverourhome. Also,myelderbrotherisnotverynicetome.Healways refusestoletmewatchmyfavoriteTVshow.Insteadhe watcheswhateverhewantsuntillateatnight.Idontthinkthis isfair.AthomeIalwaysfeellonelyandnervous.Isthat normal?WhatcanIdo? SadandThirteen. AS we know the problem, can you give him some advice? Advice Why dont you +V. ? Why not +V. ? You could +V. You should +V. Letter 2 listen and write down the advice.About whom Advice About his parents Why dont you_ _? You should _ . Maybe you could_. About his brother Why dont you_ _ _? You should explain that you dont _. talk about these feelings with your family offer to help do more jobs sit down and communicate with your brother mind him watching TV all the time. However DearSadandThirteen Itsnoteasybeingyourage,anditsnormaltohavethese feelings.Whydontyoutalkaboutthesefeelingswithyour family?Ifyourparentsarehavingproblems,youshouldofferto help.Maybeyoucoulddomorejobsaroundthehousesothat theyhavemoretimeforpropercommunication.Secondly,why dontyousitdownandcommunicatewithyourbrother?You shouldexplainthatyoudontmindhimwatchingTVallthe time.However,heshouldletyouwatchyourfavoriteshow.I hopethingswillbebetterforyousoon. RobertHunt Do you agree or disagree with Mr. Hunts advice? Why? I agree/disagree with his advice because . I I agree with his advice because anyway they are families, communication is the best way to make them understand each other and get on well with each other. 3b I I disagree with his advice. Because I dont think parents should fight or argue any more, they should communicate more, care more about their children and spend more time with their children. Discussion Communication Solve the problem with your parents. Have a talk with your friends/famalies. Accept the advice of your teachers/friends. Running away from problems is useless. Enjoy your life every day. Share your problem and your happiness. Be a happy teenager from now on. Because trouble is a friend. No big deal. which words and phrases have the same or similar meaning as others? ( ) 1. get on with ( ) 2. nervous ( ) 3. communicate ( ) 4. explain ( ) 5. refuse A.紧张的 B. 主动做. C. 解释 D. 吵架 E. 交流,沟通 F. 与相处 G. 关系 H. 拒绝 I. 恰当的,正 确地 J. 任何,每一 K. 反而,却, 代替 a. talk to b. make it clear c. get along with d. worried e. not allow D B E F A C H ( ) 6. argue ( ) 7. offer to do ( ) 8. relation ( ) 9. whatever ( ) 10. instead ( ) 11. proper G J K I Dear students, My problem is that things in Class 13 doesnt work out fine . Some students cant get on with each other, they fight and argue a lot, relations between them have become difficult. I talked to them last week, but it didnt work. Also a few students think the homework is too difficult, they always refuses to finish it on time, instead, they often copy others in the morning before the teacher comes or just write whatever they want on the exercise books. I feel worried and nervous, what can I do? Mrs Cai Share my problem with you.I need your help. Dear Mrs Cai , Its not easy being a head teacher, and its normal to have these feelings, Why dont you_, you should_. Maybe you could_ so that_. Why dont you_. You should_.I hope things will be better for you soon. Tina Reply to me by using the words should, could, offer, proper, communicate, explain and the sentence patterns Why dont you,or why not 1. Finish the composition. Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A 3a-3c Teaching aims: 1.Words and expressions: member, pressure, compete 2、短语:、短语:have a fight with, compete with 3、句子:、句子:Although you may be unhappy with your parents, you should talk to them. Life shouldnt just be about grades. I think Wei Ming should 2. Sentences: 1)My problem is that I cant get on with my family. 2)I dont know if I should say anything to them about this. 3)Instead he watches whatever he want until late at night. 4) Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication. Ability aims: Ss can use the knowledge they learned to talk about the problems and difficulties about family. Ss can give others advice and learn to choose the right advice. Ss can improve their speaking and reading skills. Ss can find the similar meaning of the words. Emotional aims: Ss will learn to solve the problems in their lives properly. Teaching important points: How to talk about the problems and learn the grammar. Teaching difficult points: How to give advice according to others problems and learn the grammar. Teaching procedures: Step 1 Warming- up and revision . 1. warming up: Enjoy a song 2.Maybe sometimes we have problems/trouble, but trouble is a friend. Step 2 read letter 1 1. listening Listen and answer the question: What is Sad and Thirteens problem? 2. read and finish the chart Sad and Thirteens main problem: _ About his parents1._ About his elder brother 1._ 2._ About himself1._ Step 3 Give advice Review: How to give advice? Why dont you? Why not? You shoule/could Step 4 Read letter 2 1.listen for Mr. Hunts advice 2.read letter 2, finish the chart About whomAdvice About his parents Why dont you_ _? You should _ . Maybe you could_. About his brother Why dont you_ _? You should explain you dont _ _. Step 5: Discussion( 3b) Do you agree or disagree with Mr. hunt? Step 6: words and expressions(3c) Step 7: writing: write a letter to Mrs. Cai, give her some advice. Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A 3a-3c Teaching aims: 1.Words and expressions: member, pressure, compete 2、短语:、短语:have a fight with, compete with 3、句子:、句子:Although you may be unhappy with your parents, you should talk to them. Life shouldnt just be about grades. I think Wei Ming should 2. Sentences: 1)My problem is that I cant get on with my family. 2)I dont know if I should say anything to them about this. 3)Instead he watches whatever he want until late at night. 4) Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication. Ability aims: Ss can use the knowledge they learned to talk about the problems and difficulties about family. Ss can give others advice and learn to choose the right advice. Ss can improve their speaking and readi
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