人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+素材)-市级优课-(编号:60301).zip


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Unit1 Whats the matter? SectionSection A A (Grammar(Grammar FocusFocus、4a4a、4b4b、4c)4c)的教学设计的教学设计 教学目教学目标标:learning goals 1、语言目标:掌握描述健康问题的词汇,及如何根据别人的健康问 题提建议。 2、技能目标:能根据别人的健康问题提建议;能写出重点单词和重 点句型,并能描述怎样对待健康问题。 3、情感目标:通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人身体健 康的品质, 通过本课的,培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力,树立 紧急事件时互相帮助的精神,同时正确面对生活中的其他伤害。关爱 自己,关爱他人。 教学重点:教学重点:learning focus 短短语语: have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down and rest, take ones temperature, go to a doctor, get an X-ray, put some medicine on it, have a fever, have a toothache, 句子句子: 1 -Whats the matter? I have a stomachache. -You shouldnt eat so much next time. 2 -Whats the matter with Ben? -He hurt himself. He has a sore back. -He should lie down and rest. 3-Do you have a fever? -Yes, I do. No, I dont. I dont know. 4- Does he have a toothache? -Yes, he does. He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 5-What should she do? -She should take her temperature. 6-Should I put some medicine on it?- Yes, you should No, you shouldnt. 教学教学难难点:点:掌握情态动词 should shouldnt. 的用法 学习患病的表达方法,会针对不同的问题提出合理的建议。 教学设计与反思模板教学设计与反思模板 聚焦教学聚焦教学重重难难点的点的教学设计与反思教学设计与反思 课题名称:课题名称:Unit1Unit1 WhatsWhats thethe matter?matter? SectionSection A A (Grammar(Grammar FocusFocus、4a4a、4b4b、4c)4c) 姓名:姓名:李红莲工作单位:工作单位:祥云县云南驿镇二中 学科年级:学科年级:八年级英语(下)教材版本:教材版本:人教版 一、一、教学内容分析教学内容分析 (简要说明课题来源、学习内容、这节课的价值以及学习内容的重要性) 本节课是来自于人教版新目标英语八下 unit1,通过学习本课之后,学生能根据别人的健康问题用 should/shouldt 提建议;能写出重点单词、疾病短语和重点句型,并能描述怎样对待健康问题。通过 开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人身体健康的品质。 通过本课的学习,培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力,树立紧急事件时互相帮助的精神。 二、教学目标(二、教学目标(从知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观三个维度对该课题预计要达到的教学目标 做出一个整体描述) 1、语言目标:掌握健康问题、身体部位的词汇,及如何根据别人的健康问题提建议的表达方式。 2、技能目标:能根据别人的健康问题提合理的建议;能写出重点单词和重点句型,并能描述怎样对待 健康问题。学会自我保健意识,爱惜身体。 3、 情感目标:通过开展扮演病人等活动,培养学生关心他人及自己的身体健康的品质。认识健康的重 要性,同时知道怎样做。 通过本课的学习,培养学生处理紧急事件的基本能力,树立紧急事件时互相帮助的精神。 三、学习者特征分析(三、学习者特征分析(说明学习者在知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度等三个方面的学习准备(学习 起点),以及学生的学习风格。最好说明教师是以何种方式进行学习者特征分析,比如说是通过平时的观察、了解; 或是通过预测题目的编制使用等) 学生在前面的课程已经学习有关建议身体不适及提建议的表达,本节课是新授课,是在之前的 基础上进一步的提升学习,Section A 呈现了学生在学校及家庭生活中遇到的种种问题,然后设计了 4a、4b、4c 等活动,采取小组活动,从读、写,对话到哑剧的表演的多种方式训练了本单元的核心 句型,从而让核心句型的学习贯穿整个单元。 学情分析 1.学生在第一单元已经学习了如何表达自己 的观点,加上一年多的学习对英语应该能有一个最起码的认识,了解语言学习的大方向。 2.虽然有 一定基础,但乡村中学的孩子一大特点就是哑巴英语,读课文可以读的很顺,但口语练习的机会教 少,所以口语的表达是一大弱点,针对这种情况,本节课主要让学生以 ppt 课件的患病素材的形式在 实践的基础上练习对话。同时也要提升学生的写作能力。 四、教学策略选择与设计(四、教学策略选择与设计(说明本课题设计的基本理念、主要采用的教学与活动策略) 本课堂通过歌曲来导入校园安全与健康问题,引起学生的学习兴趣,同时再通过 ppt 课件展示学生常 见的健康问题,让学生讨论该怎么做?顺势进入到 should 和 shoudt 的提建议的运用和学习。让学生 思考怎样保护自己。 