人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:81012).zip


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Haveyoueverseenthisfilm? shipp Haveyoueverreadthestory? ashipwreck /ashipaccident islandis+land apieceofland(inthemiddleofthesea) 陆地lnd killanimalsgrowvegetables shootbirdscutcorn Tokeepalive,hehasto-forfood cutdowntreesbuildahouse Hehasalreadycutdowntreesandbuilt- tools 工具tul Itisdangeroustoliveon theisland cananiblecananibles 食人族knbl animalsruntowardsyou 朝,向twdz; Heneedsaguntoprotect himselfgn gun Hemisseshisfamilyverymuch toseeifanyshipcomesby sandmarkfootmarks snd沙子;mk标志,迹象 Newwords ship,p轮船 tooltul,tuln.工具,用具; gun,gnn.枪支;枪状物;vt.向开枪 markmkn,标志,迹象,符号 sand,sndn.沙;沙地;沙洲;沙滩;沙子 towardstwdz;tdzprep.朝,向;对于 landlndn.国土;陆地;地面.vt.使登陆; cannibal.knbln.食人者 Skim paragraph1 answer the questions. 1.What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? He waits for another ship to take him back. WhenIfirstarrivedonthisisland,Ihad nothing.-AlthoughIhave lost everything,I have not lost mylife.(Playview1) arrivedonmeansgot to loselost-lost, I have found ourship find-found-found Ihave brought backmanythingsIcan usefoodanddrink,tools,knifvesand guns.(view3) bring-brought-brought bringbacktakeaway 带回拿走 Hehasbroughtbackmanythingsfromtheship Skim Paragraph 2 and answer the questions. Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday? Because that was the day they met each other. Ifoundthemarksofanothermans feetonthesand. whoelseisontheisland? Isawsomecannibalstryingtokilltwomen, andhelpedthemankillthecannibles seesbdoing 看见-正在做- InamedhimFriday,Ihave already taughthimsomeEnglish,andhe nowliveswithme.(view4) namedmeanscalled teachtaught-taught 1. You can use these to shoot things:_ 2. Something you use to travel in the sea:_ 3. A piece of land in the middle of the sea: _ 4. You can use these to cut things: _ 5. Signs left behind by someone or something: _ Read the passage again. Find words that have these meanings. guns ship island knives marks 1. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island with enough food and drink. 2. Friday made a small boat. Correct the sentences. Robinson Crusoe arrived on the island without food and drink. Robinson Crusoe made a small boat. 3. Robinson had some food and tools when he first arrived on the island. 4. Robinson used the ship to build his house. 5. Friday saw some marks of another mans feet on the beach. 6. Robinson tried to kill the two men. Robinson had no food and tools when he first arrived on the island. Robinson cut down trees to build his house. Robinson saw some marks of another mans feet on the beach. Some cannibals tried to kill the two men. Recitethestoryaccordingtothe pictures.forexample:Robinsons story began with a shipwreck. Because of the shipwreck he- Imagineyouarriveataplacefarfrom people,howcanyoulivebyyourself? Homework 一根据汉语提示完成句子。一根据汉语提示完成句子。 1.我已经拿回很多我能用的东西。我已经拿回很多我能用的东西。 I ve _ _many things I can use. 2.还有谁在我的岛上?还有谁在我的岛上? Who _ is on my island ? 3.我几乎每天带着枪外出打些鸟和动物作为食物。我几乎每天带着枪外出打些鸟和动物作为食物。 I _ _ _my gun almost every day _ _animals and birds for food . 4.他已经在岛上建了一个房子。他已经在岛上建了一个房子。 He _ _ _a house on the island. 5.我看见一些食人族企图杀死那两个人。我看见一些食人族企图杀死那两个人。 I saw some cannibals _ to kill the two men . 二.Read the story Robinson Crusoe 一、教学内容分析: 课题来源于新目标英语八年级上册,第八单元 SectionA.3a-3c. 节选自 鲁滨逊漂流记片段.教学孩子们在欣赏鲁滨逊漂流记故事的同时,增 强英语学习兴趣,掌握更多生词,运用“现在完成时”对文章进行理解分析, 培养学生的阅读能力。辅以情感教育:困境求生,独立生存。 二、教学目标 1.知识目标: 1).能掌握以下单词和短语:ship,tool,gun,mark,sand,towards, cannibal land cut down,。 2).掌握句型:Although I have lost everything,I have not lost my life.I have already cut down some trees and built a house.I have already taught him some English.I saw some cannibals trying to kill two men from a broken ship.。 2.能力目标: 运用现在完成时对阅读文章的理解分析。 3.情感目标:培养学生独立生存的能力。 三、教学重难点: 1.运用阅读技巧对阅读文章进行理解与分析,培养学生的阅读能力。 2.进一步掌握 already,在现在完成时中的用法。 3.掌握不规则动词的过去式及过去分词。 四、学习者特征分析:学生已经在第一课时进行了有关 Oliver Twist ,Tresure Island ,Robinson Crusoe ,Little Women,Tom Sawyer 故事的听力 训练,掌握了现在完成时的一些基本用法,在此基础上,引导学生阅读鲁滨 逊漂流记,使他们学会欣赏故事,培养学生阅读英文原著的好习惯。 五、教学思路:本课教学内容是八年级下 Unit 8 第二课时,是一节阅读 课。首先通过观看泰坦尼克号,鲁滨逊沉船事故图片自然导入新课,因为泰 坦尼克号和鲁滨逊有共同之处shipwreckshipwreck。在简单叙说故事情节时,运用 相关图片学习本节课的生词。采用 skimming 的方式来抓住文章每段大意,并 回答 3a 中的两个问题。观看电影视频片段帮助学生理解 3a 中重难点句式。 Careful reading 让学生回答 3b 问题。并且运用课本信息来处理 3c 中的句 子错误。通过看图片来复述短文。然后是发散性思维,让学生思考如何在困 境中求生,最后是家庭作业。 通过语篇的学习,欣赏故事,强化对现在完成时的理解。学会运用阅读技 巧处理篇章问题,丰富知识,提高阅读能力和培养独立生存的能力。 六、教学策略选择与信息技术融合的设计:运用视频片段。多媒体呈现 图片。 