教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -Story time-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:c1141).zip


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四年级下册四年级下册M4拓展课拓展课 What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing, dear Jane? Im dancing. Im singing. Im having a happy time. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing, dear Jane? Im eating. Im drinking. Im having a happy time. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing, dear Jane? Im swimming. Im skating. Im having a happy time. 现在进行时现在进行时 1. 直接动词末尾加直接动词末尾加 ing drinking doing dancingsinging having eating swimmingskating 2. 以不发音的以不发音的e结尾去结尾去e加加 ing 3. 闭音节加一个辅音结尾,闭音节加一个辅音结尾, 双写末尾字母加双写末尾字母加ing Task 2 James playing computer games listening to music playing the guitar playing football reading my storybook swimming in the lake cutting my birthday cake Eric Mr Bar Mr Gore Mrs Cook Mr Blake May Task 3 What are you doing, James? Im _. What are you doing, Eric? Im _. What are you doing, Mr Bar? Im _. What are you doing, Mr Gore? Im _. What are you doing, Mrs Cook? Im _. What are you doing, Mr Blake? Im _. What are you doing, dear May? Im _. Im 10 years old today, Welcome to my party and play! playing computer games listening to music playing the guitar playing football reading my storybook swimming in the lake cutting my birthday cake What are you doing, _? Im _. What are you doing, _? Im _. What are you doing, _? Im _. Thats great! Jack snow 下雪 Guess what? 你猜怎么着? go away 走开 programme 节目 salad 色拉 finish 完成 A. making a salad B. reading C. talking to Grandma D. watching my favourite programme Task 4 having a snowball fight making a snowman skiing diving fishing building the ice house flying a kite playing football Mike Lily Lucy Peter Tom Jack Cindy Rose Kate Task 5 Its snowing. Im really happy. We are having a party in the snow. Im making a snowman. Tom is playing football._ _ _ _ _ Great! We are all having fun! o 利用研学案复习今天所学内容利用研学案复习今天所学内容 ,修改自己所写的内容,或者创,修改自己所写的内容,或者创 编不一样的内容。加油!编不一样的内容。加油! Module 4 Activities 拓展课拓展课 班级:_ 姓名:_ 一、研学目标:一、研学目标: 1、我能写出 10 不同的活动短语。前置性作业 Task 1 2、我能唱歌曲并能总结进行时动词加 ing 的三种形式。Task 2 3、我能听小诗把人物和活动连线,并与小组成员一起改编小诗。Task 3 4、我能根据图片读懂故事内容,填充合适的短语。Task 4 5、我能看图用进行时描述人物活动并写下来。Task 5 6、我能根据自己的表现作出合理的自我评价,填涂五星。 二、学习路线图二、学习路线图: 学习路线图如下,一个个任务就是达到目标的途径,看谁能摘到最多的五 星,你准备好了吗? 评价评价: :请根据自己完成任务的情况把每个任务后面的五星涂满:任务出色完成涂 三颗星;完成任务比较慢,有小错误涂两颗星;完成任务不太理想涂一颗星。 请同桌互相监督完成。 三、研学过程:三、研学过程: Task 1 前置性作业 每人在小纸条上各写 10 个不相同的活动短语,留作同桌活动时用。 Task 2 Find the rules. Step 1: Sing the song: What are you doing? (会唱歌曲 What are you doing?) Step 2: Find the rules of the progressive tense forms. (能总结进行时动词加 ing 的三种形式) 写活动短语写活动短语 1010 个个 总结进行时动词形式总结进行时动词形式 听小诗连线,改编小诗听小诗连线,改编小诗 补充故事,角色表演补充故事,角色表演 看图完成短文看图完成短文 Task 3 Listen, match and write. Step 1: Listen to the rhyme and try to match the names and the activities. (听小诗根据内容把人物和活动连线。 ) James playing football Eric swimming in the lake Mr Bar reading my storybook Mr Gore cutting my birthday cake Mrs Cook listening to music Mr Blake playing the guitar May playing computer games Step 2: Try to make a rhyme with your group mates. (尝试跟小组的同学一起改编小诗。) What are you doing, _? Im _. What are you doing, _? Im _. What are you doing, _? Im _. Thats great! Task 4 Read, match the words with pictures. Step 1: Read the story, try to understand the story with the help of the pictures and then fill the phases in the right blanks.(看图读故事,把合适短语的大写 字母写在相应的位置。 ) Step 2: Try to make a role play with the story in groups. (小组分角色演读故事。 ) A.A.A. makingmakingmaking a a a saladsaladsalad B.B.B. readingreadingreading C.C.C. talkingtalkingtalking tototo GrandmaGrandmaGrandma D.D.D. watchingwatchingwatching mymymy favouritefavouritefavourite programmeprogrammeprogramme Task 5 I can write. Jack and his friends are having a party in the snow today. Try to write down what the children doing with the pictures. (Jack 很喜欢开 party,今天 下雪太开心了,他约了朋友过来玩。请看图写一写他们都在做些什么?) havinghavinghaving a a a snowballsnowballsnowball fightfightfight makingmakingmaking a a a snowmansnowmansnowman skiingskiingskiing divingdivingdiving fishingfishingfishing buildingbuildingbuilding thethethe iceiceice househousehouse flyingflyingflying a a a kitekitekite playingplayingplaying footballfootballfootball MikeMikeMike LilyLilyLily LucyLucyLucy PeterPeterPeter TomTomTom JackJackJack CindyCindyCindy RoseRoseRose KateKateKate 这节课我表现 _ 我获得_颗五星。o Its snowing. Im really happy. We are having a party in the snow. Im making a snowman. Tom is playing football. _ _ _ _ _ Great! We are all having fun! o 1 广州版义务教育教科书英语四年级下册 Module 4 Activities 拓展课教学设计拓展课教学设计 一、教材分析一、教材分析 本模块的话题是“活动” (Activities) ,涵盖了大量的活动词汇,其中进行 时是本模块的重点知识内容。本册书 Module3-5 滚动学习了大量的动词短语, 在日常生活中,活动是学生生活的重要部分,通过小诗的创编和故事阅读等情 景的创设,复习运用现在进行时句式。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 四年级学生学习兴趣浓厚,探究知识欲望强烈,思维活跃,表现自我欲望 强烈。在英语学习中有一定的语言积累,课堂上需锻炼学生听说读写能力,提 高学生综合运用语言的能力。在语言知识储备上,他们已掌握一定的活动动词 短语,为现在进行时的表达提供了基础。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一) 语言知识目标 1. 词汇 (1)动词短语的运用;从阅读中学习新词汇。 (2)句型: What are you doing? Im. What is he doing? Hes What is she doing? Shes . (二) 语言技能目标 1、能跟同桌分别在小纸条上写出 10 不同的活动短语。 2、能总结进行时动词加 ing 的三种形式。 3、能听小诗把人物和活动连线,并与小组成员一起改编小诗。 4、能根据图片读懂故事内容,填充合适的短语。 5、能创编故事,同桌完成。 6、能看图用进行时描述人物活动并写下来。 (三) 学习策略目标 1. 联系实际生活,运用所学语言完成任务。 2. 在研学小组合作学习中,积极与他人合作,积极运用所学语言进行表达和交 流。 2 (四) 情感态度目标 1. 能在小组活动中积极与他人合作、互相帮助,共同完成学习任务。 2. 通过完成课堂的学习任务,快乐学习,快乐合作。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 重点:能在运用动词短语描述进行时活动。 难点:能用进行时的正确形式进行表达。 五、教学理念五、教学理念 “小学英语 IIO 课堂教学模式”是番禺区“研学后教”课程改革项目指导 下由区教研室小学英语科自主建构的课堂教学模式。该模式以人本主义心理学、 记忆的信息加工模式、建构主义学习理论、第二语言习得理论以及语言输入与 输出理论等为理论基础;核心理念是“在输入中理解语言;在操练中内化语言; 在输出中运用语言”,包含五个教学程序:教学准备(Preparation)- 语言输入 (Input)- 语言内化(Internalization)- 语言输出(Output)- 学习评价 (Assessment)课堂的教学程序以 IIO (Input-Internalization-Output)为核心 理念。运用番禺区教研室小学英语科提出的“小学英语 IIO 课堂教学模式”去 设计教学活动。 六、教学策略六、教学策略 1、联系实际生活,动词短语创编小诗激发学生的学习创造性。 2、通过借助图片进行阅读活动以及创设情境让学生描述图片内容进行写作运用。 七、教学过程七、教学过程 I. Preparation Task 1前置性作业 同桌每人在小纸条上各写 10 个不相同的活动短语,留作同桌活动时用。 Task 2Find the rules. Step 1: Sing a song: What are you doing? (二年级上册歌曲) Step 2: Find the rules of the progressive tense forms with the words of the song. 【设计意图:通过歌曲引入进行时的复习,为后面的任务做铺垫。 】 II. Input -Internalization-Output Task 3 3 Step 1: Listen to the rhyme and try to match the names and the activities. Step 2: Read the rhyme with rhythm. Step 3: Try to make a rhyme in groups. What are you doing, _? Im _. What are you doing, _? Im _. What are you doing, _? Im _. Thats great! 【设计意图:听小诗,通过连线检查学生听的能力,打拍子读小诗,提高学生 读诗的节奏感,改编小诗,提高语言运用能力。 】 Task 4 Step 1: Read the story, try to understand the story with the help of the pictures and then fill the phases in the right blanks. Step 2: Try to make a role play with the story in groups. 【设计意图:在图片的帮助下阅读理解故事,并把故事补充完整,尝试分角色 演读故事内容,帮助学生更好地理解运用。 】 III. Output Task 5 Jack and his friends are having a party in the snow today. Try to write down what the children doing with the pictures. 【设计意图:通过前面故事引出情景雪地派对,让学生能运用现在进行进行对 人物活动的描述,培养学生做 copy-writing 为高年级的写作打下基础。在图中 增加了一些课外的活动词汇,扩展学生的词汇量。 】 IV. Assessment 八、作业布置八、作业布置 利用研学案复习今天所学内容,修改自己所写的内容,或者创编不一样的 内容。加油!
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教科版四下_Module Activities_Unit What are you doing _Story time_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)__(编号:c1141 教科版 四下
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