教科版四下-Module 1 People-Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:700ce).zip


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    • 教科2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Module 1 People_Unit 2 Unit 2 She is very kind_Fun with language_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:700ce)
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People are so different! Module1 people Family people 精读课精读课 Sometimes, mother is like a gardener. Its so great. Sometimes, mother is like a fairy. Thats so happy. Sometimes, mother is like a butterfly. Its so beautiful. Sometimes, mother is like a painter. Its so magic. Sometimes, mother is like an armchair. Thats so comfortable. Word Bank : 1. gardengardener 2.fan-tas- tic- fantastic 3. hair-air-fair- fairy 4. but- ter-fly- butterfly 5. magic 6.arm-chair- armchair 7. com- for- table- comfortable 8. true 9. super Lets read Tips:当我们拼读新词时,学会借助旧词以 及使用phonics常识来拼读。 . The bed is comfortable. The sofa is comfortalbe. The school is comfortalbe. The park is comfortalbe. Shes nice, my mum. In my eyes, My mum is a fantastic cook. She can cook dinner for me. my mum is a magic painter. She can paint herself and the wall of our house. She is really nice, my mum. In my eyes, my mum is a great gardener. She can make anything grow. My mum is a big boss. She can make anything come true. She is really, really nice , my mum. In my eyes, my mum is a good fairy. She is beautiful like a butterfly. She is comfortable like an armchair. My mum is a super mum. I really love her. Lets give the text a name! My mum It tells us_ Tips:当我们想获取文章大意时,一般请关注文章开 头和结尾。 Mum is a super mum. She is nice. Lets read for main idea Lets read for details 1.What can mum cook? A. lunch B. breakfast c. dinner 2. What can mum paint? A. our garden B. herself and our house c. our school Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum. My mum is a fantastic cook. She can cook dinner for me. Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum. My mum is a fantastic cook. She can cook _ for me. fishnoodles egg chicken bun rice Lets read for details 2. What can mum paint? A. our garden B. herself and our house c. our school Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum. My mum is a magic painter. She can pain herself and the wall of our house. She can pain herself and the _ of our house. Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum. My mum is a fantastic cook. She can cook dinner for me. My mum is a magic painter. She can pain herself and the wall of our house. Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum. My mum is a _ She can make anything grow. great gardener My mum is a great gardener. She can make anything grow. Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum My mum is a great gardener. She can make anything grow. Lets read for details My mum is a _ She can make anything come true. big boss Lets read for details My mum is a big boss. She can make anything come true. I want a toy car.I want to swim.I want to read books. I want to be tall. Lets read for details Lets choose the picture to explain the words meaning. Mum is a good fairy _. She is beautiful like a butterfly _. She is comfortable like an armchair _. (A ) (B ) (C ) Tip: 当我们在课文中遇到不理解的单词或新句子时,可以先通过图意或上下文去当我们在课文中遇到不理解的单词或新句子时,可以先通过图意或上下文去 猜测它们的含义。猜测它们的含义。 (C ) (B ) (A ) Lets read for details Shes nice, my mum My mum is a good fairy. She is beautiful like a butterfly. She is comfortable like an armchair. My mum is a_ _. She is _ like a _. greatteacher clever book My mum is a_ _. She is _ like a _. goodladytall tree Lets read for details My mum is a super mum. I really love her. Lets read and share the feelings MyMy mummum Shes nice, my mum. In my eyes, My mum is a fantastic cook. She can cook dinner for me. my mum is a magic painter. She can paint herself and the wall of our house. She is really nice, my mum. In my eyes, my mum is a great gardener. She can make anything grow. My mum is a big boss. She can make anything come true. She is really, really nice , my mum. In my eyes, my mum is a good fairy. She is beautiful like a butterfly. She is comfortable like an armchair. My mum is a super mum. I really love her. Lets talk details and try to retell My mum isShe can My mum is a super mum. I really love her. She is nice my mum. What did you get from the text? Lets share the feelings Lets share the feelings. nice beautiful warm(温暖的温暖的 ) good super(棒的棒的 ) sweet(甜美的甜美的 ) great(伟大的伟大的 ) fantastic(了不了不 起的起的) I think mum is _. I love my mum. Lets talk She s nice, my mum. In my eyes, my mum is a _. She can_.My mum is a . She is _ like a _ . My mum is a super mum, I really love her. Mothers love is like the sun. It makes us warm. Mothers love is like a song. It makes us happy. Mothers love is so great. Homework (1)Read the text beautifully and show your love to your mum. (2) Draw some pictures about your mum and write a passage about her. 1 第第 5 课时课时 Famliy people My mum 精读课精读课 研学案研学案 班级:_ 姓名:_ 使用时间: _ 一、一、 【研学目标研学目标】 1. .我能利用单词拼读方法拼读本课的新词。 【Task 1】 2我能听懂、理解篇章大意,提取相关信息。 【Task2】 3、我能通过完成一些阅读任务和精读来获取文章的细节内容。 【Task 3】 4我能有感情的朗读文章以及根据提示词复述文章的大致内容。 【Task 4】 5. 我能在帮助下以及运用文章的功能语言来谈论自己的妈妈。 【Task5】 【Learning Journey 研学路线研学路线】 Lets talkLets share the feelings Let read and retell Lets get the details Lets get the main idea Lets learn the new words 二、二、 【研学任务研学任务】 能在图片、关键词等信息的帮助下,通过对文本的理解用自己的语言 复述文章大致内容,以及运用文章的功能语言来谈论自己的妈妈。 2 三、三、 【研学过程研学过程】 【Task 1】I can learn the new words in groups. (小组里利用单词拼读方 法拼读新词。 ) 【Task2】I can get the main idea in the text. 听和全文朗读感知文章的大 意。 1. Listen and give a name. 视听全文,并给文章起个名字。 2. Read the text and find out the the main idea. 快速朗读全文获取大意。 (提示: 关注文章首句和尾句找出文中的大意。 ) It tells us _. 【Task3】I can get the details in the text.