教科EEC版五下Unit4 How Long Will You Stay There -Class 1 Textbook p.34-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:10263).zip


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Wow! You have a lot of animals! Theyre horses. What are those? horses Cool! How many horses do you have? Mmm. Seventeen. Wow! You have a lot of animals!What are those? Theyre horses. Cool! How many horses do you have? Mmm. Seventeen. cows sheep What about those? Are they hens? hens No, they arent. Theyre ducks. Wow! Theyre so cute! Wow! You have a lot of animals! What are those? Mmm. Seventeen. Cool! How many horses do you have? Theyre hoses. What about those? Are they hens? No, they arent. Theyre ducks. Wow! Theyre so cute! What are those ? Theyre _. What are _ ? What _ _? _ _. _ _. hens those Theyre cows are those Theyre horses What are these ? _ _ . Theyre sheep Make a dialog.F(Farmer) V(Visitor) F:Welcome to my farm! V:Wow! You have a lot of animals. What are _? F:Theyre _. V:Cool! How many _ do you have? F:Mmm._. V: What about those?Are they _? F:Yes,they are./No, they arent. V: Wow! They are so cute! No trading No killing 没有买卖就没有杀害没有买卖就没有杀害 Eat more vegetables and less meat. 多吃蔬菜少吃肉。 Having a good diet makes body healthy. 正确饮食身体健康 1. Listen to “ Talk B and Learn B ”. 2.Dub the story.角色配音。 3. Have a dictation.听对话录音, 写出听到的内容。(选做) The Teaching Plan Unit 4 How long will you stay there? 1 Unit 4 How long will you stay there? 宁远中心校 马艳玲 【教材解读】 本课对话语篇是在农场,围绕“参观农场”这一话题展开,Mike 和 Sarah 继续参观 Mr. Macdonald 的农场。本课时与前几课时紧密 相连。Mike 和 Sarah 不认识农场里的动物,主要通过对话学习句型 What are those?They are.来询问农场里的动物的名称。 Are they? 及其答语 No, they arent./Yes, they are.确认是不是某种动物。 培养学生学习英语的兴趣,树立学好英语的信心。本课时是第一课 时教学内容的延续,重点是能够在情景中恰当运用“询问并回答动 物名称”的句型。 【学情分析】 本节课授课对象是四年级的学生,通过一年半的学习和积累, 学生已经掌握部分动物的单词和句型,例如:在三年级上册学生学 习过 duck 和 dog 等单词及叫声。本单元 Talk A 部分出现 What are these?They are.询问农场农作物的名称的核心句型,所以学生对 于本课时的核心句型 What are those? Theyre.比较容易理解 和掌握。平时教学中,学生在课堂上经常进行课文表演的活动,所以 针对本课表演课文的教学目标也比较容易达成。学生们对于农场里 的动物词汇也有一定的积累。 【教学目标】 2 1. 能够在图片和视频的帮助下理解对话大意。 2. 能够模仿录音中的语音、语调和情感朗读对话。 3. 能够扮演对话角色表演对话。 4.能够在情景中恰当的运用句型:What are those? Theyre 问答动 物名称。 5. 能运用句型 Are they ? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.确认是否为 某种动物。 6. 能够爱护农场里的动物,多吃蔬菜少吃肉,合理健康地饮食。 【教学重点】 能够听、说、认读单词:hen , horse , cow , sheep 及其复数 能够听、说、认读句型:What are those? Theyre .Are they ? Yes, they are./ No, they arent.并能作出正确回答。 【教学难点】 (1)these 和 those 的发音及用法区别。 (2)扮演对话角色表演对话。 【教学策略】 本节听说课我分为歌曲热身,导入对话语篇学习、理解对话大 意和细节、模仿说的训练和情感升华四大环节。