人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section B 1a—1e-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:20655).zip


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Section B Period One(1a-1e ) What does the sign mean? Chinese Young Volunteers. ( (中国青年志愿者中国青年志愿者) ) What could you do as a volunteer? 1. broken adj. 破损的破损的 Learn some new words They are helping repair the truck. 2. repair v. 修修理理;修补;修补 3. fix v. 安装;安装;使固使固定定 fix up 修修理理 The nail doesnt fix well. (这这个个钉子不牢钉子不牢固固) He is fixing up the bike. 3. give away 赠送;捐赠赠送;捐赠 4. wheel n. 车轮;轮子车轮;轮子 。 I gave away some of my clothes to poor people. She ran out of her eraser, so I gave her one of mine. 6. run out of 用完用完 7. take after 与与相像相像 = be similar to Does she take after her mother? repair fix fix up give away take after run out of broken wheel v. 修理;修补修理;修补 v. 修理;安装修理;安装 修理;装饰修理;装饰 赠送;捐赠赠送;捐赠 (外貌或行为外貌或行为)像像 用尽用尽 adj. 破损的;残缺的破损的;残缺的 n. 车轮;轮子车轮;轮子 Words Review Do you know the meanings of the pictures? run out oftake after fix up give away Match the sentences with similar meanings. 1. Ive run out of it. 2. I take after my mother. 3. I fixed it up. 4. I gave it away. a. I repaired it. b. I dont have any more of it. c. I am similar to her. d. I didnt keep it. b c a d 1a Match the phrasal verbs with the nouns. run out of take after fix up give away 1b my bike money my father old clothes A B Make sentences with the other phrases when I say one phrase. run out of take after fix up give away 1. What will you do if your bike is broken or old? 2. Can you repair it by yourself? Does Jimmy have any money in his pocket? Whats wrong with him? No, he doesnt. Hes run out of money. Is the bike new or old? Whats the boy doing? It looks old. Hes fixing up the bike. What can you see in the pictures? Try to describe them. Jimmy the Bike boy What does the boy find? Does the bike have a broken wheel? He finds a bike. Yes, it does. Why doesnt the owner want it any longer? How does the bike look now? Because it is broken. It looks new. Listen and number the pictures 1- 4 in the correct order. 1c 3 1 4 2 1d Listen again. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Jimmy fixes up bicycle parts, like wheels. T F 2. Jimmy sells bikes. T F 3. Jimmy takes after his mother. T F 4. Jimmy has run out of money. T F Role-play a conversation between Jimmy and the reporter. Use the information in 1c and 1d. 1e What do you do, Jimmy? I fix up. Jimmy _ or _ old bikes that nobody wants. Then he _ the bikes and _ them _ to kids _ dont have enough money to buy their own bikes. Thats fantastic. What gave him the idea? He guesses he _ his father. But now he has _ money to buy any more old bikes. He needs to _ some ways of getting money. Fill in the blanks. Would you like to help him? How could you help him? What do you think of their ideas? 1. Some new words and phrases : wheel, broken, repair, take after, fix up, give away 2.The ways of helping others. 1. Review the new words and phrases. 2. Write a passage with the following words and phases (50- 100words)。 take after, fix up, repair, broken give away The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine. 赠人玫瑰,手有余香 Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks. 第四课时Section B (1a1e) 【辨析】take after与look like take after指在性格、气质和外貌等方面与某人相像或相似。 look like只指在外貌或外表上相像或相似。 【注意】take after属于“动词介词”型短语,宾语无论是名词还 是代词都要放在介词之后。 【辨析】fix,repair与mend fix侧重于安装、固定性质的修理。有时也可作“修理”讲, 常用 于fix up词组中 ,意为 “修理 ,修补 ”。 eg:The workers are fixing the machine.工人们在安装机器。 repair常指对损失重大或构造较复杂的事物的修理,如房屋,汽车 ,桥梁的修理。有时可与mend互换使用。 eg:She is mending her shoes.她正在修理她的鞋子。 give away意为 “赠送 ,捐赠 ”,属于 “动词副词 ”型短语。 【拓展 】give away还可表示 “分发 ”,此时相当于 give out。 similar形容词,意为“相似的”,无比较级,be similar to意为“与 相似 ”。 eg:Your dress is similar to mine.你的衣服和我的相似。 【注意】similar表示“相似的,相仿的”,但并不完全一样;而same 则表示“相同的”,强调完全相同或一致。通常similar与to连用, same与as连用 ,且same前必须用定冠词 the。 broken形容词 ,意为 “破损的;残缺的;坏的”。 【拓展 】break动词,意为 “打破;弄坏 ”。 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1There is something wrong with my iPad.Who can _it for me? 2Look at the _ glass.Who broke it? 3Father is trying to _ the toy for me.It cant work. 4Mary doesnt take _ her mother in any way.She looks like her father. 5We all know that a car has four _ repai r broken fix after wheels 二、选词填空。 6Now I dont have enough money _ (buying,to buy) that coat. 7We cant go ahead anymore,because we have _(run out of,run out) the gas (汽油) 8My clock doesnt work.Im trying to find someone to _(fix up it,fix it up) for me. 9He takes _(after,out) his father in almost everything. 10The old man _ (gave up,gave away) all his money to the school. to buy run out of fix it up after gave away 三、语法填空。 