教科版四下-Module 5 Sports-Unit 9 It looks fun-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:11fa2).zip


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教科教科20112011版英语四年级下册版英语四年级下册 眼疾嘴快:以最快的速度眼疾嘴快:以最快的速度阅 出掉下来的出掉下来的阅阅阅阅。 。 do my homeworkhave breakfast go running watch TV go to bed play tennis sing a song have lunch make a model ship go swimming read books play computer games play games go back home paint a picture take a bath get up go to school grow flowers have dinner take exercise cook meals LetsLets reviewreview WhatWhat areare youyou doing?doing? WeWe areare havinghaving class.class. LetsLets reviewreview WhatWhat isis hehe doing?doing? HeHe isis takingtaking exercise.exercise. LetsLets reviewreview WhatWhat isis sheshe doing?doing? SheShe isis dancingdancing . . LetsLets guessguess andand learnlearn WhatWhat areare theythey doing?doing? TheyThey areare rurunnnninging . . LetsLets guessguess andand learnlearn WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doingdoing inin thethe playground?playground? LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare . .skatingskating . . Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . skate atea_ekateskate LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare . .skatingskating . . Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand trytry itit withwith themthem . . LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare . .playingplaying chesschess Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . chess dressesschess Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand trytry itit withwith themthem . . LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare . .playingplaying tennistennis play tennis i isnistentennis Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand trytry itit withwith themthem . . LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare playingplaying . .tabletable tennistennis play table tennis tennistable Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand . .trytry itit withwith themthem LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare . .playingplaying footballfootball play football ballfootfootball Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand . .trytry itit withwith themthem LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat areare thethe childrenchildren doing?doing? I I thinkthink theythey areare . .playingplaying basketballbasketball play basketball ballbasket basketball Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand . .trytry itit withwith themthem LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat isis thethe childchild doing?doing? I I thinkthink hishis isis . . doingdoing thethe longlong jumpjump the long jump u umpjump Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand . . LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat isis thethe childchild doing?doing? I I thinkthink hishis isis . . doingdoing thethe highhigh jumpjump the high jump rightightighhigh Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand . . LetsLets guessguess andand talktalk WhatWhat isis thethe childchild doing?doing? I I thinkthink sheshe isis . . doingdoing kungkung fufu do kung fu u ung kung fu Wow,Wow, itit looklooks s funfun . . I I wantwant toto gogo andand . . play chess skate play tennis play football play table tennis do the high jump do the long jump play basketball do kung fu 2. What are the children doing? 1. Where are the children? They are in the playground. They are playing sports. 1. What sports are the children playing in the playground? 2. What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? 1. What are the children doing in the playground? Some of the children are _ _ and _. playing basketball football Some of them are _ _. doing kung fu 2. What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? They are _.skating 听完后在题 片提示 下题 答题题 ,学生能 力强的可以去掉题 片 ,题 听后回答。 