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Unit5: Lets Eat Dumplings. 一学习目标 1.学习有关对饺子的选择、包饺子和煮饺子的基本表达。 2.复习一般将来时态 二温故知新 1.一般将来时态标志词有: 2. How long it ? It . 三巩固练习 1. What kind of dumplings do you want? I want meat dumplings, please. 四拓展练习 1. What kind of do you want? I want , please. 2. How long will it take to ? It will take about minutes to . 五阅读 HowHow toto makemake dumplings?dumplings? IfIf wewe wantwant toto eateat dumplingsdumplings forfor dinner,dinner, firstfirst wewe cancan makemake thethe fillingfilling(饺馅饺馅). . WeWe cancan choosechoose(选择选择)ourour favoritefavorite meatmeat(肉)(肉), , suchsuch asas porkpork(猪肉猪肉), , beefbeef(牛肉牛肉) andand soso on.on. WeWe cancan choosechoose ourour favoritefavorite vegetablesvegetables(蔬菜蔬菜), , suchsuch asas leekleek(韭菜韭菜), , cabbagecabbage(白菜白菜) andand soso on.on. Second,Second, wewe cancan makemake dumplings.dumplings. Third,Third, wewe cancan boilboil thethe dumplingsdumplings aboutabout 1010 minutes.minutes. ThenThen wewe cancan eateat thethe dumplings.dumplings. 教科版教科版EEEEC C六年级下册六年级下册 UnitUnit5 5 L Letets s E Eatat DumplingsDumplings (第一课时)(第一课时) .Makedumplings. .Boildumplings. .Eatdumplings. makedumplings meat filling vegetable filling meatdumplings vegetabledumplings TwoGroups Iwantmeatdumplings. Iwantvegetabledumplings. Whatkindofdumplingsdoyouwant? meatdumplings vegetabledumplings 第一关第一关 Askandanswer: A:Whatkindofdoyouwant? B:Iwant,please. Askandanswer: A:Whatkindofdoyouwant? B:Iwant,please. A:Whatkindofdoeswant? C:wants. Askandanswer(谁愿来(谁愿来挑战)挑战) A:Whatkindofdoyouwant? B:Iwant,please. C:Bwants.Iwant D:BwantsCwantsIwant E:BwantsCwantsDwants Iwant boilthedumplings meatdumplings vegetabledumplings 第二关第二关 Askandanswer: A:Howlongwillittaketoboilthedumplings? B:Itwilltakeabout10minutestoboilthe dumplings. Askandanswer: A:Howlongwillittaketoboil? B:Itwilltakeabouttoboil Askandanswer: A:Howlongwillittaketo? B:Itwilltakeaboutto (知识回顾。说对一句得一个饺(知识回顾。说对一句得一个饺 子,不能重复。)子,不能重复。) Letseatdumplings. Letssing. Letsmakemeatdumplings.Meatdumplings, meatdumplings.Thatsveryfun. Letsboildumplings.Boildumplings, boildumplings.Abouttenminutes. Letseatdumplings.Eatdumplings, eatdumplings.Howdelicious! Listentothetapeandanswer thequestions: 1.WhatkindofdumplingsdoesQiaoqiaowant? 2.Howlongwillittaketoboilthedumplings? Hewantsmeatdumplings. Itwilltakeabout10minutestoboilthedumplings. Makedialoguesandactout. (和课文一样得一个饺子,改(和课文一样得一个饺子,改 编内容得两个饺子,加入新编内容得两个饺子,加入新 内容得三个饺子。)内容得三个饺子。) Howtomakedumplings? Ifwewanttoeatdumplingsfordinner, firstwecanmakethefilling(饺馅饺馅).Wecan choose(选择选择)ourfavoritemeat(肉)(肉),such aspork(猪肉猪肉),beef(牛肉牛肉)andsoon. Wecanchooseourfavoritevegetables(蔬蔬 菜菜),suchasleek(韭菜韭菜),cabbage(白菜白菜) andsoon.Second,wecanmakedumplings. Third,wecanboilthedumplingsabout10 minutes.Thenwecaneatthedumplings. Questions: 1.Ifwewanttoeatdumplingsfor dinner,whatcanwedofirst? 