教科EEC版六年级下册Unit7 A Letter from Jenny-Class 3 Textbook p.66-67-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a28b3).zip
科学教育出版社六年级下册 Unit 7 A Letter From Jenny mountai n flowers skate ski swim park visit beach trip According to the words ,please say a phrase first, then a sentence, and a syntagm at last. Lets have a look, which team can say more! 请根据转轮的提示,依次说出相关的短语、句子和语段。看看哪个 小队说的更多! peony 牡丹 :Hello! Andy, nice to meet you! :Nice to meet you , too. How was your holiday? :Its great! :Where did you go? :I went to Luoyang. :What did you do at there? :I went to Peony Fair and saw many beautiful peonies. :Yes , they are beautiful flowers! Hows the weather there? :Its warm and sunny. I enjoy it so much. :You had a nice trip! :Yes, its great! :Thank you! Bye! :See you! Did Marry have a nice trip? Yes, she did.Which season was it? Its spring. eaHows the weather there? Its warm and sunny. Where did she go? She went to Luoyang. What did she do at there? She saw peonies. peonies family baby party berry weather a nice trip Luoyang spring warm sunny peonies (flowers) great Marry had She went to in The weather was and She saw The trip was 对美好生活的追求 “即以牡丹之富贵言之,其富也,富而无骄,非君子而 实君子者也;其贵也,贵而不挟,非隐逸实亦隐逸者也” 。 高风亮节 “不特芳资艳质足压群葩,而劲骨刚心尤高出万卉 ” 国家繁荣昌盛 “惟有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城” 国家繁荣昌盛 “惟有牡丹真国色, 花开时节动京城” 对美好生活的追求 “即以牡丹之富贵言之 , 其富也,富而无骄,非 君子而实君子者也; 其贵也,贵而不挟,非 隐逸实亦隐逸者也”。 高风亮节 “不特芳资艳质足压群葩, 而劲骨刚心尤高出万卉” ea great ea weather sweater bread head breakfast seasonplease eat teateacher beach read season teacher please eat tea beach read weather sweater breakfast bread head Game timeGame time:read and doread and do My winter vacation I had a great winter vacation. I went to Macau during my vacation. Its hot and rainy. I visited the place. Its beautiful. I took many pictures. My vacation was fun. How about your vacation? 短文中的Macau,是中国的哪里? Macau 中国澳门! Write about your trip! A: You can choose one picture and write about your holidays or vacations in your group. C: write about your own(自己的)holidays or vacations. B: You can write your holidays or vacations about our city in your group. The world is a book, but people do not travel , read only one page. 世界是一本书,而不旅行的人们只读了其中的一页。 Homework: Page 67 Choose and describe the pictures or your own travel by yourself! 67页,选择其中的一幅图片用所学英 语进行描述,或用所学英语描述自己的旅 程。 A A B B 华北地区华北地区( ( North China ) ) 东北地区东北地区( (Northeast China) ) 西北地区西北地区( ( Northwest China ) ) 华中地区华中地区( ( Central China ) ) 华东地区华东地区( ( East China ) ) 华南地区华南地区( ( South China ) ) 西南地区西南地区( (Southwest China ) ) 华北地区华北地区华北地区华北地区 东北地区东北地区东北地区东北地区 西北地区西北地区西北地区西北地区 华华华华 中中中中 地地地地 区区区区 华 东 地 区 华南地区华南地区华南地区华南地区 西南地区西南地区西南地区西南地区 华北地区华北地区( ( North China ) ) 东北地区东北地区( (Northeast China) ) 西北地区西北地区( ( Northwest China ) ) 华中地区华中地区( ( Central China ) ) 华东地区华东地区( ( East China ) ) 华南地区华南地区( ( South China ) ) 西南地区西南地区( (Southwest China ) ) 华北地区华北地区华北地区华北地区 东北地区东北地区东北地区东北地区 西北地区西北地区西北地区西北地区 华华华华 中中中中 地地地地 区区区区 华 东 地 区 华南地区华南地区华南地区华南地区 西南地区西南地区西南地区西南地区 英语组骨干教师教案 课题Unit 7课型new课时第 2 课时 A letter from Jenny 教 学 目 标 知识:识记本课生词四会单词 weather, 教授单词发音时进行语音教学;识记短 语 whats the weather like.? Hows the weather? 以及回答。 技能:会读、会说、会用本课所学单词、运用已学的 I went to somewhere. I did something.等句型来描述自己的假期,去了某了,做的何事,以及天气如 何。 情感:激发学生热爱生活,热爱祖国的情怀。 教学 重点 四会单词发音及运用 教具 准备 多媒体教室 板书字条 学生练习材料 教学 难点 生词发音教学 学具 准备 教材 板 书 设 计 Unit Seven A letter from Jenny My trip Did you have a nice trip? I had a nice trip. Where did you go ? I went to Beijing with my family. Which season is it? It was winter. How was the weather? It was cold and sunny. What did you do there? We visited the Palace Museum. How about the place? It was wonderful. 