人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section A 1a—2d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:508b9).zip


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Why dont you talk to your parents?Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A (1a-2c)Section A (1a-2c) Unit 4Unit 4 学学 习习 目目 标标 一、一、知识与技能目标知识与技能目标 1. 1.重点词汇重点词汇: : allowallow,allow sb. to do sth.allow sb. to do sth. untilluntill , , wrong wrong 2. 2.重点句型:重点句型:WhatWhat s wrong? s wrong? / / WhatWhats the matter? s the matter? You could You could / / should should Why don Why don t you?t you? 3. 3. 培养听说读写各项基本技能同时注重培养在语境中猜培养听说读写各项基本技能同时注重培养在语境中猜 测词意的能力。测词意的能力。 二、二、学习重点学习重点 关于征求和给予对方建议的表达用语。关于征求和给予对方建议的表达用语。 学学 习习 目目 标标 三、三、学习难点学习难点 与烦恼、抱怨和建议相关的大量短语搭配。与烦恼、抱怨和建议相关的大量短语搭配。 四、四、情感态度价值观及德育渗透目标情感态度价值观及德育渗透目标 遇到问题要主动和家人、朋友或亲近的人交流遇到问题要主动和家人、朋友或亲近的人交流; ; 如果身边的人遇到问题,能主动提供帮助。如果身边的人遇到问题,能主动提供帮助。 N New ew words / Phrases allowallowv. v. 允许;允许; 准许准许 wrongwrong adj. adj. 有毛病;有毛病; 错误的错误的 Whats wrong?Whats wrong?哪儿不舒服?哪儿不舒服? allow sb. to do allow sb. to do sth.sth. 允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 too much homeworktoo much homework 太多作业太多作业 hang out with sb.hang out with sb.与某人闲逛与某人闲逛 after-school classesafter-school classes 课外活动课课外活动课 Discuss your own problems in your group and think which are serious. 1b 1.1.I have to study too much so I dont get I have to study too much so I dont get enough sleep.enough sleep. 2. I have too much homework so I dont have 2. I have too much homework so I dont have any free time to do things I like.any free time to do things I like. 3. My parents dont allow me to hang out with 3. My parents dont allow me to hang out with my friends.my friends. 4. I have too many after-school classes.4. I have too many after-school classes. 5. I got into a fight with my best friend.5. I got into a fight with my best friend. 1a A: Whats wrong?A: Whats wrong? B: Im tired because I studied B: Im tired because I studied until midnight last night. until midnight last night. A: Why dont you go to sleep A: Why dont you go to sleep earlier this evening? earlier this evening? PeterPeter AdviceAdvice 1.You _ write him a letter. 2.You _ call him up. 3.You _ talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. 4.You _go to his house. 5.You _take him to the ball game. could should should could could 2b Listen again. Why doesnt Peter like his friends advice? Write the letters (a-e) next to the advice in the 2a. Why Peter doesnt like the advice a a. . Its not easy.Its not easy. b b. . I dont want to wait that long.I dont want to wait that long. c c. . I dont want to surprise him.I dont want to surprise him. d d. . Im not good at writing letters.Im not good at writing letters. e e. . I dont want to talk about it on the phone.I dont want to talk about it on the phone. 1.You _ write him a letter. ( )1.You _ write him a letter. ( ) 2.You _ call him up. ( )2.You _ call him up. ( ) 3.You _ talk to him so that you can 3.You _ talk to him so that you can say youre sorry. ( )say youre sorry. ( ) 4.You _go to his house. ( )4.You _go to his house. ( ) 5.You _take him to the ball game.( )5.You _take him to the ball game.( ) Advice Advice should could should could could d d e e a a c c b b Friend: Whats wrong? / Whats the Friend: Whats wrong? / Whats the matter? matter? Peter: I ( What should I do?)Peter: I ( What should I do?) Why dont youWhy dont you ? ? Why not? Why not? FriendFriend: : You should/ couldYou should/ could Youd better Youd better What / How about ? What / How about ? Make a survey in your group and finish the chart. NameNameproblemsproblemsadviceadvice My Problems Hello, Everyone! Im from Group _. My name is . In my group, .s problem is that he / she . I think she/ he should . Talking about problemsTalking about problems Giving adviceGiving advice Whats the matter? Whats wrong? Why dont you? Why not? You could You should Youd better What about? How about? 