我采用地道的英文 歌曲 Old Macdonald had a farm热身导入。在理解对话大意和细 3 节环节,我通过问题的层层导入,发展学生的思维品质,让学生通 过看图获取信息,带着疑问猜测、观看视频、观看后来验证猜测的 活动掌握对话梗概。然后进行逐图的细节学习,让学生在课文情境 中猜测、理解新语言的含义。在模仿说的训练环节中,我通过听音 模仿训练和让学生表演课文的活动训练学生模仿语言、运用语言的 能力。课堂上我采用了师生评价、生生互评的评价机制,帮助学生 了解小组学习,哪些地方做得好,哪些地方还需要改进。本课的情 感意识培养方面创新之处在于通过本课时的学习,让学生们爱护农 场里的动物,多吃蔬菜少吃肉,合理健康地饮食。 【教学过程】 一、歌曲热身,导入对话语篇学习 T: Hello, boys and girls. Im Miss Ma. I am very happy to see you. Are you happy? First lets sing a song. OK? Ss:OK. T: Do you like this song? Ss:Yes. T: Whats the song about? S1: Old Macdonald had a farm. T: Today well come to visit Macdonalds farm together. (出示课题 Unit4 At the farm.) 【设计意图】用一首有关农场里动物的地道、欢快的英文歌曲 进行导入,让学生跟着歌曲视频做律动,活跃了课堂气氛,拉近了 师生距离。利用歌曲自然地过渡到本课农场中动物的学习。 二、看图、听音解码,理解对话大意和细节,并逐图模仿、听 4 音进行说的训练 1.观察图片,理解对话发生的情境 (1)PPT 出示本课主题图,让学生观察图片,教师通过提问的方 式获取学生读图信息。 T: Look! Who are they? Ss: They are Macdonald, Mike and Sarah. T: What are they talking about? S1: They are talking about animals. T:What are they? You can say in Chinese. T: Great! Macdonald has a lot of animals. (2)提出预测问题 T: Please guess! Do Mike and Sarah know them ? S1:Yes. T:Maybe. S2:No. T: Perhaps. Listen! 2.听录音后回答预测问题 T: Do Mike and Sarah know the animals? S: No. T: Why? How do you know that? S1:Mike asked, “What are those?” S2:Sarah asked,“What about those? Are they hens?” T:Great! You listen very carefully! 【设计意图】整体出示本课两幅图片,让学生通过读取图片信 息,了解本课语言发生的情境。提出预测问题,让学生根据已有生 活经验和图片提示大胆猜测,让学生带着疑问和兴趣走进视频观看 5 活动,培养了学生的思维品质。观看动画视频后,让学生回答预测 问题,检验学生的预测,并通过追问让大家了解答案确定的根据。 3.看图听音猜意 (1)出示第一幅主题图 T:Mike sees so many animals.What does he say?Listen!(播放音频)S: Wow!You have a lot of animals! (听音跟读并学习动物单词) Mike points to the animals far from them. What does he ask? Listen!(播放音频)S: What are those?(听音跟读)T: Good job. What does “What are those”mean? S:那些是什么? T: You are so smart.(根据学生 的答案书写板书) T: What does Macdonald answer? Listen!(播 放音频).S: Theyre horses. T: Great. They are horses.(板 书,并学习马单、复数,把马的教具图片粘贴在黑板上)T:Do you know how many horses Macdonald has?Listen!(播放音频) S:Seventeen.T: Youre very clever! T:Work in pairs. 【设计意图】此处是听音解码和理解语义的过程,训练学生听 音辨音能力,通过板书帮助学生建立声音与文字的联系,通过学生 在语境中猜测语义,训练学生在语境中猜测理解新语言的能力。理 解课文后进行逐句听音跟说,训练学生模仿录音说话能力。 T:Look here!Who can read it?(出示 how 的单词卡片)S:. (卡片改为 cow)Who can read this?S:. (出示奶牛图片学习奶牛单、复数,在黑板上粘贴奶牛的教具 图片)T:Look at this card.Whats this?(出示吉普车的实物和 单词)S: Its a jeep.(卡片改为 sheep)T:Who can read it?S:.T:Whats the meaning? S:绵羊(学习绵羊单、复数同形, 并把绵羊的教具图片粘贴在黑板上) 6 【设计意图】把 Learn B 里的单词放在此处学习, (2)出示第二幅主题图 T:Sarah points to the animals far from them.What does she say?Listen!