教科版四下-Module 4 Activities-Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time -Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)--(编号:8472d).zip


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    • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 4 Activities_Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time _Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)__(编号:8472d)
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Module 4 Activities Fun with language (period 2) draw pictures go shopping watch TV take photos go running Please stand up. I surf the Internet when I have free time. What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? I water my flowers when I have free time. What do you do when you have free time? I play with a ball when I have free time. What do you do when you have free time? I play with a teddy bear when I have free time. I do housework when I have free time. What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? I What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? I surf the Internet . I take photos . I go shopping when I have free time. Lets Lets chant!chant! What do you do when you have free time? What do you do when you have free time? I water my flowers . I listen to music . I go running when I have free time. Lets Lets chant!chant! Piggy Mr.Wolf I often read story books when I have free time. is the friend of my family. Piggy Mr.Wolf Lets begin the story from Mr. Wolf. What does Mr. Wolf do every day? I often _ on _. 5 2 1 4 36 7 P40 have a picnicSunday Mr.Wolf does different things every day. He is hungry. He wants to eat Piggy. He is busy. So Mr.Wolf goes to Piggys home. What does Piggy do every day? 1 2 54 3 6P41 WednesdayMonday TuesdayThursdaySaturday Friday Piggy also does different things every day. What do you do on Tuesday, Piggy? I water my flowers on Tuesday. Monday TuesdayThursday FridayWednesday Saturday Lets ask. Please close your books. What do you do on Thursday, Piggy? I clean my room on Thursday. Monday TuesdayThursday Friday Saturday Wednesday Lets answer. Piggy is busy, but he is very happy. Because Mr.Wolf cant eat him. So Piggy wants to come out and play with my family at the weekend. Come out and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We go shopping at the weekend. Come out and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ at the weekend. surf the Internet Come out and play,please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We surf the Internet at the weekend. Come out and play,please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We go shopping at the weekend. Come out and play,please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ at the weekend. Come out and play,please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ at the_. Come_and play,please. Sorry, Piggy. We are _. We _ _. Come_and _,please. Yes, Piggy. We are _. We _ _. Lets go! Come out and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ at the weekend. watch TV Come out and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ at the _. play with a toy bear weekend Come _ and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ _. listen to music at the weekend out Come _ and _, please. Yes, Piggy. We are busy. We _ _. Lets go. take photos at the weekend outplay Come out and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are busy. We _ at the weekend. watch TV Come _ and play, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are_. We _ at the_. play with a toy bear weekend out busy Come_and_, please. Sorry, Piggy. We are _. We _ _. busy listen to music out at the weekend play Come out and play, please. Yes, Piggy. We are busy. We _ _. Lets go. take photos at the weekend What do my family do at the weekend? People in my family do different things at the weekend. P41 People in my family do different things at the weekend. My mother and father often go shopping. My aunt and uncle often_. My grandmother and grandfather often _. My two cousins are girls. They often _. My two brothers usually _. I often _ with my friends. We all enjoy the weekend. surf the Internet watch TV play with a toy bear listen to music take photos Homework: 1.Write a story about what your family member do at the weekend. 2. Share your story with your friends. different A:不同的B:相同的 Mr. Wolf does different things every day. back Module 4 Activities Fun with language 【教学内容分析教学内容分析】 本模块围绕活动类的主题展开学习。主要学习不同活动的单词以及动词短语。在四年级下册 Unit7 课文中,主要讲述 Jiamin 和 Janet 在星期天觉得无聊,然后谈论各自空闲时间做的事情, 并提出合理的建议进行有趣的活动。所以在第二课时 Fun with language 的时候,教材提供大量 的活动素材给孩子们围绕着课余活动来进行语言运用。本课主要教学内容为课本第 40-42 页。教 学内容涉及到听、说、读、写等四个方面的操练和应用。本课的语言重点是一般现在时态第一人 称和第三人称复数的运用,未涉及第三人称单数的动词变化。 【教学对象分析教学对象分析】 由于十分贴近学生的实际生活,所以四年级的学生对课余生活的话题非常感兴趣,并且在二 年级英语口语的时候也接触过此类动词短语的学习。授课教师在设计本课的时候,遵循了整合和 重构教学内容的宗旨,通过创设情境,运用“体验语言-总结、发现语言规律-运用语言-形成 语言意识”的途径来逐步形成学生的综合语言运用能力。因此教师设计了相应的游戏,歌曲,小 诗等活动。同时根据小学生喜欢听故事、讲故事的年龄特征,用狼和小猪的故事为教学主线串起 了整节课,来调动学生学习的主动性和积极性。 【教学目标教学目标】 1 1、语言知识:语言知识: 语音语音: 能流利地朗读已学的词汇、句子,语调、轻重音等基本正确。 词汇词汇:“三会”掌握 busy,out,weekend,different, surf the Internet,water my flowers,play with a toy bear,play with a ball 等单词和词组。 句型句型:能用以下句式来询问对方和回答课余活动的喜好。 -What do you do when you have free time? -I(do housework/ surf the Internet/ play with a ball/water my flowers) 2 2、语言技能:、语言技能: 听:听:能在图片、动作等帮助下,听懂有关课余活动的简单话语。 能听懂简单的课堂用语和问题,并能做出反应和回答。 说:说:能在课堂活动中用已学的英语语言进行交际。 能在教师的指导下参与课堂游戏、教学活动和故事的表达。 能根据所给的提示,就课余活动的话题进行描述和表达。 读:读:能理解关于课余活动的简单语段。 写:写:能用简单的英语语言表达自己的课余活动喜好。 3 3、学习策略:、学习策略: (1)能在课堂活动中积极思考并参与各种活动。 (2)愿意并能够用所学英语与老师和同学进行交流和合作。 4 4、情感态度:、情感态度: (1)有学习英语的愿望和兴趣,并乐意用英语与他人交流自己的课余生活; (2)在小组活动中能积极与他人合作、互相帮助,共同完成学习任务; 2 (3)拥有健康丰富的课余生活,并积极参与其中,懂得劳逸结合,有健康的作息习惯。同时 尊重别人的课余生活,共同参与。 【教学重点教学重点】 1. - What do you do when you have free time? - I (do housework/ surf the Internet/ do exercises/water my flowers) -My mother and father often 2. 课余活动类动词词组。 3. 语言的实际运用。 【教学难点教学难点】 1. 第三人称复数的句型表达. 2. 学生的语言输出. 