教科版四下-Module 6 Celebrations-Unit 12 Christmas is coming-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:80b61).zip


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广州大学附属小学广州大学附属小学 -廖定玲廖定玲 内容选自教科版英语四年级下册第六模块内容选自教科版英语四年级下册第六模块 Christmas Spring Festival Moon Festival National Day Chongyang Festival Mothers Day Fathers Day Christmas Teachers Day Halloween The Dragon Boat Festival Childrens Day November February April August June January March May July September October December LetsLets sing.sing. What do you know about Christmas? What do you want to know about Christmas? putput a a ChristmasChristmas treetree ListenListen wellwell(认真听)(认真听) SpeakSpeak bravelybravely(大胆说(大胆说 ) ThinkThink carefullycarefully(认真思考(认真思考 ) CooperateCooperate positivelypositively (积极合作)(积极合作) AssessmentAssessment(评价)(评价) givegive presentspresents dodo a a lotlot ofof shoppingshopping FatherFather ChristmasChristmas willwill comecome andand givegive presentspresents atat night.night. leaveleave thethe presentspresents inin thethe ChristmasChristmas stockingsstockings AliciaAlicia Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Read and tick or cross 1、Christmas is on December 24th.( ) 3、People grow Christmas trees at Christmas. ( ) 4、People dont go to work at Christmas.( ) 2、Christmas is an important holiday for many people. ( ) 5、Father Christmas gives Christmas stockings to children.( ) Tip: Find out and underline the corresponding sentences . (找出对应句并划线) Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Christmas Eve is on December 24th. Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. Lets Read . MindMind mapmap ofof FestivalsFestivals eat how others FestivalFestival s s what say wear do when Lets debate(辩论)辩论) Can we celebrate Christmas? Why or why not? Read one of the five passages silent by yourself.(自己默读)自己默读) LetsLets talk.talk. 1.When is.? It is on. 2.What do people do on.? They usually. 3.What do you like doing for.? They eaton. 4.What do people say/eat/wear on.? They say. 5.How do people feel? They feel/are. . LetsLets share.share. .is on. On this festival, people usually. I like. We. Dear_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, _ LetsLets write.write. HomeworkHomework 1.Write an email about your favorite Chinese festival and send it to me. (选自己最喜欢的一个中国节日写一封邮件,发给我。) 2. Read aloud the passages you get today. Thank you! 1 教科版四年级下册 Module 6 Celebrations 综合拓展课学案 一、一、Read and tick or cross. (读邮件,判断正误读邮件,判断正误) Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe(相信) Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia ( ) (1) Christmas is on December 24th. ( ) (2) Christmas is an important holiday for many people. ( ) (3) People grow Christmas trees at Christmas. ( ) (4) People dont go to work at Christmas. ( ) (5) Father Christmas gives Christmas stockings to children. 2 二、二、Read one of the five passages silent by yourself. (自己默读一篇中国节日的文章,标出你不懂得地方。 ) 三、三、Talk with your expert group members , solve the problem you have. (到专家组解决你对文章不懂得地方,选下面 2-3 个句子和专 家组内成员谈谈你读的节日) 1.When is.(节日)? It is on.(日期) 2.What do people do on.(节日)? They usually.(做的活动) 3.What do you like doing for.