教科版四下-Module 5 Sports-Unit 9 It looks fun-Let's talk-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:c1606).zip
一、指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想与理论依据 新英语课程标准中要求“外语教育要注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性, 主张学生在语境中、情境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言”。 英语课程提倡尽可能的多为学生创造真实语言情境,在情境中体验,实践参与、合作等方 式发现语言的规律,逐步掌握语言知识技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略, 发展学习能力。 本节课遵循情景教学法、合作学习法和寓教于乐的教学理念及策略。整节课以 Sport Open Day 作为主线,由此创设真实有趣的情景让学生实现知识的输入和内化。学生在真实 的情景中学习新词汇和句型以及运用动作理解词义。让学生在真实的语境中通过大量的听 说读、游戏活动、对话练习等进行语言内化和语言输出,实现运用语言做事情的目的。 龚亚夫教授指出,英语教学以语言运用能力作为核心目标,其实远远不够,英语教育 是要改变学生的心智和生活,就要从培养“全人”的方面来考量。也就是不但要关注语言 学习,更要关注学生核心素养的养成。学生的核心素养包括学生的学习和创新技能,信息、 媒介与技术技能,生活与职业技能;另外,批判性思维能力、解决复杂问题的能力、创造 性的思考能力等等。在本节课中教师本着“创设情境学,真实情境用”理念,不仅提高了 学生语言的综合运用能力,而且在活动中关注了学生的核心素养的提高。在教学过程中教 师注重提问,不断启发学生思考评价,培养学生的思维能力,让孩子在思考和模仿中不断加 深新知理解,并在乐趣中综合运用新旧知。 二二、教学内容分析教学内容分析 四年级下册 Module 5 的主题是 Sports, 这个话题与学生的实际生活紧密联系,学生较 为感兴趣。Sports 此话题对于学生并不陌生,在二年级上册 Unit 1What can you do ?和 Unit 5 I can skating 中,学生已经初步感知了与本模块相关的运动类词汇, 为本模块做了很好的铺 垫。关于现在进行时的单数也在本册 Unit 8 What are you doing?中学过。因此本节课基于学 生已有的先知,旨在促使学生学会区分现在进行时的单复数用法。 三、三、学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生, 好奇心较强,喜欢互动和小组合作,表达欲望强烈,对学习有着浓厚的兴 趣。经过三年多的英语学习,他们习得了一定的语言知识与技能。但该阶段的学生注意力稳 定,不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物。思维方式以直观思维为主, 他们能运用逻辑思维 解决具体问题,但必须依赖直观形象和实物的支持。所以教师需要通过图片、视频、游戏、 情境设置等方法吸引学生的注意并帮助其更好地理解和运用目标语言。 四四、教学目标教学目标 1、语言知识 (1)能听说读关于以下的单词和词组: play basketball/football/ table tennis/ tennis/ chess; do kung fu/the long jump/ high jump; skate;think; try。 (2)理解并初步运用以下句型: What are they doing? I think they are ing; Some of the are ing, Some of them are ing; It looks fun; I want to try it with them. 2、语言技能: (1)能听、说,并在情景中运用运动类动词词组。 (2)能听、说,并在情景中运用现在进行时第三人称复数的问答句。 (3)能理解对话内容,流利朗读对话。 3、情感态度: 通过学习,让学生学习坚持不懈,敢于挑战自己的体育精神。培养学生积极主动地 参与语言实践活动,善于和别人合作交流,让学生在学习知识的过程中,掌握学习 知识的技能,活动中树立学习英语的信心,获取一种成功的体验,从而激发学生对 英语学习的兴趣。 4、学习策略: (1) 通过图片自然拼读教学方法TPR 操练、游戏记忆单词。 (2) 通过课堂发言、小组合作等方式巩固和运用英语,提高综合运用语言的能 力。 五五、教学重难点教学重难点 1、教学重点: (1)运动类动词词组; (2)现在进行时第三人称复数的问答句; (3)对话的理解和正确朗读。 2、教学难点: 句型 Some of theare . / Some of them are;It looks fun.;I want to go and try it with them. 的正确使用。 六六、教学策略教学策略 本节课遵循情景教学法、合作学习法和寓教于乐的教学理念及策略。整节课以 Sport Open Day 作为主线,由此创设真实有趣的情景让学生实现知识的输入和内化。教师利用游 戏、TPR 等方法,既帮助学生学习又增强了课堂趣味,让学生在快乐的环境中学习。总体 而言,本课遵循孩子学习规律,从点到面,从易到难,让孩子在思考和模仿中不断加深新 知理解,并在乐趣中综合运用新旧知。 七七、评价方式评价方式 尊重学生个体差异,采用多样化的评价方式,注重评价学生的学习过程和 态度。在课堂教学中教师建立了一套完整的评价机制。对学生各个方面的表现 适时做出正确全面的评价,运用激励性语言以及各种奖励形式,促进学生与学 生之间、小组与小组之间的良性竞争,从而调动学生的学习积极性,创设一个 在乐中学、学中乐的轻松愉悦的课堂氛围。本节课用到的评价方式有:师评、师评、 他评、自评他评、自评 八八、教学用具教学用具 PPT 课件、视频、Flash 动画、音频、图片、运动器材 九九、教学流程教学流程 (一)Warm up 1.Sing a sports song. 2.Brainstorming: What sports do you know? 【设计意图:通过节奏轻快并配有动作的运动歌曲热身,并利用 Free talk 激发学生关于运 动已有的知识储存】 (二) Presentation and practice 创设新华小学“Sports open day”的情境,与学生一起参观新华小学的体育场所以及观看 他们的体育活动。情境由体育馆和操场两个场景串起来,在参观体育馆的情景中学习新词 及短语,在操场情景里上对新学的单词短语结合现在进行时的复数进行运用。 【设计意图:设置情境,使整节课内容整体呈现,帮助学生更好地理解单词和句子。】 1.参观体育馆,在参观的过程中学习体育项目的英语表达: foot ball ;basketball;tennis ;table tennis;chess;the long jump;the high jump;kung fu。教授过程中出示体育器材实物,让学生在学的过程中,摸一摸用一用。同时利用以旧 引新、自然拼读等方法帮助学生记忆单词。 【设计意图:在体育馆的情景里自然呈现新单词。过程中实物呈现加强学生的学习兴趣让 学生有更深刻的学习体验,利用多种方法帮助学生记忆单词。】 2.呈现单词的过程中,一开始以问答句-Whats the/children doing? - -She/He is .ing 引出。慢 慢过渡到该句型的复数-What are they doing? - -They are. .ing 的呈现。 【设计意图:以旧引新,由已学的现在进行时单数引出其复数表达,并让学生在单词的学 习过程性巩固和运用该句型】 3.在学生使用体育器材的过程中,顺势引出句子 It looks fun. I want to go and try it with.