五、教学重点及难点(五、教学重点及难点(说明本课题的重难点) 教学重点: 短语: have a stomachache, have a cold, lie down and rest, take ones temperature, go to a doctor, get an X-ray, put some medicine on it, have a fever, have a toothache, 句子: 1 -Whats the matter? I have a stomachache. -You shouldnt eat so much next time. 2 -Whats the matter with Ben? -He hurt himself. He has a sore back. -He should lie down and rest. 3-Do you have a fever? -Yes, I do. No, I dont. I dont know. 4- Does he have a toothache? -Yes, he does. He should see a dentist and get an X-ray. 5-What should she do? -She should take her temperature. 6-Should I put some medicine on it?- Yes, you should No, you shouldnt. 教学难点:掌握情态动词 should shouldnt. 的用法 学习患病的表达方法。Have a +身体部位/have a sore+身体部位/have a pin in/on+the+ 部位/have a +部位 ache 六、教学过程六、教学过程(这一部分是该教学设计方案的关键所在,在这一部分,要说明教学的环节及所需的资源支 持、具体的活动及其设计意图以及那些需要特别说明的教师引导语) 教师活动教师活动预设学生活动预设学生活动设计意图设计意图 Step 1:Leading-in 用一幅村头眺望 子女回家的老人,一幅车祸图导入新 课。 让学生看图并且思考,老人怎 么啦,司机怎么啦? 引发学生的兴趣 Step 2:Pre-task Step 用 PPT 课件 复习单词及短语 复习有关疾病的表达和其它相 关的单词。 为进一步学习打 下坚实的基础。 Step3:While-task 通过猜图发现问题, 找到合理的建议 1.Warming up:Guessing pictures.(Teacher show the Ss some pictures in which some people are in trouble. The Ss guess:What s the matter with he/she ?) 2.Discussion (Talk about the trouble in different pictures among different people, and give some advice to them.) picture problemsadvice 123 4 巩固本节课的重 点和难点 Step 4 Speaking Make conversations using language goal A: Whats the matter? B: My head feels very hot. A: Maybe you have a fever. B: What should I do? A: You should take your temperature. 基本句型的归纳 总结 Step5 read aloudss 朗读语法重点语言输出练习 Step 5 doing exercise 4a/4bSs 小组做练习 锻炼学生的动手 能力 Step 9 Language points and summary 归纳本节课的重点句型及知识 点。 Step10 用 ppt 课件告诉学生生活中还 有其他的伤害及危险 告诉学生应该学会保护自己 知道生活中的其 他危险 Homework 1.Copy words 2.do written excercise 知识的运用能力 七、教学评价设计(七、教学评价设计(创建量规,向学生展示他们将被如何评价(来自教师和小组其他成员的评价)。也 可以创建一个自我评价表,这样学生可以用它对自己的学习进行评价) 通过 homework 来检验学习的效果 八、板书设计(八、板书设计(本节课的主板书) 一、一、教学目教学目标标 Teaching aim: : ( (1) ) Learn to talk about the problems by using: : Whats wrong ?/ Whats the matter ?/Whats the trouble ? ( (2) )Learn to talk about giving advice by using : : should /shouldnt 、教学重点和教学重点和难难点点: 1 教学重点:教学重点: 词汇词汇及短及短语语: : havea bad cold 重感冒重感冒 have a fever 发烧发烧 havea headache 头痛头痛 havea stomachache 肚子痛肚子痛, 胃痛胃痛 have a toothache 牙痛牙痛 1. 牙疼牙疼 have a toothache 2. 胃疼胃疼 have a stomachache 3. 背疼背疼 have a backache 4. 头疼头疼 have a headache 5. 喉咙疼喉咙疼 have a sore throat 6. 发烧发烧 have a fever 7. 感冒感冒 have a cold 8. 躺下并且休息躺下并且休息 lie down and rest 9. 喝热蜂蜜茶喝热蜂蜜茶 drink hottea with honey 10. 喝大量水喝大量水 drink lotsof water 11. 看牙医看牙医 see adentist 12. 量体温量体温 takeones temperature 13. 看医生看医生 go to adoctor 2.句型: : Whats wrong ? -I have a . -What should I do? -Maybe you should/shouldnt /could. 2 教学教学难难点:点: How to talk about problems and give advice 三.What we have learned from class? 九、实践反思九、实践反思 在教学过程中,我采用了 ppt 结合口语,写作,哑剧表演的教学方式,要求学生会用英 语表达在生活中遇到的各种各样的麻烦和问题,并且相互找出解决问题的方法及建议, 在课堂教学中学会使用 What should I do ?