One day,when Bill was walking home from school,he heard a noise 11._ (come) from the bushes (灌木)He went over to see 12. _it was.Behind a bush,he found a black dog.Bill went back home as soon as he could with the dog and 13. _(show) it to his parents.Bills dad found that the dog had a 14. _(break) leg,so they brought the dog to a doctor for animals by car.15._ the way,Bills parents decided that Bill could keep the dog if they couldnt find the 16._ (own) coming what showed broken On owner When they arrived,the doctor checked the dog 17._ (careful) He told Bill that it was going to have babies!The next day,Bill put up 18._ (sign) like “FOUND DOG BLACK” around his neighborhood.He also wrote his familys phone number on them. Two days 19. _,Bill got a call from the owner of the dog.The owner thanked Bill.When he came to pick up his dog,he said Bill could have one of the babies.Bill was very happy!Finally Bill got a baby dog from the owner.He 20._ (name) it Rosco and liked it very much. carefully signs later named 1 / 4 Unit2 SectionB(1a-1e)教学设计)教学设计 一一 ,Teaching objectives 教学目标教学目标 1,Language targets A) Key Words and Chunks a ) For applying: run out of, repair, fix, fix up, give away, take after, be similar to, broken, wheel b ) For comprehending: B) Sentence Structures 1) I dont have any more of it. 2) Your parents must be proud of you. 3) Many kids dont have enough money to buy their own bikes. 4) Sometimes parts like the wheels may be broken. 5) He always volunteers to help people in need. 6) I need to come up with some way of getting money or Ill have to stop. C) Grammar Focus So I fix up the bikes and then give them away to these kids.(fix up 和 give away 都是动词+副词构成的及物动词短语,注意宾语的位置,若是名词,既可放动词和副词中间也 可放副词后面,若是代词,只能放在动词和副词中间。) D ) Ability goals a ) 帮助学生利用四幅图片,预测事情的发展顺序。 b ) 引导学生帮助 Jimmy 分析应对困难的办法。 c ) 鼓励学生表演出 reporter 对 Jimmy 的采访。 E) Emotional goals a ) 培养学生善于发现并关注身边的好人好事的能力。 b) 激发学生能力所能及地帮助身边有困难的人。 2, Important and difficult teaching points A) 帮助理解本课重点短语并造句使用。 B) 引导利用图片猜测文章的起因、发展和结果。 C) 帮助学生表演出 reporter 和 Jimmy 之间的对话。 二,二,Student analysis 2 / 4 1,Fundamental State 通过 Section A 的学习,学生能够积极的交流分享如何在日常生活中助人为乐, 同时学生增强了自身“勿以善小而不为”的服务意识。在本课型 1a-1d 的学习中,听 力材料为采访者与志愿者之间的对话,材料旨在引导学生着眼当下,从身边小事出发, 加入到服务他人的行列中。听力材料话题真实,贴近学生生活,教师应引导学生联系 实际,拓展思维,积极探讨如何实践“善小”。 2,Knowledge Reserve 通过 Section A 的学习,学生能够熟练运用动副短语来表达志愿工作的多样方式, 以及运用动词不定式来表达参与慈善的目的和意义。其中,Section A 1a-2c 的听说练 习与本课型的话题一脉相承,为学生讨论从自身出发,从现在出发,从小事出发,投 身志愿与慈善工作进行了充分的话题预热。同时,Section A 3a 讲述了 Mario 和 Mary 两名学生志愿者的工作,文本结构清晰,语言丰富优美,为本课型学生的语言输出提 供了有效的语言范式。 3,Class Data 本班学生充满爱心,热衷公益,有较强的社会责任担当意识。通过 Section A 的 学习,学生对于本课话题(Volunteering and charity)具备了充足的话题认知和语言储 备,能够运用较为准确的语言表达如何帮助他人,并且渴望与同伴,老师分享自身的 想法。教师应以此为契机,准确把握学生的心理,循循善诱,引导学生形成正确的人 生观和价值观。 三,三,Teaching methods 1,Communicative approach 2,Question and answer method 3,Exercise method 四,四,Teaching tools Blackboard and computer, PPT, 五,五,Teaching procedures Step 1: Leading-in and warming-up A) Greet students and show the sign of Chinese Young Volunteers. B) Show some pictures about volunteer work. S: What could you do as a volunteer? 3 / 4 T1: I could clean up the city park. T2: I could . Step 2: Learn some new words. Show some pictures to teach: broken, repair, fix up, give away, run out of, take after Step 3:New points input A) Activity 1a Ask students to match the sentences with similar meanings. 1) Ive run out of it. 2) I take after my mother. 3) I fixed it up. 4) I gave it away. 5) I repair it. 6) Im similar to her. B) Activity 1b Ask students to match the phrasal verbs with the nouns . Step 4: Game Ask Ss to make sentences with the new phrases as quickly as possible. I f the answer is right, the team can get a star. Step 5: Listening practice A) Pre-listening Guide Ss to make a prediction before listening by looking at the pictures in 1c on page 13 and ask what the boy is doing in the four pictures. Encourage Ss to describe the four pictures in their own words. B) While-listening Activity 1c T may ask Ss to find out the order of the pictures based on what they hear. Tell them to pay more attention to listening instead of writing. Ss can complete this type of task even when they do not understand every word they hear. The answers: 1,c 2,b 3, d 4, a Activity 1d 4 / 4 Guide Ss to listen and judge. Circle T for true and F for false. The answers: 1, T 2, F 3, F 4, T C) Post-listening Play the recording and get Ss to imitate the pronunciation and intonation. Step 6:Oral output Activity 1e A) Ask Ss to work in pairs. Make a conversation in their own words based on the information they hear. B) Get several pairs to come to the front and role-play the conversation they make. Step7: Discussion Ask Ss to come up with some ideas of helping Jimmy. Step 8: Summary Help Ss to sum up all we have learned in this class. Step 9: Homework A) Ask Ss to review the new words and phrases. B) Ask Ss to write a passage with the new words and phrases.
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