全 班操练后,鼓励学生活学活用。谁想上台试一下就大声用刚学的句子表达自己的意愿。 【设计意图:使在真实的情景中理解句子并活学活用。】 4. play a game: right or wrong 【设计意图:及时巩固运动类短语,并进一步强调不用活动用不同的动词。】 5. 参观完体育馆后来到操场,在到操场前,引导学生用 I think they are.猜测操场上的孩子 在干什么。 【设计意图:使在真实的情景中引出新句型 I think they are.,帮助学生理解句型的意思】 6. 呈现操场的学生做各种运动的图片,引导学生用 Some of the children are.,some of them are.来表达不同的学生在做不同的事。 【设计意图:利用情景引出新句型,并在场景中活学活用】 7.进入课文学习。 顺着情境,呈现课文的主人公。Mr Chen is visiting the school, too. He is talking with Ms White happily. What are they talking? Lets go and have a look. 1)观看录像,并在 worksheet 的表格上用 勾出孩子们在两个地方上分别做的体育活动。 2)根据课文内容做判断。 3)跟读课文 4)分角色读课文 5)根据提示背诵课文 6)学生上台表演课文 【设计意图:利用各种活动帮助学生理解课文并流利朗读课文】 (三) Sum up 【设计意图:引导学生回忆本节课所学内容,让学生心中有数】 (四) Homework 1)微信读 U9 课文 2.完成活动手册 U9 词句 3.做运动词汇思维导图(选做) 【设计意图:设置有梯度的作业和选做作业,让不同层次学生有效巩固本节课所学的内容。 】 十十、板书设计板书设计 十一、教学特色与反思十一、教学特色与反思 1.设计思路 根据义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)中的兴趣性原则、活动性原则和 生活性原则,我在实施教学过程中充分体现学生是学习的主体,调动学生的积 极性。该课的主题是运动,十分贴近学生的实际生活。因此采用创设情境的教 学方法,创设新华小学 Sports Open Day 的情境,在参观新华小学体育馆和操 场过程学习关于运动的单词和句子,并在情境中操练,活学活用,调动学生的 参与课堂的积极性。呈现运动单词短语时,我采用 TPR 和直观教学法,直接拿 出相应的运动器材或作出动作引出对应的单词。为丰富呈现形式,在呈现的过 程中,我设计了 Guessing game, Sharp eyes 等游戏,让学生参与其中。同时, 单词和短语学习的过程中滚动学习句型-Whats he/she doing?-He/She is .ing. -What are they doing? -They are .ing. 整个单词的 学习是在真实情景交际中完成的,也未违背全语言教学原则(全语言主张语言 是整体的,由语意、语形、语用组成,不可分割。)。 整节课的教学设计让学生由单一的反应到开口说,再到动脑猜,最后使用完整 的语言进行交际,活动层层递进,每一个环节的设计都是为下一步教学做铺垫, 有意识地开发学生的多元智能。教学教学过程中我倡导学生体验参与,让学生 在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与等方式,理解、吸收本课知识。 整节课课堂氛围活跃轻松,充满笑声。我认为我这节课的设计思路符合现在课 程改革的理念,能充分体现学生是学习的主体。教学情景化、真实化,环节安 排上逻辑化,教学内容的难易程度合理化。 2、课堂评价 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)指出:“小学阶段的英语教学评价应 充分考虑小学生的认知方式、认知水平和心理特点,以激发和保持小学生的英 语学习兴趣和自信心为主要目的,采用以形成性评价为主的评价方式和方法, 将评价有机渗透在日常教学活动中”同时也指出:“小学阶段也可以适度进行 终结性评价”。本节课我有意识地将过程性评价和终结性评价有效结合。整节 课密切关注学生在学习过程中所反映出来的情感态度,及时给予评价,不断鼓 励,使学生能不断地感受到语言学习的成功与满足。同时在课堂结束时,引入 竞争机制的统计,让学生可以很清楚地看到自己或本小组在本节课的表现以及 取得的成绩,从而扬长避短,找出下节课的目标,争取更大的进步。在课堂教 学中,我通过有声语言或肢体语言来完成评价,使学生能及时体验到学习成功 的喜悦。本节课的课堂评价以鼓励为主,即使学生回答有误,也让学生感受到 老师的关爱,从而激发其再次尝试的勇气和继续努力的信心。 3、教学资源的使用 充分利用现代教育技术来开发英语教学资源是拓宽学习渠道、改进学习方式、 提高学习效率。我基本能运用现代技术,充分利用视听手段,利用多媒体和教 学软件,激发学生学习兴趣,丰富教学内容,促进个性化学习。 4、不足之处: (1)今节课短语和句子的操练不够充分。单词和句子较多,应该设计不同的操 练方法,帮助学生扎实掌握。 (2)对于长难句的朗读指导不够。可以帮句子单独拿出来指导分析,利用 chant 和分组读等方法让学生上口。 执教者班级时间课题 评价项 目 分 值 评价指标 项目 得分 5 分 教师教态亲切大方,有感染力。 5 分 基本能用英语组织教学,语言得体流畅,语 音语调节奏自然。 教师素 质(15 分) 5 分 教学基本功扎实,教学技能娴熟,课堂调控 能力强。 12 分 目标明确具体,符合教学要求和学生实际。教学目 标(20 分) 8 分 注重综合语言运用能力和创新意识的培养, 激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。 5 分 设计思想能体现小学英语课程标准的基本理 念和要求,创造性地处理和使用教材。 5 分 课堂教学容量和难度适合学生水平。 教学内 容 (15) 5 分 注重语言运用,体现任务型语言教学思想。 8 分 在教学过程中,师生交流亲切自然,体现平 等、民主、和谐的学习气氛。 5 分 教学方法得当,活动形式多样有效,恰当运 用多种媒体进行教学。 5 分 课堂结构严谨,逻辑性强,过渡自然,注重 语言运用能力的培养。 5 分 突出学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用, 教与学活动比例合理。 4 分 学生兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,敢于开口,乐于 参与教学活动,并能用英语完成简单的任务。 教学过 程 (30) 4 分 作业适量,体现以生为本的教学理念 10 分 完成教学任务,达到预定教学目标。教学效 果 (20) 10 分 教学能兼顾各层次的学生。 简评 体育开放日体育开放日 visiting routine 参观路线参观路线 playgroundgym basket basketballbasketball -What is the boy doing in the gym? -He is playing basketball. play basketball -What is the boy doing in the gym? -He is playing football. foot footballfootballplay football -What is the girl doing? -She is playing tennis. play tennis -What are they doing? -They are playing table tennis. play table tennis table -What are they doing? -They are playing chess. essdrch -What are they doing? -They are doing kung fu. do kung fu -What are they doing? -They are doing the long jump. udo thempjlong -What are they doing? -They are doing high jump. do the high jump highrt -What are they doing? -They are skating. a eskt visiting routine 参观路线参观路线 playgroundgym What are the children doing in the playground? I think they are What are they doing? Some of the children are ing some of them are ing Some of the children are ing some of them are ing Some of the children are ing some of them are ing Some of the children are ing some of them are ing 观看课文录像,并用观看课文录像,并用 勾出孩子们在两个地方上分别做的体育活动。