(播放音频)S:What about those?Are they hens?T: Do you know the meaning of “What about those?”?S: 那些怎么样?T:Very good!Who can tell me? What does “Are they hens?”mean? S:它们是母鸡吗?T: Great!(板书出示母鸡的 图片,然后在黑板上粘贴母鸡的教具图片) T: What does Macdonald answer? Listen!(播放音频) S: No, they arent. Theyre ducks.(生回答后,教师板书)T:If Sarah asks,Are they ducks? Then What should Macdonald answer? S:Yes, they are.T: Sarah sees so cute ducks.what does she say?Listen! S: Wow! Theyre so cute! 【设计意图】看图理解对话情境,帮助学生理解语言。听音之 前给学生提供猜测的空间,充分调动学生的思维和了解学生的迁移 运用能力,并进行教材的重组,把 Learn B 里的句子和第二幅图的 内容重组,从而节省了时间,而且内容更加的合理。 三、整体复述故事,并进行模仿说的训练 1.Listen and repeat. T:Mike and Sarah visit Macdonalds farm.Mike doesnt know the animals.He points to the animals far from them and asks,“What are those?”Macdonald says, “ Theyre horses.”Sarah doesnt know the animals,either. She asks,“What about those? Are they hens?”Macdonald says, “ No, they arent.Theyre ducks.” Now lets listen again. 7 【设计意图】在学生的头脑里形成一个完整的故事情节 2.Act the dialogue. T: This time lets act the dialogue. You can practice in your group. One plays Mike, the others play Macdonald and Sarah. When you practice, pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, fluency, voice, motion and emotion. (Students work in groups.) T: Its show time. Which group wants to show? Put up your hands, please. 【设计意图】课文表演环节,学生小组合作表演课文。让学生 在情境中加深对课文语言的理解,内化所学语言,同样要求其他同 学进行指导和评价。 4、活动练习、创编对话并巩固新知 T:Stop here.Now you had a lot of animal cards.Can you put up them correctly?Come to the blackboard. S:(粘贴卡片) T:Are they right? S:Yes. T:Now work in pairs.Make a dialog.Im a visitor.Who wants to be a farmer? 五、进行情感、态度和价值观培养 8 Unit 4 How long will you stay there? What are those? They are. Are they.? No, they arent. T: Do you like eating meat? S:Yes. T:Look at the picture.Are you happy? S:No. T:No trading, No killing. The animals are our good friend.We should love and protect them.Eat more vegetables and less meat.Having a good diet makes body healthy. OK? S:OK. 【设计意图】情感的升华,体现了本节课的情感目标。 六、作业部分 1.Listen to“Talk B and Learn B”. 2.Dub the story. 利用趣配音软件听音模仿,运用光盘视频配 音活动为每个角色配音。 3.Have a dictation. 听对话录音,写出听到的内容。 (选做) 【设计意图】输入是最重要的英语学习途径,在家养成听英语 的习惯是英语学习的关键,教师可根据班级学生不同的英语程度为 学生推荐不同的听力素材,以适应不同程度学生的需求。运用手机 趣配音软件进行模仿训练,能够记录学生的模仿声音,激发学生的 学习兴趣,也便于了解学生的语音、语调等说英语的情况。运用配 音光盘进行配音训练,即使没有同伴也能够练习说英语。对于一些 学有余力的孩子在听的同时,完成听写活动,对于训练学生的听音 解码能力是非常有效的活动,学生可以根据自己的实际决定是否完 成。 附:板书设计 9 马的图片 单词 奶牛图片 单词 绵羊图片 单词 动物图片 单词 母鸡图片 单词
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