2.Howlongcanweboilthe dumplings? Ifwewanttoeatdumplingsfordinner, wecanmakethefillingfirst. Wecanboilthedumplingsabout10 minutes. 一、一、Dotheexercises. 1.Howabout(make)dumplings?(动词适当形式填空)(动词适当形式填空) Howaboutmakingdumplings? 2.Shewantsmeatdumplings.(对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) Whatkindofdumplingsdoesshewant? 3.Itwilltakeabout10minutestoboilthe dumplings. (对划线部分提问)(对划线部分提问) Howlongwillittaketoboilthedumplings? Homework:(任选一个)(任选一个) .Recitethedialogues. .Trytowriteabout dumplings. Everyone likes dumplings. Different people like different kind of dumplings. The most of people like meat dumplings. But I like the vegetable dumplings. My favorite filling(馅) is leek(韭菜)and eggs. Because I dont like meat. I never eat meat. So I am very thin. Weshouldeathealthyfood. (我们应该吃健康的食品我们应该吃健康的食品) Goodbye! Thankyou! Unit5: Lets Eat Dumplings. EEC 英语六年级下册英语六年级下册 (第一课时第一课时) 教学设计教学设计 教材分析:教材分析: 本课的教学内容是 EEC 英语六年级下册第五课 Lets Eat Dumplings 第 一课时。本课教学重点在于培养学生学习有关饺子的相关表达。 学生分析:学生分析: 作为六年级的学生已经掌握了一定的英语基础和技能,学生已经对大 多数内容有了一定了解,六年级的学生已经有了自己的思想和看法,自主 能力较强,所以学起来较容易。 设计理念设计理念: : 英语新课程标准强调重视学生实际语言运用能力的培养,倡导任 务型的教学活动。在教学中,注重创设真实的情境,力求通过课堂虚拟的 包饺子过程使学生在实际生活中学习有关对饺子的选择、包饺子和煮饺子 的基本表达,从而促进语言能力的提高,以培养学生真实交际的能力。由 此,在教学设计中我力求体现以学生为主体,以情境为主线,以交际为目 的的教学特色。根据新课程标准对知识与技能、情感态度与价值观三者统 一的要求,结合对教材的认真分析和对学生的了解,本着为了每个学生的 发展的宗旨,将本节课的教学目标,确定为以下三个方面: 教学目标:教学目标: 1、能力目标 通过课堂虚拟的包饺子过程使学生在实际生活中学习有关对饺子的 选择、包饺子和煮饺子的基本表达。 2、知识目标 1) Let the students master the words: dumplings kind of meat boil 2) Let the students master the sentences: What kind of kind of dumplings do you want? I want meat dumplings, please. How long will it take to boil the dumplings? It will take about 10 minutes to boil the dumplings. 3 3、情感目标、情感目标 教育学生热爱生活,帮父母干活。 教学重点:教学重点: dumplings kind of meat boil What kind of dumplings do you want? I want meat dumplings, please. How long will it take to boil the dumplings? It will take about 10 minutes to boil the dumplings. 教学难点:教学难点: How long will it take to boil the dumplings? It will take about 10 minutes to boil the dumplings. 教学准备和教具使用:教学准备和教具使用: 畅言智能语音教具系统 多媒体 导学案 教学课件和技术运用:教学课件和技术运用: 运用多媒体教学,针对本节课内容,运用多媒体软件和智能语音教具 系统,使学生对英语更有兴趣,对所有知识印象更深刻,引起学生注意力, 突破重、难点,完善教学。 教学过程:教学过程: Step1.ClassStep1.Class beginningbeginning andand review:review: 1. Greeting: Ask the students: How are you today? What day is it today? What do you eat on Spring Festival? (设计意图:师生间相互问候交流,沟通彼此间良好的情感及建立融洽的 课堂教学氛围) 2. Review and sing: Ask: What do you eat on Spring Festival? Do you like dumplings? Lets sing. Lets make meat dumplings. Meat dumplings, meat dumplings. Thats very fun. Lets boil dumplings. Boil dumplings, boil dumplings. About ten minutes. Lets eat dumplings. Eat dumplings, eat dumplings. How delicious! (设计意图:通过 chant 来热身。 ) Steo2.Steo2. NewNew concepts:concepts: 1. Show my favorite dumplings.(通过真实的贴近学生生活的例子来吸 引学生学习的欲望。 ) 2. Show some pictures and let the students watch more kinds of dumplings. (设计意图:出示多种饺馅和各种饺子图片,为新授内容和扩展教学做好 铺垫工作。 ) 3. Three steps. . Make dumplings. . Boil dumplings. . Eat dumplings. (设计意图:把教学设计分成包饺子、煮饺子和吃饺子三个步骤,激发学 生的求知欲。 ) . Make dumplings. 1). Learn: meat filling vegetable filling meat dumplings vegetable dumplings (在学习这两个短语后把学生分 成 meat dumplings 和 vegetable dumplings 两组,进行比赛,以培养 他们的竞争意思,激发他们学习的积极性。 ) What kind of dumplings do you want? I want meat dumplings. (应用教师提问全体学生各自回答自己答案的形式对此句型进行练习, 给每个学生都能参与并表现的机会,尤其是个别平时不爱表现不举手回 答问题的学生。 ) 2). Play a game: Choose the different dumplings then ask and answer. (选择不同的 饺子有不同程度的对话问答,用来让学生挑战。 ) . Boil dumplings. 1). Learn boil and How long will it take to boil the dumplings? It will take about 10 minutes to boil the dumplings.(应用传十 法的形式对此句型进行练习,给每个学生都能参与并表现的机会,面对 全体学生,力争让每个学生都动起来。 ) 2). Play a game: Choose the different dumplings then ask and answer. (选择不同的 饺子有不同程度的对话问答,培养学生敢于挑战难题的意识。 ) . Eat dumplings. Listen to the tape and answer the questions: 1). What kind of dumplings does Qiaoqiao want? 2). How long will it take to boil the dumplings? 3). Read this dialog then make dialogues and act out. Ask the students to read the dialog. (设计意图:辅以朗读技巧的讲解,如语调、语音、意群等,分层次进入 操练过程。采用朗读、自读、齐读、等方式。在阅读过程中,培养学生通 过上下文猜测生词意义的能力,帮助学生克服在阅读时低声读、指读、身 体摆动等不良阅读习惯,从而逐步提高阅读效果。) Ask the volunteers to act out the talent show and encourage them to do the actions. (设计意图:让学生以小组形式进行活动,教师适时指导,集中汇演,并 适当给学生以鼓励,让学生在轻松和谐的学习环境中,通过感知、体验、 实践、参与、合作等方式进行学习,使英语学习成为一种愉悦的体验和感 受,以提高学生的听说能力和交际能力。 ) 4. Read the passage “How to make dumplings?” Listen and answer the questions(设计意图:通过任务型练习活动, 来提高学生的阅读能力。 ) 1.)If we want to eat dumplings for dinner, what can we do first? 2.)How long can we boil the dumplings? 5. Do the exercises. Choose the different dumplings then finish it. (选择不同的饺子有不同的习题,培养学生敢于挑战难题的意识。 ) Step3.Step3. ClassClass closing:closing: Homework: . Recite the dialogues. . Try to write how to make dumplings.(设计意图:作业体现了英 语学习的策略,听说读写坚固,让不同程度的学生选择不同程度的作业, 让他们从心里重视和喜欢英语, 同时又明确了学习目标,复习巩固所学内 容。 ) 板书设计:板书设计: Unit5Unit5 LetsLets EatEat DumplingsDumplings What kind of dumplings do you want? Meat dumplings, please. How long will it take to boil the dumplings? A bout 10 minutes 教学反思:教学反思: 本节课由唱歌及介绍喜欢吃的饺子导入,精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到 难, 循序渐进地深化教学内容,特别是在分角色的操练中展开以教师为主 导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。学生在本堂课中始终能积极地参与活 动,积极发言,积极动脑课堂气氛活跃,学生学得容易,学得扎实,学得开心, 老师教得轻松。针对本课有关饺子内容,我采用灵活多样的教学法,激发 学生的学习兴趣,充分调动他们学习的积极性。 当然在本堂课中也存在着许多不足:比如在学生分组练习时,能在全 班学生面前表演的也只能是个别小组。所以在以后的教学中,在面向全体 的同时更多地关注后进生,使平时学习有困难的学生能够基本掌握新内容。 还有就是对于学生的评价应该多想一些确实能激励学生的方式。通过这节 公开课,无论是我的教学理念还是我的教学方法都有了很大的收获与提高。 同时通过反思,能够更准确、更清楚地认识到课堂中的不足,以便在今后 的课堂教学中加以弥补和改正。希望各位领导和老师多多指点。 Unit5Unit5 LetsLets EatEat DumplingsDumplings EEC 英语六年级下册英语六年级下册( (第一课时第一课时) ) 教学设计教学设计 燕兴学校燕兴学校 忻世国忻世国
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