【教学准备教学准备】 多媒体课件、教具、worksheet 【教学过程教学过程】 1. WarmWarm upup Sing a song with the verb phrases about activities. TPR action games. Review the verb phrases with the actions. Learn the new phrase surf the Internet. 【设计意图设计意图】通过学生熟悉的旋律,老师自主改编歌曲,把本课主题相关的动词短语编入歌曲当 中,既容易上口,也让学生在愉快的氛围下复习了词组。通过全身多感官结合,巩固复习旧知识, 自然过渡引入新词组 surf the Internet. 2. Leading-in (1) Lets talk I surf the Internet when I have free time. What about you? What do you do when you have free time? Teach the topic phrases: water my flowers, play with a toy bears, play with a ball Talk in pairs. Chant. 【设计意图设计意图】教师作为一名教学引导者,给学生创设情境并提供平台,鼓励孩子大胆运用英语, 用自己学过的英语语言表达自己的课余生活,并适时引入教学重点词组的教学。通过教师示范, 个别示范以及同桌交流等形式,使每一个学生都能开口用英语。教师利用有节奏的旋律自编小诗, 既能起到操练巩固的作用,又能够吸引孩子的注意力,调节教学氛围。 3. Presentation and learning (1) Story time 3 Introduce the background of the story and the main characters: Piggy and Mr.Wolf. Lets begin the story from Mr. Wolf. Please listen to the story and see “What does Mr.Wolf do every day?” (2) Listen and number Number the pictures after the story and encourage the students to retell the story by using the structure: I often _ on _. Mr. Wolf does different things every day. He is busy. He is hungry. He wants to eat some food. Teach the new words: different, busy. 【设计意图设计意图】教师作为一名故事讲述者,通过引入故事环节,激发学生的学习兴趣,从中增强听 力训练,扎实学生听力和口语表达等基本功的训练。在介绍中学习新词,并自然过渡到后面的故 事情节中去。 (3) Tell and mimic. Reading comprehension. Retell the story. 【设计意图设计意图】教师继续作为一名故事讲述者,用简单的语言以及夸张的肢体语言、语音语调等方 式激起学生对故事的兴趣,并在故事情节中操练巩固所学的知识。通过不同的角色扮演形式,学 生在老师的引导下能模仿并开始自己讲述故事的情节,融入到故事学习中。 4. Development Enhance the story to another plot. Try to fill up the story in groups and act out the new story. Writing. 【设计意图设计意图】教师设计层层悬疑,引起孩子的好奇心,不断扩充故事情节,引导学生通过小组合 作自编新的小诗,完成故事内容并进行表演,进而自然过渡到写作部分。最后把语言运用回归 生活回归实际,通过写作练习,真正达到所学语言的有效输出。 5. Homework Write a story about what your family member do at the weekend. Share your story with your friends. 【板书设计板书设计】 Unit 7 What do you do when you have free time? (Fun with language) busy out different weekend What do you do when you have free time? I surf the Internet. water my flowers. play with a toy bear. play with a ball. My mother and father often go shopping. Assessment 4 个人简历个人简历 张咏梅,女,张咏梅,女,19821982 年年 6 6 月出生,英语教育硕士,小学高级英语教师,任教于广州市海珠区月出生,英语教育硕士,小学高级英语教师,任教于广州市海珠区 赤岗东小学,现担任副教导主任任教四年级英语。教学特色或风格简述:教师教态和蔼亲切,赤岗东小学,现担任副教导主任任教四年级英语。教学特色或风格简述:教师教态和蔼亲切, 教学语言幽默风趣,课堂评价语言多样化,善于采用多种鼓励措施,促使学生大胆提问,勇于教学语言幽默风趣,课堂评价语言多样化,善于采用多种鼓励措施,促使学生大胆提问,勇于 发言,营造一种发言,营造一种“动、乐、爱动、乐、爱”的课堂氛围。课堂上着力引导学生用英语语言大胆表达自己,的课堂氛围。课堂上着力引导学生用英语语言大胆表达自己, 能够基于教材,并善用教材,在教学中勇于尝试进行教材重构,整合教材,优化教学内容,提能够基于教材,并善用教材,在教学中勇于尝试进行教材重构,整合教材,优化教学内容,提 高教学效率。课堂上通过大量地感知和体验语言的方式,使学生遵循高教学效率。课堂上通过大量地感知和体验语言的方式,使学生遵循“体验语言总结、发现体验语言总结、发现 语言规律运用语言形成语言意识语言规律运用语言形成语言意识”的方式来形成学生综合语言运用能力。多年扎根一线,的方式来形成学生综合语言运用能力。多年扎根一线, 凭借自身的教学基本功和不断进修的专业知识,积极投身于教学实践,潜心学习,凭借自身的教学基本功和不断进修的专业知识,积极投身于教学实践,潜心学习,锐意进取,锐意进取, 勇于探索,勇于探索,大胆实践。撰写的教育教学论文、案例多次获得各级各类奖项。英语教育感言:大胆实践。撰写的教育教学论文、案例多次获得各级各类奖项。英语教育感言: “使英语课堂焕发动、乐、爱的光彩,让孩子爱上英语课堂!使英语课堂焕发动、乐、爱的光彩,让孩子爱上英语课堂!”愿在童心的引领下,不断地完愿在童心的引领下,不断地完 善自我,在平凡的岗位上创造精彩的人生。善自我,在平凡的岗位上创造精彩的人生。
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