教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 8 What are you doing -ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:50f70).zip


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* 本课时主要学习Unit 8词条。 * 一一: Sing a song What are you doing Boys: What are you doing? Girls: Im washing, washing. Boys: What are you doing? Girls: Im eating, eating. Boys: What are you doing? Girls: Im dancing, dancing. Girls: Im dancing. Im dancing now. Girls: What is he doing? Boys: Hes running, running. Girls: What is he doing? Boys: Hes drawing, drawing. Girls: What is she doing? Boys: Shes sleeping, sleeping. Boys: Shes sleeping. Shes sleeping now. Shh. * * 每节课滚动复习前面的句型 ,让学生熟练地运用于语言 实践中。 二二. Lets review. (1) What day is it today? (2) Whats your favourite day? (3) What do you usually do on Sunday? (4) What do you do when you have free time? * 三三.Invite someone to do an action Request: 1.Close your eyes. If you want to know what he is doing, you can ask him/her. 2.Do the action until I let you stop. * * 本课时主要学习Unit 8词条。 * 本课时目标 1.学习学习dance, fly, fish三个新单词三个新单词; 2.能用能用What are you doing? Im doing.进行问答进行问答 。 提问:提问:What are you doing? 回答:回答: Im doing * Question: What are you doing? Answer: Im + 现在进行时( +地点状语). 问题:你正在做什么事情? 回答: 我正在(某地) 。 * draw a picture drawing a picture Q: What are you doing? A1: Im drawing a picture. A2: Im drawing a picture in the classroom. * Q: What are you doing? A: Im taking photos in the park. take photos taking photos * * * * * Q: Hello, Man Yangyang, What are you doing? Man Yangyang: Im fishing in the park. fish fishing * * * * Q: Hello, Lan Yangyang, What are you doing? Lan Yangyang: Im flying a kite in the playground. fly flying * * * Q: Hello, Nuan Yangyang, What are you doing? Nuan Yangyang: Im watching cartoons in the living room. * * Q: Hello, Mei Yangyang, What are you doing? Nuan Yangyang: Im singing and dancing in the living room. dance dancing sing singing * * Q: Hello, Xi Yangyang, What are you doing? Xi Yangyang: Im swimming in the pool. swim swimming * * Q: Hello, Xiao Huihui, What are you doing? Xiao Huihui: Im eating in the kitchen. eat eating * * Sharp eyes * * 四四.Development Q: What are you doing? A: Im * 五五.Summing up 小小 结结 Im What are you doing? watching cartoons in the living room. fishing in the park. swimming in the pool. flying a kite in the playground. singing and dancing in the living room. eating in the kitchen * Lets chant What are you doing What are you doing? Im washing, washing. What are you doing? Im eating, eating. What are you doing? Im dancing, dancing. Im dancing. Im dancing now. * 广 州 市 小 英 中 心 组 六六.Homework: 1. 用英语书用英语书45页的词条造句。页的词条造句。 What are you doing? Im 2. 抄写新单词。抄写新单词。 3.预习课文。预习课文。 * 七七. Board design Im What are you doing? watching cartoons in the living room. fishing in the park. swimming in the pool. flying a kite in the playground. singing and dancing in the living room. eating in the kitchen fish fishing fly flying dance dancing * Unit 8 What are you doing?教学设计 第一课时 【教学目标】 1.能听、说、读和初步拼写以下行为动词类单词: fly,fish,dance, flying, fishing, dancing 2. 能听说读以下词组: Watching cartoons in the living room, fishing in the park, swimming in the pool, flying a kite in the playground, singing and dancing in the living room, eating in the kitchen 3. 能听说读写一级在活动中理解和运用以下句型: - What are you doing ? -Im 【学情分析】 学生对一般现在时的语法知识比较容易掌握,但 unit8 课是现在进行时的语法知识, 学生较难掌握。四年级下学期的学生对于会话的学习有一定感知。在本模块第 unit7 学生 初步学习了现在进行时的陈述句的表达,为本课现在进行时提供了一定语言基础。但九岁 多的学生初次接触现在进行时语句,对句型结构还欠充分理解,动词短语积累少且运用不 熟练。 【教学重点】 1. 能听,说,读,写行为动词的单词的 ing 形式。 2. 如何询问别人正在做什么事情和学会描述自己在做什么事情: -What are you doing? -Im 【教学难点】 如何询问别人正在做什么事情和学会描述自己在做什么事情: -What are you doing? -Im 【教学过程】 教学环节教学活动及操作步骤学生活动设计意图此环 节对 应的 目标 Step 1 Leading in 1. Warming up by a song: What 1. Sing a 通过唱歌, 既活跃气 are you doing? 2. Free talk What do you usually do when you have free time? Are you having an English lesson? Yes. OK, we are going to talk about our activities. 【引出了课题】What are you doing? songWhat are you doing? 2. Free talk 氛,复习 了有关动 词词组, 又为新课 的学习做 了铺垫。 Activity 1: 学习如何询问别人正在 做什么事情和描述自己正在做什么事 情。 a. PPT 展示画画和拍照图片,告知 学生可以提问,让学生操练句子: S: What are you doing? T: Im drawing picture in the classroom. / taking photos in the garden. b. 图片展示动作,学生操练句型,老师 总结如何询问别人的课余生活及回答 Activity 1: 学习如 何询问别人正在做 什么事情和描述自 己正在做什么事情。 b. 在老师的指导下 总结学习如何询问 别人的课余生活及 回答 先总结学 习,再进 行操练, 让学生对 所学新知 识留下深 刻影响, 有利于进 一步的巩 固学习。 Step 2 Presentation and practice Activity 2: Learn verbal phrase 展示漫画节目喜羊羊与灰太狼 PPT,说明老师有个朋友加了他们的 微信,但没空和他们聊天,完成了解 他们正在做什么事情的任务。 希望 同学们帮朋友完成任务。 Activity 2: Learn verbal phrase 用英语给六个卡通 任务发微信: What are you doing? 通过不停 操练重点 句型,熟 悉用英语 如何询问 别人正在 做什么事 情? 通过齐读, 小组开火 学习 watching cartoons in the living room, fishing in the park, swimming in the pool, flying a kite in the playground, singing and dancing in the living room, eating in the kitchen 车,开火 车,猜拳, 大小声, pair work 等 方式操练。 Step 3 Development 1:小组合作:通过玩纸牌游戏操练 句型: -What are you doing? - Im 2: 用新单词代入歌曲唱歌:What are you doing? :1:小组合作:通 过玩纸牌游戏操练 句型: -What are you doing? - Im 2: 用新单词代入 歌曲唱歌:What are you doing? 通过不停 操练熟悉 本课时重 点句型。 巩固运用 新单词。 Step 3 Summary 小结这节课所学内容(单词、词组和 句型) 回顾这节课所学内 容(单词、词组和 句型) Step 3 Homework 1. 用英语书 45 页的词条造句。 What are you doing? Im 2. 抄写新单词。 3.预习课文。 1. 用英语书 45 页 的词条造句。 What are you doing? Im 2. 抄写新单词。 3.预习课文。 【板书】 What are you doing? watching cartoons in the living room fish fishing in the park fishing Im swimming in the pool fly flying a kite in the playground flying singing and dancing in the living room dance eating in the kitchen dancing 【作业检测】 1. 用英语书 45 页的词条造句。 What are you doing? Im 2. 抄写新单词。 3.预习课文。 