冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 1 Sports-Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun -ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:31096).zip


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冀教版冀教版 六年级下册六年级下册 Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun? 教学背景分析教学背景分析 1.1. 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本课是冀教版小学英语六年级下册第一单元第四课。本单元以运动为主题, 讲述了李明在加拿大和好朋友珍妮、丹尼一起参加体育锻炼时发生的一连串趣 事儿。通过前三课的学习,学生学会了一些描述运动项目和运动服饰及用品的 词汇,同时,学习了一些与运动相关的情景和对话。本课就是李明和珍妮在回 忆开心的一天,以相互教对方打球为话题展开的,其中穿插了丹尼在运动过程 中因学习打球而受伤的小故事。学生通过学习本课,能够对比一般现在时和一 般过去时,并加强对一般过去时的理解和应用。 2.2. 学习者分析学习者分析 本课所面对的是小学六年级学生,年龄约 12 岁。他们活泼好动,想象力丰 富,经过近四年的英语学习,绝大部分学生在学习英语时能做到:善于倾听、 积极模仿、敢于开口、勇于实践。并且具备了一定的观察、朗读、模仿能力。 教学目标教学目标 1. 知识与能力目标知识与能力目标 (1)能听懂、会说、认读单词:bought,taught,thought,player,fun,each other。 (2)能够对比区分一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态。能在真实的语境中运用 动词过去式表述自己曾经做过什么,并用简单的语句写下来。 (3)能在老师的指导下听懂录音材料,并做出正确判断。 (4)能唱本课的英文歌曲 What Did You Do? 2. 情感态度目标情感态度目标 (1)能够乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,表达中不怕出错。 (2)能在英语歌曲的演唱中体会学习英语的乐趣。 (3)积极参与各种课堂学习活动,能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,交流分享,相 互帮助,共同完成学习任务。 3. 学习策略目标学习策略目标 (1)在进行听力练习前,能够快速阅读题目,为顺利完成听力练习做好铺垫。 (2)能在课堂交流中注意倾听,积极思考,主动探究,善于对比发现一般现在 时和一般过去时的规律,运用两种时态进行英语表达。 (3)在小组活动中遇到困难时能够主动向同学或老师请教。 教学准备教学准备 板书,课件,活动用纸 教学过程教学过程 I. Greeting and Warm-up T: Im very happy to see you. How are you today? S: T: Hows the weather? S: T: Its snowy and cold. But I like cold days, because I can ski. I often ski. What do you often do? S1: S2: T: Did you yesterday? S: T: What did you do yesterday, Tan Xiao? Tan Xiao: T: Lets read the passage about Tan Xiao and know more about her. (设计意图:教师以学生的日常生活作为切入点,快速进入主题。通过自由交 谈帮助学生回忆一般现在时和一般过去时,旨在对比中进一步学习和区分一般 现在时、一般过去时两种时态,为后面的交际和写作教学做好铺垫。 ) II. New Concepts Step 1: Circle the New Words T: Please take out your paper. Read the first part. Circle the new words quickly. When you finish, put your hands up. 【贴近学生生活的自编文本】: Tan Xiao likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didnt buy apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Tan Xiao teaches Zhao Nan to play the piano. She always thinks playing the piano is easy. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. Tan Xiao fell down. She thought skating was too difficult. 教师引导学生先解决除 bought, thought, taught 以外的单词,然后教师请学 生关注幻灯片中逐一出示的三个重点单词。通过以旧代新的方式,解决这三个 词的发音。并通过观察 PPT 中这三个单词的书写,注意这三个单词书写间词形 的变化。 (设计意图:为贴近学生生活,教师大胆尝试自己创编文本。选取学生作为主 人公,激发了学生学习的积极性。在第一遍自读文本时,教师让学生初步感知 文本,快速圈出生词,锻炼了学生速读的能力。 ) Step 2: New Concepts T: Read and guess the meaning of the red words according to the passage. T: Do you remember bought? Whats the meaning? S: T: How do you know that? S: Tan Xiao often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges. T: All right. Please look at the blackboard. (教师板书这两句: She often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges.) T: Lets read it. T: Why do we use “buys” here? And why do we use “bought” there? S: 对比 teachtaught, thinkthought 两组方式如上。 (设计意图:教师在创编的文本中对比呈现一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态, 达到让学生复习旧知,学习新知的目的。教师在本环节中,充分发挥了学生自 主学习的能力。争取让学生在对比中掌握新知,做到学以致用。 ) Step 3: Game T: Tan Xiao thought skating was too difficult. I agree with her. Because I cant stand up on the ice. I think skating is difficult, too. But I can play computer games very well. Let play a game. OK? T: Guess whats in the eggs. 1. The first egg: thought T: Look, there is a gift. Guess, whats in the box? Two students in a pair, please talk with each other. T: What did you think was in the box? S: I thought it was a . T: What did your partner think? S: .thought it was a . 