(节日)? They eaton. 4.What do people say/eat/wear on.? They say. 5.How do people feel? They are. 四、四、 Share your festival in your general group.(回到自然组介绍你 刚才读的节日,可参考以下句子,也可以围绕我们归纳的思维导图。) .is on. On this day, people usually . I like. We. 3 五、五、Write an email to introduce a Chinese Festival. (选自己最喜欢的一个中国节日写一封邮件给廖老师在美国的好朋友 Alicia )。 Dear_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours, _ Dear Dingling, Christmas is coming, Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, your family and your students. Christmas Day is on December 25th. It is an important holiday for people in many countries. On this festival, people usually put a Christmas tree in their home. They do a lot of shopping and give presents to their family and friends. People have a long holiday at Christmas. Children do not go to school. They are always very happy at Christmas. They believe Father Christmas will come and give them presents at night. He leaves the presents in their Christmas stockings. What about your festivals in China? I like Chinese festivals very much. Please tell me some Chinese festivals. Yours, Alicia 1 教科版四年级下册教科版四年级下册 Module 6 Celebrations 综合拓展课教学设计综合拓展课教学设计 教学内容分析:教学内容分析:本节课为教科版英语四年级下册第六模块综合拓展课,教学内容是基于 教材第 71 页描写圣诞节的短文改成的教师的美国好朋友 Alicia 发来的关于圣诞节的一封电子 邮件。圣诞节是西方重要的节日,学生了解这个节日对英语学习以及英语文化的了解占有重 要的地位。本节课还将中国四个传统节日春节、中秋节、端午节、重阳节、和国庆节作为学 生补充阅读材料,让学生通过拼图阅读方式自主阅读、同伴分享、然后以邮件方式向西方朋 友介绍一个自己最喜欢的中国节日。学生对这些节日比较感兴趣,在阅读、讨论、辩论、分 享的学习过程中能感受到英语学习的乐趣和作用,体会到西方有西方重要的节日,我们中国 人也有自己重要的有趣的节日,从小树立民族文化自信。学生通过阅读关于圣诞节的电子邮 件,以及回邮件向西方朋友介绍中国节日的过程,切身体验到我们不仅要了解西方的节日, 同时也要让西方也了解我们的节日,大家相互交流、相互理解,从而形成对中西方文化理解 和辨析的跨文化意识。 学情分析:学情分析:学生在本模块中已经掌握了月份、日期、部分节日名称以及节日活动的英语 表达法,但是他们描述节日的综合语用能力,还需通过教学活动加以内化、巩固、输出。四 年级的学生具备了一定的拼读意识,对于学习过程中碰到的新词会尝试用自然拼读法读出其 语音、借助图画字典了解词意,具有初步的阅读能力。本班学生对小组合作的方式比较熟悉, 对于拼图阅读方式也有多次的训练,对自己组内同学的特点比较了解,同学之间彼此有一定 的默契性。四年级的学生对节日比较感兴趣,对各种事物也有较强烈的好奇心,他们学习的 内部动机正在逐步形成,但也需要外部动机的刺激,以确保各种学习活动顺利有效地开展。 教学目标:教学目标: 语言能力:语言能力: 1. 阅读文本,理解本节课内容中涉及的六个节日所在的日期以及人们怎样庆祝这些节日 的。 2. 能运用所学英语描述圣诞节;综合运用所学英语就自己喜欢的一个中国节日与同伴分 享介绍和并能用简单语篇输出。 3. 感受体验英语邮件的写法。 学习能力:学习能力: 1.养成持续默读和自主阅读的好习惯。 2.在阅读活动中,能从文本中寻找对应句,分析对应句然后解决相应问题。 2 3.能运用自然拼读法、借助图画词典、联系上下文等进行较流畅的阅读。 4.在拼读阅读过程中能和同学友好合作,解决自己碰到的问题,然后进行分享。 5.运用思维导图和关键词语进行英语口头和书面表达。 文化意识:文化意识: 1.了解西方圣诞节和中国重要节日文化的基本信息。 2.通过邮件的方式感受中西方文化交流方式,树立中华文化自信。 3.在辩论的过程中形成对西方文化的正确态度和理解。 思维品质:思维品质: 1. 在阅读辩论的过程中,勇于发表自己的观点和理由,体会可以有不同的观点但要有据 可依。 2. 在阅读活动的过程中,能理解、分析、对比并进行归纳。 教学重点:教学重点:学生理解文本信息,并能根据文本信息进行思考,表达自己对节日的看法。 教学难点:教学难点:学生按照节日的思维导图,通过拼读阅读的小组合作方式,能口头并书面介 绍一个中国节日。 主要教学方法:主要教学方法:任务型教学法、 jigsaw 小组合作阅读教学法、IIO(输入-内化-输出)教学法、 多媒体教学法等。 教学准备:教学准备:多媒体课件、阅读资料、心愿卡(用于教学评价) ,研学案、西沃授课助手, 教学步骤:教学步骤: 一、一、Warming up 1. Greeting 2. Review the vocabularies about festivals and months. 3. Sing Merry Christmas. (设计意图:复习关于节日、月份词汇,激活学生对于节日的已有知识构式,为学生后续 表达的流畅性做好铺垫,同时促进英语语感的形成。歌曲能减轻学生的紧张情绪,活跃课堂 气氛,创设 Christmas 节日氛围,让学生快速从下课的状态过渡到英语学习的状态。 ) 二、二、Pre-reading 1. Lead in:What festival is the song about? Christmas. (板书 Christmas) 2. Talk about Christmas. 3 1)What do you know about Christmas? Farther Christmas, Put a Christmas tree, do a lot of shopping, give presents.