细读文章的每一段内容,并完成 Word Bank: 1. gardengardener 园艺工作者园艺工作者 2.fan-tas- tic- fantastic 了不起的了不起的 3. hair-air-fair- fairy 4. but- ter-fly- butterfly 5. magic 魔幻的 6.arm-chair- armchair 7. com- for- table- comfortable 舒适的舒适的 8. true 真实的真实的 9. super 3 相关的任务。 Step1:快速阅读第一段,选择问题的答案。快速阅读第一段,选择问题的答案。 ( )1.What can mum cook? A. lunch B breakfast C dinner ( ) 2. What can mum paint? A. Our garden B herself and our house C our school Step2: 快速阅读第二段,并填空。快速阅读第二段,并填空。 1. My mum is a _. She can grow anything. 2.Mum is a _. She can make anyting come true. Step3:细读第细读第 3 段,联系上下文,选图解释划线单词的意思。段,联系上下文,选图解释划线单词的意思。 Mum is a good fairy . _. She is beautiful like a butterfly . _. She is comfortable like an armchair ._ (A) (B) (C) 【Task4】I can retell the text. 根据提示和板书内容复述课文大意根据提示和板书内容复述课文大意。 She is nice my mum. My mum is a.She can. She is .like a. She is . like an. My mum is a super mum. I really love her. 【Task5】I can talk sometings about my mum. 谈论我的妈妈。 4 She s nice, my mum. In my eyes, my mum is a _.She can_.My mum is a . She is _ like a _ . My mum is a super mum, I really love her. 【学习评价学习评价】 I can judge myself. ( 我能评评本节课的学习情况并给涂上颜色。) 1、能利用单词拼读方法拼读本课的新 词 1.能流利正确地读出小诗所有单词。 2.能基本读出小诗全部单词。 3.能读出小诗部分的单词。 2、能听懂、读懂文章内容和提取文中 主要信息。 。 1.能很好地听懂、读懂课文的意思。 2.能基本听懂、读懂课文的意思,。 3.能听懂、读懂课文的部分意思。 3、能用正确的语音、语调朗读课 文。 1.能流利地朗读课文,语音语调正确无误。 2.能基本读出课文,语音语调尚可。 3.能读出课文部分,语音语调欠佳。 4、能在提示下,复述出文中的大概内 容。 1.能流利地复述课文。 2.能复述课文的基本意思。 3.能能说出三两句课文内容。 1 四年级下册 Module 1 People Family people My mum 精读课 教学设计 一、一、 教学内容分析教学内容分析 本节课根据第 1 模块“People”主题里提炼出来的话题“Family people”,选 取和提炼绘本My mum里的内容,作为本课的阅读题材。这是基于提炼绘 本My mum文中的一些贴近孩子实际生活以及易理解、有趣味性的教学内 容,根据孩子已有的知识基础以及认知而重构的文本内容,为学生的话题学习 提供一定的阅读材料,培养孩子一定的阅读习惯以及兴趣。引入本课的学习旨 在滚动和复习与职业、以及谈论人物内容有关的同时体现学科育人的人文性, 渗透德育教育,让孩子深刻体会母亲爱的伟大。在学习本课之前,学生已经掌 握和人物有关的职业内容、外貌等内容。鉴于通过本课的学习后,以 My mum 绘本里的内容为阅读材料,能帮助孩子复习相关的内容,综合运用语言,同时 通过从泛读到精读,再到有感情的朗读,学生了解有效的阅读方法同时体验阅 读带来的快乐,所以本节课确立上述教学内容。 二、二、 教学对象分析教学对象分析 四年级的学生经过三年多的学习经历,已经积累一定的词汇量,口语表达 比过往有所进步。他们积累了一定英语知识和初步形成了英语学习的策略,例 如运用 phonics 常识拼读有发音规则的单词,如,本文本的 fantastic, magic, herself, gardener, boss, fairy, ,butterfly, armchair 等有发音规律的词, 学生基本都能根据音素意识拼读出来。另外,本文的新词 fantastic,herself,super 以及 true 在常规的课堂里常出现,以及课外阅读 里有所接触过。在词的义上教师得创设语境或情景让学生领会;另一方面四年 级学生虽然在思想上比低年级的学生成熟,但他们仍然有着孩子的天真和稚气。 因此,在教学的过程中,教师需将教学内容贯穿于活动教学和情景教学中,从 2 而激发和持续他们学习英语的兴趣,发挥他们的主体能动性,创造更多的机会 让学生运用语言知识,帮助他们通过学习,提高综合运用语言的能力。此外农 村的孩子接触英语的机会较少,所以在教学过程中还要特别注意创设情景,让学 生在情景中去运用语言,通过让学生在完成任务的过程中达到用英语去思考和 用英语去做事情的目的。 三、三、 教学目标教学目标 (一) 、语言能力目标 1、知识与技能目标 (1)能听懂、读懂和朗读文本的新词汇:fantastic, magic, herself, gardener, boss, fairy,butterfly, armchair, comfortable, super,true. (2)能理解和正确、流利朗读文本,能通过思维导图方式或板书内容帮助概述 文本的大致内容。 (3)能运用本课的核心句型:She is nice, my mum. In my eyes, my mum is, she can来谈论妈妈。 2、语用目标 运用已学知识能在一定的提示下或根据所给的句式结构,依托篇章的语言范 式和核心语言谈论自己的妈妈或家人。 (二)学习能力目标 1、能借助关键词、图片、板书内容或思维导图等大概复述课文内容。 2、能在老师的指导下通过与他人合作完成阅读任务,发展阅读微技能。 (三)思维品质目标 能表达自己对文本内容的看法及自己的观点。 (四)文化品格目标 1、通过文本内容的学习,感受母爱的伟大,深刻认识母亲这个角色。 2、学生能在老师的指导下感受有感情朗读的美秒,学会欣赏有感情朗读的美。 四、教学重、难点四、教学重、难点 1、能完成各层次的阅读活动,能流利朗读并理解文本内容。 