等句型,给学生充分自主学习的时间使学生 能积极参与到教学的各环节中去,大多数学生学习的主动性较高。不足之处是学生对教 师仍然有依赖心理,习惯于被动学习方式,在接受和完成任务时一时很难主动形成师生、 生生间的互动局面,或多或少会影响英语语言习得的效果。还有就是个别学生由于本身 水平而不能积极参与活动的各环节,应加强对他们的关注,并提醒小组长对他们进行帮 助。 Section A Grammar、4a-4c 1 Whats the matter with the old people? Is she ill? What should Alice do? She should/shouldt 14 a lonely old people She needs more care. daughter:Alice Often go home to see her mother/always work What happened ? Whats the matter? What should he do? He should/shouldt 14 a terrible car accident 1. To learn to talk about health problems and other dangers in our life. - Whats the matter/the trouble/wrong? -He hurt himself./I have a stomachache. 2. To learn to give advice. You should/shouldnt drink some hot tea with honey. 3.To learn to care for and protect ourselves. 4 疼痛的常用表达方式:疼痛的常用表达方式: 1 1、have/has a sore+身体部位;身体部位; 2、have/has a+身体部位身体部位ache; 询问病痛询问病痛 -Whats the matter/the trouble/wrong? I have a.a. He has a.a. 提建议:提建议:s should/shouldnt. 5 常见的疾病的表达常见的疾病的表达. 1. 胃胃/肚子疼肚子疼 2. 牙疼牙疼 3. 头疼头疼 4. 嗓子疼嗓子疼, 喉咙疼喉咙疼 5. 背疼背疼 6. 脚痛脚痛 7. 发高发高/低烧低烧 8. 咳嗽咳嗽 9. 感冒感冒 have a stomachache have a sore throat have a headache have a sore back have a sore foot have a high/low fever have a cough have a cold have a toothache 6 1.1.我们经常使用我们经常使用should/shouldt+should/shouldt+动词原形动词原形 来给他人提建议。来给他人提建议。 常见短语有常见短语有: 躺下休息躺下休息 去看医生去看医生 喝加蜂蜜的热茶喝加蜂蜜的热茶 lie down and rest see a doctor see a dentist drink hot tea with honey ask sb for help call the police/at +号码号码 put the bandage on it 向某人寻求帮助向某人寻求帮助 报警报警/ /拨打电话拨打电话 去看牙医去看牙医 7 用用绷带包扎绷带包扎 Whats the matter with the baby? She has a What should she do? She should 14 Whats the matter with him? He has a What should he do? He should 9 Whats the matter with him? He has a What should he do? He should He shouldnt 14 Whats the matter with the girl? She has What should she do? She should She shouldnt 14 Whats the matter with Tom? He has a What should he do? He should 14 1.A:I hurt myself when I played basketball yesterday. What should I do ? B: You should see a doctor and get an X-ray. 2.A:Whats the matter? B:My sister and I have sore throats. Must we go to school? A:No, you neednt. 3.A:Dose Mike have a fever?B:No,he doesnt. He has a stomachache. A:He should drink some hot tea. 4a4a 13 1. Jenny cut herself . A:What should she do ? She Should 2.Kate has a toothache. A:A:What should she do ? She should. 3.Mary and Sue have colds? A:What should they do ? B: They should/shouldnt. 4.Bob has a sore back A:What should he do ? B: He should. 4b4b 14 Well see which group does the best. 每组派一个代表哑剧表演, 其他同学猜,并给出建议。 Group1、3、5、8 4c4c 12 哑剧表演 Mimetime traffic safety交通安全 go swimming 游泳 have a fire火灾 food safety食品安全 school bully校园欺凌 3 *关心他人健康可以说:关心他人健康可以说: Whats the matter /wrong(with sb)? Whats the trouble (with sb)? *患者可以说:患者可以说: I have a headache./He has a fever. *给出建议:给出建议: You/We/He/She/They should do You/We/He/She/Theyd better do *学会保护自己远离伤害学会保护自己远离伤害protect protect ourselvesourselves 17 课时重点回顾课时重点回顾 1.Copy the new words and phrase on page 114 each twice. 