四年级集体备课(第二次设计) Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? 第一课时 【教学目标】 2.能听、说、读和初步拼写以下单词: activity, free, cartoon, take photos, listen, listen to , email, picnic 3.能听说读以下词组: email my friends , take photos, listen to music, draw a picture, do some reading, have a picnic, watch cartoons 3. 能听说读写一级在活动中理解和运用以下句型: - What do you do when you have free time? -I usually/often 【学情分析】 四年级学生已有一定的英语学习基础,能够运用所学句型进行交流。此前,已经学过一些 关于活动的短语,所以为今天要学习新的关于活动的短语做了铺垫。但四年级学生注意力 集中时间不长,因此本节课教师要创设情景,运用图片、课件、游戏等教学形式,发挥学 生的主动性,提高学生综合运用语言的能力。 【教学重点】 1. 关于活动短语的表达。 2. 如何询问别人的课余生活及回答; -What do you do when you have free time? -I usually/often 【教学难点】 1. 理解句型 What do you do when you have free time? I usually/often 2. 谈论关于课余活动用语的深入拓展运用(介绍自己的周末安排) 。 【教学过程】 教学环节教学活动及操作步骤学生活动设计意图此环 节对 应的 目标 Step 1 Leading in 1. Warming up by a song: If you are happy 2. 老师介绍自己周一到周五在学校工 作,周六日不用上班,有很多空余时 间 free time, 在这些空余时间老师 可以做很多事情,一边做动作, (如唱 歌,游泳,跑步) ,引导学生理解 free time 的概念,接着老师提问 Do you want to know what do I do when I have free time? 得到学生的肯定回答 后,老师说如果想知道,就必须先学 会怎么提问老师: 当你有空时,你常 做些什么事情?【引出了课题】What do you do when you have free time? 1.Listen and sing a song: If you are happy 2.回答问题, 融入情境,把 注意力集中在 课堂中。 1.播放If you are happy 歌曲视频, 让学生唱 唱动动, 在愉快的 气氛中开 始新课的 学习 2. 通过学生 对老师的好 奇心以及复 习学生已学 过的动词词 组,从而来 引入新知识, 新旧知识结 合,学生易 于接受。 Step 2 Presentatio n and practice Activity 1: 学习如何询问别人的课余 生活及回答 a. PPT 展示老师写邮件的图片,告知 学生可以提问,让学生操练句子: S: What do you do when you have free time? T: I sometimes email my friends when I have free time. 引出新单词 email 和词组 email my friends Activity 1: 学习 如何询问别人的 课余生活及回答 1. 学生学习提问: 当你有空时,你 常做些什么事情? 学习新单词 email 和新词组 email my friends 通过学生对 老师的好奇 心,让学生 操练重点句 型,学生易 于接受。同 时能活跃课 堂氛围。 b. 图片展示动作,学生操练句型,老师 总结如何询问别人的课余生活及回答 b. 在老师的指导 下总结学习如何 询问别人的课余 生活及回答 Activity 2: Learn verbal phrase 展示综艺节目爸爸去哪儿的五个小孩 图片,给学生赋予一个小记者新身份, 今天有一个采访任务,采访内容是了 解当他们有空时,他们会做些什么事 情? 学习 take photos, listen to music, draw a picture, do some reading, have a picnic, watch cartoons 在教授词组时要把着重点放在单词的 教授上,所以要额外把新单词板书出 来。 在操练重点句型时要放手给机会 给学生自由发挥(如通过以下方式: talk in a group , talk with your park, 多提问等等) Activity 2: Learn verbal phrase 用英语采访五 个小孩: 当你 们有空时常做 什么事情? 通过不停操 练重点句型, 熟悉用英语 如何询问别 人的课余生 活及回答。 通过齐读, 小组开火车, 开火车,猜 拳,大小声, pair work 等方式操练。 Step 3 Summary 小结这节课所学内容(单词、词组和 句型) 回顾这节课所 学内容(单词、 词组和句型) Step 3 Homework 1、Copy the new words. 回家或跟同学操练“当你有空时你做什 么?以及建议句子。 2、Copy the new words. 回家或跟同学 操练“当你有空 时你做什么? 以及建议句子。 【板书】 What do you usually do when you have free time? 当的时候 email my friends take photos I usually/often listen to music when I have free time draw a picture do some reading have a picnic free/email/take photos/listen/listen to / picnic 【作业检测】 1、Copy the new words. 2. Listen and read the dialogue with CD of book4. 3. Role play the text in groups.
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