3 2、能通过对文本的理解,大概能概述文本的主要内容。 3、运用已学知识能在一定的提示下或根据所给的句式结构,依托篇章的语言 范式和核心语言在真实的语境中谈论自己的妈妈,以及能为妈妈做些什么。 五、教学理念与策略五、教学理念与策略 【教学理念教学理念】本课围绕“Famliy people”这一话题,以绘本My mum为 阅读题材,以“IIO”教学模式为核心的精读课。从教学准备语言输入 语言内化语言输出学习评价五个交互循环的环节运用丰富的教学 方法,创设一定的语境与情境帮助学生在整体感知文本解构文本、梳 理结构综合运用的学习线路掌握阅读微技能,并通过阅读活动培养和 发展学生的思维品质,提升小学生的英语阅读素养。 【教学策略教学策略】通过多种形式的学习活动,让学生在情境和语境中感知语言、 内化语言和运用语言。在教学过程中,先运用读前旧知激活、视听导入, 整体感知文本,再到读中分段解构文本和梳理结构,最后总合文本内容 等方式通过语篇带动,整体推进,建构文本框架,为孩子概述文本内容 搭建了一定的脚手架,让学生在所创设的情境和语境中理解和感受文本, 最后达到情感升华。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 PPT、 音频,研学案等 七、教学过程七、教学过程 .Preparation 1.Play a game:检查学生已有的学习情况,热身的同时复习和人物有关联的 内容。 情景语言:T:First, lets play a game. Show me your.handsnose.; If you like.please sit down. Children, we know that people are so different . Some people are., some people are. Some people are our friends, some people are our .(引出 Famliy people 话题。) 【设计意图:此热身环节的利用真实语境的带动,帮助学生回忆相关的内容的同时, 也引出本课的话题。】 4 2.Look and guess. 情景语言:T: Lets enjoy some pictures, and then tell me what family people am I going to talk about today? 【设计意图:通过让学生欣赏图片,感受母爱温馨的同时带出本课的主题。】 IIII.Input-Internalization-output(Round 1: Get the main idea) InputInput 1.Listen a poem and learn some new words from the poem. 【设计意图:通过让孩子配乐听小诗,关注小诗里的新词同时,解决文本新词的音和 形,同时为学生后续解构课文内容提供了语言的输入。】 2. Listen the whole passage and give the passage a name. 3. Read the whole passage and try to get the main idea from it.( It tells us mum is _. She is a _mum.) 【设计意图:通过给孩子任务,视听导入,听和给文本起名字,让孩子整体感知文本; 通过指导孩子关注文本的题目,文段的首句和结尾句,让学生根据有限的信息进行 猜测,养成关注文章题目和首尾句概况文章内容的习惯。】 IIIIII.Input-Internalization-output(Round2: Read for details) 1.Read and choose. 2.Read and fill in the blank. 3.Read and guess the meaning of the words. 4.The kids look at the pictures and use the sentences in the text to talk. 【设计意图:通过设计 3 种不同的任务让孩子进行细节阅读获取更多的细节信息, 指导学生在阅读过程中可以用不同的方式去获取信息,训练学生阅读提取细节信息的 能力,同时教师在学生反馈信息的过程中,使用情境创设、借助图片理解以及语境创 5 设等方式让孩子理解文段里内容,采取边释义边让孩子模仿篇章的语言范式来看图说 话,为后面孩子的输出奠定语言基础。】 5. Share the feelings: The kids read the whole text beautifully with music. 【设计意图:通过让孩子有感情的配乐朗读,在感受文本里优美的句式同 时,感受母亲的伟大,以及抒发自己对母亲之情。】 OutputOutput 1. Look at the pictures and main information, try to retell the whole text. 【设计意图:通过让学生看图和关键信息回顾、梳理文本内容,指导学 生记忆和加深对文本的理解,以及运用,为学生后面谈话做准备。】 2. Talk about the feelings: What did you get from the text? 【设计意图:引导学生用 I think mum is _.I love my mum. 说话来感知妈妈在生活中对我们的点点滴滴,感受妈妈对我们的爱,从而 达到情感的升华。】 3.The kids talk about their mum: She is nice, my mum. My mum is a _. She can_. My mum is .MY mum is _ like _ . She is a super mum, I really love her. 【设计意图:引导学生结合之前的学习内容进一步归纳信息及句型, 引导 学生借助前置性任务里的材料以及本课生成的句型和思维导图综合 运用语言】 IV. Assessment 八、作业布置八、作业布置 6 1. The kids draw some pictures about their mum and write a passage about mum. 2. Think about what can do for mum on Mothers Day. 九、板书设计九、板书设计 My mum She is nice my mum. My mum is aShe can My mum is a super mum. I really love her.
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