勾出孩子们在两个地方上分别做的体育活动。 sports Place(地方地方) playing basketball playing tennis playing football doing kungfu skatingrunning playground next to the swimming pool ( ) 1. The children are in the playground. ( ) 2. All the children are playing basketball and football. ( ) 3. Some children are skating next to the swimming pool. ( ) 4. The man in green does not want to skate. True or False Lets read Lets recite Act out 一人扮演一人扮演,一人扮演,一人扮演. 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 Lets read Act out 1.1.微信读微信读U9U9课文课文 2.2.完成活动手册完成活动手册U9U9词句词句 3.3.做做运动词汇运动词汇思维导图思维导图(选选 做做) Thank you! 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L What are the children doing in the playground? I think they are basket basketballbasketball -What is the boy doing in the gym? -He is playing basketball. -What is the boy doing? -He is playing football. foot footballfootball -What is the girl doing? -She is playing tennis. nistentennisis -What are they doing? -They are playing chess. essdrch -What are they doing? -They are skating. a eskt skating -What are they doing? -They are playing kung fu. u f ngk u -What are they doing? -They are doing long jump. udo thempjlong -What are they doing? -They are doing high jump. do the high jump high ighrt -What are they doing? -They are playing table tennis. table tennis table What did we learn in the lesson? 这节课我们都学了什么呢?这节课我们都学了什么呢? ?Words: 单词单词 ?Sentences: 句型句型 ? Lets repeat. What _ the children _ in the playground, Ms White? _ of the children are playing _ and _, some of _ are doing _. What _ the children _ next to the swimming pool? I _ they are _. It looks _, I want to go and _ it with them. are fun Somebasketball footballthem kung fu aredoing thinkskating doing try What are the children doing in the playground, Ms White? Some of children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kung fu Lets act What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? I think they are skating. It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. What are the children _ in the _, Miss White? doing playground Some of the children are _ _ and _ playing basketball Some of the children are _ _ and _ playing basketball football Some of _ are _ _.kungfu them doing What are the _ doing next to the _? children swimming pool I think they are _. skating It looks _. I want to go and _ it with them. fun try There are some children in the playground. Look, some of them are _ _ and _, some _ them are _ kung fu. But the children next to the swimming pool are _. It _ fun. I want to _ and _ it with them. playing basketball footballofdoing skatinglooks go try Unit 9 It looks fun Lets retell: 体育开放日体育开放日 What are the children doing? I think they are 第二课时 Look at the pictures and have a look what sports they are playing. _ingrunning _ingswimming _ingfishing _ingdancing _ingskating _ing a _ flying a kite _ing _ _ doing kung fu _ing the_ _ doing the high jump _ing the_ _ doing the long jump _ing _ playing