根据句意或首字母提示写出单词或短语根据句意或首字母提示写出单词或短语 1. My parents a_ me to hang out 1. My parents a_ me to hang out with my friends on weekends. with my friends on weekends. 2. I like the bike very much,but I dont 2. I like the bike very much,but I dont have _( have _(足够的足够的) money to buy ) money to buy it. it. 3. - Whats w_ with you watch?3. - Whats w_ with you watch? - Its broken. - Its broken. 4. I have too m_ homework to do.4. I have too m_ homework to do. 5. I got _ a fight w_ my 5. I got _ a fight w_ my best friend. best friend. llowllow enoughenough rongrong uchuch intointoithith 翻译下列词组翻译下列词组 1.1.允许某人做某事允许某人做某事 2.2.与某人闲逛与某人闲逛 3. 3. 早睡早睡 4.4.没有时间做我喜欢的事没有时间做我喜欢的事 5.5.与某人打架与某人打架 allow sb. to do allow sb. to do sth.sth. hang out with sb.hang out with sb. go to sleep earliergo to sleep earlier dont have any free time to do dont have any free time to do sth. I likesth. I like have a fight with sb.have a fight with sb. 用所给的词的适当形式填空用所给的词的适当形式填空 1. They re both good at _ 1. They re both good at _ (run).(run). 2. Thanks for _ (help) me so 2. Thanks for _ (help) me so much. much. 3. Could you give us some _ 3. Could you give us some _ (advice)? (advice)? 4. They have too many _ (clsss) 4. They have too many _ (clsss) in aweek. in aweek. 5. My parents dont allow me _ 5. My parents dont allow me _ (go) (go) out at night. out at night. runningrunning helpinghelping adviceadvice clsssesclssses to goto go 单项选择单项选择 ( )1. - Mom,I think Im _ to get ( )1. - Mom,I think Im _ to get back to school. back to school. - Not really. Youd better stay - Not really. Youd better stay at home for another day or two. at home for another day or two. A. well enough B. so well A. well enough B. so well C. good C. good enoughenough D. so good D. so good ( ) 2. - What are they doing over ( ) 2. - What are they doing over there? there? - They are _ the math problem. - They are _ the math problem. A. talking to B. talking on A. talking to B. talking on C. talking with D.talking about C. talking with D.talking about A A D D 补全对话,方框中有一个选项是多余的补全对话,方框中有一个选项是多余的 . A. She nags me about almost everything.A. She nags me about almost everything. B. Whats up?B. Whats up? C. She likes it, too.C. She likes it, too. D. Ill try to understand her.D. Ill try to understand her. E. Maybe youre right.E. Maybe youre right. F. But she isnt interesting in it. F. But she isnt interesting in it. A: Hello, Li Fang! B: Hello! A: You look a little unhappy. 1_ B: My mother always nags (唠叨) me. A: Really? What does your mother nag you about? B B 补全对话,方框中有一个选项是多余补全对话,方框中有一个选项是多余 的的A. She nags me about almost everything.A. She nags me about almost everything. B. Whats up?B. Whats up? C. She likes it, too.C. She likes it, too. D. Ill try to understand her.D. Ill try to understand her. E. Maybe youre right.E. Maybe youre right. F. But she isnt interesting in it.F. But she isnt interesting in it. B: 2._ “Get up now. Everything must be B: 2._ “Get up now. Everything must be in place . Dont forget your piano in place . Dont forget your piano lesson.”lesson.” A: Well, all mothers like saying these words A: Well, all mothers like saying these words to their children. to their children. B: Also, I love pop music. 3_ We just B: Also, I love pop music. 3_ We just have little in common. have little in common. A A F F 补全对话,方框中有一个选项是多余补全对话,方框中有一个选项是多余 的的A. She nags me about almost everything.A. She nags me about almost everything. B. Whats up?B. Whats up? C. She likes it, too.C. She likes it, too. D. Ill try to understand her.D. Ill try to understand her. E. Maybe youre right.E. Maybe youre right. F. But she isnt interesting in it. F. But she isnt interesting in it. A: 4_ But I should say she nags you A: 4_ But I should say she nags you because she cares about you. because she cares about you. B: I agree with you . 