教 学 反 思 教学环 节 教师活动学生活动 设计意图 策略 Class opening New concepts dialog 1. greeting Nice to meet you! I am happy to have this class with you. 2. assessment We will have this class in two teams. Team A and team B. During the class, there is a travel for each team. Lets have a look , which team can travel more places. Lets begin our class from a game. 1. present new words (视频之后出示生词,运用语音教学 法教学单词。) weather : ea wea weather (归类:head bread breakfast ) “what is the weather like there? How is the weather?” Season: ea sea season (归类:;lease teacher teach eat meat tea peach beach ) great: 2. Read and answer (1) Did you have a nice trip? (2)Where did you go ? (3)Which season is it? (4)How is the weather? (5)What did you do there? (6)How about the place? 3. Read and learn more 教学 peony 并拓展同类词形单词。 4. Fill and retell the dialog (学生在老师的提示下,根据文本的 提示,填空并对文本内容进行的复 述。) Marry had a nice trip. She went to Louyang in spring. The weather is warm and sunny. 学生做口语回答练 习。 在教师引领下做游 戏 在教师教学下练读 生词 用功能句描述图片 在学生回答问题 的过程中,进行 文本的熟识和生 词的学习,并初 步感知习作的创 编。 用游戏的 方式拉近 师生关系, 短时间内 消除学生 焦虑感 用语音教 学法教学 单词,并 实施词句 结合的教 学原则 教师引导 与学生互 动相结合, 对新授内 容进行巩 固练习。 passage Practice Class closing She saw flowers (peonies). The trip was great. Read the passage and learn about Macau. (通过视频让学生了解澳门,开阔学 生的眼界。并以阅读文本为范例, 让学生进行短文书写,进而进入下 一环节的教学。) Did you have a nice trip? Which season is it? How s the weather is it? Where did you go? What did you do? How about the place? 1. practicing Write a passge Level A: choose and write. Level B: write by yourself (让学生执行前先由教师和学生进行 一组示范,再由学生小组内完成。 在学生的任务进行中,老师指导, 选有典型错误的对话,进行现场点 评,之后,再由学生进行正确对话 的展示。) 2. Show the passages Assessment: homework 选择其中一项来完成! 1、write sentences。 2、make dialogs。 根据语言支架的提 示进行习作创编 对学生进 行习作创 编培养。 教学环节教师活动学生活动 设计意图 策略
- 资源描述:
科学教育出版社六年级下册 Unit 7 A Letter From Jenny mountai n flowers skate ski swim park visit beach trip According to the words ,please say a phrase first, then a sentence, and a syntagm at last. Lets have a look, which team can say more! 请根据转轮的提示,依次说出相关的短语、句子和语段。看看哪个 小队说的更多! peony 牡丹 :Hello! Andy, nice to meet you! :Nice to meet you , too. How was your holiday? :Its great! :Where did you go? :I went to Luoyang. :What did you do at there? :I went to Peony Fair and saw many beautiful peonies. :Yes , they are beautiful flowers! Hows the weather there? :Its warm and sunny. I enjoy it so much. :You had a nice trip! :Yes, its great! :Thank you! Bye! :See you! Did Marry have a nice trip? Yes, she did.Which season was it? Its spring. eaHows the weather there? Its warm and sunny. Where did she go? She went to Luoyang. What did she do at there? She saw peonies. peonies family baby party berry weather a nice trip Luoyang spring warm sunny peonies (flowers) great Marry had She went to in The weather was and She saw The trip was 对美好生活的追求 “即以牡丹之富贵言之,其富也,富而无骄,非君子而 实君子者也;其贵也,贵而不挟,非隐逸实亦隐逸者也” 。 高风亮节 “不特芳资艳质足压群葩,而劲骨刚心尤高出万卉 ” 国家繁荣昌盛 “惟有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城” 国家繁荣昌盛 “惟有牡丹真国色, 花开时节动京城” 对美好生活的追求 “即以牡丹之富贵言之 , 其富也,富而无骄,非 君子而实君子者也; 其贵也,贵而不挟,非 隐逸实亦隐逸者也”。 高风亮节 “不特芳资艳质足压群葩, 而劲骨刚心尤高出万卉” ea great ea weather sweater bread head breakfast seasonplease eat teateacher beach read season teacher please eat tea beach read weather sweater breakfast bread head Game timeGame time:read and doread and do My winter vacation I had a great winter vacation. I went to Macau during my vacation. Its hot and rainy. I visited the place. Its beautiful. I took many pictures. My vacation was fun. How about your vacation? 