1. What are the children doing in the playground? Some of the children are _ _ and _. playing basketball football Some of them are _ _.doing kung fu 2. What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? They are _.skating Some of the children are _. skating playing table tennis Some of them are _ _ _. Some of them are _ _.doing kung fu 关注Some of 表达 的运用。 多形式题题 文,帮 助学生题题题题。 1 2 模仿下列句子模仿下列句子阅 句子:句子: 教室里教室里,有些孩子有些孩子阅 在在阅阅 ,他,他阅 有些在下棋。有些在下棋。 I _ 1、 、Some of the children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kung fu. In the classroom, _ 2、 、I want to go and try it with them. 我想去和他我想去和他阅 一起玩游一起玩游阅 请根据课文词条改编对话。 Lets make a new dialogue. 1 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1、 Language knowledge 语言知识: 1) 能够听说认读单词: 动词+ing 的动词词组( 运动名称)playing basketball/football playing table tennis playing tennis playing chess doing the kung fu doing the long jump doing the high jump skating; 2)能熟练运用句子:能用 Whatdoing?询问某人正在做什么?I am V.ing. He/She is V.ing. They are + V.ing. Some of children are V.ing. Some of them/us are +v.ing 2、Language skill 语言技能: 1)能够听说认读单词: 动词+ing 的动词词组( 运动名称) 2)能用 Whatdoing?询问某人正在做什么? 3)能理解熟读并背诵课文。 3、Affect 情感态度: 在日常生活中做到劳逸结合,合理分配学习时间及休息时间的活动。 4、Learning Strategies 学习策略: 1)将语言知识尽可能运用于真实情景当中。主动练习所学的内容,积极参与实践,能大胆地用英语思考和回答问题。 5、运动时注意安全,在日常生活中做到劳逸结合,合理分配学习时间及休息时间的活动。 Language focused and difficult point 教学重、难点:教学重、难点: 重点:1、能听、说、读、写本课的单词和词组 2、能理解并熟练背诵课文。 难点:句型的运用。 Teaching Aids Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 自制课件,相关的图片 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 2 Warm-up Activity 1: Lets play 出示动词词组复习动词词组。 Activity 1: 读出词词组复习动词词组。 Activity 1: 利用游戏复习动词词组为学 习运动类的词组做铺垫。 Revision Activity 2: Lets review 逐步在课件上呈现出不同对象活动的动图,引 导学生提问和回答。在逐步提问和回答的过程中复 习上一课时学过的现在进行时的动词变化规则和相 关句型并操练句型 Whatdoing? I am V.ing. He/She is V.ing. They are + V.ing. Activity 2: 看老师的图片提问并回答 Whatdoing? I am V.ing. He/She is V.ing. They are + V.ing. Whats in the bedroom?复习操练已学 的句型。 Activity 2: 复习上一课时学过的现在进 行时的动词变化规则和相关 句型并操练句型。 Activity3: Lets guess and learn 出示另一张操场的图片,询问学生本课句型 What are the children doing?引入本课主题 spotrts 。接着 出现遮蔽后的有关运动的动图引导学生用 What are the children doing?和 I think they are提问和猜测。 逐步教授新的动词短语同时操练新句型。 Activity 3: 用 What are the children doing?和 I think they are提问和猜测。逐步学习新的动词短语 同时操练新句型,感知并运用新句型 Wow, it looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. Activity 3: 利用新图片引导学生逐步学 习新的动词短语同时操练新 句型,感知并运用新句型。 Presentation & practice Activity 4:Lets play and practice 出示所有动词词组图片,让学生练习并记忆,再依 次消失,让学生根据记忆猜测消失的图片与词组。 利用游戏巩固词组。 Activity 4: 根据记忆猜测消失的图片与词组。复习巩固 词组。 Activity 4: 利用游戏巩固词组。 3 Activity 5: Look and answer 出示课文图片,提问:Where are the children? What are the children doing? Activity 6: Look, listen and answer. 播放课文录音,让学生带着问题听课文并回答问题: 1. What sports are the children playing in the playground? 2. What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? Activity 7: Lets check. 出示答案,进一步讲解课文。 Activity 5: 观察图片回答问题 Activity 6: 带着问题听课文并回答问题。 Activity 7: Lets check. 进一步理解课文。 Activity 5: 通过对课文图片的观察和回 答问题让学生进入课文情境。 Activity 6: 让学生带着问题听课文并回 答问题,初步感知课文 Activity 7: Lets check. 通过对答案的讲解让学生进 一步理解熟悉课文。 consolidation Activity 8: Lets read together. 1.跟录音读对话。 2.分角色读 Activity 9: Lets try. 课文挖空,引导学生背诵课文。 Activity 10:Lets make a new dialogue 根据课文词条改编对话 Activity 8: Lets read together. 1.跟录音读对话。 2.分角色读 Activity 9: Lets try. 根据课文挖空,背诵课文。 Activity 10:Lets make a new dialogue 根据课文词条改编对话 Activity 8: Lets read together. 熟读课文。 Activity 9: Lets try. 课文挖空,引导学生背诵课 文。 Activity 10:Lets make a new dialogue 根据课文词条改编对话巩固 课文。 Sum- up Activity 11: Sum-up 引导学生总结本课所学。引导学生总结本课所学。 4 HomeworkRead and copy the new words Designing on the board 板书板书 新单词 What are the children doing? 动词词组 I think they are Wow, it looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. Some of children are V.ing. Some of them/us are +v.ing 反思反思谈论关于运动的话题,有有趣的动图辅助,贴近生活,孩子们都很兴奋,大大激发他们开口说话的热情。 屏幕,展示 CAI 课件。 Unit1 Whats in your room? 评比栏
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