2、结合生活中碰到的疾病、伤害 问题,写一篇文章,并且针对问题 给出合理的建议。 用How to protect ourselves写一篇作文。 unit 1 Whats the matter? 配套练习 【基础巩固】 自主学习 一、重点词汇拓展 1. 得(病),患(病) _ (单数第三人称) _ 2. 脚,足_ (复数形式) _ 3. 胃,肚子_ (复数形式) _ 4. 牙齿_ (复数形式) _ 5. 疾病_ (形容词) _ 二、重点词组识记 1. 发烧_ 2. have a cold_ 3. 牙痛_ 4. have a headache_ 5. 喉咙痛_ 6. have a sore back_ 7. 躺下来休息_ 8. hot tea with honey_ 三、重点句型体验。 根据所给的图画情景或提示词,写出英语句子,标点符号已给出。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. He, toothache _. 2. She, should, drink _. 3. You, should, dentist _. 4. I, stomachache _. 5. Your mother, medicine _? 知识要点 1. Whats the matter? 这句话通常用于询问别人身体有什么不舒服,或有何麻烦,后跟with构成:Wh ats the matter with?类似的句子还有:Whats wrong with? Whats the trouble with? 他们的答语往往是表示得了什么病,或什么地方不舒服,常用句型“somebody has/have a+相应的名词”。如:have a headache, have a toothache, have a sore throat, have a cold, have a sore back等。 典型例题1: ? I have a cold. A. Whats the wrong? B. Whats the matter with you? C. How are you? 解析:答语的意思是:我感冒了。所以问句应该是询问病情的, 故排除选项C。Whats wrong?是一个固定句型,不能加the, 所以只能选B. 2. should的运用 情态动词should,本单元表示“应该,应当”, 后加动词原形,可用于各种人称。他比must的语气要委婉,用来表示向对方提 出建议或忠告, 或者表示某种义务或责任。其否定形式为shouldnt, 意思是“不应该,不应当”。 典型例题2: He should (eat) more fruit every day. 解析:由于should后面要跟动词原形,不受主语影响。所以答案为:eat. 随堂达标 一、单项选择 1. _ I have a headache. A. Whats the matter, Judy? B. Where are you, Judy? C. Who are you? D. What are you doing, Judy? 2. He _ stay at home and look after his mother yesterday. A. needed to B. musted C. have to D. has to 3. I think walking is _ our health. A. good at B. bad at C. well in D. good for 4. We should not eat _ junk food. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 5. How is the young man? _ A. He is twelve. B. Hes much better. C. He is a doctor. D. Hes Allan. 二、用单词的适当形式填空。 1. I _ (have) a fever today. 2. _ he _(have)a sore back? 3. His mother should _ (lie) down and _ (rest). 4. He shouldnt eat _ (something). 5. I hope you feel _ (well) soon. 三、完成句子 1. 怎么了? _ 2. 我今天感冒了。 _ 3. 或许你应该看牙医。 _ 4. 我现在感到不舒服。 _ 5. 我希望你不久更舒服些。 _ 6. 你应该躺下来休息。 _ 四、短文填空 Betty is a university student. Last year she went to Germany (德国) for vacation and s_(1) there for one month and a h_(2). She hadnt enough (足够的) money with her. In order to make money (为了赚钱), she had to g_(3) a job. She g_(4) English lessons to a boss (老板). The boss had a lot of American customers (顾客). It was important for h_(5) to speak English. Betty spent four hours a day s_(6) to him. In return (作为回报) he gave her a room, three m_(7) a day and a little pocket money. When she got b_(8) to America, her friend asked her, “Did your student l_(9) much English?” “I dont know, ”Betty s_(10), “but I learned a lot of German!” 【能力提升】 语法练习 A 句型转换 1. He has a fever. (就划线部分提问) _ _ _ with him? 2. Tom should eat something. (变成否定句) Tom _ eat _. 