chess _ing _ playing basketball _ing _ playing football _ing _ playing tennis _ing _ _ playing table tennis playing doing -ing ball games basketball tennis table tennis football kung fu swimming running skating Dialogue What are the children do in the playground, Ms White? Some of the children are play basketball and football, some of them is do kung fu. Dialogue What be the children do next to the swimming pool? I think they are skate. It looks bad. I want to go and try it with them. Module 5 Sports Unit 9 It looks fun What are the children doing? They are . Some of the children , some of them . It looks . Try it with them. try fun think football basketball skate- skating do kung fu A: What is he/she doing? B: I think he/she is doing . a et sk He is skating. It looks fun. A: What is he/she doing? B: I think he/she is doing . tennis She is playing tennis. It looks fun, too. A: What is he/she doing? B: I think he/she is doing . table tennis She is playing table tennis. It is interesting. basket ball They are playing basketball. They are having fun. foot ball They are playing football. They are having fun, too. What sports are they doing? Some of the children are _ _, some of them are _ _ . True or FalseTrue or False ( ) 1. The children are in the playground. ( ) 2. All the children are playing basketball and football. ( ) 3. Some children are skating next to the swimming pool. ( ) 4. The man in green does not want to skate. Today is Thursday. A _ comes to visit our school. Ms White is talking with him. We are doing _ in the _. Some of us are _ and _, some are_. My friends Janet and Lily are _ next to the swimming pool. We are having a good time. Its so fun! skating 1 X School What is he doing? I think he is doing the high jump. It looks fun. I think she is running. It looks interesting. What is she doing? What are they doing? They are playing volleyball. It looks fun. A: What are . doing? B: They are . . It looks . Pair work Now I see. some of the children are playing basketball, some of them are playing volleyball. Some of , some of . What do you think of playing basketball? I think it looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. What about you? I think it looks not fun. I dont want to go and try it with them. A: What do you think of.? B: I think it looks., so i want to go and try it with. /I think it looks., so i dont want to go and try it with. Pair work What are they doing? What are they doing? They are _. They are _. playing table tennis doing the high jump What are they doing? What are they doing? They are _. They are _. playing tennis doing the long jump What are they doing? What are they doing? They are _. They are _. doing kungfu playing volleyball What sports are talked about? ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) PlaceIn the playgroundNext to the swimming pool Activities( )( ) A. playing basketball B. doing kungfu C. skating D. playing football A, B, D C What are the children doing in the playground, Ms White? Some of the children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kungfu. What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? I think they are skating. It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. Aki: What are the children doing in the playground, Ms White? Ms White: Some of the children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kungfu. Aki: What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? Ms White: I think they are skating. Aki: It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. 3 Beicheng elementary School -What is the girl doing? -She is playing tennis. nistentennisis Role play
