冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 5 A Basketball Game-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:2021a).zip


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1 冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 5 A Basketball Game 教学目标教学目标 1. 语言知识与技能目标语言知识与技能目标 (1)通过本课学习学生能听、说、读、写并灵活运用ask,answer,game,very, policeman重点词汇。 (2)学生能听懂、会说、认读下列词汇:won,team,hard,yell,player。 (3)学生能理解并朗读课文,能在具体的情境中恰当运用课文中描述比赛的词语谈论一场 比赛,创编对话。 2. 情感态度目标情感态度目标 (1)能够充分调动学生学习英语的愿望和兴趣。 (2)学生乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教。 3. 学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1)在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考。 (2)运用所学内容主动练习和实践。 (3)对所学内容能提问、归纳、总结,并逐步达到语言的综合运用能力。 教学重难点教学重难点 1. 教教学学重重点点:学生对四会单词的理解和运用。理解和朗读课文。 2. 教教学学难难点点:根据一场比赛创编对话。 教学准备教学准备 多媒体课件,课文视频,游戏卡片等。 教学过程教学过程 Step 1: Class Opening and Review 1. Greeting 师生谈话导入What did you do yesterday?Do you like to play sports?Last Sunday LiMing and Jenny had fun together.What did they do?Lets sing a song.okay? (播放歌曲What did you do?) T: What did Li Ming and Jenny do last Sunday? What did they do? Ss:They taught each other a sport. T: Last Sunday, I taught my daughter to learn English. What did you do? S123: T: Did you have fun? T: What did he do?(问其他学生) 2.Lets review the past tense of some 2 words.课件展示一些单词的过去式,并鼓励说的对的同学,复习动词过去式,为新授做铺 垫。 3. Play a game 全班分成两组,男生一组,女生一组,每组组员之间问答练习What did he/she/they do? He/She/They老师计时,哪组所用时间少哪一组获胜。课件图片辅助教学。 T: Who wins?(出示词卡win.) Congratulations! T: Heres other games. 出示单词,教读game (name/same) Game has another meaning. (出示图片football game/ping-pong game/basketball game) Step 2: New Concepts 解读课文 1. 导入: T: I like basketball games very much. I like YaoMing. What games do you like? S123: T: Li Ming and Jenny like games too. Last Sunday, they watched a game. Look!(出示两人兴奋呼喊的图片)They are so excited. What happened to the game? What do you want to ask? 教读ask。 学生针对这场比赛提问题,教师板书问题的关键词: What game? Who played? When? How? Who won? Lets listen and find the answers. 2. Listen to the tape T: What game did they watch? Ss: They watched a basketball game.(教师板书a basketball game) T:Good answer!(板书教读answer) T: The second important question: Who won? S1: Bobs team won.(板书) T: Who is Bob? This is Bobs team. Team. T: Other questions? Dont worry! Please read this part by yourself and find the answer. 3. 学生自读课文找答案 T:When did they watch? S1: This evening.(板书) T: Who played this game? Who can answer? T: Right. Read altogether.(板书) T: Go on. How was the game? S1: It was a very good game. Everyone played hard. 3 (教读very, 引导学生猜测hard含义。并板书very good) T: You find all the answers. You are very good! 4. 自读课文 T: Now heres another challenge for you. Please read this part,then tick or cross. You can talk about it. 出示判断题 a. Jenny and Danny yelled for Bobs team. b. Bobs team is the Orange Team. c. Bob plays basketball on Saturday and Sunday. d. Bob is a professional(职业的) basketball player. (学生自读课文,讨论对错。之后学生答,教师逐一提问讲解。) a. T: What did they yell for Bobs team? When you watch a game, did you yell for your favourite team? What did you yell? You also can yell: b. F: Which team is Bobs team? c. T: Bob plays basketball for fun. Whats the meaning of “for fun”? d. F: What is Bob? 引出policeman,板书。 出示policewoman T: Bob is a policeman. Why did Li Ming say “he is a good player?” 跟老师读文模仿发音练习。 T: Bob played basketball very well. So Li Ming and Jenny were excited. Lets enjoy their excitements. Listen and imitate. 学生听音模仿读课文。 T: Lets role-play. One is Mr. Smith, one is Li Ming, and one is Jenny. (学生三人一组分角色朗读课文。) T: Now lets invite one group to role-play. (全班分角色读一遍。) 看板书问答,简述课文。 T: Now you know what Li Ming and Jenny did. What did they do this evening?/ Who played?/How was the game?/Who won?/Did they have fun? Step 3: Practice 1.Pair-work T: Perfect! Now its your turn. Talk about a game you played or watched with your partner. T: Whod like to share your dialogue? (找学生上台表演对话,教师随机提问全班学生。) T: What game did they talk about?/Who won?/How was the game? S123:. T: You listen carefully. Very good! 2.Read and write. 4 T: Yesterday I played a game too. I wrote an email to my friend. Can you fill in the blanks? Take out this paper. Read and write. Model: Dear Li, Today I had fun. I _ to a shop and _ some ping-pong balls in the morning. In the afternoon, my friend and I played a ping-pong _ on the playground. We played _ hard but we were happily. My friend _! Did you have fun today? Your friend, Lily Word list: won game went very bought T: Have you finished? Who can read it? Are you right? Read together. Perfect! Can you write an email like it? That is a piece of homework. Step 4: Class Closing Homework: 1. Write an email. 2. Collect something about your favourite football player. 