(根据学生 的回答,通过 PPT 和板书呈现阅读文本中出现的重要词汇) (设计意图:提出开放性的问题,引导学生积极思考,自由表达,激活学生对 Christmas 已有的知识和语言表达,同时教师根据学生的回答,顺势导出后续文本中将出现的重要词汇, 然后进行适当练习,以学生带动学生,学生为主导,教师辅助学习,调动学生学习的热情, 为文本阅读做好知识和语言储备。 ) 2) Present the assessments: listen well, speak bravely, think carefully, cooperate positively. (设计意图:巧妙根据学生的回答 Christmas tree,运用板书和 PPT 出示本节课的过程性 评价指标,心愿卡在圣诞树上,符合圣诞节的整体布局,同时运用一定的外部刺激课中或课 后获得心愿卡来鼓励学生根据评价标准指导自己的上课行为,增加了后续学习活动学习动力。 ) 3) What do you want to know about Christmas? (设计意图:引导学生提问,培养学生用英语提问和思考的能力,促进学生英语思维的形 成。 ) 三、三、While-reading 1. Show Alicia, an American friend, who wrote the email about Christmas. (设计意图:展示教师的美国好朋友 Alicia 的真实照片,引出邮件,将整个文本设在一个 真实的语境中。 ) 2. Listen to the whole email. This is an email about Christmas from Alicia to Dingling. (设计意图:学生听看 PPT 上的邮件,整体感知邮件,形成文本概念、全文阅读。感知英 语邮件的基本格式,整体了解 Christmas。 ) 3. Skim and answer the question: When is Christmas? It is on December 25th. (关注 25th 的读法以及强调 on ) (设计意图:学生快速阅读,找出关键句,提取关键信息。 ) 4. Students read the email by themselves silently and judge 5 statements, tick or cross. 1) Show the 5 statements. 2) Give a tip: find out and underline the corresponding sentences in the e-mail. 4 (设计意图:给学生足够时间持续默读文本,判断正误,从文中找出对应句,提取关键信 息、细节信息,并对文本中部分语言进行推理判断。 ) 5. Students Report and teacher explain. 1) Students check the answers with their group members. 2) Report and talk (1) Christmas is on December 24th. 引申:Christmas Day and Christmas Eve T: When is Christmas Day? When is Christmas Eve? Christmas Eve is the evening or entire day before Christmas Day. Christmas Day is on December 25th. Christmas Eve is on December 24th. (板书“December 25th” ) (2) Christmas is an important holiday for many people. Explain:a, an 用法以及长句的读法。 T: Christmas is an important holiday for people in many countries. Here we use “an”, Why? If I say Christmas is _holiday for many people in many countries. What should we use, “a” or “an”? Lets read the sentence: It is an important holiday for people in many countries. We pause after holiday and people. We read like this: It is an important holiday/ for people/ in many countries. (3) People grow Christmas trees at Christmas. Explain: put, grow T: Do people grow Christmas tree at Christmas? Do they dig a hole; put the small tree in the hole, and then water the tree, look after the tree at Christmas? Ss: T: No, they just put the Christmas tree in their home. (4) People dont go to work at Christmas. T: Why is it wrong? From which sentence you know it? Ss: T: People have a long holiday at Christmas. Have a holiday means people dont go to work, students dont go to school. How do people feel at Christmas? (板书“have a long holiday” ) (5) Father Christmas gives Christmas stockings to children. Explain:Why is it wrong? T: Father Christmas leaves the presents in the Christmas stockings. He put the presents in the 5 stocking. 6. Read the passage aloud and understand the passage in a deeper way. (设计意图:一起探讨文本中蕴藏的英语语言、文化知识,进行朗读训练。小学生阅读习 惯的养成、阅读素养的提高,需要教师在课堂中进行引导和训练,让学生大声朗读是后续流 利阅读的重要保证。 ) 四、四、Post-reading 1. Retell the email . (1) Retell together with the teacher s help. Christmas is on. It is an. People put. They do. and give. People have. Children . They are always. Father Christmas give. He leave th
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