- 资源描述:
一、指导思想与理论依据一、指导思想与理论依据 新英语课程标准中要求“外语教育要注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性, 主张学生在语境中、情境中接触、体验和理解真实语言,并在此基础上学习和运用语言”。 英语课程提倡尽可能的多为学生创造真实语言情境,在情境中体验,实践参与、合作等方 式发现语言的规律,逐步掌握语言知识技能,不断调整情感态度,形成有效的学习策略, 发展学习能力。 本节课遵循情景教学法、合作学习法和寓教于乐的教学理念及策略。整节课以 Sport Open Day 作为主线,由此创设真实有趣的情景让学生实现知识的输入和内化。学生在真实 的情景中学习新词汇和句型以及运用动作理解词义。让学生在真实的语境中通过大量的听 说读、游戏活动、对话练习等进行语言内化和语言输出,实现运用语言做事情的目的。 龚亚夫教授指出,英语教学以语言运用能力作为核心目标,其实远远不够,英语教育 是要改变学生的心智和生活,就要从培养“全人”的方面来考量。也就是不但要关注语言 学习,更要关注学生核心素养的养成。学生的核心素养包括学生的学习和创新技能,信息、 媒介与技术技能,生活与职业技能;另外,批判性思维能力、解决复杂问题的能力、创造 性的思考能力等等。在本节课中教师本着“创设情境学,真实情境用”理念,不仅提高了 学生语言的综合运用能力,而且在活动中关注了学生的核心素养的提高。在教学过程中教 师注重提问,不断启发学生思考评价,培养学生的思维能力,让孩子在思考和模仿中不断加 深新知理解,并在乐趣中综合运用新旧知。 二二、教学内容分析教学内容分析 四年级下册 Module 5 的主题是 Sports, 这个话题与学生的实际生活紧密联系,学生较 为感兴趣。Sports 此话题对于学生并不陌生,在二年级上册 Unit 1What can you do ?和 Unit 5 I can skating 中,学生已经初步感知了与本模块相关的运动类词汇, 为本模块做了很好的铺 垫。关于现在进行时的单数也在本册 Unit 8 What are you doing?中学过。因此本节课基于学 生已有的先知,旨在促使学生学会区分现在进行时的单复数用法。 三、三、学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生, 好奇心较强,喜欢互动和小组合作,表达欲望强烈,对学习有着浓厚的兴 趣。经过三年多的英语学习,他们习得了一定的语言知识与技能。但该阶段的学生注意力稳 定,不持久,难于长时间地注意同一件事物。思维方式以直观思维为主, 他们能运用逻辑思维 解决具体问题,但必须依赖直观形象和实物的支持。所以教师需要通过图片、视频、游戏、 情境设置等方法吸引学生的注意并帮助其更好地理解和运用目标语言。 四四、教学目标教学目标 1、语言知识 (1)能听说读关于以下的单词和词组: play basketball/football/ table tennis/ tennis/ chess; do kung fu/the long jump/ high jump; skate;think; try。 (2)理解并初步运用以下句型: What are they doing? I think they are ing; Some of the are ing, Some of them are ing; It looks fun; I want to try it with them. 2、语言技能: (1)能听、说,并在情景中运用运动类动词词组。 (2)能听、说,并在情景中运用现在进行时第三人称复数的问答句。 (3)能理解对话内容,流利朗读对话。 3、情感态度: 通过学习,让学生学习坚持不懈,敢于挑战自己的体育精神。培养学生积极主动地 参与语言实践活动,善于和别人合作交流,让学生在学习知识的过程中,掌握学习 知识的技能,活动中树立学习英语的信心,获取一种成功的体验,从而激发学生对 英语学习的兴趣。 4、学习策略: (1) 通过图片自然拼读教学方法TPR 操练、游戏记忆单词。 (2) 通过课堂发言、小组合作等方式巩固和运用英语,提高综合运用语言的能 力。 五五、教学重难点教学重难点 1、教学重点: (1)运动类动词词组; (2)现在进行时第三人称复数的问答句; (3)对话的理解和正确朗读。 2、教学难点: 句型 Some of theare . / Some of them are;It looks fun.;I want to go and try it with them. 的正确使用。 六六、教学策略教学策略 本节课遵循情景教学法、合作学习法和寓教于乐的教学理念及策略。整节课以 Sport Open Day 作为主线,由此创设真实有趣的情景让学生实现知识的输入和内化。教师利用游 戏、TPR 等方法,既帮助学生学习又增强了课堂趣味,让学生在快乐的环境中学习。总体 而言,本课遵循孩子学习规律,从点到面,从易到难,让孩子在思考和模仿中不断加深新 知理解,并在乐趣中综合运用新旧知。 七七、评价方式评价方式 尊重学生个体差异,采用多样化的评价方式,注重评价学生的学习过程和 态度。在课堂教学中教师建立了一套完整的评价机制。对学生各个方面的表现 适时做出正确全面的评价,运用激励性语言以及各种奖励形式,促进学生与学 生之间、小组与小组之间的良性竞争,从而调动学生的学习积极性,创设一个 在乐中学、学中乐的轻松愉悦的课堂氛围。本节课用到的评价方式有:师评、师评、 他评、自评他评、自评 八八、教学用具教学用具 PPT 课件、视频、Flash 动画、音频、图片、运动器材 九九、教学流程教学流程 (一)Warm up 1.Sing a sports song. 2.Brainstorming: What sports do you know? 【设计意图:通过节奏轻快并配有动作的运动歌曲热身,并利用 Free talk 激发学生关于运 动已有的知识储存】 (二) Presentation and practice 创设新华小学“Sports open day”的情境,与学生一起参观新华小学的体育场所以及观看 他们的体育活动。情境由体育馆和操场两个场景串起来,在参观体育馆的情景中学习新词 及短语,在操场情景里上对新学的单词短语结合现在进行时的复数进行运用。 【设计意图:设置情境,使整节课内容整体呈现,帮助学生更好地理解单词和句子。】 1.参观体育馆,在参观的过程中学习体育项目的英语表达: foot ball ;basketball;tennis ;table tennis;chess;the long jump;the high jump;kung fu。教授过程中出示体育器材实物,让学生在学的过程中,摸一摸用一用。同时利用以旧 引新、自然拼读等方法帮助学生记忆单词。 【设计意图:在体育馆的情景里自然呈现新单词。过程中实物呈现加强学生的学习兴趣让 学生有更深刻的学习体验,利用多种方法帮助学生记忆单词。】 2.呈现单词的过程中,一开始以问答句-Whats the/children doing? - -She/He is .ing 引出。慢 慢过渡到该句型的复数-What are they doing? - -They are. .ing 的呈现。 【设计意图:以旧引新,由已学的现在进行时单数引出其复数表达,并让学生在单词的学 习过程性巩固和运用该句型】 3.在学生使用体育器材的过程中,顺势引出句子 It looks fun. I want to go and try it with.全 班操练后,鼓励学生活学活用。谁想上台试一下就大声用刚学的句子表达自己的意愿。 【设计意图:使在真实的情景中理解句子并活学活用。】 