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 5 A Basketball Game ask answer What game? a basketball game When? this evening Who played? Bobs team, Orange team How? very good Who won? Bobs team won v 冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 vLessonLesson 5 5 A A BasketballBasketball GameGame vstor e. do watch play is win yell vdid vwatched vplayed vwas vwon vyelled go buy teach have vwent vbought vtaught vhad v go shopping vWhat did _do? vYesterda y vWhat did _do? vYesterda y v see many monkeys vWhat did _ do? v play ping-pong vYesterda y vWhat did _ do? veat breakfast vYesterda y vWhat did _ do? v clean the rooms vYesterda y vWhat did _ do? vYesterda y vwatch a film vWhat did _do? v listen to music vYesterda y vWhat did _do? v help her father vYesterda y vWhat did _ do? v buy a T-shirt vYesterda y vwatch TV vWhat did _ do? vYesterda y vWhat did _ do? v walk to school vYesterda y vWhat did _ do? vYesterda y vplay basketball vg ga amme e vn na amme e vs sa amme e vbasketball game vping-pong game vfootball game vbadminton game vBasketball game vBasketball team va asksk: : WhatWhat gamegame diddid theythey watch?watch? vanansweswe r r: : vTheyThey watchedwatched va a basketballbasketball game.game. va ask:sk: WhoWho won?won? vanansweswe r: r: vBobsBobs teamteam won.won. v won 赢(赢(win 的过去的过去 式)式) vask:ask: Who played this game? vanswansw er:er: vBobs team played with the_. vA. Blue Team B. Orange Team v Orange Team ask:ask: HowHow waswas thethe game?game? answer:answer: vIt was a _ game. vEveryone played _. vvery goodvhar d vvery vhar d vReadRead ,then,then ticktick oror cross.cross. v 2. Bobs team is the Orange Team. vRead.TickRead.Tick oror cross.cross.读一读读一读 , ,判断正误判断正误 。 v3. Bob plays basketball on Saturday and Sunday. v ( ) v ( ) v( ) v1. Li Ming and Jenny yelled for Bobs team. v( ) v4.Bob is a professional(职业职业的的) basketball v player. vyel l v1. Li Ming and Jenny yelled for Bobs team. v() vComeCome on!on! vGo!Go! Go!Go! Go!Go! vRead.TickRead.Tick oror cross.cross.读一读读一读 , ,判断正误判断正误 。 v 2. Bobs team is the Orange Team.v () vBlue Team vRead.TickRead.Tick oror cross.cross.读一读读一读 , ,判断正误判断正误 。 v () vRead.TickRead.Tick oror cross.cross.读一读读一读 , ,判断正误判断正误 。 v3. Bob plays basketball on Saturday and Sunday. vfor fun v 4. Bob is a professional(职业职业 的的) v basketball player. v( ) vRead.TickRead.Tick oror cross.cross.读一读读一读 , ,判断正误判断正误 。 vpolicemanvpolicepolicewomwom anan v“He played so well this evening. He is a good player,” says Li Ming. vWhat did you do this evening, Jenny and Li Ming? vWe watched Bob play basketball! vDid Bobs team play a game? vYes,his team played with the Orange Team . It was a very good game. Everyone played hard! vWho won? vBobs team won! v vPlease read after me vThats great! Did you have fun? vYes! We yelled for Bobs team! Go! Bob! vGo!Blue Team! vDoes Bob play basketball every day? vNo,he is a policeman.He plays basketball for fun on Saturday and Sunday. vHe plays so well this evening. He is a good player. vPlease read after me 重点句型重点句型 今晚你们做了什么?今晚你们做了什么? What did you do this evening,Jenny and Li Ming? 我们看鲍勃打篮球了。我们看鲍勃打篮球了。 We watched Bob play basketball. 鲍勃的队打比赛了吗?鲍勃的队打比赛了吗? Did Bobs team play a game? 他的球队和橙队比赛。他的球队和橙队比赛。 His team played with the Orange Team. 每个人打得很努力。每个人打得很努力。 Everyone played hard. 我们为鲍勃的队呐喊助威。我们为鲍勃的队呐喊助威。 We yelled for Bobs team. v What did you do this evening,Jenny and Li Ming? v We watched Bob play basketball! v Did Bobs team play a game? v Yes,his team played with the Orange Team . It was a very v good game. Everyone played hard! v Who won? v Bobs team won! v Thats great! Did you have fun? v Yes! We yelled for Bobs team! Go! Bob! v Go!Blue Team! v Does Bob play basketball every day? v No,he is a policeman.He plays basketball for fun on Saturday v and Sunday. v He plays so well this evening. He is a good player. v Role-playRole-play 分角色朗分角色朗 读读 v Talk about a game you played or watched. v (谈论一场你参与或观看的比赛谈论一场你参与或观看的比赛) vWhat game? vWho played? vWhen? vWhere? vWho won? . vbasketball/ ping-pong/badminton vYesterday/last Sunday vplayground/gym/TV . vDear Li, vToday I had fun. I _ to a shop and _ some ping-pong balls in the morning. In the afternoon, My friend and I played a ping-pong _ on the playground. We played _ hard but we played happily. My friend _! Did you have fun today? vYour friend, vLily vRead and write.读一读,完成邮读一读,完成邮 件。件。 vWord list: won bought very went game vwenwen t t vboughtbought vgamgam e e vveryvery vwonwon vHomewor k v1.Write1.Write anan email.email. v ( (给你的朋友写封邮件,介绍你参与或观看的一给你的朋友写封邮件,介绍你参与或观看的一 场比赛的情况场比赛的情况) ) v2.2. CollectCollect somethingsomething aboutabout youryour favouritefavourite footballfootball players.players. v ( (搜集你喜欢的一位足球明星的资料搜集你喜欢的一位足球明星的资料) )
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