5_B: I agree with you . 5_ A: Thats right. Understanding is important. A: Thats right. Understanding is important. If your mom knows that everyehing is If your mom knows that everyehing is fine,she will never nag. fine,she will never nag. E E D D Open your heart to your heartOpen your heart to your heart. . 敞开你的心扉敞开你的心扉, ,说出你的心声说出你的心声。 Communication can collide with Communication can collide with the spark of wisdomthe spark of wisdom. . 交流可以碰撞出智慧的火花。交流可以碰撞出智慧的火花。 老老老老 师师师师 寄寄寄寄 语语语语 1、Remember the problems and advice you learned this lesson. 2、Make a survey about your parents problems and try to give them your advice. 3、Please show your survey next class. UnitUnit 4 4 WhyWhy dontdont youyou talktalk toto youryour parents?parents?(1a-2c)(1a-2c)教学设计教学设计 课题课题 Unit4Unit4 WhyWhy dontdont youyou talktalk toto youryour parents?(Sectionparents?(Section A A 1a-2c)1a-2c) 解读理念解读理念 以“英语课程标准”为宗旨,适应新课程改革的需要,面向全体学生,提高 学生的人文素养,增强实践能力和创新精神。正确把握英语学科特点,积极倡 导合作探究的学习方式。培养学生积极地情感态度和正确的人生介值观,提高 学生综合素质为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础。 学情分析学情分析 从话题上来说,本单元的话题主要围绕与学生实际生活紧密相关的 problems 和 advice 展开。在八年级上册第十单元 Section B 2b 部分,学生已经接触了 有关问题和建议的内容,并知道“If people have problems, they should talk to other people.”本单元是对此内容的展开和深入,让学生学会陈述问 题、烦恼,并能针对其他人的问题提出合理的建议。处于青春期的学生一定有 着自己的问题和烦恼。从语言储备上来说,八年级的学生在以前的学习中已经 接触和掌握了“Whats the matter/Whats wrong? Why dont you/Why not.? You should/could.”等句型,学习本课时目标语言困难较小。所以, 学生对本单元本课时的学习充满期望和信心。 内容标准内容标准 1a 能理解学生常见的各种烦恼或抱怨,并能判定“serious” 或“not serious”。 1b 能听懂对话并圈出听到的问题。 1c 能就本单元话题词汇和句型进行简单的口头操练,完成基本 的语言输出。 2a 能对情态动词 could 和 should 辨音 2b 能听懂对话内容,关注细节,有选择性地听。 2c 能根据对话内容进行口语操练。 知识与 能力目标 1、熟练掌握相关词汇、短语和谈论问题、提建 议的功能句型 2、能给出合理建议;能正确掌握听力的技巧和 方法 过程与方法听力训练,pair work,小组合作探究 教材分析教材分析 教学目标教学目标 情感态度价 遇到问题要主动地去和家人、朋友或亲近的人 值观目标与 德语渗透 交流;如果遇到身边的人遇到问题,能主动提 供帮助。 教学资源教学资源 1.人教版新目标八年级下册教材 2.课件 教学重点教学重点 教学重点关于征求和给予对方建议的表达用语. 教学难点教学难点 教学难点是与烦恼、抱怨和建议相关的大量短语搭配。 教学方法教学方法 启发式、探究式、参与式教学 方法解读方法解读 教学准备教学准备 1.把握教材,了解学生的烦恼和给予别人建议的方式; 2.教师搜集相关资料,制作多媒体课件。 教学环节教学环节教学内容教学内容教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动 Step 1 Lead-in 创设情境导入话 题 通过视频,导入新课, 解决新单词 wrong 和 allow 通过情境引起共鸣, 为本课做情感铺垫 Step 2 Presentation Group work 1 讨论学生自己的 烦恼 让学生讨论自己的烦 恼,思考哪些比较严 重并说出原因。 学生分小组讨论。 Step 3 Listening 1b 部分 教师引导学生先读五 种烦恼然后听录音, 分别完成两项任务: Circle the problems and finishing the chart. 学生听录音完成两 项任务。 Step 4 Pair work1 1c 部分 教师介绍对话要求, 让学生依据 1a 中的 5 个烦恼进行对话练习. 学生完成对话任务, 进行简单的语言输 出。 教学过程教学过程 Step5 Listening. 2a 部分 教师出示 Peter 图片, 让学生猜测他怎么了, 学生猜测、提建议 并听录音完成任务。 并给他提建议,导入 2a,播放录音。 Step6 Listening. 2b 部分 教师用“Does Peter like his friends advice?”导入 2b, 播放录音 学生听录音,完成 2b。 Step 7 Expansion 拓展 教师让学生给 Peter 提其他建议,借此拓 展用来提建议的其他 句型。 学生通过给 Peter 提建议掌握拓展的 提建议的句型。 Step 8 Pair work2 2c 部分 教师出示句型结构, 让学生依据自己的烦 恼进行对话练习。 学生根据要求完成 对话练习。 Step9 Group work2 巩固练习 教师说明要求,让学 生先交流,组长再总 结写结果,最后展示 2 组。 学生分组倾听组内 某个人的烦恼,然 后提建议,组长写 下结果,最后展示。 Step10 Writing / Report 写作 教师说明写作内容和 要求 学生明确内容和要 求并完成写作任务。 Step11 Summary 总结以提问的形式进行总 结 学生以回答问题的 形式进行总结 教学过程教学过程 Step 12 Homework 布置作业教师说明确作业要求, 以此巩固并运用所学。 学生明确作业内容。 板书设计板书设计 Unit 4 why dont you talk to your parents? Section A(1a-2c) Whats the matter? Problems: Whats wrong ? Why dont you.?/ Why not.? Advice: You should/could. Youd better What /How about? 教学效果教学效果 预测预测 本课能密切联系学生的学习生活实际,以学生主体,面向全体学生,运用情 景教学法,任务驱动教学法以及启发式教学法进行课堂设计。新课导入设置情 境,对学生常有的烦恼进行讨论和猜测,很好的激发了学生参与课堂的积极性。 通过对文本的整合挖掘,为学生提供了真实的语言环境,让学生在活动中运用 已学语言知识。活动内容新颖,形式多样,符合八年级学生的心理特点,如小 组讨论,pair work,等。
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人教版八下_Unit Why dont you talk to your parents _Section 1a—2d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:508b9 人教版八下
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