4. play a game: right or wrong 【设计意图:及时巩固运动类短语,并进一步强调不用活动用不同的动词。】 5. 参观完体育馆后来到操场,在到操场前,引导学生用 I think they are.猜测操场上的孩子 在干什么。 【设计意图:使在真实的情景中引出新句型 I think they are.,帮助学生理解句型的意思】 6. 呈现操场的学生做各种运动的图片,引导学生用 Some of the children are.,some of them are.来表达不同的学生在做不同的事。 【设计意图:利用情景引出新句型,并在场景中活学活用】 7.进入课文学习。 顺着情境,呈现课文的主人公。Mr Chen is visiting the school, too. He is talking with Ms White happily. What are they talking? Lets go and have a look. 1)观看录像,并在 worksheet 的表格上用 勾出孩子们在两个地方上分别做的体育活动。 2)根据课文内容做判断。 3)跟读课文 4)分角色读课文 5)根据提示背诵课文 6)学生上台表演课文 【设计意图:利用各种活动帮助学生理解课文并流利朗读课文】 (三) Sum up 【设计意图:引导学生回忆本节课所学内容,让学生心中有数】 (四) Homework 1)微信读 U9 课文 2.完成活动手册 U9 词句 3.做运动词汇思维导图(选做) 【设计意图:设置有梯度的作业和选做作业,让不同层次学生有效巩固本节课所学的内容。 】 十十、板书设计板书设计 十一、教学特色与反思十一、教学特色与反思 1.设计思路 根据义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)中的兴趣性原则、活动性原则和 生活性原则,我在实施教学过程中充分体现学生是学习的主体,调动学生的积 极性。该课的主题是运动,十分贴近学生的实际生活。因此采用创设情境的教 学方法,创设新华小学 Sports Open Day 的情境,在参观新华小学体育馆和操 场过程学习关于运动的单词和句子,并在情境中操练,活学活用,调动学生的 参与课堂的积极性。呈现运动单词短语时,我采用 TPR 和直观教学法,直接拿 出相应的运动器材或作出动作引出对应的单词。为丰富呈现形式,在呈现的过 程中,我设计了 Guessing game, Sharp eyes 等游戏,让学生参与其中。同时, 单词和短语学习的过程中滚动学习句型-Whats he/she doing?-He/She is .ing. -What are they doing? -They are .ing. 整个单词的 学习是在真实情景交际中完成的,也未违背全语言教学原则(全语言主张语言 是整体的,由语意、语形、语用组成,不可分割。)。 整节课的教学设计让学生由单一的反应到开口说,再到动脑猜,最后使用完整 的语言进行交际,活动层层递进,每一个环节的设计都是为下一步教学做铺垫, 有意识地开发学生的多元智能。教学教学过程中我倡导学生体验参与,让学生 在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、实践、参与等方式,理解、吸收本课知识。 整节课课堂氛围活跃轻松,充满笑声。我认为我这节课的设计思路符合现在课 程改革的理念,能充分体现学生是学习的主体。教学情景化、真实化,环节安 排上逻辑化,教学内容的难易程度合理化。 2、课堂评价 义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)指出:“小学阶段的英语教学评价应 充分考虑小学生的认知方式、认知水平和心理特点,以激发和保持小学生的英 语学习兴趣和自信心为主要目的,采用以形成性评价为主的评价方式和方法, 将评价有机渗透在日常教学活动中”同时也指出:“小学阶段也可以适度进行 终结性评价”。本节课我有意识地将过程性评价和终结性评价有效结合。整节 课密切关注学生在学习过程中所反映出来的情感态度,及时给予评价,不断鼓 励,使学生能不断地感受到语言学习的成功与满足。同时在课堂结束时,引入 竞争机制的统计,让学生可以很清楚地看到自己或本小组在本节课的表现以及 取得的成绩,从而扬长避短,找出下节课的目标,争取更大的进步。在课堂教 学中,我通过有声语言或肢体语言来完成评价,使学生能及时体验到学习成功 的喜悦。本节课的课堂评价以鼓励为主,即使学生回答有误,也让学生感受到 老师的关爱,从而激发其再次尝试的勇气和继续努力的信心。 3、教学资源的使用 充分利用现代教育技术来开发英语教学资源是拓宽学习渠道、改进学习方式、 提高学习效率。我基本能运用现代技术,充分利用视听手段,利用多媒体和教 学软件,激发学生学习兴趣,丰富教学内容,促进个性化学习。 4、不足之处: (1)今节课短语和句子的操练不够充分。单词和句子较多,应该设计不同的操 练方法,帮助学生扎实掌握。 (2)对于长难句的朗读指导不够。可以帮句子单独拿出来指导分析,利用 chant 和分组读等方法让学生上口。 执教者班级时间课题 评价项 目 分 值 评价指标 项目 得分 5 分 教师教态亲切大方,有感染力。 5 分 基本能用英语组织教学,语言得体流畅,语 音语调节奏自然。 教师素 质(15 分) 5 分 教学基本功扎实,教学技能娴熟,课堂调控 能力强。 12 分 目标明确具体,符合教学要求和学生实际。教学目 标(20 分) 8 分 注重综合语言运用能力和创新意识的培养, 激发学生的兴趣和求知欲。 5 分 设计思想能体现小学英语课程标准的基本理 念和要求,创造性地处理和使用教材。 5 分 课堂教学容量和难度适合学生水平。 教学内 容 (15) 5 分 注重语言运用,体现任务型语言教学思想。 8 分 在教学过程中,师生交流亲切自然,体现平 等、民主、和谐的学习气氛。 5 分 教学方法得当,活动形式多样有效,恰当运 用多种媒体进行教学。 5 分 课堂结构严谨,逻辑性强,过渡自然,注重 语言运用能力的培养。 5 分 突出学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用, 教与学活动比例合理。 4 分 学生兴趣浓厚,思维活跃,敢于开口,乐于 参与教学活动,并能用英语完成简单的任务。 教学过 程 (30) 4 分 作业适量,体现以生为本的教学理念 10 分 完成教学任务,达到预定教学目标。教学效 果 (20) 10 分 教学能兼顾各层次的学生。 简评 体育开放日体育开放日 visiting routine 参观路线参观路线 playgroundgym basket basketballbasketball -What is the boy doing in the gym? -He is playing basketball. play basketball -What is the boy doing in the gym? -He is playing football. foot footballfootballplay football -What is the girl doing? -She is playing tennis. play tennis -What are they doing? -They are playing table tennis. play table tennis table -What are they doing? -They are playing chess. essdrch -What are they doing? -They are doing kung fu. do kung fu -What are they doing? -They are doing the long jump. udo thempjlong -What are they doing? -They are doing high jump. do the high jump highrt -What are they doing? -They are skating. a eskt visiting routine 参观路线参观路线 playgroundgym What are the children doing in the playground? I think they are What are they doing? Some of the children are ing some of them are ing Some of the children are ing some of them are ing Some of the children are ing some of them are ing Some of the children are ing some of them are ing 观看课文录像,并用观看课文录像,并用 勾出孩子们在两个地方上分别做的体育活动。