3. My headache started two days ago. (就划线部分提问) _ _ your headache _? 4. I have a cold. (变成一般疑问句) _ you _ a cold? 5. She has a toothache. (变成否定句) She _ _ a toothache. B 单项选择 1. Its very cold. There is _ snow on the road. A. much too B. too much C. very much 2. Did you _ some medicine? A. take B. eat C. drink 3. Are you feeling _ today? A. better B. good C. well 4. Whats _ you? A. matter with B. matter of C. the matter with 5. _ you have a sore throat? A. Do B. Are C. Can 中考链接 1. You be quiet when you are in the reading room. (2006年,沈阳) A. should B. shouldnt C. can D. cant 2. Mom, I play computer games? Yes, you can. But you have to finish your homework first. A. must B. may C. will D. need 3. Whats the matter with you? I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed. A. a; / B. a; the C. a; a D. the; the 4. I have got a bad cold. I feel terrible. A. All right. B. Is that so? C. Sorry to hear that. D. Im afraid so. 快乐阅读 “I dont like my parents. They always tell me I should do this, and should not do that. It sometimes makes me angry,” said Zhang Hua,a middle school student in Guangzhou. Do you have the same problem? Perhaps your parents had the same problem when they were your age long ago. Why does it seem that some parents are not so friendly in their childrens eyes? One of the biggest things is when someone becomes a parent,he/she likes worrying things. They worry about everything about you,from the time you were born. They do a lot for you,though something would make you angry,because they care about you and worry about you. They worry about your choice of friends,the food you eat,your work at school,how much sleep you get,etc. All these things are part of your life. They want you to grow up healthily and happily. So how can you make things easier on yourself? Its easier than you think. Just make sure your parents know what youre doing. Get them to know your friends. Phone if you stay somewhere else so that your parents dont call every hospital in the phone book looking for your body. Say sorry to them when you make mistakes. Take responsibility(责任) for what you have done. 3. (谈你的想法)with them. They may talk about theirs with you. Most of all,to think about why your parents do this or 4. (do) that. They are still practising being parents and need help you can give them. Someday,when you become a parent,they may be able to help you how to 5. get on with your children. 单项选择: 1. Whats Zhang Hua? _. A. A farmer B. A teacher C. A student D. We dont know. 2. Which isnt the thing your parents worry about? _. A. the time you were born B. your choice of friends C. the food you eat. D. Teachers friends. 3.把括号内的汉语翻译成英语_ 4.用所给词的适当形式填空_ 5.文中划线部分的短语意思是_
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人教版八下_Unit Whats the matter _Section Grammar focus 4a—4c_ppt课件_(含教案+微课+素材)_市级优课_(编号:60301 人教版八下 _unit
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