2. The second egg: saw T: Last summer holiday, Chen Chen went to the zoo. Can you guess what he saw? 3. The third egg: taught Yesterday, Wang Hongs teacher taught . 4. The fourth egg: bought Last Sunday, Mary went to the clothes shop. Can you guess what she bought? (设计意图:本游戏环节,教师设计了一个愤怒小鸟砸蛋的游戏,当蛋砸开后, 教师鼓励全班同学大胆猜测,用目标语言表达自己的观点。砸蛋游戏通过真实 的情境,既巩固了知识,又加强了学生学习英语的兴趣。 ) Step 4: Listen to the text then check. T: Did you have fun? Ss: Yes. T: Look, whos coming? Ss: Jenny and Li Ming. T: Did they have fun? They are talking with Jennys mother. Lets listen and check. First, please read the questions quickly. T: Do you know “each other”? Last week, Tan Xiao taught Zhao Nan to play the piano. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. They taught each other.(老师配合肢体语言帮助孩子理 解) T: Listen the second time. T: Who wants to show your answers. (设计意图:本环节意在锻炼学生的听力。教师让学生在听前快速阅读题目, 并解决了 each other 这个三会单词,为学生的听力扫除了障碍。在核对答案的 环节,如果答案是 F,老师可以追问学 Why? 假如学生答不上来,教师即有针 对性的只播放关于这个问题相对应的课文内容,让学生从中找到答案。使学生 实实在在地听懂并理解课文内容。 ) Step 5: Song T: Lets sing a song to relax. The first time, just listen, please. T: Try to sing. T: Lets sing together. Stand up. Loudly, please. (设计意图:在进行了紧张的听力练习后,教师为学生准备了一首欢快活泼的 英文歌曲。学生在演唱歌曲的同时,再一次复现了本课重点过去式,学生 最后能水到渠成跟唱,增强了孩子学习英语的自信心。 ) Step 6: Watch, talk and write. T: Jenny and Li Ming went to a shop. They bought a new ball. They were very happy. Last Sunday, I had fun. What did I do? Lets watch. T: I cleaned my house. I read my book. I made dinner for my family. What did you do last Sunday? Please talk with each other. Say as many sentences as you can. Try to remember your partners answer. These words may help you. T: Who wants to show? What did you do last Sunday? Listen carefully and remember what he did. Ss: T: We did a lot things last Sunday. Please write them down on your paper. T: Check the passages with your partner. If its right, please tick. T: Change back. (教师拿出一份学生相互批改过的小作文展示在实物投影上。Who can help him correct? 改正后提示全班同学,看看有没有类似的错误。并请这位同学读一读 展示在实物投影上的作文。 ) (设计意图:教师以自己的生活为原形,引导学生在二人小组内,用尽可能多 的句子,说一说自己上周日做过的事情,并试着记住对方上周做过的事情,然 后教师请同学起来展示。在学生展示过程中,教师请同学们认真倾听,随时提 问有关于这名同学说过的内容。经过几名同学的展示,教师请学生在作文纸上 写出自己上周日做过的事情。写完后请两名同学相互批改并改错。之后,教师 拿出一名或两名同学的作文纸放到实物投影上展示,让全班同学一起观察是否 还有在两人小组内批改时没有发现的错误。如果有错的话则要提示同学们注意。 最后,教师请作文的主人口头改正自己的小作文并读一读。 ) III. Class Closing Homework 1. Please finish Part 4 on page 9. 2. Make a survey. Ask your friends what he/she did last winter holiday. Then write it down. 板书设计板书设计 Lesson4 Did You Have Fun? teachtaught thinkthought She often buys apples. Yesterday she bought oranges. Lesson 4 Did You Have Fun? Class_ Name_ I. Read and circle the new words. Tan Xiao likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didnt buy apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Tan Xiao teaches Zhao Nan to play the piano. She always thinks playing the piano is easy. Last Sunday, Zhao Nan taught Tan Xiao to skate. Tan Xiao fell down. She thought skating was too difficult. II. Listen and judge, write T or F. ( ) 1.Li Ming and Jenny had fun today. ( ) 2.Jenny bought a T-shirt today. ( ) 3.Li Ming and Jenny taught each other a sport. ( ) 4.Jenny thought the basketball was too heavy. ( ) 5.Danny is a good basketball player. III. What did you do last Sunday? Please write it down. Last Sunday, I I had fun last Sunday. played did skated ran cleaned ate watched wrote made swam visited read walked had taught . * 冀冀教教版版 六六年级下册年级下册 * Circle the new words. Ni Yuan likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didnt buy apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Wen Haoyue teaches Ni Yuan to play ping-pong. She always thinks playing ping-pong is easy. Last Sunday, Ni Yuan taught Wen Haoyue to skate. She fell down. She thought skating was too difficult. * bghttt h o au * Read and guess. Ni Yuan likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didnt buy apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Wen Haoyue teaches Ni Yuan to play ping-pong. She always thinks playing ping-pong is easy. Last Sunday, Ni Yuan taught Wen Haoyue to skate. She fell down. She thought skating was too difficult. often buys apples. She bought But yesterday She oranges. * Read and guess. Ni Yuan likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday, she didnt buy apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Wen Haoyue teaches Ni Yuan to play ping-pong. She always thinks playing ping-pong is easy. Last Sunday, Ni Yuan taught Wen Haoyue to skate. She fell down. She thought skating was too difficult. Sometimes Wen Haoyue teaches Ni Yuan to play ping- pong. Last Sunday, Ni Yuan taught Wen HaoyueHaoyue to skate. Sometimes Last Sunday, * Read and guess. Ni Yuan likes to eat apples. She often buys apples. But yesterday she didnt buy apples. She bought oranges. Sometimes Wen Haoyue teaches Ni Yuan to play ping-pong. She always thinks playing ping-pong is easy. Last Sunday, Ni Yuan taught Wen Haoyue to skate. She fell down. She thought skating was too difficult. She always thinks drawing a picture is easy. Last Sunday,She thought skating was too difficult. always Last Sunday, * Guess, please! 1234 * a gift Just now, I thought it was a . I think it is a . . thought it was a . a donut * Last summer holiday, Chen Chen saw . a goat an animal * Yesterday, Wang Hongs teacher taught . art a subject * Last Sunday, Mary bought . a cap clothes * ( ) 1.Li Ming and Jenny had fun today. ( ) 2.Jenny bought a T-shirt today. ( ) 3.Li Ming and Jenny taught each other a sport. ( ) 4.Jenny thought the basketball was too heavy. ( ) 5.Danny is a good basketball player. Listen and judge, write T or F. * ( ) 1.Li Ming and Jenny had fun today. ( ) 2.Jenny bought a T-shirt today. ( ) 3.Li Ming and Jenny taught each other a sport. ( ) 4.Jenny thought the basketball was too heavy. ( ) 5.Danny is a good basketball player. T F T F F Listen and judge, write T or F. each other Read L4 part2 by yourself, fill in the blanks. 1.They sometimes _(teach) each other a sport. 2. Danny always _(think) he can catch the ball. 3. This morning, Jenny and Li Ming _(buy) some things at the shop. 4. This afternoon, they _ each other a sport. teach thinks bought taught * Lets sing a song. We went to a little shop. We bought a new heavy ball. We taught each other a sport. Oh, what did you do? Oh, what did you do? Oh, what did you do? Li Ming and Jenny. * Lets watch. Last Sunday, I had fun . I cleaned the floor. I watched TV in the living room. I played badminton with my friends. I read a book. I went to the shop with my daughter. I went to the Jiulong park. * Last Sunday, I. played did skated ran cleaned watched wrote made swam visited read walked had taught ate Lets write. * Homework 1.Please finish Part 4 on page 9. * Xin Dan, what did you do last winter holiday? I had a trip. I . Xin Dan I had a trip. I . Homework 2.Make a survey.
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