教师活动预设学生活动设计意图 Step1. Leading in T:Look at the picture.Do you know which film is the picture about? Have you ever seen the film Titanic? What do you think of the film ? Teach the word “ship”. What about this picture? Robinson Crusoe? Have you ever read the story? . , This class,lets learn a passage based on Robinson Crusoe. Writing on the blackboard: A passage based on Students look at the pictures and answer the questions. While listening to a piece of music.“ My Heart Will Go On ” Students learn something about shipwreck /ship accident. Ss answer questions. Ss read the name Robinson Crusoe on the Bb aloud. 通过观看 泰坦尼克号, 鲁滨逊沉船事 故图片自然导 入新课.复习现 在完成时 Have you done?句 式,同时播放泰 坦尼克号主题 曲以活跃课堂 气氛。 Robinson Crusoe. Imagine Robinsons life on the island. Step2 Presentation 1.Have the Ss look at the picture. And ask : What happened to Robinson Crusoe ? Lead the students to say: a shipwreck, a ship accident. Then read and repeat :shipship. shipwreckshipwreck 2.Say : Because of the shipwreckshipwreck, Robinson Crusoe arrived on an island. Showing the picture , ask the Ss : What is an island ? it has two parts,: is + land. that is to say it is a piece of land (in the middle of the sea).Read and repeat landland. 3.Say :In order to keep alive, Robinson Crusoe has to build a house and learn to grow vegetables. so he needs Ss learn to read the new word: ship. a shipwreck./a ship accident. Ss learn more new words and some important phrases while looking at the pictures. Ss get some information of the story while listening to the teachers presentation of the new words. 在简单叙 说故事情节时, 运用相关图片 学习本节课的 生词。同时感 知故事一些重 要信息。 tools ,teach”tooltool”. 4.On the island, life is dangerous,(showing the pictures) cannibals may catch you and eat you. teach: canniblecannible. And animals may run towards you .teach towardstowards. So he needs a gun to protect himself. Teach gungun. 5.Living on the island for too long ,Robinson Crusoe misses his family very much,he comes to the beach to see if any ship comes by. On the sand ,he leaves behind him foot marks. Teach:sandsand,markmark. Students read the new words in the pictures together or individually. Step3. Words reading. Ask the Ss to read the new words on the screen aloud. Read the new words on the screen aloud. 系统学习 本节课的生词。 Step4.Skim, watch and answer Ss skim the first paragraph,and answer the 采用分段阅读 的方式来抓住 1.Ask the Ss to skim the 1st paragraph and answer the first question. 1).What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? 2).2). Ask the Ss to read the key and difficult sentences . 3).3).Help the Ss to understand the key and difficult sentences by watching the first 3 videos. 2.Have Ss skim paragraph 2 and answer the second question. 1).Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday ? 2).Ask the Ss to read the key and difficult sentences . 3).Help the Ss to understand the key and difficult sentences by watching the next 3 videos. question. What does Robinson Crusoe wait for? -He waits for another ship to take him back Ss read the key and difficult sentences in paragraph 1. Ss watch the videos. So that they can understand the key and difficult sentences better. Ss skim paragraph 2 and answer the second question: Why does Robinson Crusoe call the man Friday ? -Because that was the day they met each other. Ss watch more videos. Ss read key and difficult sentences together. 文章大意,回 答 3a 中的两个 问题。 观看电影视频 片段帮助学生 理解 3a 中重难 点句式。特别 是现在完成时 态的句子。 Careful reading 让学 生在回答 3b 问 题。并且运用 课本信息来处 理 3c 中的句子 错误。 观看图片来复 述短文,使学生 较完整地掌握 故事情节,更 好提升阅读和 说故事能力。 Step5.Careful reading. Ask the Ss to read the passage more carefully and try to finish 3b and 3c. Step6.Reciting. Ask the Ss to recite the story according to the pictures. Step7.Discussion. Imagine how to keep alive in a desert place. Step8.Homework. 1. Fill in the blanks. 2. Read the story Robinson Crusoe Ss read the passage more carefully and try to finish 3b and 3c. Ss recite the story according to the pictures. Ss dicuss how to keep alive in a desert place. Ss fill in the blanks and read the story Robinson Crusoe after class as homework. 小组讨论如何 困境求生,培 养独立生存能 力,进行情感 教育。 课后作业巩固 课文重难点句 式。课后原著 阅读,增强英 语学习兴趣, 培养学生阅读 能力,更好了 解文章主人翁 鲁滨逊。 七、教学板书: Unit 8Have you read Treasure Island yet? Section A 3a-3c A passage based on Robinson Crusoe
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人教版八下_Unit Whats the matter _Section 3a—3c_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:81012 人教版八下 _unit c_ppt 课件 教案
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