勾出孩子们在两个地方上分别做的体育活动。 sports Place(地方地方) playing basketball playing tennis playing football doing kungfu skatingrunning playground next to the swimming pool ( ) 1. The children are in the playground. ( ) 2. All the children are playing basketball and football. ( ) 3. Some children are skating next to the swimming pool. ( ) 4. The man in green does not want to skate. True or False Lets read Lets recite Act out 一人扮演一人扮演,一人扮演,一人扮演. 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 第第组扮演组扮演的孩子们。的孩子们。 Lets read Act out 1.1.微信读微信读U9U9课文课文 2.2.完成活动手册完成活动手册U9U9词句词句 3.3.做做运动词汇运动词汇思维导图思维导图(选选 做做) Thank you! 绿色圃中小学教育网http:/www.L 绿色圃中学资源网http:/cz.L What are the children doing in the playground? I think they are basket basketballbasketball -What is the boy doing in the gym? -He is playing basketball. -What is the boy doing? -He is playing football. foot footballfootball -What is the girl doing? -She is playing tennis. nistentennisis -What are they doing? -They are playing chess. essdrch -What are they doing? -They are skating. a eskt skating -What are they doing? -They are playing kung fu. u f ngk u -What are they doing? -They are doing long jump. udo thempjlong -What are they doing? -They are doing high jump. do the high jump high ighrt -What are they doing? -They are playing table tennis. table tennis table What did we learn in the lesson? 这节课我们都学了什么呢?这节课我们都学了什么呢? ?Words: 单词单词 ?Sentences: 句型句型 ? Lets repeat. What _ the children _ in the playground, Ms White? _ of the children are playing _ and _, some of _ are doing _. What _ the children _ next to the swimming pool? I _ they are _. It looks _, I want to go and _ it with them. are fun Somebasketball footballthem kung fu aredoing thinkskating doing try What are the children doing in the playground, Ms White? Some of children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kung fu Lets act What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? I think they are skating. It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. What are the children _ in the _, Miss White? doing playground Some of the children are _ _ and _ playing basketball Some of the children are _ _ and _ playing basketball football Some of _ are _ _.kungfu them doing What are the _ doing next to the _? children swimming pool I think they are _. skating It looks _. I want to go and _ it with them. fun try There are some children in the playground. Look, some of them are _ _ and _, some _ them are _ kung fu. But the children next to the swimming pool are _. It _ fun. I want to _ and _ it with them. playing basketball footballofdoing skatinglooks go try Unit 9 It looks fun Lets retell: 体育开放日体育开放日 What are the children doing? I think they are 第二课时 Look at the pictures and have a look what sports they are playing. _ingrunning _ingswimming _ingfishing _ingdancing _ingskating _ing a _ flying a kite _ing _ _ doing kung fu _ing the_ _ doing the high jump _ing the_ _ doing the long jump _ing _ playing chess _ing _ playing basketball _ing _ playing football _ing _ playing tennis _ing _ _ playing table tennis playing doing -ing ball games basketball tennis table