短文中的Macau,是中国的哪里? Macau 中国澳门! Write about your trip! A: You can choose one picture and write about your holidays or vacations in your group. C: write about your own(自己的)holidays or vacations. B: You can write your holidays or vacations about our city in your group. The world is a book, but people do not travel , read only one page. 世界是一本书,而不旅行的人们只读了其中的一页。 Homework: Page 67 Choose and describe the pictures or your own travel by yourself! 67页,选择其中的一幅图片用所学英 语进行描述,或用所学英语描述自己的旅 程。 A A B B 华北地区华北地区( ( North China ) ) 东北地区东北地区( (Northeast China) ) 西北地区西北地区( ( Northwest China ) ) 华中地区华中地区( ( Central China ) ) 华东地区华东地区( ( East China ) ) 华南地区华南地区( ( South China ) ) 西南地区西南地区( (Southwest China ) ) 华北地区华北地区华北地区华北地区 东北地区东北地区东北地区东北地区 西北地区西北地区西北地区西北地区 华华华华 中中中中 地地地地 区区区区 华 东 地 区 华南地区华南地区华南地区华南地区 西南地区西南地区西南地区西南地区 华北地区华北地区( ( North China ) ) 东北地区东北地区( (Northeast China) ) 西北地区西北地区( ( Northwest China ) ) 华中地区华中地区( ( Central China ) ) 华东地区华东地区( ( East China ) ) 华南地区华南地区( ( South China ) ) 西南地区西南地区( (Southwest China ) ) 华北地区华北地区华北地区华北地区 东北地区东北地区东北地区东北地区 西北地区西北地区西北地区西北地区 华华华华 中中中中 地地地地 区区区区 华 东 地 区 华南地区华南地区华南地区华南地区 西南地区西南地区西南地区西南地区 英语组骨干教师教案 课题Unit 7课型new课时第 2 课时 A letter from Jenny 教 学 目 标 知识:识记本课生词四会单词 weather, 教授单词发音时进行语音教学;识记短 语 whats the weather like.? Hows the weather? 以及回答。 技能:会读、会说、会用本课所学单词、运用已学的 I went to somewhere. I did something.等句型来描述自己的假期,去了某了,做的何事,以及天气如 何。 情感:激发学生热爱生活,热爱祖国的情怀。 教学 重点 四会单词发音及运用 教具 准备 多媒体教室 板书字条 学生练习材料 教学 难点 生词发音教学 学具 准备 教材 板 书 设 计 Unit Seven A letter from Jenny My trip Did you have a nice trip? I had a nice trip. Where did you go ? I went to Beijing with my family. Which season is it? It was winter. How was the weather? It was cold and sunny. What did you do there? We visited the Palace Museum. How about the place? It was wonderful. 教 学 反 思 教学环 节 教师活动学生活动 设计意图 策略 Class opening New concepts dialog 1. greeting Nice to meet you! I am happy to have this class with you. 2. assessment We will have this class in two teams. Team A and team B. During the class, there is a travel for each team. Lets have a look , which team can travel more places. Lets begin our class from a game. 1. present new words (视频之后出示生词,运用语音教学 法教学单词。) weather : ea wea weather (归类:head bread breakfast ) “what is the weather like there? How is the weather?” Season: ea sea season (归类:;lease teacher teach eat meat tea peach beach ) great: 2. Read and answer (1) Did you have a nice trip? (2)Where did you go ? (3)Which season is it? (4)How is the weather? (5)What did you do there? (6)How about the place? 3. Read and learn more 教学 peony 并拓展同类词形单词。 4. Fill and retell the dialog (学生在老师的提示下,根据文本的 提示,填空并对文本内容进行的复 述。) Marry had a nice trip. She went to Louyang in spring. The weather is warm and sunny. 学生做口语回答练 习。 在教师引领下做游 戏 在教师教学下练读 生词 用功能句描述图片 在学生回答问题 的过程中,进行 文本的熟识和生 词的学习,并初 步感知习作的创 编。 用游戏的 方式拉近 师生关系, 短时间内 消除学生 焦虑感 用语音教 学法教学 单词,并 实施词句 结合的教 学原则 教师引导 与学生互 动相结合, 对新授内 容进行巩 固练习。 passage Practice Class closing She saw flowers (peonies). The trip was great. Read the passage and learn about Macau. (通过视频让学生了解澳门,开阔学 生的眼界。并以阅读文本为范例, 让学生进行短文书写,进而进入下 一环节的教学。) Did you have a nice trip? Which season is it? How s the weather is it? Where did you go? What did you do? How about the place? 1. practicing Write a passge Level A: choose and write. Level B: write by yourself (让学生执行前先由教师和学生进行 一组示范,再由学生小组内完成。 在学生的任务进行中,老师指导, 选有典型错误的对话,进行现场点 评,之后,再由学生进行正确对话 的展示。) 2. Show the passages Assessment: homework 选择其中一项来完成! 1、write sentences。 2、make dialogs。 根据语言支架的提 示进行习作创编 对学生进 行习作创 编培养。 教学环节教师活动学生活动 设计意图 策略
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