tennis football kung fu swimming running skating Dialogue What are the children do in the playground, Ms White? Some of the children are play basketball and football, some of them is do kung fu. Dialogue What be the children do next to the swimming pool? I think they are skate. It looks bad. I want to go and try it with them. Module 5 Sports Unit 9 It looks fun What are the children doing? They are . Some of the children , some of them . It looks . Try it with them. try fun think football basketball skate- skating do kung fu A: What is he/she doing? B: I think he/she is doing . a et sk He is skating. It looks fun. A: What is he/she doing? B: I think he/she is doing . tennis She is playing tennis. It looks fun, too. A: What is he/she doing? B: I think he/she is doing . table tennis She is playing table tennis. It is interesting. basket ball They are playing basketball. They are having fun. foot ball They are playing football. They are having fun, too. What sports are they doing? Some of the children are _ _, some of them are _ _ . True or FalseTrue or False ( ) 1. The children are in the playground. ( ) 2. All the children are playing basketball and football. ( ) 3. Some children are skating next to the swimming pool. ( ) 4. The man in green does not want to skate. Today is Thursday. A _ comes to visit our school. Ms White is talking with him. We are doing _ in the _. Some of us are _ and _, some are_. My friends Janet and Lily are _ next to the swimming pool. We are having a good time. Its so fun! skating 1 X School What is he doing? I think he is doing the high jump. It looks fun. I think she is running. It looks interesting. What is she doing? What are they doing? They are playing volleyball. It looks fun. A: What are . doing? B: They are . . It looks . Pair work Now I see. some of the children are playing basketball, some of them are playing volleyball. Some of , some of . What do you think of playing basketball? I think it looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. What about you? I think it looks not fun. I dont want to go and try it with them. A: What do you think of.? B: I think it looks., so i want to go and try it with. /I think it looks., so i dont want to go and try it with. Pair work What are they doing? What are they doing? They are _. They are _. playing table tennis doing the high jump What are they doing? What are they doing? They are _. They are _. playing tennis doing the long jump What are they doing? What are they doing? They are _. They are _. doing kungfu playing volleyball What sports are talked about? ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) PlaceIn the playgroundNext to the swimming pool Activities( )( ) A. playing basketball B. doing kungfu C. skating D. playing football A, B, D C What are the children doing in the playground, Ms White? Some of the children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kungfu. What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? I think they are skating. It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. Aki: What are the children doing in the playground, Ms White? Ms White: Some of the children are playing basketball and football, some of them are doing kungfu. Aki: What are the children doing next to the swimming pool? Ms White: I think they are skating. Aki: It looks fun. I want to go and try it with them. 3 Beicheng elementary School -What is the girl doing? -She is playing tennis. nistentennisis Role play